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Technical Standard Specifications

and Design Manual Guidelines for

Water Treatment Plants, Water
Pumping Stations and Water
Reservoirs or Storage Tanks

General Specifications

Document Number: 00_TES_SD_002.01

This Issue Date 31/10/2021 25/03/1443 (H)

The BE Department or the document owner will issue updates to all registered holders of each “hard copy” of this document. The registered
holder will be responsible for updating the document by replacing pages or sections as instructed. Printed copies will automatically assume as
“unmaintained” status.
Copyright Notice ©Copyright 2021
All rights reserved. This is the property of National Water Company “NWC” The contents of this document, either in full or in part, are not allowed
to be copied in any form or used by anyone outside NWC unless specifically authorized in writing by the document owner of other authorized
representative of NWC.
History Page
Issue Issue Reviewed By Owned By Endorsed Approved By
No. Date (Name) (Name) By (Name) (Name)
Bander Alshammari

Abdulhameed Alomar Majed Mohamed

Ahmed Awad Talal Alahmari Mansour M. Abuthnain
01 31/10/2021 Alruwaili
Ahmed Saleem

Khalid Alhusain

Change Description Create new

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General Specifications

Table of Contents
Issue Page ........................................................................................................................... 2
History Page ........................................................................................................................ 3
1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Glossary (Definitions) ................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Ownership ................................................................................................................. 5
1.4 Applicability ............................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Maintenance of This Document ................................................................................ 6
1.6 Document Roles and Responsibilities / Authority Matrix ........................................... 6
2 General Specifications Index .................................................................................... 7

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1.1 Purpose

Project’s Deliverable will be as followed

1. General Specifications

2. Typical Drawings

3. Typical Data Sheets

4. Design Manual

5. Technical Specifications

6. Design Guidelines

7. Design Models

This document describes the (General Specifications) part of the project . The general specifications
divisions and sections are prepared according to CSI (Construction Specifications Institute) standards .
This document covers the general specification part for water treatment, tanks and pumping station works.
The general specification covers the general requirements including but not limited to: basic specifications to
cover general requirements, project scope of works, administrative requirements, projects’ documentation,
quality control, security, quality control, temporary facilities, regulatory requirements, execution and closeout
requirements, O&M data, general commissioning, among other general requirements.

1.2 Glossary (Definitions)

Word or Phrase Explanation

Activity The individual steps within a process or procedure.

1.3 Ownership
This document is owned by BE department, all inquiries and matters relating to this document shall
be addressed to the said department.

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1.4 Applicability


1.5 Maintenance of This Document

This document will be maintained by the BE department, and will be reviewed regularly by the owner
and will follow NWC standards.

1.6 Document Roles and Responsibilities / Authority Matrix

This section records the roles and responsibilities specifically related to the document including who
is responsible for the review / endorsement / approval of the document.

Update/ Review Endorse Approve Publish
Owner YES
Stakeholder YES
Business Excellence YES YES YES

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2 General Specifications Index
Division 01 00 00 General Requirements
01 11 00 Summary of Works
01 30 00 Administrative Requirements
01 31 13 Project Coordination
01 31 19 Project Meetings
01 32 00 Construction Progress Documentation
01 33 00 Submittal Procedures
01 35 53 Security Procedures
01 41 00 Regulatory Requirements
01 42 00 References
01 42 13 Abbreviations & Acronyms
01 45 00 Quality Control
01 50 00 Temporary Facilities and Controls
01 55 26 Traffic Control
01 58 00 Project Identification
01 60 00 Product Requirements
01 70 00 Execution and Closeout Requirements
01 78 23 Operation and Maintenance Data
01 78 36 Warranties and Bonds
01 79 00 Demonstration and Training
01 91 13 General Commissioning Requirements
Division 21 00 00 Fire Suppression
Common Work Results for fire
21 05 00
Division 22 00 00 Plumbing
22 05 00 Common Work Results for Plumbing
Division Heating, Ventilating, and Air
23 00 00
Conditioning (HVAC)
23 05 00 Common Works Results for HVAC
Division 26 00 00 Electrical
26 00 01 General Information and requirements
26 00 05 Basic Electrical Materials and Methods
Division 46 00 00 Water Equipment
46 05 01 Common Works For
Water Equipment

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SECTION 01 11 00



A. Contract Works

The Contract works comprises the Works [for [insert name of plant]
Water Treatment Plant, at [insert region name], in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia]

B. Scope of the Works:

[The Contractor awarded the Contract shall be required to execute the
Works in accordance with the Contract to design, construct, supply,
install, complete, test and commission, handover, and maintain the
Works including:]

[The capacity of the water treatment plant is […] m³/d as treated product
water. The overall plant design is based on [insert technology type
conventional/desalination/…] treating raw water from [insert source of raw
water dam/well/etc…].
The proposed water treatment plant in [insert region name] shall comprise:
• Raw water storage tank;
• Disinfection;
• Influent metering and rapid mix;
• Coagulation [using alum and polymer (coagulant aid)/other/etc./…];
• Flocculation;
• Sedimentation [circular sedimentation tank/lamella/etc…];
• Filtration [pressure filtration/rapid dual media (sand/anthracite)/etc…];
• Cooling towers;
• Reverse Osmosis;
• Treated water storage tank;
• Treated water pumping station;
• […].
Other facilities included in the design of the plant are:
• Administrative and operation building;
• Laboratory;
• Guard room;
• Workshop and storage building;
• Chemical storage, preparation and dosing systems and buildings;
• Sludge Treatment system;
• Service water, sludge, drain, and irrigation networks;
• Fence and access gates;
• Electrical power distribution system;
• […].

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[Raw Water Quality]

Parameter Unit Value

Temperature °C […]
pH - […]
Turbidity NTU […]
TSS mg/L […]
Conductivity µs/cm […]
TDS mg/L […]
NH4 mg/L […]
K mg/L […]
Na mg/L […]
Mg mg/L […]
Ca mg/L […]
CO3 mg/L […]
HCO3 mg/L […]
NO3 mg/L […]
PO4 mg/L […]
Cl mg/L […]
F mg/L […]
SO4 mg/L […]
SiO2 mg/L […]
Iron mg/L […]
Mn mg/L […]
Boron mg/L […]
CO2 mg/L […]
Bromide mg/L […]
Radium- 226 pCi/L […]
Radium- 226 Bq/L […]
Radium- 228 pCi/L […]
Radium- 228 Bq/L […]
Uranium µ g/L […]
Radon-222 Bq/L […]
Total coliforms CFU/100ml […]
Fecal coliforms CFU/100ml […]
[…] […] […]

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[Treated Water Quality]
Parameter Unit Maximum Permissible Value
pH - […]
Turbidity NTU […]
TDS mg/L […]
Fluoride mg/L […]
Iron mg/L […]
Manganese mg/L […]
Nitrate (as NO3-) mg/L […]
Nitrite (as NO2-) mg/L […]
Chlorine residual mg/L […]
Bromate mg/L […]
Chloride mg/L […]
Bromide mg/L […]
Sulfate mg/L […]
Total hardness as CaCO3 mg/L […]
Gross Alpha activity Bq/L […]
Gross beta activity Bq/L […]
Radioactivity […]
Total coliforms CFU/100ml […]
Fecal coliforms CFU/100ml […]
[…] […] […]

[The Treated Water Maximum Permissible Values shall abide to the latest
drinking water. For parameters not mentioned under GSO Unbottled
drinking water, the Treated Water Maximum Permissible Values shall abide
to the latest applicable MEWA standards]

The Contractor shall as part of his duties undertake but without any
limitations, the following:

 Supply of all necessary materials, plant, workmanship, services and

labor required for the Works.

 Execution and completion of the Works and remedying any defects

therein in accordance with the Contract documents.

 Coordinate operations and cooperate with other works adjacent to and

within the project site.

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The Contractor shall for this purpose undertake the following:

 Submit all required hard and soft copies of the data sheets, technical
leaflets, calculation notes, detailed design/shop drawings,
manufacturers’ recommendations and other documents as required and
approved by the Engineer.

C. Location of the Works:

The location of the Works Site is [insert region name] and as shown on

D. Construction Works Limit:

The limits to be constructed are as defined in the Contract drawings forming

a part of this document.


A. These Specifications shall be read in conjunction with the other Contract


B. The Specifications given in one section shall apply to other sections unless
otherwise stated.

C. Contractor shall provide and do everything necessary for the proper

execution of the Works according to the intent and meaning of the Contract

D. The Works shall be completed in accordance with the Contract Documents

and any further drawings or instructions issued or approved by the Engineer
during the execution of the Works.

E. The work to be performed under this Contract includes, but is not necessarily
limited to, the furnishing of all supervision, labor, materials, plant, supplies,
construction equipment and facilities, and all services and items necessary
for the execution and completion of the Works in a professional and
workmanlike manner and in accordance with the Contract Documents.

F. All work shall be executed by skilled tradesman who shall be thoroughly

acquainted with all aspects of their trade including any special local customs
and modes of operation.

G. Workmanship shall be in accordance with internationally recognized


H. Contractor shall be deemed to have:

1. Based his Tender on the information in respect of physical, climatic and

other conditions of the site.

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2. Inspected the site and its surroundings and satisfied himself of all
conditions before submitting his tender.

I. The Owner and the Engineer and any person authorized by them shall at all
times have access to the Works and to the Site and to all workshops, stores
and places associated with the Works.


A. During the construction of the Works the Contractor shall ensure that his
activities shall not interfere or cause any undue hindrance to works of other
Subcontractors assigned and approved by the Owner in performance of
their duties. The Contractor is required to coordinate his works and
cooperate with all other works carried out by others on or adjacent to the

B. All Subcontractors Works shall be approved by the Owner.


A. The Contractor shall maintain access to the Site at all times and he shall take
all necessary steps to ensure the safety of persons on the Site.

B. All construction operations and Site establishment facilities shall be confined

to within the Site boundaries as shown on the Drawings unless otherwise
approved by the Engineer and the relevant authorities.

1. Following such approvals, all such areas shall also be designated and
treated as included within the definition of the word "Site".

C. Contractor shall be responsible for safeguarding all other work sites in the
vicinity of the Site.

1. Shall ascertain from the public utility authority positions of all existing
underground services.

2. Shall maintain and protect or divert them as required.

3. Shall provide all necessary security elements and resources to protect the
Site and all persons required to be present at the Site.

4. Shall indemnify the Owner’s side against any risk or damage that may be
caused to persons or to works or to third party in relation to the Works of
this Contract, and shall provide all necessary insurance policies and
coverage to keep the side of the Owner free of any claim.

D. Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation and implementation of

all EIA guidelines and requirements as indicated in these Documents either
directly by him or through an approved EIA Sub-Contractor.

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E. The Contractor shall supply and install a Dashboard for the project. The
Contractor shall submit the design of the proposed project Dashboard for the
approval of the Engineer and the Owner.


A. Items supplied by the Owner

1. The Owner reserves the right to place and install any items of equipment,
etc., in completed or partially completed areas of the Works upon the
understanding that the exercising of such right will not substantially
interfere with the regular progress and completion of the Works.

2. The Owner, Owner’s Representative(s), and the Engineer’s

Representative(s) (Supervision Team) shall be provided by the Contactor
with office facilities on the Site as required elsewhere herein.

B. Occupancy by the Owner

1. The Owner reserves the right to occupy partially or totally any spaces or
areas of the completed Works prior to the substantial completion of the
whole of the Works, provided that such occupancy does not interfere or
hinder the completion of the remaining areas of the Works.


A. The Contractor shall coordinate with all local authorities and obtain all
necessary approvals from such authorities for the proper and safe execution
of the Works and shall coordinate with Owner’s Engineer in case any
assistance is needed (legal papers or introduction letters) from the Owner
for this purpose.

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Table 1 - Summary of EIA Requirements and Guidelines for Construction Works

Impact Construction mitigation measures

Topography and  Avoid heavy explosion and consequently falling rocks;
geology  Filling or capping of geological voids when and if they are
encountered during excavation and adding soil cover to
areas of exposed rocks so as to avoid any settlement
 Application of suitable cutting and embankment slopes for
example 1:1.5 or flatter in soil and 1:1 or steeper in rocks
as per the quality of the rock materials which will be
determined based on geotechnical investigations;
 During construction, it is necessary to provide an
adequate drainage system in order to prevent erosion of

Soil  The site should be equipped with a drainage system to

drive surface and storm water away from construction
areas into storm drains along with adequately design
sand/silt/debris removal techniques such as sand traps,
silt traps, and sediment basins.
 Proper housekeeping practices are also necessary and
include the proper storage of chemicals on site as
necessary, limiting accidental spillage as well as
prohibiting the open disposal of spent oils in the
surrounding environment

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Impact Construction mitigation measures
Water  Primary source of potential impacts on the quality of
water resources will be from pollutants in site runoff
water. Therefore,
 Surface and storm water should be diverted away from
the project site and all site runoff should be directed into
site storm drains along with adequately designed
sand/silt/debris removal techniques such as sand traps,
silt traps and sediment basins.
 Any rainwater pumped out from trenches or foundation
excavations and other similar construction associated
activities should be discharged into these storm drains
with silt/debris removal facilities and not directly into the
 Silt/debris removal facilities should be maintained by
regularly removing the deposited silt and grit/debris after
each rainstorm event in order to ensure that these
systems function properly at all times
 Open stockpiles of construction materials on-site should
be covered with tarpaulin or other similar water-resistant
fabric during rainstorm events in order to prevent the
washing away of construction materials,
 Any accidental spillage of oil, fuel or other chemicals
should be immediately cleaned up and contained and
should then either be sent to the proper treatment facility
or be properly disposed of.
 Generated domestic wastewater should be stored in
special collection tanks and transported to a wastewater
treatment plant, where public sewer network is not
available and where onsite package sewage treatment
plant is not available, for further treatment to avoid any
potential contamination to the water resources in the
Air quality  Control techniques for minimizing PM emissions during
construction involve watering of surfaces, chemical
stabilization, and reduction of surface wind speed with
windbreaks or source enclosures.
 It would help if road surfaces were also improved by for
example: grading of gravel roads which help to retain
larger aggregate sizes on the travelled portion of the
road thus reducing emissions.
 Maintain good housekeeping practices throughout the
construction phase which includes: (i) periodic removal
of dust producing materials; (ii) covering hauling trucks
while transporting construction materials, and (iii)
regular clean-up of spillage on unpaved travel surfaces.

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Impact Construction mitigation measures
 Measures to reduce truck traffic emissions include
proper maintenance procedures and the quality of diesel
used is also important to reduce emissions.
 Equipment should be turned off when not in use, which
reduces power needs and thus emission levels.
Noise and vibration  Employ good practices for equipment and machinery by:
o Selecting quieter equipment/machinery;
o Operating only well-maintained
o Equipment that may be intermittent in use should
be shut down between work periods or throttled
down to a minimum;
o Silencers or mufflers on construction equipment
should be utilized and properly maintained during
construction works;
o Providing ear protectors to all on-site workers.
 With respect to vibration it should be ensured that high
explosives are not allowed to be used on site at any time
during this phase as these may impact the very stability
of the geological formations at and surrounding the study
area resulting in potential falling rock and thus damage
and accidents.

Safety  Provision of guards on site entrance(s) and exit(s);

 Installation of warning signs at the entrance of the site to
prohibit public access;
 Provision of training about the fundamentals of
occupations safety procedures;
 Provision of appropriate personal protective equipment
(PPE) (impermeable latex gloves, brightly coloured
working overalls equipped with light reflecting stripes,
safety boots, safety helmets, and ear plugs);

Health and  Keep uniforms and PPE clean and in good condition and
Environment replace them semi-annually;
 Provision of personal ID cards for all employees;
 Provision of adequate loading and off-loading areas;
 Development of emergency response plans for the site
particularly in case of fire or explosion;
 Provision of on-site medical facility/first aid;
 Provision of appropriate lighting during night-time works;
 Implementation of speed limits for trucks entering and
exiting the site;
 Implementation of nationally and internationally adopted
safety guidelines

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Impact Construction mitigation measures
Visual quality  Planting of flora can be initiated in order to enhance the
aesthetics of the area.
 Once construction is over, additional planting of flora is
recommended to ensure optimum visual integration of
the water intake associated facilities.
Biodiversity  Secure fencing of areas not required for land-take prior
commencement of work
 Minimize the outward light emissions
 Maintain a buffer zone around the site to minimize
disturbance to animals
 Minimize litter blow by good cover, fencing and hand-
picking as necessary
 Avoid any alteration of the physical and chemical
components of the habitat surrounding the facility site
 The generated construction debris can be used for filling
purposes or may be stockpiled and stored for future use.
 The Contractor should carry out sorting of construction
wastes into various categories and adopt reuse/recycle
activities on-site whenever deemed possible.

