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Q. 1 Write the names of services available on Internet Also
explain five of these services in detail.
Services Available on Internet
1. Web Hosting
2. Domain Name Registration
3. Website Design
4. File Transfer Protocol
5. Voice over Internet Protocol
6. Email Services
7. Newsgroups and Discussion Forums
8. Streaming Media Services
9. Online Storage and Backup Services
10. Network Security Services
11. Online Payment Services
12. Online Shopping Services
13. Online Gaming Services
14. Social Networking Services

1. Web Hosting: Web hosting is a service that allows organizations and

individuals to post a website or web page onto the Internet. A web host, or web
hosting service provider, is a business that provides the technologies and services
needed for the website or webpage to be viewed in the Internet. Web hosts
provide space on a server, which they rent to their clients as well as providing
Internet connectivity, typically in a data center. Web hosting companies usually
offer multiple packages with different levels of disk space, bandwidth, email
accounts, and other features, and pricing will also vary depending on the

2. Domain Name Registration: Domain name registration is the process

of reserving a name on the Internet for a certain period of time. It is the process
of registering a domain name, which is a unique identifier or address of a
website. Domain names are typically registered with a domain name registrar.
The registrar is responsible for managing the registration of the domain name,
and ensuring that the domain name remains in the registrant's name for the
duration of the registration period.

3. Website Design: Website design is the process of creating a website,

which includes the creation of the website’s layout, content, and structure.
Website design involves the use of various tools and technologies such as
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design and create a website. Website design also
includes the development of the website’s user experience, which includes
navigation, menus, buttons, and other interactive elements.

4. File Transfer Protocol: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a network

protocol that is used to transfer files between computers on a network. It is a
client-server protocol, where a user on a computer (the client) requests a file,
and the server responds with the requested file. FTP is used to transfer files over
the Internet, and is often used to upload webpages or files to a web server.

5. Voice over Internet Protocol: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is

a technology that allows users to make phone calls over the Internet. VoIP
enables users to make phone calls using an Internet connection instead of a
traditional landline phone connection. VoIP services use Voice over IP (VoIP)
technology to transmit voice data over the Internet, and many VoIP services also
offer features such as caller ID, call waiting, and call forwarding. VoIP services
are typically cheaper than traditional landline services, and can be used from
anywhere in the world.

Q. 2 Why cell phones are being considered the good examples

of ICT? Explain and exemplify it in detail.
Cell phones are becoming more and more popular as a form of information and
communication technology (ICT). They are being used for a variety of tasks
from texting, talking and accessing the internet. Cell phones have become an
essential part of our lives and are being used for more than just communication.
They are being used for a variety of tasks from entertainment, banking,
shopping, navigation, and even health monitoring. Cell phones are being
considered one of the best examples of ICT due to their versatility, affordability,
and convenience. The use of cell phones has been increasing exponentially over
the years, with over 4.77 billion users in 2019. This is due to advancements in
technology and an increased demand for communication. Cell phones are
becoming more and more affordable, making them accessible to more people.
They are also becoming more powerful, allowing users to do more with their
phones. One of the primary uses of cell phones is communication. Cell phones
allow users to call, text, and video chat with anyone around the world. This
makes it easy to keep in touch with family, friends, and colleagues. Cell phones
also allow users to access the internet, giving them access to news,
entertainment, banking, and more. This makes it easy to stay connected to what
is happening in the world. Cell phones are also being used for entertainment
purposes. Users can access music, movies, and games on their phones, making it
easy to stay entertained. This is especially useful for those who travel or have
long commutes. Additionally, cell phones can be used to take pictures and
videos. This makes it easy to document memories and share them with others.
Cell phones are also being used for shopping. Many retailers have mobile apps
that allow users to shop from their phones. This makes it easy to compare prices
and find the best deals. Additionally, mobile payments are becoming more and
more popular, making it easy to pay for items without carrying cash or cards.
Cell phones are also being used for navigation. GPS systems on cell phones
allow users to get directions to their destinations. This makes it easy to find
places and avoids getting lost. Additionally, many cities are now offering public
transportation apps that allow users to check schedules and pay for fares. This
makes it easy to plan trips and get around.
Cell phones are also being used for health monitoring. Many apps allow users to
track their heart rate, steps, and other health metrics. This makes it easy to stay
on top of one’s health and make any necessary changes. Additionally, many
medical professionals are now providing telehealth services, allowing patients to
access care without having to visit a doctor’s office.
In conclusion, cell phones are being considered one of the best examples of ICT
due to their versatility, affordability, and convenience. They are being used for a
variety of tasks from communication, entertainment, shopping, navigation, and
health monitoring. They are becoming more and more powerful and accessible,
making them an essential part of our lives.

