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Are the statements true (T) false (F)

or we don’t know (?)

1. Rob is in the bedroom.

2. He is frying eggs.
3. He is wearing an apron.
4. He is in front of the fridge.
5. The cat has got its bowl in its
6. His wife is at work.
7. There is a big pile of washing-up
behind Rob.
8. He is wearing boots.
9. He will feed the dog soon.
10. Rob has got his shirt sleeves
rolled up.
11. Rob is day-dreaming.
12. The cat is asleep.
13. He really should feed the animals

Read the passage and then answer the questions in full sentences:

This is Rob. He is an accountant. Currently, he 1. What is Rob’s job?

is working from home. He logs on at 9am and 2. Is he at the office?
logs off at 5pm. Now, it is 8am. Rob’s wife Lidia 3. How many hours a day does he
is not at home. She is on holiday for one week stay logged on?
with her sister. They are in Spain, on the Costa 4. Where is Lidia, Rob’s wife?
del Sol. They are celebrating because the 5. Who is she with?
sister is getting married soon. When Lidia gets 6. Why are the ladies on holiday?
back, Rob is going on holiday with his friends. 7. Where is Rob going for his
They are going to the Maldives. Rob will go holiday?
snorkeling, water skiing and get plenty of sun. 8. Who is he going with?
Back to reality! Rob is fed up! He loves cooking, 9. What activities will Rob do?
but he hates washing up, so the dishes are all 10. Which does Rob prefer – cooking
dirty. He has to feed the cat and the dog and or washing up?
then take the dog for a walk. They can wait a 11. Who does Rob feed first - his
minute. First, Rob is going to have a nice pets or himself?
breakfast. Let’s hope Lidia does not hear about 12. Who does Lidia feed first?
this. She always feeds the animals first. She
will be angry with Rob!


1f, 2t, 3t, 4f (in front of the cooker) 5f – the dog 6? (the image does not tell us) 7t, 8f – slippers 9?
Probably, but from the image, we can’t be sure. 10t, 11t, 12f – it’s jumping up. It’s crazy!13t (in my
humble opinion)


1. He is an accountant
2. No, he is WFH (working from home).
3. Eight hours.
4. She is on holiday in Spain.
5. She is with her sister.
6. Because the sister is ge4ng married soon.
7. He is going to the Maldives.
8. He’s going with his mates (friends).
9. He will snorkel, wind surf and get some sun.
10. He prefers cooking.
11. He feeds himself first.
12. She feeds the pets first.

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