Waste generation  General refuse should be stored in enclosed bins

separate from construction wastes and should be
collected and transported to a nearby dump site or
special arrangements should be made for their collection
on a regular basis
 Domestic wastewater should be collected in a proper
storage tank and should be transported for treatment on
a regular basis where public sewer network is not
available and where onsite package sewage treatment
plant is not available.
Socio-economics  Local communities should be given priority in terms of
job opportunities, especially to interested individuals or
families in the immediate vicinity of the project site.
 Economic incentives should be provided to the local
community by the Contractor including the employment
of locals for the associated works to the maximum extent

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Traffic  A properly developed and implemented traffic control
plan is
essential in order to avoid any potential traffic impacts,
especially where the distribution network will be
 Movement and transportation of machinery and vehicles
outside the site must be restricted to off-peak traffic
hours and nighttime, in order to avoid traffic congestion.
 Adequate warning, signing, delineation and channeling
should be installed at least 500m from the facility site.
 The direct access road to the water intake structure and
water treatment plant should be rehabilitated in order to
accommodate for heavy duty vehicles and must have
sufficient width to allow trucks to pass through without
any difficulty

The summary in Table 1 is a basic general requirement for EIA. The Contractor shall
follow all necessary [MEWA – GAMEP] requirements for EIA.

Table 2 - Summary of EIA Requirements and Guidelines for Operation Phase

Impact Operation mitigation measures

Topography and  All equipment should be regularly maintained so that
geology any imbalances (to the impellers of the pumping stations
for example) are effectively corrected otherwise they
may have significant vibration impacts and accordingly
impacts on the stability of the surrounding geological
 Such vibrations could be absorbed and thus alleviated
by providing anti-vibration measures to the pumps
during the structural design.
Soil  It should be ensured that the all components of the
water intake structure, including the lower gallery, are
regularly maintained in order to ensure that any
malfunctioning is immediately observed and accordingly
 The shaft will allow for regular maintenance procedures
to be carried out.
 Sheet piling is considered in the design of the water
intake structure at the river banks to provide stability and
protection against erosion.

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Impact Operation mitigation measures
Air quality  Air emissions from the high lift raw water pumping
station of the water intake structure can have significant
impacts on air quality if not properly and effectively
 Air emissions from the high lift pumping station and the
emergency power generation facility associated with the
water treatment plant can also have significant impacts
on air quality if not properly maintained.
 Any malfunctions resulting in air emissions above the
acceptable limits should be immediately fixed.
 Dust emissions and offensive odors from the alum
powder used at the alum building at the water treatment
plant can have major impacts on the respiratory systems
of on-site workers and their families living on site and in
addition the odors can be a major nuisance. The design
of the plant took this into consideration placing the alum
building as far as was technically possible from the
operator’s houses, in addition to planting trees all along
the outer periphery of the alum building.
 There should be compliance with all relevant air
emission standards at all times during the operation
 Accidental leakage of chlorine gas can have major
impacts on air quality and human health. Thus it is
necessary to install chlorine gas detectors in the
chlorination building at the water treatment plant which
upon detecting any leakage will immediately shut down
all operations until further corrective action is taken.
Noise and vibration  It should be ensured that ear protectors should be
provided as necessary to any maintenance staff or on
site workers that may be entering the high lift pumping
station rooms associated with the water intake structure
as well as the high lift pumping stations and emergency
power generators at the water treatment plant.
 It should be ensured that all equipment is properly
balanced by the manufacturer prior to purchase and
operation and these should be regularly monitored and
maintained to ensure that there is no malfunctioning at
any time during operation.
 In case of any malfunctioning operation should be
ceased and the back-up generator should be operated.

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Impact Operation mitigation measures
Safety  Periodic monitoring and maintenance is of high priority
to limiting possible malfunctioning and associated
 Other mitigation measures that will reduce potential
safety impacts include site security, site safety,
emergency or contingency plans, as well as fire fighting.
 Potential risks may rise from the chlorine tanks in the
chlorination building at the water treatment plant. These
should be properly fixed to the foundation in order to
avoid any potential safety problems.
 Chlorine gas detectors should be installed at the
chlorination building and nearby to detect any accidental
trace emissions/leakage of chlorine gas and thus
automatically shut down all operations until further
corrective actions is taken.
 Alum should be properly handled during storage,
loading and unloading at the water treatment plant in
order to prevent health and safety impacts to on-site
workers by inhalation of any emissions.
 All chemicals used at the water treatment plant should
be properly stored and should not be easily accessible
in order to avoid any potential health and safety impacts.
Visual quality  Preservation of existing trees on site if any and
minimizing vegetation cover removal or disturbance
when possible.

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Impact Operation mitigation measures
Biodiversity  Maintain a buffer zone around the site to minimize
to animals
 Minimize litter blow by good cover, fencing and hand-
 Minimize the outward light emissions at the facility
 Avoid any alteration of the physical and chemical
Waste generation components of the habitat surrounding the site
 General refuse should be segregated at source if
(recyclables in separate storage bins) and properly
stored and accordingly collected on a regular basis for
transportation to a nearby landfill.
 Domestic wastewater which will be generated from the
administrative buildings associated with the water intake
structure and the water treatment plant should be
collected in properly designed sewage storage tanks
and collected on a frequent basis for transportation to a
nearby treatment plant, where public sewer network is
not available and where onsite package sewage
treatment plant is not available.
 Sludge and filter backwash water will be generated from
the sludge treatment process at the water treatment
plant which should be properly handled at all times to
avoid contamination of the surrounding environment.
Sludge will be treated on site and the end product shall
be properly disposed of at a nearby landfill or
alternatively it could be discharged into a sanitary sewer
network if it exists nearby. The filter backwash water
should also be properly handled at all times in order to
avoid impacts to the surrounding environment.
 Chlorine gas tanks and alum package bags generated
at the water treatment plant should also be collected and
disposed of properly at all times as necessary.
Socio-economics  Local communities should be given priority in terms of
job opportunities, especially to interested individuals or
families in the immediate vicinity of the project site.
 Economic incentives should be provided to the local
community by the Contractor including the employment
of locals for the associated works to the maximum
extent possible.

The summary in Table 2 is a basic general requirement for EIA. The Contractor shall
follow all necessary [MEWA – GAMEP] requirements for EIA.

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A. Work Restrictions, General: Comply with restrictions on construction


1. Comply with limitations on use of public streets and other requirements

of authorities having jurisdiction.

B. Existing Utility Interruptions: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities

occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions
and then only after providing temporary utility services according to
requirements indicated.

C. Noise, Vibration, and Odors: Coordinate operations that may result in high
levels of noise and vibration, odors, or other disruption to Owner occupancy
with Owner.

D. Employee Identification: Provide identification tags for Contractor personnel

working on the Project site. Require personnel to utilize identification tags at
all times.

E. Employee Screening: Comply with Owner's requirements regarding

screening of Contractor personnel working on the Project site.

1. Maintain list of approved screened personnel with the Engineer.

A. Provide equipment, materials, tools, safety items, test equipment that will
be suitable for the climatic conditions experienced in […] region, Saudi
Design equipment to operate satisfactorily to its full capacity in the following
1. Maximum ambient temperature […] oC and minimum […]oC.
2. Metal surfaces in direct sunlight can reach […] oC.
3. Maximum relative humidity is […] %.
4. Mean annual rainfall is about […] mm.
5. [Dust and sand storms occur frequently]. Wind velocity of […] km/hr.
shall be considered for all above ground structures.


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SECTION 01 30 00



This section involves the Contractor’s job-site operations and administration

of the Contract.

A. All work shall be performed under the observation of and in the presence of
the Owner assigned Engineer’s representative or his authorized delegates.


A. It shall be clearly understood at the Tender stage that the Contractor’s

Supervisory staff as detailed in the Tender shall be made available for the
execution of the work under this Contract.

B. Each person listed in the Contractor’s Tender is subject to final approval by

the Engineer.

1. Approval of the Contractor’s supervisory staff does not waive the right of
the Engineer to withdraw that approval at any time thereafter as provided
for by the Conditions of Contract.

C. It is pointed out that the provision of the Contractor’s supervisory and office
staff submitted by the Contractor as detailed in his Tender, does not relieve
him in any way of his liability under the Contract to provide all the staff
necessary for the satisfactory completion, commissioning and maintenance
of the Works and within the dates stated in the Contract.

D. The Contractor shall provide to the Engineer for approval the names and
details of the experience, qualifications and previous appointments for the
Contractor’s supervisory staff including those of the Subcontractors who will
be allocated to the Project.


A. Contractor shall not use the Site for any purpose other than carrying out the


A. The Contractor should not display or permit advertisements to be displayed

on the Site without written approval of the Engineer.

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A. The normal working hours of the Engineer’s Supervisory Staff shall be [8]
hours per day excluding Fridays and local public holidays. The Contractor
shall immediately advise the Engineer when Overtime work is unavoidable
or absolutely necessary in which case a written permission from the
Engineer will be given.

B. Permanent works shall not be permitted or done in the absence of the

Engineer’s Representative or his authorized inspectors. Permanent works
done or completed without the proper attendance of the Engineer’s
Representative shall be subject to rejection. Designated staff onsite shall
ensure control of this process.

C. Contractor shall notify the Engineer’s Representative three working days in

advance of any work to be done in order that inspection services may be

D. Inspection by the Engineer during defects liability period is to be performed

as follows:

1. The Engineer will give the Contractor due notice of his intention to carry
out any inspections during the defects liability period.
2. The Contractor shall arrange for a responsible representative to be
present at the times and dates named by the Engineer.
3. The Contractor’s Representative shall render all necessary assistance
and take note of all matters and issues to which the Engineer directs his


A. Refer to Section 01 50 00 - “Temporary Facilities and Controls”.


The Contractor shall, as part of his duties and responsibilities, according to the
terms and requirements of the Contract undertake the following:

A. Take all reasonable precautions to avoid interference with the operation of

and to prevent damage to adjoining roads, utilities, plant and property.

B. Obtain the relevant authorizations and permissions needed from the

concerned Authority/Party for using any adjoining property and shall
assume payment of all necessary charges if required for such use and/or
for protection of adjoining property from harm or damaged likely to be
caused by his activities on site.

C. Clear away and make good of any affected adjoining property on

completion of works or when directed.

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A. Provide and maintain during the execution of the Works all shoring, strutting,
needling and other supports as may be necessary to preserve the stability of
all roads utilities, plant and property that may be endangered or affected by
the Works.


A. Ensure that no damage beyond fair wear and tear is caused by site traffic to
existing roads and footpaths outside the site boundaries and adequately
maintain approaches to the Site.
B. Contractor shall immediately repair damages which are directly attributable
to his works on site work.


A. The Contractor shall submit a daily record to the Engineer in a format to be

approved by him showing the number, duration of engagement, and
description of staff craftsmen, laborers and other persons employed on or in
connection with the Works, including those employed by Subcontractors.

1. This record shall be incorporated in the Contractor’s Daily Report (see

Section 01 33 00).


A. The Contractor shall submit a daily record to the Engineer in a format to be

approved by him, showing the type, model, number of hours worked, and
capacity of all mechanical and power operated plant and equipment
employed on the Works.

B. This record shall be incorporated in the Contractor’s Daily Report (see

Section 01 33 00).


A. No overtime work shall be carried out except with prior approval of the


A. When any part of the Works is known or suspected to be defective, the

Contractor shall prepare and submit list of records for defective works with
proposals as soon as possible to the Engineer for his approval for further
testing, opening up, inspection, making good or removal and re-execution.

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B. Whenever inspection or testing shows that any part of the Works is not in
accordance with the Contract, measures are to be taken for removal, re-
execution and making good.

1. Such measures will be:

a. At the expense of the Contractor.
b. Not considered as grounds for extension of time.


A. The Contractor shall file with the Engineer, the names, addresses, and
telephone numbers of representatives who can be contacted at any time, in
case of emergency.

B. The representatives must be fully authorized and equipped to act in case of

emergency and correct unsafe conditions at short notice.

C. The Contractor shall provide an emergency Plan.

D. Necessary training for Contractor’s workers shall be provided for potential

emergency situations.


A. The Contractor shall carry out the Works in such manner that existing
facilities, pipelines, etc. are kept operational, and where inevitable such
existing facilities are interfered with to the minimum extent.

B. In no case shall the Contractor interfere with the operation of existing facilities,
pipelines, cables etc., without first obtaining the permission of the Engineer
and the relevant Authority to which such facility pertains.

C. The Contractor shall request officially from the Owner all drawings for the
existing properties for his reference.


A. The Contractor will encounter existing services and activities during the
course of the construction of the Works. The Contractor shall refer to the
Specifications and coordinate with the Engineer and local authorities.

B. The Contractor must obtain his own information regarding the position of all
pipelines, electricity lines and other services affected by the Works.

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C. Positions of services shown on the Drawings have been based on preliminary
surveys and must be regarded as approximate and used only for guidance.
The Contractor should determine exact location of services.

1. The Engineer does not guarantee either the accuracy of the information
or the location of such services as shown on the Drawings.
2. No warranty must be implied as to the position, depth, size or gradient
3. Obtain information from the relevant Authority for the existing and planned

D. Before opening up the ground on or adjacent to the site for any purpose, the
Contractor must obtain information regarding the location of all surface and
underground services.

1. Complete responsibility for obtaining this information rests with the


E. All locating work shall be carried out in advance of excavation work. The
Contractor shall be responsible for:

1. Cost of locating work and any repair work necessitated by damage

caused by him to such services in the course of his work.
2. Cost of all losses arising from their disruption.
3. Cost of any penalties that may be applicable.

All costs for executing any geotechnical boreholes or trial holes or excavation
pits shall be deemed to be included in the Contractor’s rates for the relevant
item or items in the Bills of Quantities. The Contractor shall carry out locating
work in accordance with any special requirements of the service authority
concerned and in conformity with their rules and regulations.

The Contractor shall not be permitted to work in areas until all services in the
area concerned have been located, clearly demarcated and proper signage
used for identification of existing services. The Engineer shall have the right
to stop the work in any part of the Works where the Contractor fails to take
the necessary measures to uncover such services

F. No public or private facility or services shall be interrupted without the written

permission of the Engineer.

1. Such permission will not be given until suitable permanent or temporary

alternatives approved by the concerned authorities have been provided
by the Contractor.

G. Contractor shall make arrangements with the Services Authorities concerned

for the phasing into his Program of all works, which need to be done by:

1. Service Authorities concerned or their contractors

2. Contractor himself concurrently with the works.

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H. Contractor shall take any and all measures reasonably required by any
Service Authority for the removal, relocation, support and full protection of all
mains, pipes, poles cables and other apparatus during the progress of the

I. Contractor shall, at all times during the progress of the works, afford facilities
to all Services Authorities for access to all or to any of their apparatus situated
in or adjacent to the Site, as may be necessary.

J. Any temporary or permanent diversion of mains and services will only be

permitted after agreement with the appropriate Service Authority and the

K. Payment for complying with the above is deemed to be included in the rates
in the Bill of Quantities.


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SECTION 01 31 13



A. The Contractor shall be required to provide the administrative and

supervisory personnel necessary for Project coordination, construction,
completion, commissioning and maintenance.


A. General:
The Contractor shall be required, but without any limitation, to undertake
following activities, among others:

1. Coordinate construction activities included under various Sections of

these Specifications to assure efficient and orderly installation of each part
of the Works.

2. Coordinate construction operations included under different Sections of

the Specifications that are dependent upon each other for proper
installation, connection, and operation.

a. Where installation of one part of the Work is dependent on installation

of other components, either before or after its own installation,
schedule engineering and construction activities in the sequence
required to obtain the best results.
b. Where availability of space is limited, coordinate installation of different
components to assure maximum accessibility for required
maintenance, service and repair.
c. Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later
d. Prepare memoranda and distribute to all parties involved detailing all
procedures required for coordination.
e. Include such items as required notices, reports and attendance at
f. Prepare similar memoranda for the Engineer and other contractors
working on the Site of the Works, where coordination of their work is

B. Administrative Procedures

1. Contractors constructing other utilities and buildings may be working in

the vicinity of the Works during the course of this Contract.