Q. 3 Submit a 3-4 page report on the usefulness and

characteristics of ICT in the field of science.
Information and communication technology (ICT) is an umbrella term that
covers the use of a wide range of technologies, such as computers, networks, the
internet, mobile phones, and radio. It is used in a variety of ways to facilitate
communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing, and it has revolutionized
the way we do science. ICT has become an integral part of scientific research,
enabling scientists to access data, share information, and collaborate more
easily. ICT has also enabled scientists to create databases and access data from
remote locations, and to collect and analyze data more efficiently. This report
will discuss the use of ICT in the field of science, exploring its usefulness and
characteristics. It will also look at how ICT has impacted scientific research, and
the potential challenges and opportunities it presents.
Uses of ICT in Science
ICT has been used extensively in the field of science to enable scientific research
and communication. ICT enables scientists to store, access, analyze, and share
data more easily, and to collaborate on projects with colleagues from around the
world. One of the most important uses of ICT in science is the ability to access
data from remote locations. This enables scientists to access data that would
otherwise be difficult or impossible to obtain. It also enables scientists to collect
data from multiple sources, and to combine and analyze the data more
efficiently. ICT also enables scientists to share information and collaborate on
projects more easily. This has been especially useful for international research
projects, as it eliminates the need for scientists to travel in order to collaborate.
Scientists can also use ICT to share research results and observations, enabling
the development of new ideas and theories. ICT has also been used to develop
powerful software tools for data analysis, visualization, and modeling. This has
allowed scientists to explore data in ways that were not previously possible, and
has resulted in new insights into the nature of scientific phenomena. Finally,
ICT has enabled scientists to access a wider range of resources, such as
journals, articles, and databases. This has enabled scientists to stay up to date on
the latest research, and to access information they otherwise would not have
access to.
Characteristics of ICT
ICT has a number of characteristics that make it useful for scientific research.
These include:
• Speed: ICT enables scientists to access and analyze data more quickly than
ever before.
• Storage: ICT enables scientists to store large amounts of data, which can be
accessed from anywhere.
• Accessibility: ICT enables scientists to access data from remote locations,
and to share research results and observations.
• Collaboration: ICT enables scientists to collaborate on projects more easily,
eliminating the need for travel.
• Analysis: ICT enables scientists to analyze data more efficiently, and to
develop powerful software tools for data analysis, visualization, and
• Resources: ICT enables scientists to access a wider range of resources, such
as journals, articles, and databases.
Impact of ICT on Scientific Research
The use of ICT in the field of science has had a significant impact on scientific
research. ICT has enabled scientists to access and analyze data more quickly, to
store and access data from remote locations, and to collaborate and share
information more easily. ICT has also enabled scientists to develop new tools for
data analysis and visualization, and to access a wider range of resources. This
has enabled scientists to explore data in ways that were not previously possible,
and has resulted in new insights into the nature of scientific phenomena.
Finally, ICT has enabled scientists to communicate more effectively, helping to
create a more collaborative and efficient research environment.
Potential Challenges and Opportunities
As with any technology, there are potential challenges and opportunities
associated with ICT in the field of science. The main challenges include:
• Security: ICT enables scientists to access and share data more easily, but
this also increases the risk of data theft and misuse.
• Privacy: ICT allows scientists to access and share personal data, which
raises concerns about privacy.
• Cost: ICT requires significant investment, which can be a barrier for some
• Accessibility: ICT can be difficult to access in some parts of the world due
to lack of infrastructure.
The main opportunities associated with ICT in the field of science include:
• Increased efficiency: ICT enables scientists to access and analyze data more
quickly, and to collaborate more effectively.
• Improved accuracy: ICT enables scientists to access data from multiple
sources, and to analyze the data more accurately.
• Increased creativity: ICT enables scientists to explore data in ways that
were not previously possible, resulting in new insights into the nature of
scientific phenomena.
• Improved communication: ICT enables scientists to communicate and
collaborate more easily, helping to create a more efficient research
This report has discussed the use of ICT in the field of science, exploring its
usefulness and characteristics. It has also examined the impact of ICT on
scientific research, and the potential challenges and opportunities it presents.
ICT has become an integral part of scientific research, enabling scientists to
access data, share information, and collaborate more easily. It has enabled
scientists to create databases and access data from remote locations, and to
collect and analyze data more efficiently. It has also enabled scientists to develop
powerful software tools for data analysis, visualization, and modeling, and to
access a wider range of resources. Overall, ICT has had a significant impact on
scientific research, enabling scientists to access and analyze data more quickly,
to store and access data from remote locations, and to collaborate and share
information more easily. However, there are potential challenges associated with
ICT in the field of science, such as security, privacy, cost, and accessibility. The
use of ICT in the field of science is likely to continue to grow, as it presents
many opportunities for scientists to explore data in new ways, to collaborate
more easily, and to access a wider range of resources.

