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Annual Examination (2021–22)

Subject – Science
Class –VIII
Time : 2½ hours M.M. : 80
General instructions :
1. Please check that this question paper contains 04 printed pages and 22 questions.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. There is no overall choice. However internal choices have been provided in few questions. You have to
attempt any one option in those questions.

Q 1. Multiple Choice Questions – [1 x 10 = 10]

i) In the figure given below which part helps in controlling the size of the pupil –

(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

ii) Which of the following statements are correct?
(i) Sound is produced by vibrations.
(ii) Sound requires a medium for propagation.
(iii) Light and sound both require a medium for propagation.
(iv) Sound travels slower than light.
(a) i& ii only (b) i, ii & iii only
(c) ii, iii & iv only (d) i, ii & iv only
iii) When electric current is passed through a conducting solution, there is a change in colour of
the solution. This indicates –
(a) the chemical effect of current. (b) the heating effect of current.
(c) the magnetic effect of current. (d) the lightning effect of current.
iv) Reproduction by budding takes place in
(a) hydra (b) paramecium (c) amoeba (d) bacteria
v) The function of the hormone released by pancreas is to control –
(a) metabolism (b) growth (c) sugar level (d) stress
vi) In order to reduce the loudness of a sound, we have to
(a) decrease its frequency of vibration of the sound.
(b) increase its frequency of vibration of the sound.
(c) decrease its amplitude of vibration of the sound.
(d) increase its amplitude of vibration of the sound.
vii) Arrange the following agricultural practices in the order in which they are followed.
1. Harvesting
2. Sowing
3. Storage
4. Irrigation
5. Preparation of soil
(a) 1→2→3→4→5 (b) 5→2→4→1→3
(c) 2→1→3→5→4 (d) 5→3→4→1→2
viii) A hydrocarbon gas that can be found in marshy places is-
(a) Methane (b) ethane (c) Butane (d) pentane
ix) When a sperm containing Y chromosome fertilizes an egg with X chromosome, the zygote
develops into a _____ child
(a)  Female (b)  Either a male or female
(c) Male (d)  No child
x) Sounds having frequency more than 20,000 hertz are called-
(a) Supersonic (b) Ultrasonic (c) Sonar (d) Infrasonic
Q 2. Fill in the blanks : [1 x 5 = 5]
a) The petroleum product used as fuel for stoves, lamps and jet aircrafts is____________.
b) A gland in the neck which when swollen causes _________.
c) The image formed by plane mirror is erect and ___________.
d) The secretion of endocrine glands are called as___________.
e) Vinegar conducts electricity thus it can be called as an __________.
Q 3. Give one word for the following : [1 x 5 = 5]
a) Process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal.
b) A thick black, foul smelling liquid obtained from coal.
c) Splitting of white light into seven component colours.
d) The drastic change taking place in development of larva to adult.
e) Sensory cells in retina that are sensitive to dim light.
Q 4. An object A vibrates with a frequency of 15 Hz and second object B vibrates with a frequency of
25 Hz. Which object has a longer time period? Calculate and prove. [2]
Q 5. Define electroplating ? Write any two applications of this process. [2]
Q 6. Differentiate between external and internal fertilization. (Give two points of difference) [2]
Q 7. Explain how frequency and amplitude decides the pitch and loudness of a sound. [2]
Q 8. Sperm and ovum are both gametes yet they are different from each other. Give one point of
difference between them. Also draw labelled diagram of any one gamete. [2]
The government of India has proposed raising the minimum legal age of marriage for women from 18 to
21years of age. How will this help in maintaining reproductive health of adolescent girls? Explain
Q 9. Some natural resources are given below. Classify them into the exhaustible and inexhaustible natural
resources. [3]
air, coal, natural gas, sunlight, petroleum, mineral ,forests, oxygen. Also define these resources.
Write down two characteristics of coke. Also mention any two uses of it.
Q 10. Draw a well labelled diagram to show various zones of candle flame. [3]
Q 11. Observe the diagram and identify the eye defects. How can they be corrected? [3]

(a) (b)
Q 12. Vibhu made an electric circuit as shown in the figure (a). But he noticed that the bulb did not glow.
He then replaced the bulb with a coil in which a compass needle is placed as shown in figure (b). He
observed deflection in magnetic needle. [3]
A) What does the deflection in magnetic needle in figure (b) indicate?
B) Why did the bulb not glow in the figure (a)?
C) What will be observed if number of cells are increased in the second circuit.
Q 13. What do you mean by secondary sexual characters? Write two such characters each for girls and
boys. [3]
Q 14. A farmer uses fertilizers on his land for long period of time. He plans to start using manure. What
will be the likely benefit of this change? Write three benefits. [3]
Q 15. Samarth burns three substances M, N, and O and records the observation in a table. [3]
M Burns quickly producing heat and light
N Burns with evolution of heat light and sound
O Burns at room temperature on its own
Categorise the given substances M,N and O into three types of combustion. Also give one example
of each.
Q 16. What will happen if : [3]
i) Certain seeds get sown too deep into the soil.
ii) A plant is overwatered.
iii) Grains are stored without prior sun drying.
Q17. A farmer(X) grows maize plants in two consecutive seasons in his field. Another farmer(Y) at the
same time grows bean plants in one season and maize plant in the next season in his field. Which
field will likely have soil with high nutrients for growth of new plants in the third season? Give
reason for your answer. [3]
Q 18. Find the angle of reflection if a ray is incident on a mirror as shown below – [3]

Find the number of images formed if two plane mirrors are inclined at an angle –
i) 30º ii) 60º
Q 19. What is noise? Write any four sources of noise pollution. Also mention four ways by which noise
pollution can be reduced. [5]
Draw a labelled diagram of human ear (label any two parts). Explain how it enables us to hear.
Q 20. In the process of electrolysis for purification of copper a thin plate of pure copper and a thick rod of
impure copper are used as electrodes. Copper from impure rod is sought to be transferred to the thin
copper plate. Which electrode should be attached to the positive terminal of the battery? Explain the
process. Also draw a circuit diagram for the process. [1+2+3]
Q 21. Draw a diagram to show female reproductive system in humans. Label the following parts – [2+3]
i) Part which produces female gamete.
ii) Part where fertilization occur.
iii) Part where development of embryo takes place.

Q 22. In the diagram given below identify the endocrine gland. Name the hormone released by them and
write one function of each. [5]


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