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2. The Contractor must allow for the above and for coordinating work as
necessary to cause minimum disruption.

3. The Contractor shall co-ordinate scheduling and timing of required

administrative procedures with other construction activities to avoid
conflicts and ensure orderly progress of the work.

a. Such administrative activities include, but are not limited to, the

 Preparation of schedules
 Installation and removal of temporary facilities
 Delivery and processing of submittals.
 Progress meetings
 Project Closeout activities.

4. The Contractor is required to cooperate with and coordinate his activities

with the local municipalities, electricity, telephone, water, drainage and
roadways (highway) authorities as applicable and in accordance with the
local regulations.

C. Drawings

1.Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay the extra cost, if any,
occasioned by any discrepancies, errors, or omissions in the Drawings
and other submittals furnished by him, whether they have been approved
by the Engineer or not.

2. Prepare and submit coordination drawings and details to ensure proper

coordination of all trades, items and elements of the Works including
fabrication, installation, location, dimensions, levels and fixings, etc…

3. Drawings shall indicate:

a. Interrelationship of all items and components detailed on separate

shop drawings.
b. Required installation sequences.
c. Comply with requirements contained in Section 01 33 00-Submittals.

D. Specifications

1. The arrangement of the Specifications into Divisions, Sections, Clauses,

Sub-Clauses and paragraphs, shall not control the division of work among
Sub-Contractors nor establish the extent of work to be performed by any
particular trade or Subcontractor.

2. Contractor shall be responsible for the proper coordination of all Works

including that required between different trades and different

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Sub-Contractors, Suppliers, Utility Agencies, Governmental Authorities,


A. During the progress of the Works, other contractors may be engaged in

performing work at or near the Site. The Contractor shall coordinate the
Works with the work of said other contractors.

B. If the Engineer shall direct the Contractor to coordinate the Works with the
work of another contractor or contractors in a certain manner and if the
Engineer shall determine that the Contractor is failing so to coordinate the
Works with the work of another contractor or contractors :

1. The Owner shall have the right to withhold any payments due under the
Contract until the Engineer’s directions are complied with by the
Contractor; and

2. The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner for any and all claims or
damages and from any costs or damages to which the Owner may be
subjected or which the Owner may suffer or incur by reason of the
Contractor’s failure to comply promptly with the Engineer’s directions.

C. If the Contractor notifies the Engineer, in writing, that another contractor on

the Site is failing to coordinate the work of said contractor with the Works, the
Engineer shall investigate the charge and if he finds it to be true, the Engineer
shall promptly issue such directions to the other contractor with respect
thereto as the situation may require. The Owner shall not be liable for any
damages suffered by the Contractor by reason of the other contractor’s failure
to promptly comply with the directions so issued by the Engineer, or by reason
of another contractor’s default in performance.

D. Should the Contractor sustain any damage through any act or omission of
any other contractor having a contract with the Owner or through any act or
omission of any sub-contractor of said other contractor, the Contractor shall
have no claim against the Owner for said damage.

E. Should any other contractor having or which shall have a contract with the
Owner sustain damage through any act or omission of the Contractor or
through any act or omission of a Sub-contractor, the Contractor shall
reimburse said other contractor for all said damages and shall indemnify and
hold the Owner harmless from all said claims.

F. The Owner cannot guarantee the responsibility, efficiency or performance

of any other contractor. The Contractor acknowledges these conditions and
shall bear the risk of all delays including but not limited to delays caused by
the presence or operations of other contractors and delays attendant upon
any construction schedule approved by the Engineer and the Owner shall
not incur any liability by reason of any such delay.

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SECTION 01 31 19



A. This Section includes:

1. Pre-Construction Conference
2. Progress Meetings
3. Subcontractor’s Site Meetings
4. Pre-Installation Conference
5. Pre-Startup Conference
6. Post-Construction Conference
7. Minutes of Meetings


A. Section 01 33 00 – Submittal Procedures.

B. Section 01 45 00 - Quality Control

C. Section 01 70 00 – Execution and Closeout requirements.


A. Held at the project site within 7 days after the Commencement Date.

B. Attended by the Engineer and the Contractor.

C. The agenda shall be provided by the Engineer a minimum of 3 working days

prior to the conference.

1. Topics of discussion will include but not necessarily be limited to the


a. Project Title and Correspondence

b. Contract Documents
c. Letter of Acceptance
d. Contract Dates
e. Phased Completion Dates
f. Site Possession
g. Site Establishment and Services
h. Material Approvals
i. Contract Program
j. Performance Bond
k. Insurance
l. Working Hours (Friday/Holiday/Overtime Working)

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m. Variations
n. Materials on Site
o. Services Authorities
p. Progress Meetings
q. Site Personnel
r. Method Statements
s. Site Inspections
t. Subcontractors
u. Daily, Weekly and Monthly Reports
v. Site Safety
w. Valuations
x. Penalties
y. Project Sign Boards


A. Frequency of meetings will depend on project duration whereby

concentrated [weekly] meetings will be held in the first month to put project
construction on the right track and thereafter monthly meetings will be held
to review actual progress achieved on [monthly] basis and during the last
month meetings shall be held on [weekly] basis.

1. The agenda shall be provided by the Engineer a minimum of 2 working

days prior to the meeting.

2. Progress reviews shall verify:

a. Actual start and finish dates for activities completed during the
update period.
b. Remaining durations and percentage of completion for all activities
not completed.
c. Logic, activity duration and cost data for Variation Order work that
will be incorporated into the construction schedule.
d. Contractor’s proposed measures to recover lost time and place the
project back on schedule by increasing manpower, materials and
equipment resources and working extended hours, additional shifts,

B. Meetings shall be attended by representatives of the Engineer, the

Contractor and Subcontractors who may attend when involved in the
matters to be discussed or resolved but only when requested by the

C. The time and location of the progress meetings shall be as directed by the
Engineer. The Engineer or his designee shall chair the meetings.

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D. Submit the information itemized below to the Engineer at least 2 working
days prior to each progress meeting.

1. A list of completed activities.

2. A list of current activities with an estimate of time required for
3. A list of changes to planned starting dates and duration for all
outstanding activities.
4. Percentage of completion for each current activity.
5. A list of activities planned to start in the next period.
6. Other information required by the Engineer.

E. Additional meetings required by the Contractor shall be submitted to the

Engineer in writing.

1. Provide a proposed agenda for the meeting.

2. Provide the names of all personnel who are required to attend.
3. The Engineer or his designee shall chair these meetings.


A. Required prior to starting up any major part of the Works, subsystem or


B Comply with the specified requirements.

C. Require attendance by the Contractor, subcontractors, and by the

equipment Manufacturers. Attendance of Manufacturers is mandatory with
regards to new technology equipment as specified and as indicated by the

D. The agenda shall be provided by the Engineer a minimum of 3 working days

prior to the conference. Topics of discussion will include but not necessarily
be limited to the following:

1. Start-up detailed procedure.

2. Start-up monitoring and control (data, samples, tests, etc...).
3. Project Start-up stage sequence.
4. Start-up and validation prerequisites.
5. Start-up plan and schedule.
6. Temporary connections.
7. Other items deemed necessary by the Engineer.


A. Required prior to final inspection of the Work.

B. Require attendance by the Contractor.

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C. The Agenda shall be provided by the Engineer a minimum of 3 working days
prior to the conference. Topics of discussion will include but not necessarily
be limited to the following:

1. Discuss and resolve all unsettled matters.

2. Guarantees and insurance.
3. Schedules and procedures for the final inspection process.
4. Correction of defects and deficiencies.
5. Documents required to be submitted by the Contractor.
6. Other items deemed necessary by the Engineer.


A. The Engineer or his delegate will record minutes of each meeting.

B. Copy of the minutes will be distributed within 4 working days.

C. Contractor to submit written comments, if any, or signed copy of minutes

acknowledging agreement to contents of minutes within 2 days after
presentation to him.

D. In the absence of any comments as specified in ‘C’ above, it shall be

understood and agreed that the Contractor accepts the minutes as a true
and complete record of the meeting.

E. The Contractor shall provide a corrective action plan for the agreed actions
in meetings.


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SECTION 01 32 00



A. This Section includes:

1. Construction Schedule
2. Updates and Revisions
3. Payment Applications
4. Requested Time Adjustment Schedule
5. Schedule of Off-Site Activities
6. Daily program


A. Section 01 31 19 - Project Meetings.

B. Section 01 33 00 – Submittal Procedures.

C. Section 01 70 00 – Execution and Closeout Requirements.


A. The required time to complete the Works is indicated in the Appendix to Bid
included in the Contract Documents.

B. Contractor shall schedule all project activities using critical path scheduling
techniques and update the schedule as specified. Unless otherwise
approved the schedule and all reports shall be based on Primavera Project
Planner, latest version.

1. Base schedule on milestones and include these milestones and the

specified contract completion date as scheduled activities.
2. Show the order in which Contractor intends to perform his work.
3. Schedule shall also indicate the following:
a. Planned dates of equipment, subsystem and system start-up and
b. All interface activities requiring mutual support between the
Contractor, subcontractors, suppliers, or the Owner.
c. All engineering, procurement, installation and construction activities.
4. Resources planned for each activity.
5. Quantities for each activity.

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C. Scheduling software shall provide data reports in each of the following

1. Activity listing by activity.

2. Activity listing by start and finish dates.
3. Activity listing by total float.
4. Critical path activities.
5. Time scaled logic diagram.
6. Bar chart.

D. Contractor’s application for payment shall not be processed until the

Contractor has submitted an acceptable Construction Schedule meeting the
requirements of these Specifications.

E. Contractor shall adjust network logic, activity sequences, activity durations

and similar items as necessary to maintain adequate progress to ensure
that the project is completed within the specified time frame.

1. Adjustments shall account for events which include but are not limited to
the following:

a. Schedule slippages.
b. Delays.
c. Sequence changes necessitated by project conditions.
d. Labor inefficiency.


A. Submit Construction Schedule to the Engineer for approval within the period
stated under the Conditions of Contract.

1. The schedule shall consist of the following:

a. A computer drawn, time scaled network diagram,

b. A computer generated activity printout,

2. Clearly indicate all restraints and contract milestones.

3. Use Construction Schedule as basis for progress reporting, schedule

controlling and schedule forecasting.

4. Provide sufficient detail to enable the Engineer to evaluate the

Contractor’s planned schedule and monitor progress on a day to day
basis throughout the project.

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B. Approved Construction Schedule shall be the Baseline Schedule against
which all progress is measured.

C. If the Engineer rejects the Contractor’s Construction Schedule including any

subsequent update or revision, the Contractor shall:

1. Within 14 days of receiving the rejection, revise the schedule to comply

with the Contract Documents and resubmit it to the Engineer.

D. Activity durations shall be measured in calendar days. Activities shall be

selected such that the duration is generally less than 14 calendar days.
Divide activities with a duration exceeding 14 days using logical measuring
points of quantities, time location or accomplishment.

E. The project shall begin on the Commencement Date and it shall be

completed within the number of calendar days specified.

F. The schedule shall represent an accurate, efficient, reasonable and feasible

plan and method for completing the Works.

1. The Engineer will review the schedule but will not be responsible for
whether the schedule will result in timely project completion.

2. The schedule shall be the Contractor’s sole responsibility, including but

not limited to preparation, content, revisions and updating in accordance
with the Contract requirements.

G. The Construction Schedule shall be such that work included under this
Contract does not affect or unduly interfere with work being undertaken by
the Owner or another contractor.

H. The Construction Schedule shall indicate the following:

1. Off-site activities as defined elsewhere in this Specification, start up,

testing, mobilization and demobilization, shop drawing submittals, etc.
2. Interfaces with the work of local authorities and outside contractors
including but not limited to the various utilities and the plant operating
3. Activity descriptions including the activity number.
4. The planned and remaining duration for each activity.
5. Early start and late start dates for each activity.
6. Early finish and late finish dates for each activity.
7. Available float for each path of activities containing float.
8. Actual start and actual finish dates for each activity.
9. Critical path for the project shall:
a. Be clearly shown and easily recognizable,
b. Show on the time-scaled network diagrams,
c. Clearly show the relationship between all non-critical activities and
activities on the critical path.

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10. The percent complete for each activity in progress or completed.
11. Planned progress curve consisting of a plot of percent complete versus
time for each schedule of value item and the total project.

I. Submit a narrative report with the Construction Schedule indicating

anticipated use of the following resources and work shifts:

1. Labor resources.
2. Equipment resources.
3. Quantities placed.
4. Work shifts (e.g. single, double, or triple shifts)
5. Work weeks (5, 6, or 7 day work week)
6. Production rates.


A. Update the Construction Schedule every month and whenever requested

by the Engineer, to reflect the actual progress of the Works.

1. The schedule update will be used to review the Contractor’s progress

and payment application.
2. Submit two (2) copies of the preceding month’s Construction Schedule
marked with the proposed updates and revisions.
3. Submit marked up schedule at least seven (7) calendar days prior to
submitting each monthly payment application.
4. The Engineer will review the marked up schedule and return one (1)
annotated copy to the Contractor for use in preparing the monthly
5. Indicate the following in the updated schedule:
a. Activities in progress or to be performed in the future,
b. Percent complete for each activity,
c. The critical path for the project based on the latest update data.

B. Progress Reports

1. Submit a report prior to each progress meeting which summarizes work

2. The format of the report shall be acceptable to Engineer.
3. Required information shall include but not necessarily be limited to the
a. Work progress whether in the shops or in the field.
b. State existing status, rate of progress, estimated time of completion
and cause of any delay (if any).
c. Description of work accomplished since submission of previous
progress schedule.
d. Compare actual work status against the Contractor’s previous
Construction Schedule.

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e. Status of equipment and material deliveries.
f. Details of work for the next week/month.
g. Details of all testing and results.
h. Information regarding any design changes.
i. Information regarding any variations.
j. Details of inspections and approvals required to proceed with work.
k. Records of manpower, equipment etc. compared to programmed
l. Information required from the Engineer.
m. Weather records.
n. Records of delays and stoppages with reasons therefor.
o. Value of work done.
p. Cash flow forecast.
q. Changes or additions to Contractors supervisory personnel since the
preceding progress report.
r. Causes or any delays.
s. Changes in logic, construction sequence and activity duration.

4. Include an explanation of why the changes are necessary.

a. Proposed actions by the Contractor to restore the schedule.

5. Include what is being done or what is planned to be done in each

problem area.
a. Identify anticipated problems or changes and present plan to deal
with them so as to minimize or prevent delays.

6. Updates and revisions to required schedules and reports shall not modify
or limit in any way, the Contractor’s obligations to meet the Time for


A. Contractor shall submit to the Engineer at the end of each calendar month
or as otherwise agreed, an approximate valuation of the total work done with
items set out in full, in accordance with the Conditions of Contract and as
specified in the BOQ.


A. If the Contractor believes he is entitled to an extension of time to complete

the Works, he shall submit a “Requested Time Adjustment Schedule”
(RTAS) to the Engineer as a proposed variation order.

1. Provide a separate schedule and analysis indicating proposed

adjustments to the Time for Completion.

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2. Proposed adjustments may be due to actual or anticipated changes or

3. Provide a time scaled, computer generated and computer drawn network

analysis schedule.

4. A formal time extension request and detailed narrative justifying the

requested time extension shall accompany the schedule.

B. Include schedule forecasts that predict the actual project completion date
and which forecast milestone achievement dates with the request for time

C. The RTAS shall clearly and accurately reflect the following:

1. Contractor’s actual work intention and proposed time adjustments as of

the latest update.
2. Adjustments to the logic, sequence or duration of any activities in the
3. Time extensions previously granted.
4. Actual and expected progress.

D. The Engineer shall not be obligated to consider any time extension request
unless all specified contract requirements are met.

E. “Float” or “slack time” is defined as the amount of time between the early
start date and the late start date or between the early finish date and the
late finish date of any activity in the Construction Schedule.