Q. 4 Write down the principles of Structured and Modular

Programming with the help of examples.
Principles of Structured Programming
Structured programming is a programming methodology based on the idea that
all code should be organized into small, logical units or blocks. It is often used in
conjunction with other programming paradigms such as object-oriented
programming and modular programming.
The main principles of structured programming are:
1. Divide and Conquer: This principle states that a large problem should be
broken down into smaller, more manageable pieces. This makes it easier to
identify and debug any errors, as well as to make modifications as needed.
2. Top-Down Design: This principle states that a program should be designed
from the top-level down. This allows for code to be written in a way that is clear
and easy to understand.
3. Stepwise Refinement: This principle states that each problem should be
broken down into smaller and smaller pieces until the individual pieces are
simple enough to be solved.
4. Structured Flow of Control: This principle states that all code should be
organized in a logical and easy-to-follow structure. This includes using control
structures such as if-else and switch-case statements, as well as using functions
to break up code into smaller, more manageable pieces.
5. Information Hiding: This principle states that code should be organized in
such a way that it is easy to understand and debug. This includes hiding any
unnecessary information and hiding the inner workings of functions so that they
can be reused in different parts of the program.
Examples of Structured Programming
The following code example shows how the principles of structured
programming can be applied. In this example, we have a program that
calculates the area of a rectangle.
// Function to calculate the area of a rectangle
int calculateArea(int width, int height) {
// Divide and Conquer: Break down the problem into smaller pieces
// Top-Down Design: Start at the top with the larger problem
// Stepwise Refinement: Break the problem down into smaller pieces
// Structured Flow of Control: Use control structures such as if-else and switch-
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
// Invalid input
return 0;
// Calculate the area
int area = width * height;
// Information Hiding: Hide unnecessary information, such as the formula for
return area;
In this example, we use the principles of structured programming to create a
function that calculates the area of a rectangle. We use the divide and conquer
principle to break down the problem into smaller pieces. We use the top-down
design principle to start with the larger problem and break it down into smaller
pieces. We use the stepwise refinement principle to break the problem down into
even smaller pieces. We use the structured flow of control principle to use
control structures such as if-else and switch-case. Finally, we use the
information hiding principle to hide unnecessary information, such as the
formula for area.
Principles of Modular Programming
Modular programming is a programming methodology based on the idea that
code should be organized into separate, self-contained modules. These modules
are designed to be self-contained and reusable, making them easier to debug and
The main principles of modular programming are:
1. Separation of Concerns: This principle states that code should be organized
into separate, self-contained modules. This allows for code to be easily modified
and reused.
2. Abstraction: This principle states that code should be organized in such a way
that it is easy to understand and debug. This includes hiding any unnecessary
information and hiding the inner workings of functions.
3. Loose Coupling: This principle states that code should be organized in such a
way that each module is independent of the others. This allows for easy
modification and reuse of code.
4. Reusability: This principle states that code should be organized in such a way
that it can be easily reused in different parts of the program.
5. Encapsulation: This principle states that code should be organized in such a
way that the inner workings of a module are hidden from the rest of the code.
Examples of Modular Programming
The following code example shows how the principles of modular programming
can be applied. In this example, we have a program that calculates the area of a
// Module to calculate the area of a circle
float calculateCircleArea(float radius) {
// Separation of Concerns: Break down the problem into separate, self-contained
// Abstraction: Hide any unnecessary information
// Loose Coupling: Make each module independent of the others
// Reusability: Make the code easily reusable
// Encapsulation: Hide the inner workings of the module
float pi = 3.14159;
float area = pi * (radius * radius);
return area;
In this example, we use the principles of modular programming to create a
module that calculates the area of a circle. We use the separation of concerns
principle to break down the problem into separate, self-contained modules. We
use the abstraction principle to hide any unnecessary information. We use the
loose coupling principle to make each module independent of the others. We use
the reusability principle to make the code easily reusable. Finally, we use the
encapsulation principle to hide the inner workings of the module.
In this paper, we have discussed the principles of structured programming and
modular programming and provided examples of how these principles can be
applied. We have also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each of
these paradigms. Structured programming and modular programming are two
programming methodologies that have many similarities and are often used in
combination. Both methodologies strive to break up a large problem into
smaller, more manageable pieces in order to reduce complexity and improve
code readability and maintainability. By utilizing the principles of structured
programming and modular programming, developers can create code that is
easy to understand, debug, and modify. This can help reduce errors and improve
the overall quality of the code.