1. Time extensions for work required by the Contract Documents will be

granted only to the extent that:
a. Time adjustments for affected activities exceed the total float
available along the affected path of activities,
b. Available float will be determined at the time a change is authorized
or at the start of the condition or delay for which an adjustment is
warranted under the Contract Documents.

2. Float is not solely for contractor’s use.

F. Variation Orders
1. If a milestone or completion date is modified by a variation order issued
by the Engineer, the Contractor shall modify his Construction Schedule
2. All activities impacted by the variation order shall be adjusted to reflect
the revised requirements.

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G. A technical report shall be submitted to validate and justify the variation
orders requested by the Contractor.

H. Contractor shall make the following available to the Engineer within seven
(7) calendar days of receiving a written request.

1. All documents, data, etc. which support or provide the basis for
schedules, reports, and project forecasts.
2. Subcontractor documents and data.


A. Include all procurement related activities for long lead items in the
Construction Schedule.

1. These activities may be submitted as a separate “Off Site Activities”

Schedule upon written approval by the Engineer.
2. Off site activities shall be properly correlated and interrelated to the
Construction Schedule.
3. Show all restraints and dependent activities which may affect the
Construction Schedule.
4. Long lead for items are equipment or materials which require more than
one month between the time an order is placed and the time the item is
delivered to the project site.

B. The “Off Site Activities Schedule” shall include but not necessarily be limited

1. Activities for submitting, ordering, manufacturing, fabricating and

delivering long lead items to the project site.
2. Significant related activities performed by the Contractor away from the
project site, including material and equipment purchase and delivery.
3. Contractor’s drawings and submittals for long lead items.
4. Required off site inspection activities by the Engineer.

C. Contractor shall be solely responsible for expediting material and equipment

deliveries to ensure the latest approved Construction Schedule is

D. Notify the Engineer in writing whenever it is anticipated that the delivery date
of any material or equipment will be later than shown on the latest approved
Construction Schedule. Include Contractor’s measures that will be taken to
avoid delay.


A. Contractor shall furnish a daily program for the following working day before
the close of site on each working day.

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1. The program shall include amongst others the following:

a. Work to be executed during:

 Normal working hours only, or
 Overtime or shift system if necessary.
b. Location of the area of site where work will be carried out.
c. Proposed, labor and Contractor’s equipment and supervision to be
d. Details of work to be done.

B. The format of the daily program shall be agreed with the Engineer.


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SECTION 01 33 00



A. This Section specifies general submittal procedures and includes:

1. Submittal Procedures
2. Contractors Review
3. Product Data
4. Shop Drawings
5. Samples
6. Operation and Maintenance Manuals
7. Certificates and Affidavits
8. Miscellaneous Submissions


A. Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements.

B. Section 01 31 19 – Project Meetings.
C. Section 01 32 00 – Construction Progress Documentations.
D. Section 01 45 00 – Quality Control.
E. Section 01 50 00 – Temporary Facilities and Controls.
F. Section 01 35 53 – Security Procedures.
G. Section 01 70 00 – Execution and Closeout requirements.
H. Section 01 78 23 – Operation and Maintenance Data.


A. Shop Drawings
1. Shop drawings include drawings, diagrams, illustrations, brochures,
schedules, bills of materials, and other data prepared specifically for
the Work.
2. Shop drawings may be prepared by the Contractor, Subcontractors,
suppliers or distributors, product manufacturer, or fabricators.
B. Product Data
1. Product data is general information which illustrates or describes
manufacture, fabrication, testing, and installation of the Work or a
portion thereof.
2. Product data may only be prepared by the manufacturer of the

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C. Manufacturer’s Representative
1. Person actively working at manufacturer’s factory with minimum 5
years’ experience.
2. Familiar with actual problems of manufacturing, installing, and
operating the product.
3. Sales representatives or agents are not acceptable.

D. Working Drawings
1. Contractor prepared plans for temporary structures and facilities.
2. Elements of work which may affect the safety of persons or property
shall be certified by a qualified Engineer.
3. Calculations demonstrating adequacy of Contractor’s design shall be
submitted with the working drawings.
4. Follow submittal requirements for shop drawings.

E. Samples
1. Physical examples illustrating materials, plant/equipment, or
workmanship for permanent Works.
2. Establish standards by which the Work will be judged.

F. Manuals (Operation and Maintenance)

1. Manufacturer’s written installation, start-up, operating, maintenance
and repair instructions.
2. Include parts lists, pictures, sketches and diagrams specific to the
supplied to document the manufacturer’s requirements.
3. Submit Standard Operation Procedure detailing all steps required
for the proper operation of the Plant, including procedure to stop
and startup the Plant.
G. Risk Management and Analysis
1. Contractor prepared risk analysis including the process of: analyzing,
determining and defining the risk of potential dangers to the Project
during the various phases of: construction, testing and
commissioning and operation.

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A. Product data shall be explicit with regard to details of the actual products
being furnished. Product data submitted by the Contractor for the
Engineer’s approval shall be from manufacturers who have at least [ten
(10)] years of experience in the manufacturing of the required products
for this Contract or as specified.
B. Sufficient information must be provided to the Engineer to verify that the
submitted products conform to the specification requirements.
C. The country of origin shall be provided for all equipment and material to
be used on the project.
D. Catalog data must be clearly marked to indicate which product type,
style, size, grade class, capacity, etc. is being submitted for approval.
Failure to do this shall be cause for returning the submittal.
E. Present information on pages not larger than size A4.
F. Include the name of the product manufacturer on all catalogue data.


A. Provide detailed drawings and written descriptions of both the assembly
and all components.
B. Drawings shall indicate proposed installation of Work as well as
materials and equipment being furnished.
C. Identify proposed deviations from the details or component arrangement
as specified or shown on the Drawings. Present reasons for the
proposed deviations. Explain why proposed deviation is “equal to” that
D. Information shown on shop drawings shall be complete and sufficient for
Engineer to review for compliance with Contract requirements.
Information shall include the following:
1. Layout dimensions and component sizes including bases,
foundations, anchors, and similar items.
2. Design criteria.
3. Materials of construction.
4. Component and assembly weights.
5. Utility requirements (power, water, etc.).
6. Manufacturer’s rating or performance curves.
7. Wiring diagrams and control schematics.
8. List of manufacturer/supplier recommended spare parts required for
[…] years of operation.
9. Special tools.
10. Deviations from contract requirements.
11. Names and contact information for manufacturers and suppliers.
12. Additional requirements contained in individual specification

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E. Copies of the Drawings are not acceptable for submission as component
arrangement (layout) drawings.
F. Manufacturer’s model numbers or catalogue numbers alone shall not be
acceptable for describing equipment or components.

A. Samples shall be furnished as required by the individual specification
sections for approval by the Engineer.
B. If not included with a product submittal, samples shall be accompanied
by a transmittal form, unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer.
C. Unless otherwise specified, samples shall be labeled as follows:
1. Corresponding Submittal No.
2. Date Submitted
3. Contract or Project Identification Number
4. Contractor Subcontractors
5. Product Description
6. Product Identification (Trade Name if applicable)
7. Supplier / Manufacturer
8. Specification section and applicable paragraph numbers
9. Intended Application
D. Three sets of samples shall be submitted, unless otherwise specified or
approved by the Engineer.
1. One set of approved samples and all disapproved samples will be
returned to the Contractor.
2. If requested in writing by the Contractor, samples of value will be
returned to the Contractor after completion of the Work.
3. Approved samples returned to the Contractor may only be
incorporated into the work upon written approval of the Engineer.


A. Submit manuals for all equipment and components specified in all
Divisions of the Specifications.
B. Manuals shall be as specified in Section 01 78 23.
C. Submit six copies of approved manuals incorporating all of Engineer’s
comments and corrections before beginning training.
D. Manuals shall be in in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format, scanned copies are
not acceptable.

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A. Certificates and affidavits shall be provided for specific materials,
equipment or installations if designated in the relevant specification
B. Definitions:
1. A certificate indicates that test results, component manufacture, or
installation complies with certain specified standards.
2. An affidavit is a sworn statement, by an officer of the company
manufacturing the product, indicating that the information on the
certificate is true and accurate.
C. An affidavit shall accompany all certificates.
D. A statement from the Contractor, Subcontractor, equipment supplier, or
agent indicating that the product meets the requirements of the Contract
Documents shall not be considered as a certificate. Such submittals will
not be approved. Corresponding equipment, products, or components
will not be accepted.


The Contractor shall undertake the below stated requirements:
A. Products List and Submittal Schedule
1. Show the proposed date the Contractor will deliver each required
submittal to the Engineer for review.
B. Manufacturer’s guarantees and warranties
1. Submit three copies unless otherwise specified.
2. Submit before final acceptance.
C. Work Plans: Submit three (3) copies, unless otherwise specified, within
two weeks of signing the Contract Agreement.
D. Quality Organization Plan: Submit three copies within two weeks of
signing the Contract Agreement, unless otherwise directed by the
E. Quality Assurance Plan: Submit three copies unless otherwise directed
by the Engineer. Refer to Section 01 45 00 for specific requirements.
F. Health, Safety and Environmental Protection (HSEP): Submit three
copies unless otherwise specified. Refer to Section 01 35 53 for specific
G. Site Security Plan: Submit three copies as specified in Section 01 35 53,
unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
H. Accident Reports: Submit three copies unless otherwise specified.
I. Progress Reports
1. Prepare and submit the Progress Reports described hereinafter in a
form provided by the Engineer.
2. Work activities and procurement reports should be referenced where
relevant to the approved Contractor’s Construction Schedule.
3. Submit three copies unless otherwise specified.
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4. Daily Construction Reports.
a. Submit on a daily basis.
b. Describe labor force and its allocation.
c. Describe material and equipment used.
d. Describe work progress during the day.
e. Describe temperature and weather conditions.
f. Describe any occurrence which may affect the progress of the
5. Procurement Status Reports
a. Submit on a weekly basis.
b. Include a list of materials and items procured.
c. Include list of items delivered to the site.
d. Provide references to all correspondence and transmittals
between the Contractor and the Engineer regarding approval of
such materials and items.
6. Monthly Report
a. Reflect monthly progress and status of the Work.
b. Describe problem areas.
c. Describe current or anticipated causes of delay along with their
estimated impact on progress and the corrective measures taken
or proposed.
d. Include construction photographs.
J. Inspection and Test Reports: Submit 3 copies unless otherwise
K. Survey Data: Submit three copies unless otherwise specified. Survey
data are required to develop quantitative record of actual work
constructed, as part of damage and settlement surveys, surveys of
adjacent construction and similar efforts.
L. Close-out Submittals: Refer to Section 01 70 00 for specific
M. Record (As Built) Drawings: Refer to Section 01 70 00 for specific
N. Letter of Authority
1. Submit within 10 days after receipt of the Letter of Acceptance.
2. Identify the Project Manager and detail the extent of his authority and
a. All work to be under direct supervision of Contractor’s on-site
representative who shall be the Project Manager.
b. Project Manager shall be present at the job site whenever Work
is underway.
c. Project Manager shall have full authority to represent the
d. Communication given to or received from the Project Manager
shall be as binding as that given to or received from the

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O. Organization Chart
1. Submit for Engineer’s approval not later than 14 days after receipt of
the Letter of Acceptance.
2. Show the executive, administrative, construction supervision, quality
control and safety organization.
a. Include all personnel from Project Manager through
foreman/inspector level.
b. Describe personnel duties.
c. Amplify details provided after submission of Tender.
d. Provide qualifications and experience of all personnel shown on
the Organization Chart.
3. Update the Organization Chart whenever key personnel are
4. The Engineer may interview any of the Contractor’s proposed staff
before approval.
5. The Engineer may direct the Contractor to remove personnel from
the site who, in the Engineer’s sole opinion,
a. Exhibit inappropriate conduct.
b. Who are incompetent or negligent in the performance of their
c. Who are otherwise considered undesirable.
P. Site Layout for Contractor’s Facilities
1. Submit within 14 days after receipt of the Letter of Acceptance.
2. Site plan should include but not necessarily be limited to the
a. Temporary facilities including accommodations.
b. Storage areas including permanent dumping of excavated
material and all debris.
c. Laboratory.
d. Crane positioning.
e. Fences, gates and security lighting.
f. Access for other Subcontractors, vendors, plant staff, visitors, etc.
Q. Evidence of Insurance as required in Contract documents.
R. Correspondence
1. Provide one original and three photocopies of transmittals and letters
including attachments and enclosures.
2. Submit on A4 size whenever possible.
3. Clearly indicate the following on each document.
a. Contract Number.
b. Title of Project.
c. Contractor’s Name.

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d. Date.
e. Correspondence Reference Number.


A. The Contractor shall supply as a part of the Contract all spares identified
in the Specifications.

B. The Contractor shall supply spare parts required for […] years of
operation after turnover, in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. The spare parts required for […] of operation after
turnover shall be inclusive of the spare parts that are specifically
identified in the Specifications.

C. The spares shall be boxed or packaged separately for long term storage.
The spares shall be plainly marked for reordering.

D. In addition to any spares which, in accordance with the specifications

are to be supplied, the Contractor shall submit with the Operation and
Maintenance Manuals a list of spares as recommended by the
respective manufacturers which would be required for operating the
equipment for a period of [2] years on completion of the Defects Liability
Period. Each item in the list shall be priced and the Contractor retains
the option of purchasing a part or all of the spares thus recommended
by the Engineer.

E. The Contractor shall provide special tools, special tool lists, equipment,
and accessories required to install or maintain the equipment.

F. The Contractor shall provide [3] copies of each instruction manual

necessary for proper use of the tools furnished.

G. Special tools shall be defined as those items manufactured specifically

for performing maintenance and installation of each respective item of

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A. Only the Contractor shall make submittals to the Engineer and all
submittals, including the work of Subcontractors and Suppliers, shall be
through the Engineer.
1. All submittals shall be in English.
2. The Contractor shall review all submittals before delivery to the
Engineer to ensure compliance with Contract requirements. The
Contractor shall stamp each submittal as evidence of its approval of
the submittal. Submittal of materials to the Engineer will indicate that
the Contractor has verified all materials, field measurements, field
construction criteria, and similar items and that the Contractor has
coordinated information contained in submittal with requirements of
other trades.
3. The following submittals shall be delivered to the Engineer in digital
format on compact disks (CDs), as appropriate, along with three hard
a. Final design drawings.
b. Product data.
c. Shop drawings.
d. Operations and maintenance manuals.
e. Products list and submittal schedule.
f. Work plans.
g. Health, safety and environmental plan.
h. Accident report.
i. Progress report.
j. Procurement status report.
k. Inspection and test reports.
l. Survey data.
m. Close-out submittals.
n. Record drawings.
o. Schedule of Values.
p. Letter of Authority.
q. Organization Chart.
r. Site layout for Contractor’s facilities.
s. Correspondence
t. Risk management and analysis report
4. The Engineer may request additional hard copies of any submittal by
notifying the Contractor in writing. Such additional copies shall be
provided by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner.
5. All digital media submitted to the Engineer shall be in Adobe Acrobat
(.pdf) format excluding the Final Design Drawings and Record
Drawing, which shall be submitted in AutoCAD (.dwg) format.
6. Drawing submittals shall be no larger than 600 mm high by 840 mm
7. Samples shall be submitted as described in the Contract Documents.

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8. Submittals of guarantees and warranties shall include the original
guarantee or warranty, three copies of guarantees and warranties,
and a digital copy.
9. The Engineer will mark required corrections and changes on the hard
copies and will return one set of corrected submittals to the
10. The contractor shall review submittals returned by the Engineer.
a. The Contractor shall determine if changes requested by the
Engineer result in extra costs and shall notify the Engineer in
writing within 5 days of receiving the corrected submittal if it
believes that extra costs would be incurred.
b. Failure of the Contractor to notify the Engineer of any extra costs
before proceeding with purchase or installation will waive any
future claim by the Contractor for additional compensation.
11. The Contractor shall modify the submittal as required and shall re-
submit the documents to the Engineer in accordance with the
requirements described above for original submittals.
12. The review process shall be continued until the Engineer approves
the submittal
B. The timing of Contractor reviews and submittals to the Engineer shall not
delay the work. The Contractor shall prepare submittals such that no
more than one re-submittal is necessary to obtain the Engineer’s
C. Submittals of manufacturer’s data, including data specified as “for
information only”, shall be made before beginning any portion of the work
using materials described in the submittal.
D. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings and product data in
accordance with approved submittal schedule. The Contractor shall
allow time for the Engineer’s review, approval, and transmittal back to
the contractor as specified herein.
E. The Contractor shall provide details on the shop drawings for items not
completely described on the Final Design Drawings in accordance with
standard engineering practice.
1. Adjust dimensions shown on the Final Design Drawings to reflect
actual dimensions of equipment provided.
2. Coordinate dimensions shown on the Final Design Drawings as well
as actual equipment dimensions with measurements of existing,
adjacent, incorporated, and completed work to ensure all
components fit into the space available.
3. Verify all dimensions before beginning any work depending on such
F. The Contractor shall identify each and every deviation from the Contract
Documents to the Engineer either on the shop drawing or in the letter of
1. Explain reasons for deviations.
2. Compare requested deviations with Contract requirements. Explain
why deviations are equal to or better than Contract requirements.