Q. 5 Write short notes on the following terms:

a. Mobile Technology
Mobile technology has had a huge impact on the way people communicate and
interact with each other. It has changed how people access information and has
made it easier to connect with people from anywhere in the world. Mobile
technology is an ever-evolving technology, with new advancements and
breakthroughs being made every day. This essay will explore the history, current
applications and future of mobile technology.
The history of mobile technology dates back to the early 20th century, when the
first mobile phones were created. The first mobile phone was created in 1973 by
Motorola, and it was called the DynaTAC. This phone was incredibly expensive
and could only be used for voice calls. In the 1980s, mobile phones became more
widely available and used. The first mobile phone network, known as the first-
generation (1G) network, was introduced in the United States in 1983. This
network allowed for basic voice calls, but lacked the ability to send text messages
or access the internet. The second-generation (2G) network was introduced in
1991, which allowed for data services such as text messages and internet access.
This was followed by the third-generation (3G) network in 2001, which provided
faster data speeds and allowed for multimedia services such as streaming video
and audio. The fourth-generation (4G) network was introduced in 2008, and it
provides speeds that are up to 10 times faster than the 3G network. This has
allowed for even more advanced services such as mobile payments and virtual
reality (VR).
Current Applications
Today, mobile technology is used in a variety of ways. Smartphones are the most
common type of mobile technology, and they are used for a wide range of
activities. They are used to check emails, access social media, take photos and
videos, search the web, and much more. Mobile applications (apps) are also
becoming increasingly popular. Apps are small programs that are designed to
run on mobile devices, and they can be used for a wide range of activities.
Popular apps include social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and
Snapchat; gaming apps such as Candy Crush and Pokemon Go; and
productivity apps such as Evernote and Microsoft Office. Mobile technology is
also used for mobile payments. Mobile payment services allow users to pay for
goods and services using their mobile phones. These services are secure and
convenient, and they are becoming increasingly popular. Popular mobile
payment services include Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay. Finally,
mobile technology is used for location-based services. These services use GPS
technology to provide users with information about their current location.
Popular examples of location-based services include mapping and navigation
apps such as Google Maps and Waze, as well as ride-hailing services such as
Uber and Lyft.
The future of mobile technology is full of possibilities. Advances in artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning are likely to lead to the development of
more advanced mobile devices. These devices could be used for a wide range of
tasks, such as language translation, facial recognition, and virtual personal
assistants. Augmented reality (AR) is also likely to become more popular. AR
technology combines the physical world with the digital world, allowing users to
view digital objects in the real world. This technology could be used for a variety
of applications, such as gaming, education, and navigation. Finally, 5G
technology is expected to become more widespread in the near future. 5G
networks are up to 100 times faster than 4G networks, and they have the
potential to revolutionize the mobile industry. 5G networks will allow for faster
downloads, higher quality video streaming, and more reliable connections.
b. Security Issue
Security is an issue that has been of utmost importance since the beginning of
the computer age. With the advent of the Internet, the issue of security has
become increasingly more important, as the World Wide Web has opened up a
new avenue for criminals and hackers to exploit. The purpose of this paper is to
explore the concept of security, its implications and its importance in the modern
world. Security can be defined in a variety of ways, however the most common
definition is the protection of information and data from unauthorized access,
manipulation, or misuse. This concept is applicable to both physical and digital
information. In the physical world, security involves the protection of physical
assets such as money, property, and people. In the digital world, security
involves the protection of digital data and information from malicious attacks
and unauthorized access. The concept of security is often divided into two
distinct categories, which are technical security and non-technical security.
Technical security refers to the use of technical security measures to protect data
and information. Examples of technical security measures include encryption,
authentication, access control, and data integrity. Non-technical security, on the
other hand, refers to the use of non-technical measures to protect data and
information. Examples of non- technical security measures include policy and
procedure development, education, and awareness campaigns. The primary goal
of security is to provide assurance that data and information is protected from
unauthorized access and misuse. This is done through the implementation of
security measures, which are designed to protect data and information from
unauthorized access, manipulation, or misuse. In order to provide assurance
that data and information is secure, organizations must develop and implement
security policies and procedures, which define the roles and responsibilities of
the organization and its employees, as well as the security measures that must be
taken to ensure the security of data and information. As technology advances
and the use of the Internet and digital communication becomes more prevalent,
security has become an increasingly important issue. The Internet has made it
possible for criminals and hackers to get access to sensitive data and
information. As a result, organizations must take steps to ensure that data and
information is secure. This includes developing and implementing security
policies and procedures, as well as educating employees on the importance of
security. Organizations must also take steps to protect against malicious attacks.
This includes using firewalls and other security measures to prevent
unauthorized access. Additionally, organizations should use antivirus software
to protect against malware and viruses. Finally, organizations should also use
encryption to protect data and information from unauthorized access. In
conclusion, security is an issue that has become increasingly important in the
modern world. Organizations must take steps to ensure that data and
is secure by developing and implementing security policies and procedures, as
well as educating employees on the importance of security. Additionally,
organizations must take steps to protect against malicious attacks by using
firewalls and other security measures, as well as using antivirus software and
encryption. By taking these steps, organizations can ensure that data and
information is secure, and that their assets are protected from unauthorized
access and misuse.

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