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3. For submittals that do not identify deviations from Contract
requirements, the Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility for
executing work in complete conformance with Contract Documents,
even though such submittals have been approved.
G. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings and product data for related
equipment items and integrated system components at the same time.
Partial submissions may be returned to the Contractor without review.
H. Coordinate shop drawings and product data. Coordination shall include:
1. Drawings and data previously submitted.
2. Drawings and data being prepared.
3. Drawings and data previously approved.
I. Subcontractor shall direct the Engineer’s attention either in writing or on
the re-submitted documents to each and every revision other than those
requested by the Engineer on previous submittals. Explain, in writing,
the reasons for the revision.
J. Do not deliver materials or equipment either to storage or to the project
site or incorporate them into the work until they have been approved or
accepted (in writing) by the Engineer.
K. Do not perform any work until shop drawings have been submitted and
approved by the Engineer.
L. Submittals shall be controlled as directed by the Engineer.
1. Each new submittal shall be given a unique number.
2. Re-submissions of the same product from the same manufacturer
shall be given the same number along with letter “A” for first
resubmission, “B” for second resubmission and so on.
3. Submittals for the same products, but from different manufacturers
shall be given different numbers.
4. Submittals for the same products but of different size may be
submitted under the same number, if from the same manufacturer.


A. Reviewed submittals will be returned to the Contractor with the
Engineer’s comments, if any.
B. The Engineer’s review is for general conformance with the Contract
Documents only. All work is still subject to the detailed requirements of
the Contract Documents.
C. The Engineer’s review is to help the Contractor by discovering errors and
D. The Engineer’s review does not relieve the Contractor of the obligation
and responsibility to coordinate and plan the details of the Work and fulfill
the intent and purpose of the Contract.
E. The Engineer’s review shall not relieve the Contractor of the
responsibility for accuracy, proper fit, or proper functioning and
performance of the work.

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F. The Engineer reserves the right to require written confirmation from the
Contractor that the comments placed on submittals stamped “Approved
As Noted” will actually be implemented.
G. Timing
1. The Engineer will make every reasonable effort to process and return
each submittal within 15 calendar days after its receipt in the
Engineer’s office.
2. Large or multiple submittals may require up to 30 calendar days.
3. The Contractor shall prioritize submittals and Engineer will review
and return them in the order of the highest priority.
4. Individual drawings from large submittals with numerous drawings
may be returned as they are reviewed rather than waiting for the
entire review to be completed.
5. The need for re-submissions or delays in obtaining the Engineer’s
review or approval shall not entitle the Contractor to a time extension
for contract completion.
H. Categories used by the Engineer to evaluate submittals are defined
1. “A” Approved indicates that no deficiencies have been identified.
2. “B” Approved as Noted indicates is acceptable subject to
incorporation of the comments listed.
3. “C” Revise and Resubmit indicates:
a. The submittal is being returned for revisions because the
information provided is incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate,
inappropriate or illegible.
b. The Contractor may revise and resubmit the submittal, provided
deficiencies are corrected.
4. “D” Rejected indicates the submittal does not comply with the
Contract requirements.
5. Returned without Review indicates that the submittal is not required
or withdrawn and returned to the Contractor without review.
I. Incomplete submittals, including those incorrectly transmitted,
incorrectly identified, incorrectly numbered or without the Contractor’s
review and approval stamp, will be returned to the Contractor without
further review.
1. Such submittals will be recorded as the initial review.
2. Any delays resulting from submission of incomplete submittals will be
at the Contractor’s expense.


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SECTION 01 35 53

A. This Section specifies the minimum safety and security measures to be
taken by the Contractor during all phases of the Contract.


A. Section 01 11 00 - Summary of Work.
B. Section 01 33 00 – Submittal Procedures.
C. Section 01 50 00 - Temporary Construction Facilities and Controls.

A. Safety requirements shall comply with the Contractor’s Health, Safety
and Environmental (HSE) Manual.
B. Safety requirements shall comply with the directives of Safety and fire
protection directives for industrial facilities – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
Ministry of Interior – High Commission for Industrial Security –
Secretariat General – latest edition (SAF).
C. Security requirements shall comply with the directives of Security
directives for industrial facilities – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of
Interior – High Commission for Industrial Security – Secretariat General
– latest edition (SEC).


A. The Contractor shall adopt and implement the Engineer’s approved
Health, Safety and Environmental Plan (HSEP) for the Project, which
shall incorporate the requirements of the following documents:
1. General Safety and Health Requirements as per KSA applicable
2. A qualified organization led by a full time autonomous Health and
Safety Officer who will administer the HSEP as stipulated herein.
3. Engineer’s HSE
B. The Contractor’s implementation of HSEP for the Project shall
emphasize the prevention of accidental injury, occupational illness, and
environmental damage through proper training.
C. The Contractor shall provide and maintain a safe, hazard-free, and
healthy workplace for its employees, for Subcontractor’s employees, for
the Engineer and its employees, and for the general public.
D. The HSEP shall include the involvement and active participation of all
project employees by requiring safety training, which will promote
recognition of unsafe acts, potential and actual hazards and the
immediate corrective action to be taken. All employees shall be made
aware of their own responsibility to work in a safe manner.

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E. The Contractor and its Subcontractors shall have an obligation to
perform their work using safe methods and to comply with the HSEP

A. The Contractor shall not begin work at the site until the HSEP has been
approved by the Engineer. The HSEP shall describe all of the
Contractor’s safety personnel, precautions and other safety documents
that will be used throughout the project.



A. General
1. At a minimum, all Safety Personnel shall be subject to the Engineer’s
2. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer, in writing, prior to re-
assigning or replacing any of the Safety Personnel.
3. The Contractor shall have adequate Safety Personnel on the site
during all production operations.
4. The Contractor’s Safety Personnel shall have the authority to stop
any portion of the work which does not comply with the requirements
of the HSEP or Contract Document pertaining to Health and Safety
and to expend funds, as necessary, to eliminate hazards and/or
dangerous conditions on the job site.
B. Minimum qualifications for the Safety Officer shall include:
1. Diploma in a technical discipline (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, etc.).
2. 5-10 years’ experience in safety activities.
3. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and
4. Vehicle and approved driving license.
C. Minimum duties of the Safety Officer shall include:
1. Develop and implement the HSEP and all related documents.
2. Conduct periodic audits to assure site staff is complying with all
aspects of the HSEP.
3. Report directly to the Engineer’s corporate management.
4. Have full authority to represent and act for the Owner and the
Engineer on all safety-related matters.
D. The officers and personnel of all Sub-Contractors shall be responsible
for compliance with the HSEP. Subcontractor’s personnel shall have a
working knowledge of the HSEP and shall attend all Project Safety
Meetings during their period on site.


A. The HSEP shall designate all Safety Procedures, Safety Check Lists,
Accident Records and/or other Safety Documents necessary to assure

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compliance with all aspects of the contract safety requirements. The
HSEP shall include the following:
1. The Approved Safety Organization Plan along with all Safety staff
2. A list of all Safety Procedures to be utilized and a schedule for their
3. Conducting of monthly Safety Meetings with site personnel and
4. Daily inspection of the project and recording of all visible safety
hazards, including identification of violators.
5. Follow-through on timely correction of safety hazards and making
immediate corrections as necessary.
6. Monitoring of on-the-job safety meetings.
7. Fostering a Safety Awareness in all tradesmen and supervisors on
the Project.
8. Follow-up, for insurance purposes, for all relevant Safety Reports.
9. Check all areas at least once a day for housekeeping and cleanup.
Take immediate action to ensure compliance with requirements.
10. Submit a Job Hazard Analysis for each major phase or element of
the work, as necessary.
11. If possible, post Safety Signs on the Project.
12. Fire Protection and First Aid Program.
B. Accident Prevention Responsibility
1. Contractor’s Safety Meetings will be held at least once a month at the
a. The meetings shall be convened and conducted by the
Contractor’s Safety Officer.
b. All supervisors and foremen are expected to be in attendance.
c. Each Subcontractor shall have a responsible representative
present to follow-through on information and resolutions
discussed and adopted at these meetings.
d. The Engineer may attend these meetings.
2. The Agenda for the Safety Meetings will generally include:
a. Development of timely topics for discussion and dissemination of
b. A review of the Contractor’s Safety Officer’s inspections.
c. Identification of potential safety hazards in the coming month,
discussion and implementation of steps to be taken to avoid the
3. All supervisors and foremen shall plan and accomplish their work with
due regard for the safety of all individuals on the job site. They shall
eliminate all possible accident hazards when planning the work under
their control. Subcontractors shall observe and correct any accident-
producing practices before injury occurs. If an accident does occur,
they will investigate to determine the cause and take the required
corrective action to prevent a reoccurrence. All accidents shall
immediately be reported to the Project superintendent and to the

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C. First Aid and Medical Facilities
1. First Aid facilities shall be provided at the Project site, as required.
2. A vicinity map in English and in Arabic, indicating routing to
emergency facilities shall be posted in the first aid station and on any
Project bulletin board, along with the list of designated emergency
facilities (i.e. hospitals, doctors, ambulances, and fire departments).
3. First Aid boxes shall conform to standard practices.
4. Medical personnel shall be approved by the local Health Authority,
as required.
D. Accident Reporting
1. All lost time injuries, property damage accident (excluding “off-
project” vehicle accidents) and material losses shall be reported, in
writing, to the Engineer within 48 hours of the accident or incident.
2. Immediate notification shall be provided in advance of the written
3. In the event of any employee being sent to a doctor treatment, a
release will be obtained from the doctor stating whether:
a. The employee is not fit for duty;
b. The employee is fit for light duty; or
c. The employee is fit for duty.
d. A copy of this release will accompany the Accident Report.
E. Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)
1. Minimum requirements for PPE shall be the wearing of hard hats and
work shoes by all personnel, including Subcontractors, as warranted
and approved by the Engineer.
2. Supplemental requirements for PPE shall be developed and provided
to cover specific items, such as eye protection (glasses and goggles),
protective clothing, safety harnesses, etc.
3. All PPE shall conform to US, UK or equivalent standards and shall
be approved by the Engineer.
4. “Safety Belts” shall not be used as fall protection on the job sites.
F. Fire Protection
1. Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided at the job site office
location(s) and carried in vehicles of all supervisory personnel.
2. Adequate fire extinguishers shall be provided through the job site(s),
and temporary work areas, for the duration of the construction period.
3. All heavy equipment, mobile and station plant, welding machines,
compressors, etc. will have a suitable fire extinguisher at close
proximity and/or in cabs of equipment/vehicles.
4. Quarterly inspections of fire extinguishers will be made to determine
if equipment is operational. Written records of these inspections will
be kept by Contractor.

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G. Fire Prevention
1. No burning of rubbish or debris will be permitted.
2. All fuel storage tanks shall be properly grounded and vented,
provided with proper type fire extinguishers, and placed on posts 3.0
m to 4.5 m from the tanks.
a. “Danger” or “No Smoking” signs shall be prominently paced at
these tanks.
b. Storage tanks above ground shall be enclosed within berms to
prevent the spread of liquids, in the event of leakage in tanks and
shall hold 1.5 times the volume of the tank. This bund wall design
will be submitted to Engineer for approval.
3. Welding operations, if any, shall be accomplished in accordance with
standards and recommended practices of the American Welding
a. Adequate fire extinguishing equipment shall be provided in the
immediate vicinity of welding operations whenever combustible
material is exposed.
b. Workmen shall be shielded from welding rays, sparks, slag, etc.
by approved eye protection and certified PPE.
4. All compressed gas cylinders and acetylene cylinders shall comply
with the requirements of standard construction practice for use and
a. All oxygen and acetylene cylinders, full or empty, shall be kept
separately in the storage area, stored upright, tied off, capped and
chained in place.
b. Subject area shall be designated as a “No Smoking” zone.
H. Scaffolds and Access-Ways
1. Scaffolds shall be provided for any work that cannot be accomplished
from the ground.
2. Safe and defined access shall be provided to all work areas.
a. Ladders shall conform to applicable standards and inspected on
a regular basis for defective or worn parts.
b. Details for erection and use of scaffolds shall be worked out by
the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer for approval.
c. The Engineer’s approval, however, shall not remove any
responsibility for scaffolding from the Contractor.
3. Positive fall prevention will be employed when works of any trade are
working on elevated platforms 1.2 m, or greater, from the ground and
other permanent or substantial footing.
I. Excavation for placement of utilities shall comply with standard practices
for trenching and shoring:
a. Sides of excavations over 1.5 m deep, unless capable of standing
without collapsing, shall have sides sloped to the angle of repose
or be shored. Stability of such excavations shall be certified by
Contractor’s competent field engineer and approved by
Engineer’s representative.

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b. Excavated material shall be stored at least 2.0 m from the sides
of all excavations.
c. Guardrails, barricades or barrier tape shall be provided around all
d. Access facilities shall be provided every 7.0 m (minimum).
e. All excavations shall always be kept free of water.

J. Hand Tools and Power Tools

1. All hand tools and portable power tools shall be of good order and
shall be used for the purpose intended. All electric power tools shall
be grounded and will be frequently inspected by an
electrician/technician, for worn out parts and connections.
2. Circular saws shall be equipped with guards that automatically
enclose cutting edges.
a. Radial arm power saws shall be equipped with automatic brakes.
b. Explosive actuated tools and their use will be discouraged, and
shall have prior written Engineer approval, prior to delivery to the
K. Temporary Electric Work
1. All temporary electrical work shall be protected by Ground Fault
Interrupters (GFI) and shall be in accordance with standard
construction practices. All connections and installation shall be in
compliance with local Electrical Authority Regulations.
2. If portable generators are used to supply the temporary power needs,
the generators shall be grounded, inspected and documented on a
regular basis for proper operation. All temporary electric work is to
be inspected on a weekly basis and inspections are to be
L. Use of explosives will not be allowed.
M. Machinery and Mechanized Equipment
1. All machinery and mechanized equipment to be used and/or installed
for this Project shall be inspected for compliance with safety
requirements and property proper report forms shall be completed
and submitted, as required.
2. Supplemental requirements covering operating rules shall be
established prior to start of work using mechanized equipment and
N. Worker Indoctrination
1. Minimum Protective Clothing
a. Hard hats are required at all times, unless this requirement is
waived by Engineer.
b. Protective eye protection shall be worn when employees are
welding, hammering metal, stone or concrete, grinding or cutting
metal units.
c. Work shoes are required to be worn at all times.
2. Minimum Safety Observances

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a. Work areas and access ways are to be free of trash, materials
and all tripping hazards.
b. Temporary electrical wiring shall be protected from damage by
traffic, be in good condition and protected by ground fault circuit
c. All portable containers for gas and other inflammable liquids shall
be UL or FM approved, with self-closing lids. No plastic
containers are allowed.
d. Maximum speed for automobiles and vehicles on the job site is
e. All accidents are to be reported directly to supervisors and the
 If serious injury is apparent, utilize the pre-established
emergency hospital services.
 The telephone number shall be prominently displayed at all site
telephone locations.
 For small cuts, scratches, etc. approved first aid kits are to be
available from each Subcontractor and the Contractor.
f. In the event of fire, if it cannot be immediately contained, the
nearest fire department shall be notified, whose telephone
number shall be prominently displayed at all site telephone
g. Heavy equipment suppliers shall supply certification of testing,
etc. and obtain clearance from the Engineer before
commencement of any work.
h. All equipment shall meet the safety standards as described in
these specifications.
i. There will be no job site visits during nights, weekends or
holidays, without prior approval from Engineer.
j. Visitors to the job site shall report to the Contractor for safety
induction and authorization to enter the job site areas.


A. The Contractor shall prepare a SSP that commits its employees. contract
personnel, and visitors to a code of conduct designed to provide the
1. Preservation of overall site security
2. Protection against theft and vandalism
3. Site ingress and egress control
4. Type and layout of security fencing, guard requirements, and access
plans, as appropriate noting levels of access to areas within the site,
as appropriate.



A. The Contractor shall inform its work force of the following:

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1. Dangers of toxic, asphyxiatory, inflammable, or explosive gaseous
conditions in manholes, sewers and ancillary structures.
2. Physical injury caused by falling objects or by the employees falling
3. Dangers of bacterial infection while working in a sewage-
contaminated environment. The Contractor shall impress upon its
staff the importance of personal hygiene.
B. The Contractor’s attention will be drawn to the fact that when sludge or
silt accumulations in sewers are disturbed, toxic gases may be released.
C. The Contractor shall ensure that adequate precautions are taken by its
workforce to safeguard against any accidents due to working in, or
adjacent to sewers, sewage works, manholes, pumping stations, etc.
D. It is recommended that all members of the Contractor’s and
Subcontractor’s workforce be vaccinated against tetanus, typhoid,
paratyphoid, cholera, Hepatitis-A and Hepatitis-B and shall carry up-to-
date medical records on their person.
E. The Contractor shall provide a medical certificate of fitness for all
members of the work force who are expected to work in the confined
spaces, sewers and similar environments. Personnel working in such
environments shall have no history of the following:
1. Any heart defect;
2. Any history of fits or blackouts;
3. Deafness or loss of balance;
4. Claustrophobia;
5. Recurrent back ailments;
6. Shortage of breath on light exertion.
F. Each group of workers engaged on manholes, pumping or lifting
stations, sewers and ancillary structures shall be provided with and be
familiar with the operation of reputable gas testing equipment suitable to
check hydrogen sulphide, combustible gases, and lack of oxygen.
G. Personnel Protective Equipment shall include, but not be limited to, the
1. Safety helmets.
2. Work shoes (with no ferrous studded soles).
3. Safety harness (strong, readily washable, with no ferrous
attachments for life line).
4. Gloves.
5. Overalls.
H. In addition to the above items, each group shall have with them at each
entry point to a confined space the following:
1. A lifting harness.
2. 4 No. 15 lifelines, with spring shackle on one end, eye at the other
3. Suitable ladder.
4. Lifting frame complete with ropes and shackles for hand protection.
5. Powerful hand lamp, “EX” rated.

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6. Ventilation blowers together with portable generator and flexible
7. Positive pressure respiratory facemask with associated portable
compressor and air hoses.
8. Gas detections suitable for hydrogen sulphide.
9. An atmosphere monitoring device capable of monitoring oxygen
levels and levels of toxic and flammable gas.
10. Washing facilities with disinfectants and toiletries.
11. Communication facilities.
I. All mobile mess room(s) with washing and changing facilities shall be
provided by the Contractor for each working area.
J. The Contractor shall keep installed in the mobile changing rooms, or
mobile office, within easy access of each working group emergency
equipment which shall include, but not be limited to the following:
1. Barrier cream and disinfectant
2. First aid kit with eye bath
3. Stretcher
4. 15m long lifelines with spring shackle on one end, eye at the other,
lifting harnesses and retrieval tripod.
5. Breathing apparatus with air bottle – 2 sets
K. Address and telephone number of the nearest hospital with emergency
facilities shall be posted at each location.
L. The Contractor shall provide safety barriers to be erected around all
unattended open manholes and cover them with suitable temporary
steels sheets. Whenever the Contractor’s workforce leaves the job site,
all manhole covers shall be replaced.
M. Before entering any manhole, sewer and ancillary structure, the
atmosphere shall be tested by the Contractor.
N. The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain, adequate scaffolding,
ladders, etc., required for work and to facilitate for the Engineer
inspection and testing of the works. Scaffolding will be removed as
directed upon completion of all works.
O. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for liability in respect of any
claim or legal action arising as a result of any accident. The Contractor
will not be absolved of any liability under the Contract in respect of its
having complied with the above requirements.
P. The Contractor shall appoint a safety officer who shall be responsible for
ensuring that the Contractor’s employees following the safety
Q. Should anyone working in a manhole, sewer or chamber complain of
nausea or dizziness:
1. All personnel shall be removed from that location.
2. Work shall resume only when it is safe to do so, or with the use of
breathing apparatus under site supervision of the safety officer.

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R. No separate payment for safety procedures shall be made and the cost
of which shall be deemed to be included elsewhere in the Contract
A. Contractor shall orient itself to the Engineer’s need for site security as
conveyed during initial kickoff meetings, as represented in Section 01 35
B. Within 5 days of the kickoff meeting and prior to initiation of any
construction activities, the Contractor will deliver its SSP to the Engineer
for approval. At a minimum, the SSP shall conform with Subsection 2.3
of this Section 01 35 53, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer
during the kickoff meetings.


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SECTION 01 41 00



A. The Contractor shall comply with all specified codes and standards, and
requirements of regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over this project
including, but not limited to, those specified herein.


A. All reference to codes and standards referred to in the Contract Documents

shall unless otherwise indicated mean, the latest edition, amendment or
revision of such reference in effect as of the date of submission of Tender by
the bidder.

B. There may be items for which there are no relative codes, specifications or

1. Materials and workmanship of such items shall be of suitable quality as

determined by the Engineer.
2. Details that qualify such items as being of the acceptable quality shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval in accordance with Section 01 33

C. Pipe Color Coding should be applied for project different pipes, where
applicable based on piping material. And necessary pipe works tagging shall
be applied to all pipe works.


A. The Contractor shall carry out the works in accordance with current
regulations, local and administrative orders, and requirements of the local and
service authorities.

B. The Contractor shall carry out the works in accordance with the directives of
Safety and fire protection directives for industrial facilities – Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia, Ministry of Interior – High Commission for Industrial Security –
Secretariat General – latest edition (SAF).

C. The Contractor shall carry out the works in accordance with the directives of
Security directives for industrial facilities – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry
of Interior – High Commission for Industrial Security – Secretariat General –
latest edition (SEC).

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A. The Contractor shall conduct his operations in such a manner as to avoid

injury or damage to:

1. Adjacent property.
2. Improvements.
3. Facilities.

B. The Contractor shall protect from injury or damage to adjacent property;

improvements or facilities including but not limited to the following:

1. Buildings
2. Roads
3. Culverts
4. Signs
5. Structures
6. Electric installations
7. Pipelines
8. Other improvements within or adjacent to the Contractor’s operations.

C. The Contractor shall provide and install suitable safeguards to protect all
objects under the above paragraph from injury or damage.

1. If injured or damaged by reason of the Contractor's operations, objects

shall be replaced or restored,

a. To a condition as good as when entered upon the work, or

b. As required by the relevant Authorities.

D. The Contractor shall not disturb any property corners or survey markers
without permission from the Engineer.

E. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to streets, utilities, roads,
highways, ditches, embankments, bridges, culverts or other public or private
property, which may be caused by transporting plant, equipment, materials,
or men to or from the Site of Works.

1. The Contractor shall make satisfactory and acceptable arrangements

with the property Owners over the damaged property concerning its
repair or replacement.
2. The Contractor shall bear the expense of replacing, restoring or resetting
any of the aforementioned which may be damaged or disturbed by his
operations including fines and charges levied by the respective Service

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F. All temporary and permanent safeguards will be at the Contractor’s

G. Any additional costs, due to difficulty of working or to any other reasons

arising from the presence of the aforementioned shall be borne by the


A. General

1. Contractor shall at his expense:

a. Arrange for medical attention to be available when necessary.

Arrangements for an equipped clinic, with medical staff in remote
areas projects is mandatory.
b. Provide dressing stations complete with all adequate first-aid
equipment on the site.
c. Display in suitable places the names of his employees who are
available from time to time to render first aid services.
d. Provide for the transport of serious cases to the nearest hospital.

2. Contractor shall comply with all requirements of:

a. All applicable Environmental Protection Regulations, Occupational
Safety and Health Regulations and Codes of Construction Safety
b. Best industry practices for the safety of workmen and the public.
c. Requirements established in the Health, Safety and Fire Protection
Plan of Section 01 50 00 - Temporary Facilities and Controls as
approved by the Engineer.


A. Throughout the progress of his work, the Contractor shall keep the Site and
all working areas:

1. In tidy and workman-like condition,

2. Free from rubbish and waste materials, with transportation and disposal
of wastes to approved dumps.

B. Any temporary works, constructional plant/equipment, materials or other

things that for the time being are not required for use by the Contractor may
with the consent of the Engineer:

1. Be removed from the Site, but otherwise shall be dispersed about the
Site in an orderly fashion.
2. Shall be properly and securely stored thereon.

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C. Requirements of this Clause shall not limit the Contractor's obligations
under the Conditions of Contract.


A. Before application is made for the Engineer to accept the work, all items of
work shall be complete, ready to operate and in a clean condition.

B. All trash, debris, unused building material and temporary structures shall
have been removed from the site of the work.

C. Tools and construction machinery not needed for repair and adjustment
consequent to operational tests shall not be on the Site.

D. Walkways, parking areas and roadways, streets and lanes pertaining to the
Works shall be completely cleaned.


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SECTION 01 42 00



A. The Contractor shall comply with all codes, regulations, specifications and
standards referred to in the Contract Documents.

B. The Contractor shall sign an acknowledgement of complying with all codes,

regulations, specifications and standards referred to in the Contract


A. Where "as shown", "as indicated", "as detailed", or words of similar import are
used, it shall be understood that reference to the Drawings accompanying the
Specifications is made unless otherwise stated.

B. Where "as approved", "as reviewed", "as accepted", or words of similar import
are used, it shall be understood that the approval, direction, requirement,
permission, authorization, review, or acceptance of the Engineer is intended,
unless otherwise stated.

C. As used in the Contract Documents, "provide" shall be understood to mean,

"provide complete in place", that is, "furnish and install".


A. All references to codes, regulations, specifications and standards referred to

in the Contract Documents shall, unless otherwise stated, mean the latest
edition, amendment or revision of such reference standard in effect as of the
date of submission of Tenders.

B. The Contractor shall obtain an original copy of all codes, regulations,

standards and technical literature referred to in the Contract Documents
including those referenced in inspection and test plans shall be given to the
Engineer and shall agree with the Engineer on the arrangement and
sequence of all references at no additional cost within 28 days of receipt of
the Notice to Commence.

C. Reference to a code, standard, technical society, institution, association or

governmental authority is made in the Specifications in accordance with
applicable recognized abbreviations.

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D. Reference to directives of Safety and fire protection directives for industrial
facilities – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Interior – High Commission
for Industrial Security – Secretariat General – latest edition (SAF).

E. Reference to directives of Security directives for industrial facilities – Kingdom

of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Interior – High Commission for Industrial Security
– Secretariat General – latest edition (SEC).


A. Reference to codes and standards is made throughout the Specifications to

establish a standard of quality required, a procedure to be followed, etc. The
reference to one particular standard is not intended to prohibit the use, subject
to the Engineer’s prior review and approval, of any other internationally
recognized standard, which achieves the same level of quality, or
requirement as those specifically mentioned in this specification. Differences
between the standards specified and the proposed alternative standards
must be fully described in writing by the Contractor and submitted to the
Engineer at least 28 days prior to the date when the Contractor desires the
Engineer’s approval. In the event the Engineer determines that such
proposed deviations do not ensure substantially equal performance, the
Contractor shall comply with the standards specified in the Contract


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SECTION 01 42 13




A. Reference to standards and specifications of technical societies and

reporting and resolving discrepancies associated therewith shall be as
provided in the General Conditions, and as may otherwise be required
herein and in the individual Specification sections.

B. Work specified by reference to published standard or specification of

government agency, technical association, trade association,
professional society or institute, testing agency, or other organization
shall meet requirements or surpass minimum standards of quality for
materials and workmanship established by designated standard or

C. Where so specified, products or workmanship shall also meet or exceed

additional prescriptive or performance requirements included within
Contract Documents to establish a higher or more stringent standard of
quality than required by referenced standard.

D. Where two or more standards are specified to establish quality, product

and workmanship shall meet or exceed requirements of most the
stringent standard with the Owner approval.

E. Where both a standard and a brand name are specified for a product
in Contract Documents, proprietary product named shall meet or exceed
requirements of specified reference standard.

F. Copies of standards and specifications of technical societies:

1. Copies of applicable referenced standards have not been bound in
these Contract Documents.
2. Where copies of standards are needed by Contractor, obtain a copy
or copies directly from publication source and maintain in an orderly
manner at the Site as records, available to Contractor's personnel,
Subcontractors, Owner, and Engineer.

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A. Abbreviations for trade or construction industry organizations or technical

institutions and government agencies or authorities to which references
may be made in the Contract Documents, with t h e abbreviations used
are listed in the next table.

Abbreviation Definition
AA Aluminum Association
AABC Associated Air Balance Council
AAMA Architectural Aluminum Manufacturers Association
AAN American Association of Nurserymen
AASHTO American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials
ACI American Concrete Institute
ADC Air Diffuser Council
AFI Air Filter Institute
AFMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association
AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association
AIMA Acoustical & Insulation Materials Association
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AMCA Air Moving & Control Association
AISI American Iron & Steel Institute
API American Petroleum Institute
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AWS American Welding Society
AWWA American Water Works Association
BS British Standards
BS CP British Standards Codes of Practice
BS EN British European Standards Specifications
BSI British Standards Institution
CCITT International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee

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Abbreviation Definition
CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee
CEE International Commission on Rules for Approval of Electrical
CISPR The International Special Committee on Radio Interference
CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
CSI Construction Specifications Institute
CTI Cooling Tower Institute
DIN German Institute For Standardization
EN European Norms
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FDA United States Food and Drug Administration
GAMEP General Authority Of Meteorology And Environmental Protection
GCC Gulf Cooperation Council
GSO GCC Standardization Organization
IBC International Building Code
IBR Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers
IEC International Electro-technical Committee
IEEE Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
ISA Instrument Society of America
ISO International Organization for Standardization
MEWA Ministry Of Environment, Water And Agriculture Of Saudi Arabia
NBS National Bureau of Standards
NEC National Electrical Code
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association
NFC National Fire Code
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NPC National Plumbing Code
NSF National Sanitation Foundation
NWC National Water Company
OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Association
PCA Portland Cement Association
PME Presidency of Meteorology And Environment
SASO Saudi Standards, Metrology And Quality Organization
SBC Saudi Building Code

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Abbreviation Definition
SEC Saudi Electricity Company
SI International System of Units
SIGMA Sealed Insulating Glass Manufacturer’s Association
SWTR Surface Water Treatment Rule
UL Underwriter’s Laboratory
UPC Uniform Plumbing Code
US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
USBR U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation.
USS Gage United States Standard Gage
WHO World Health Organization
SAF Safety and Fire Protection Directives for Industrial Facilities
SEC Security Directives For Industrial Facilities


A. All units of weight and measurement shall utilize the Metric system of
Weights and Measurements based on the International System of Units
(SI System); except standard products which may be expressed in
nominal units of the Imperial System.
Main units which may be made reference to in the Contract Documents,
with their corresponding abbreviations used are listed in the next three

Primary Base Units

Quantity Name Symbol
Amount of substance Mole mol
Electric current Ampere A
Length meter m
Luminous intensity Candela cd
Mass Kilogram kg
Plane Angle Radian rad
Solid angle Steradian sr
Thermodynamic temperature Degree Kelvin K
Time Second s (or sec)
Minute min
Hour h (or hr)

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Derived Units
Quantity SI unit symbol Name Units
Adbsorbed dose Gy gray m²/s² or J/Kg
Capacitance F farad A².s4/kg.m² or C/N
Conductance S siemens s³.A²/kg.m² or A/V
Electric Charge C coulomb A.s
Electric Potential V volt kg.m²/s³.A or W/A
Electric Resistance Ω ohm kg.m²/s²A² or V/A
Electromotive force V volt kg.m²/s³.A or W/A
Energy of Work J joule kg.m²/s² or N.m
Force N newton kg.m/s²
Frequency Hz hertz 1/s
Heat – a quantity of heat J joule kg.m²/s² or N.m
Illuminance lx lux² or lm/m²
Inductance H henry Kg.m²/s².A²or Wb/A
Luminous flux 1m lumen
Magnetic flux Wb weber kg.m²/s².A or V.s
Magnetic flux density T tesla kg/s².A or Wb/rn²
Potential Difference V volt kg.m²/s³.A or W/A
Power, Radiant flux W watt kg.m²/s³ or J/s
Pressure, Stress Pa pascal kg/m.s² or N/m²
Radioactivity Bq becquerel 1/s

Combined derived units

Parameter Units
Acceleration m/s²
Angular Acceleration rad/s²
Angular Velocity rad/s
Area m²
Concentration (molar) mol/m³
Current Density A/m²
Density, mass kg/m³
Electric Charge Density C/m³
Electric Field Strength V/m
Electric flux density C/m²
Energy density J/m³
Entropy J/K
Heat Capacity J/K
Heat flux density W/m²
Irradiance W/m²
Luminance cd/m²

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Parameter Units
Magnetic field strength A/m
Molar Energy J/mol
Molar Entropy J/mol.K
Molar Heat Capacity J/mol.K
Moment of Force N.m
Permeability H/m
Permittivity F/m
Radiance W/m².sr
Radiant intensity W/sr
Specific heat capacity J/kg.K
Specific Energy J/kg
Specific Entropy J/kg.K
Specific Volume m³/kg
Surface Tension N/m
Thermal Conductivity W/(m.K)
Velocity m/s
Viscosity, Dynamic Pa.s
Viscosity, Kinematic m²/s
Volume m³
Wavelength m

Prefix factors
Multiplication Factors Prefix Symbol
1 000 000 000 000 = 10^12 tera T
1 000 000 000 = 10^9 giga G
1 000 000 =10^6 mega M
1 000 =10^3 kilo k
100 = 10^2 hecto h
10 = 10^1 deka da
0.1 = 10^-1 deci d
0.01 = 10^-2 centi c
0.001 = 10^-3 milli m
0.000 001 = 10^-6 micro µ
0.000 000 001 = 10^-9 nano n
0.000 000 000 001 = 10^-12 pico p
0.000 000 000 000 001 = 10^-15 femto f
0.000 000 000 000 000 001 = 10^-18 atto a

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A. Abbreviations for main chemicals and materials commonly used in water

treatment and referred to in the specifications are listed in the tables

List of principle chemicals referred to in the specifications

Abbreviation Definition
A Aluminum
AA Activated Alumina
AC Activated Carbon
As Arsenic
Ca Calcium
CaCO3 Calcium Carbonate
Cl Chlorine
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CO3 Carbonate - Carbon Trioxide
Cu Copper
DO Dissolved Oxygen
DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon
F Fluoride
GAC Granular Activated Carbon
H2 Hydrogen
H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
H2SO4 Sulfuric Acid
HCl Hydrochloric Acid
HCO3 Bicarbonate
K Potassium
Mg Magnesium
Mn Manganese
Na Sodium
NH3 Ammonia
NH4 Ammonium
NO2 Nitrite
NO3 Nitrate
PAC Powdered Activated Carbon

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Abbreviation Definition
PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
PO4 Phosphate
SiO2 Silica - Silicon Dioxide
SMBS Sodium metabisulphite
SO4 Sulfate
THM Trihalomethanes
TOC Total Organic Carbon
VOC Volatile Organic Compound

List of principle materials referred to in these specifications

Abbreviation Definition
CS Carbon Steel
Cu Copper
DI Ductile Iron
FRP Fiber Reinforced Plastic
GLS Glass Lined Steel
GRP Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic
HDPE High-Density Polyethylene
PP Polypropylene
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
SS Stainless Steel
XLPE Cross linked Polyethylene


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SECTION 01 45 00

A. This Section specifies the Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)
activities that the Contractor shall perform during all phases of the
Contract, including:
1. General Quality Requirements.
2. Independent Inspection Services.
3. Independent Laboratory Services.
4. Contractor’s Quality Personnel.
5. Contractor’s Quality Plan.
6. Contractor’s Quality Control Procedures.
7. Contractor’s Method Statements.
8. Contractor’s Inspection and Test Plans.
9. Contractor’s Inspection and Test Records.
10. Contractor’s Inspection Request to Engineer.
11. Contractor’s Site Laboratory and Test Procedures.
12. Document and Submittal Control.
13. Material / Equipment Receipt and Storage.
14. Execution of Inspections and Tests.
15. Non-Conformance Monitoring.
16. Contractor’s Quality Assurance Audits.
17. Contractor’s Quality Records.
18. Workmanship.
B. The contractor should be ISO certified (for: quality, safety,
environmental, etc…). The Contractor may assign an independent third
party to control the (QA/QC) activities at the Contractor’s expenses.


A. Section 01 42 00 - References.
B. Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures.
C. Section 01 50 00 - Temporary Facilities and Controls.

A. Inspection and testing shall comply with the following references, unless
stated otherwise in the Specification or unless otherwise approved by
the Contractor.
1. ASTM C1077 Practice for Laboratories Testing Concrete and
Concrete Aggregates for Use in Construction and
Criteria for Laboratory Evaluation.
2. ASTM D3740 Practice for Evaluation of Agencies Engaged in Testing
and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in
Engineering Design and Construction.

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3. ASTM E329 Practice for Use in the Evaluation of Inspection and
Testing Agencies as Used in Construction.
4. ASTM E543 Practice for Determining the Qualification of
Nondestructive Testing Agencies.
5. ASTM E548 Practice for Preparation of Criteria for Use in the
Evaluation of Testing Laboratories and Inspection
6. ASTM E699 Practice for Criteria for Evaluation of Agencies Involved
in Testing and Quality Assurance.


A. The Contractor shall be responsible for all QA/QC Activities with the
exception of those additional inspections, tests, and/or audits which may
be conducted by the Engineer.
B. The Contractor shall develop, implement, and maintain a Quality Plan
consistent with the requirements of this Section, that ensures all
materials, equipment, installation and performance criteria comply with
the Contract Documents.
C. The Contractor shall provide suitably qualified QA/QC personnel in
sufficient numbers to fully implement the Quality Plan. The Engineer will
have the right to expel any QA/QC personnel and request suitable
replacement thereof at any time such action is deemed necessary.
D. All procedures necessary to implement the Quality Plan shall be fully
developed, specific responsibilities shall be assigned, and individual job
authorities shall be clearly designated.
E. The Contractor’s Quality Plan shall be subject to review by the Engineer.
No construction shall begin and no requests for payments shall be
processed until the Contractor’s Quality Plan is approved.
F. The Engineer may perform audits of the records of the Contractor and
Subcontractors to verify compliance with the Quality Plan and the
Contract Documents. Audits may be performed on a systematic basis
or as warranted by general quality trends. The Contractor shall provide
all necessary assistance to the Engineer when auditing quality activities.
G. The purpose of the Quality Plan shall be to prevent deficiencies and non-
conformances from being incorporated into the permanent Work. The
Quality Plan shall also contain procedures to identify and document non-
conformances that do occur, and to track them until corrective action is
taken and preventive action is implemented.
H. The Engineer will reject non-conforming materials or equipment,
whether in place or not. The Contractor will be notified in writing to
correct or remove the defective material or equipment from the Work. If
the Contractor fails to respond, the Engineer may order correction,
removal, and/or replacement of defective materials or equipment by
others. The Contractor shall bear all costs for such work.

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I. The Engineer may sample, inspect, and test materials accepted on the
basis of a Certificate of Compliance at any time. The fact that the
materials were accepted on the basis of certificate shall not relieve the
Contractor of its responsibility to use materials which comply with the
contract document.
J. The Contractor shall impose all relevant quality requirements upon sub-
contractors, suppliers, manufacturers and any other parties associated
with the Subcontractors that are involved in the Project.
K. If the Contractor fails to perform any or all of the provisions of this
Section, the Engineer reserves the right to have the Engineer perform
such activities and charge the Contractor for the actual cost of such
L. The Contractor shall arrange for factory inspections and tests when
required by the Contract Documents unless otherwise instructed by the
M. The Contractor shall provide equipment, instruments, qualified
personnel and suitable transport acceptable to the Engineer as needed
to inspect the Work and perform the tests required by the Contract
N. The Contractor shall repeat all specified tests and inspections after
correcting non-conforming work until all Work complies with the contract
requirements. All re-testing and re-inspections shall be performed at no
additional cost to the Owner.
O. The Engineer may perform additional inspections and tests at the place
of manufacture, the shipping point, or at the destination, to verify
compliance with applicable Specifications. Inspections and tests
performed by the Engineer will not relieve the Contractor of its
responsibility to meet the Specifications. Inspections and tests by the
Engineer will not be considered a guarantee that materials delivered at
a later time are acceptable.
P. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in advance to provide sufficient
time to inspect various areas or aspects of the Work while still visible.
Such notification shall be given by a written “Inspection Request” in a
format acceptable to the Engineer, each and every time various areas of
the Work are to be covered up so as to prevent subsequent inspection.
These activities shall be identified as Hold Points in the Contractor’s
Inspection and Test Plans and shall be allocated as directed by the
1. If the Contractor does not notify the Engineer in sufficient time to
allow for inspection before covering up installations governed by a
Hold Point, the Contractor shall remove all such materials/equipment
the Engineer deems necessary to verify compliance of the Work.
2. Any delays, additional work, or additional costs attributed to the
above shall be at the Contractor’s expense.
Q. The Contractor shall provide for site testing capability including the
testing cited herein. Other tests may be conducted at manufacturer’s

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laboratories, government laboratories, or independent commercial
laboratories approved by the Engineer.
1. Tests
a. Temperature of fresh concrete.
b. Slump of fresh concrete.
c. Compressive strength on concrete cubes.
d. Hardened density of concrete cubes.
e. Unit weight, yield and air content (gravimetric) of concrete.
f. Bleeding of concrete.
g. Curing on concrete specimens.
h. Soil compaction tests.
i. In-situ density test for soils.
j. Moisture content of soils.
k. Sieve analysis.
l. Coating thickness and adhesion.
2. The Contractor shall bear all costs related to such tests.
3. The Contractor shall supervise and control sampling and testing
operations to ensure that the requirements of these Specifications
are fulfilled.
4. The minimum frequencies for routine tests shall be as specified in the
relevant Sections of this Specification.

A. The Contractor shall submit a Quality Organization Plan to the Engineer
no more than 15 days after the start of the Contract. The Quality
Organization Plan shall provide the name, qualifications, and experience
of the Organization of Contractor’s quality team and shall include the
1. An organization chart identifying QA/QC personnel, showing that the
positions are independent of the job execution staff and that a clear
line of authority exists to the Contractor’s senior management.
2. A description of responsibilities and authority of each individual on
the QA/QC team.
B. The Contractor shall submit a Quality Assurance Plan no more than 30
calendar days after the start of the Contract. The Quality Plan shall
describe all of the Contractor’s quality control procedures, method
statements, inspection and test plans, and other quality documents that
will be used throughout the project. No work shall begin until the Quality
Plan has been approved.
C. The Quality Assurance Plan shall include a schedule of anticipated
submission dates for Quality Control Procedures, Laboratory
Procedures, Work Instructions, Method Statements, Inspection and Test
Plans, and Records.
The Quality Control Procedures, Laboratory Procedures, Work
Instructions, Method Statements, Inspection and Test Plans, and
Records shall be submitted no more than 30 calendar days before using
such documents. The Contractor shall not begin work governed by the

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above documents until such documents have been approved by the
D. A Records Index, which shall provide an estimated quantity of all project
quality records which will be accumulated during the project, shall be
submitted no more than 60 calendar days after the start of the Contract
E. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately if any test result
fails or a non-compliance condition exists. The Contractor shall submit
inspection and test results, certificates of compliance, and certified
material test reports as specified in Section 01 33 00.
F. A List of Independent Inspection Agencies shall be submitted no more
than 30 days after the start of Contract, and shall include a list of
products/activities to be inspected by independent agencies, and a list
of tests to be conducted.
G. For all major products such as piping, fittings, valves and accessories,
and all equipment including pumps to be supplied by the Contractor for
installation and incorporation in the Works of this Contract, the
Contractor is to submit for the Engineer’s approval products and
equipment from manufacturers who have at least fifteen years (15 years
of experience) unless otherwise stated in the particular specification
sections making part of these Documents.
Full documentation proving the required minimum (15 years or as
specified in corresponding specification section) of experience in the
production of the same type and material of products and equipment
shall be provided for the Engineer’s review and prior approval before
ordering the considered products and the equipment.


A. If approved by the Engineer, the Contractor may use independent
inspection agencies which should be approved and certified by the
Owner in order to verify that products or installations comply with
applicable manufacturing standards or tests. Such agencies shall be
authorized to operate within the country where the inspection is
conducted. For each inspection agency to be used, the Contractor shall
submit the following information.
1. Name of agency.
2. Address, telephone and fax no.
3. Company profile.
4. Certificates of accreditation.
5. Materials, equipment, or installation to be inspected.
6. Scope of inspections to be conducted.
7. Credentials of personnel who will conduct the inspections.
8. Applicable standards of manufacturer or testing to be verified.
9. Tests to be witnessed.
10. List of any inspection equipment to be used.
11. Sample report.
12. Schedule of anticipated inspections.

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B. The inspection agency may not approve or accept any portion of the
Work. Employment of an inspection agency in no way relieves the
Contractor of its obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the
Contract Documents.
C. If the Contractor fails to provide suitable independent inspection services
to verify compliance with the Contract Documents, the Engineer
reserves the right to employ an inspection agency on behalf of the
Contractor. All costs attributed to the above shall be at the Contractor’s


A. The Contractor and the related suppliers are required in accordance with
these Specifications to provide an approved well recognized third party
testing certification confirming that products meet the requirements for
quality as stated in these Standard Specifications including those
requirements set by the standards cited in these specifications.
Particularly the third party testing certifications shall be required for all
types of piping.
B. Subject to the Engineer’s approval, the Contractor is anticipated to use
independent testing laboratories to verify that products or installations
comply with applicable manufacturing standards or tests. Such
laboratories shall be authorized to operate within the country where the
testing is conducted. For each testing laboratory, the Contractor shall
submit the following information.
1. Name of laboratory.
2. Address, telephone and fax no.
3. Company profile.
4. Certificates of accreditation.
5. Materials, equipment, or installation to be tested.
6. List of tests to be conducted and applicable test standards.
7. Credentials of personnel who will conduct the tests.
8. List of test equipment to be used.
9. Sample report.
10. Schedule of anticipated tests.
C. The testing laboratory may not approve or accept any portion of the
Work. Employment of an independent testing laboratory in no way
relieves the Contractor of its obligations to perform the Work in
accordance with the Contract Documents.
D. If the Contractor fails to provide suitable laboratory services to verify
compliance with the Contract Documents, the Engineer reserves the
right to employ a testing laboratory on behalf of the Contractor. All costs
attributed to the above shall be at the Contractor’s expense.

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A. The Contractor shall provide the QA/QC personnel identified on the
approved Quality Organization Plan and as described herein. All QA/QC
personnel shall be subject to the Engineer’s approval. The Contractor
shall notify the Engineer in writing prior to re-assigning or replacing any
QA/QC personnel designated in the Quality Organization Plan. The
Contractor shall have adequate QA/QC personnel on the Site during
construction. The Contractor’s QA/QC personnel shall have the
authority to stop any portion of the Work which does not comply with the
requirements of the Contract Documents.
B. Quality Manager (QM)
1. Minimum qualifications of the Contractor’s QM shall be as follows:
a. University Degree in appropriate engineering discipline.
b. Licensed or registered with a recognized authority.
c. 10 years experience in QA/QC activities.
d. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and
2. Minimum duties of the QM shall be to develop the Quality Plan and
all related documents and to conduct periodic audits to ensure site
staff complies with all aspects of the Quality Plan.
3. The QM shall report directly to the Contractor’s corporate
4. Once approved, the QM shall have full authority to represent and act
for the Contractor on all quality related matters.
C. Quality Control and Material Engineer
1. Minimum qualifications of the Contractor’s Quality Control and
Material Engineer shall be as follows:
a. University Degree or Diploma in appropriate Engineering
b. 5 years experience in related QC activities.
c. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and
d. Driving license and vehicle.
2. Minimum duties of the Contractor’s Quality Control and Material
Engineer shall be as follows:
a. Implement all aspects of the Quality Plan.
b. Review all material submittals for compliance with the Contract
c. Supervise site laboratory and all testing activities.
d. Supervise site inspectors and all inspection activities.
e. Review all method statements for quality compliance.
f. Ensure that Inspection Requests for all designated activities are
presented to the Engineer in a timely manner.

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3. The Contractor’s Quality Control and Material Engineer shall be
present on site during daily construction activities.
D. Quality Control Inspectors
1. Minimum qualifications of the Contractor’s Quality Control Inspectors
shall be as follows:
a. Diploma or degree in appropriate engineering discipline or
qualified training and experience.
b. 4 years experience in QA/QC activities or related material testing.
c. Good verbal and written communication skills in English and
d. Driving license and vehicle.
2. Minimum duties the Contractor’s Quality Control Inspectors shall be
as follows:
a. Monitor work in accordance with the Quality Plan and promptly
report any non-conformances with the Contract Documents.
b. Monitor site storage of materials.
c. Monitor on site testing and report any non-conformances.
E. Laboratory Technicians
1. Minimum qualifications of the Contractor’s Laboratory Technicians
supporting site testing shall be as follows:
a. Diploma or degree in appropriate engineering discipline or
qualified training and experience.
b. 4 years related material testing.
c. Good written and verbal communication skills in English and
2. Minimum duties of the Contractor’s Laboratory Technicians shall be
as follows:
a. Maintain site laboratory and equipment in suitable condition.
b. Monitor all sampling and conduct testing to appropriate
c. Maintain all records in suitable fashion and report all non-
conformances with the Contract Documents.
F. Document Controller
1. Minimum qualifications of the Contractor’s Document Controller shall
be as follows:
a. Diploma or degree or suitable qualified experience.
b. 4 years experience as technical clerk or document controller.
c. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and
2. Minimum duties of the Contractor’s Document Controller shall be to
maintain all QA/QC records in a neat and orderly fashion as
described in the approved Quality Plan and as required herein.


A. The Contractor’s Quality Plan shall designate all Quality Control
Procedures, Method Statements (Work Instructions), Inspection and

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Test Plans, Inspection and Test Records, Laboratory Procedures, and/or
other Quality Documents necessary to ensure compliance with all
aspects of the Contract Documents. As a minimum, the Quality Plan
shall include the following:
1. Approved Quality Organization Plan along with all QA/QC staff
2. List of all Quality Control Procedures to be utilized and a schedule for
their submission.
3. List of all Method Statements (work instructions) to be utilized and a
schedule for their submission.
4. List of all Inspection and Test Plans to be utilized and a schedule for
their submission.
5. List of all Inspection and Test Records to be utilized to document
compliance with the Contract Documents.
6. List of all tests to be conducted on site.
7. List of all laboratory procedures and a schedule for their submission.
8. List of all Inspection and tests to be conducted at various
manufacturers facilities and laboratories.
9. List of all tests to be conducted at government laboratories.
10. List of all tests to be conducted at independent (commercial)
11. List of all activities proposed for independent inspection agencies.


A. The Contractor shall develop and implement Quality Control
Procedures, in a format acceptable to the Engineer, in an effort to
prevent non-compliances from being incorporated into the Work. Quality
Control Procedures shall also be developed to identify and document
those non-compliances which do occur and track them until corrective
action is taken and preventive action is implemented. As a minimum,
Quality Control Procedures shall be submitted to govern the following
1. Submittal review, submission and tracking.
2. Material receivable, inspection and storage.
3. Field testing on site.
4. Non-conformances.
5. Document control.


A. The Contractor shall submit method statements, in a format acceptable
to the Engineer, for all major activities such as, surveying, dewatering,
excavating, trenching, pipelaying, backfilling and soil compaction,
concrete work, coating application, membrane application, in addition to
the supply, installation, commissioning, and testing of equipment, and
others as designated under the subtitle “Submittals” in various sections
of this specification.
B. In addition to providing a step by step description of the work (in
sequential order), method statements shall also clarify the following:

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1. Scope of work covered.
2. References (other MS, procedures or standards).
3. Subcontractors utilized.
4. Products required.
5. Tools and equipment required.
6. Prior activities to be completed.
7. Personnel required and designated responsibilities.
8. Safety Hazards and Precautions to be taken.
9. Quality Control Measures (if not governed by a Quality Control
10. Procedure (step by step sequence of work).


A. The Contractor shall develop and submit Inspection and Test Plans, in a
format acceptable to the Engineer, for all major activities encountered
during the course of the work such as, pipe laying and testing,
construction of manholes or chambers, equipment installation, and
commissioning and other as necessary to assure that all inspections and
tests are conducted to confirm compliance with the Contract Documents.
The Inspection and Test Plans shall be developed to monitor activities
on a step-by-step basis in sufficient detail and to indicate the following:
1. Type of Inspection required (surveillance, witness, hold point, etc).
2. Type and frequency of test required.
3. Acceptance or rejection criteria.
4. Reference to records which document compliance.
5. Mechanism to identify which inspections/tests will be verified by the
Engineer or independent inspection agency.


A. The Contractor shall develop and submit Inspection and Test Records,
in a format acceptable to the Engineer, to document all inspections and
tests listed on the Inspection Test and Plans. The Inspection and Test
Records shall indicate the results of all the inspections and tests as
compliant or non-compliant for a given area, structure or piece of
equipment and reference all related inspection or test documents which
verify compliance.


A. Inspection requests shall be developed in a format acceptable to the
Engineer and shall include at least the following information.
1. Space for serial number.
2. Contract or project number.
3. Contractor’s name and Subcontractor’s name.
4. Discipline (civil, structural, mechanical, electrical architectural, or
5. Inspection or test description.
6. Facility and location.
7. Scheduled time and date for inspection.

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8. Signature block for Contractor with submission time and date.
9. Evaluation block for Engineer with date and time inspected, results
of inspection/test (pass, fail, not ready), permission to proceed (yes
or no) and Contractors signature block.
10. Area for general comments.

A. The Contractor shall maintain sufficient QA/QC staff on site to implement
all aspects of the approved Quality Plan.
B. The Contractor shall provide all equipment, instruments, qualified
personnel and facilities necessary to inspect the Work and perform all
the tests required by the Contract Documents or provide independent
inspection agencies or laboratories to do the same.
C. The Contractor shall repeat tests and inspections after correcting non-
conforming work until all work complies with the requirements. All re-
testing and re-inspections shall be performed at no additional cost to the
D. The Engineer may perform additional inspections and test at the place
of the manufacture or the shipping point to verify compliance with
applicable Specification requirements. Inspections and tests performed
by the Engineer shall not be considered a guarantee that materials
delivered at a later time will be acceptable. All costs associated with
unacceptable materials being delivered to the Site shall be borne by the
E. Inspections and tests conducted by persons or agencies other than the
Contractor shall no way relieve the Contractor of its responsibility and
obligation to meet all Specifications and referenced standards.


A. The Contractor shall implement written procedures for processing all
documents and submittals associated with this project. The procedures
shall control receipt, filing, safe guarding, processing and transmitting
and tracking. The procedures shall also ensure submittals contain the
required technical information necessary for evaluation with the Contract
B. The Contractor’s Quality Control and Material Engineer shall review and
sign all submittals.
C. The Contractor shall maintain separate files for quality related
documents and make such files available to the Engineer upon request.
The Contractor shall retain all quality related records for not less than
three years. The Contractor shall protect all records from damage,
deterioration and loss.

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D. The Contractor shall not change or alter approved submittals,
procedures, shop drawings or any other pertinent documentation without
the Engineer’s written authorization.


A. The Contractor shall develop and implement written control procedures
to assure that all materials and equipment are inspected upon arrival to
confirm compliance with the Contract Documents and that all materials
and equipment are properly handled and stored according to the contract
requirements and/or the manufacturer’s recommendations.
B. The Contractor shall be responsible for handling, storing and preserving
equipment and material from the time of receipt to the time of acceptance
by the Engineer.
C. The Contractor’s storage and handling procedures shall be designed to
prevent damage, deterioration, distortion of shape or dimension, loss,
degradation, loss of identification, or substitution.
D. The Contractor shall identify equipment and material requiring special
handling or storage. The Contractor shall provide a cold store for any
materials which may be damaged by excessive heat.
E. The Contractor shall identify all materials and equipment so that they are
traceable throughout all inspections, test activities, and records. For
stored items, the identification method shall be consistent with the
expected duration and type of storage.
F. The Contractor shall develop and maintain a receiving/inspection log
containing at least the following information:
1. Purchase order number.
2. Item number (if applicable).
3. Suppliers name.
4. Quantity.
5. Item description.
6. Reference to applicable contract requirements.
7. Date received.
8. Heat number, serial number or other identification, as applicable.
9. Verification of receipt of all required supporting documentation.
10. QC acceptance sign-off and date.
11. Non-conformance number, if applicable.


A. The Contractor shall provide sufficient QA/QC personnel to verify that all
inspections and tests identified in the Quality Plan and related
procedures (Quality Control Procedures and Inspection Tests and
Plans) have been conducted and the results recorded.
B. The Contractor 's QA/QC personnel shall have the authority to stop that
portion of the work which does not comply with the Contract

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C. The Contractor’s Quality Control and Material Engineer shall assure that
all “Inspection Requests” are complete, correct and promptly sent to the
Engineer. Minimum notification times shall be 24 hours on site. An
advance copy may be faxed to the Engineer’s office, but the original shall
arrive before the scheduled day of inspection.
D. Individual Inspection Requests shall be sent to the Engineer for specific
areas of the Work as designated on the Inspection and Test Plans and
for at least the following activities, unless otherwise directed by the
1. Inspect excavation and formation prior to blinding concrete or pipe
2. Inspect formwork and rebar prior to concrete placement.
3. Inspect pipe and witness pipe tests prior to backfilling.
4. Inspect concrete surfaces prior to application of W.P. membrane or
5. Inspect W.P. membrane and protection board prior to backfilling.
E. The Contractor shall report inspection/test failures to the Engineer
immediately upon receipt.
F. Inspection and test records shall, as a minimum, identify the following:
1. Name of items inspected/tested.
2. Quantity of items.
3. Inspection/test procedure reference.
4. Date.
5. Name of inspector/tester.
6. Observations/comments.
7. Specified requirements.
8. Acceptability.
9. Deviations/non-conformances.
10. Corrective action.
11. Evaluation of results.
12. Signature of authorized evaluator.
G. The Contractor shall clearly document and identify the inspections and
test status of materials and equipment throughout construction.
Identification may be by means of stamps, tags, or other control devices
attached to, or accompanying, the material or equipment.


A. The Contractor shall implement control procedures to identify, document
and track non-conforming material and equipment. A non-conformance
exists when material, equipment, documentation, or installation does not
comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The
monitoring system shall apply to material and equipment as well as
documentation, installation, and construction which fail to conform to the
Contract Documents.
B. The Contractor shall clearly identify each non-conforming item with a
status tag or other distinguishing mark. The Contractor shall establish

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procedures for installing, monitoring, and removing these status tags.
The Contractor shall identify personnel authorized to remove status tags.
C. Corrective action for non-conforming items and materials shall be
subject to approval by the Engineer.
D. The Contractor shall provide at least the following information in a format
acceptable to the Engineer for each non-conformance:
1. Sequential reference number.
2. Date issued.
3. Originator.
4. Description of non-conformance.
5. Cause of non-conformance.
6. Recommended corrective action.
7. Date corrective action was completed.
8. Description of corrective action taken.
9. Recommendations for preventive action.
10. Date closed.
11. Material/QC Engineer’s signature
E. The Contractor shall develop and maintain a non-conformance log to
track all non-conformances. Log shall contain at least the following
1. Sequential reference number.
2. Date issued.
3. Description of non-conformance.
4. Corrective action taken.
5. Date closed.


A. The Contractor shall perform regularly scheduled internal audits to verify
that its Quality Plan is fully implemented and ensuring total compliance
with the Specifications and Contract Documents.
1. Schedule quality control audits not less than monthly.
2. Maintain records of internal audits as quality records and make them
available to the Engineer upon request.
3. Provide the Engineer with access to the audit records upon request.
4. Allow the Engineer to observe the Contractor’s internal audit upon


A. The Contractor shall maintain a complete records index based on the
requirements in the Quality Plan and these Specifications. The records
shall indicate all quality records, documentation, submittals, and data
required by the Contract and Quality Plan. The records identified in the
index shall provide objective evidence that all materials, equipment and
activities conform to the Contract Documents.
B. The Contractor shall authenticate all records. Only complete and
properly authenticated documents shall be maintained as records of
material and equipment quality.

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C. Quality records shall be indexed, filed and maintained in a manner that
provides for timely retrieval; traceability, easy identification and the latest
status (acceptability) of equipment and material. The Contractor shall
protect Quality Control records from deterioration and damage.
D. As a minimum, the records shall include:
1. Name of equipment/material inspected/ tested.
2. Specification reference by section and paragraph (where applicable).
3. Quantity of items.
4. Location and installation.
5. Inspection/test procedure reference.
6. Date.
7. Signature of inspector.
8. Observations/comments.

A. The Contractor shall comply with industry standards except when
Contract Documents indicate more rigid standards or more precise
workmanship is required.
B. All personnel shall be suitably qualified, trained and equipped to produce
workmanship of the required quality.
C. The Contractor shall comply with manufacturer’s published installation
instructions in full detail, including each step in sequence. Should
instructions conflict with Contract Documents, the Contractor shall
request clarification from the Engineer before proceeding.


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SECTION 01 50 00



A. This Section includes:

1. Electricity and Site Lighting

2. Ventilation
3 Telephone Service
4. Potable Water
5. Sanitary Facilities
6. Barriers
7. Enclosures
8. Protection of Installed Work
9. Site Security
10. Water Control
11. Cleaning During Construction
12. Field Offices
13. Roads
12. Medical clinic for remote areas projects
14. Store for project material
15. Workshop for project small works and fabrications


A. Section 01 11 0 - Summary of Work

B. Section 01 70 00 - Execution and Closeout requirements.


A. Working Drawings to Engineer for approval in accordance with Section 01

33 00.

B. Show proposed locations and sizes of temporary offices, shops, storage

areas, fencing, temporary stationary equipment, and similar facilities.

C. Show proposed temporary access roads and temporary utilities and


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A. Provide and maintain temporary and interim utility services necessary for
performance of the Work.

B. Install and maintain utilities to comply with applicable codes, safety and
services authorities’ requirements.

C. Connect to the service authority utility only on approval of the Engineer and
the concerned authority.


A. Provide temporary electrical service required for all construction operations.

1. Include branch wiring and distribution boxes as necessary to allow

service and lighting.
2. Provide terminations for each voltage supply complete with circuit
breakers; disconnect switches and other electrical devices as required
to protect the power supply system.
3. Provide temporary power generators.

B. Provide all temporary lighting required for all construction activities.

1. Permanent site lighting may not be used during construction.

2. Maintain all temporary lighting and make routine repairs as necessary.

C. Provide electrical service and lighting for Engineer’s site offices.


A. Provide ventilation as required to maintain specified conditions for

construction operations and to protect materials and finishes from damage
due to temperature or humidity.

B. Verify ventilation equipment is properly installed, ready for continuous


C. Ventilate enclosed areas to:

1. Cure materials
2. Disperse humidity
3. Prevent accumulations of dust, fumes, vapors, or gases.
4. Maintain required conditions as necessary.

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A. Provide temporary potable water service as necessary for construction


1. Provide temporary storage, pumps and distribution piping.

2. Extend branch piping with outlets located so that potable water service
is available for all users on the site and Engineer’s site offices.

B. Provide and maintain bottled water, including dispensers for cooling the
delivered water, for Engineer’s site offices.

C. The Contractor shall perform witnessed sampling and analysis at approved

Laboratory to ensure that water quality is adequate for office and site uses.
Sampling and analysis shall be performed for each water supply source.


A. Provide and maintain suitable sanitary facilities for all construction

personnel and the Engineer’s site offices.
B. Maintain all sanitary facilities in clean and hygienic condition.


A. Provide barriers as required to:

1. Prevent public entry to construction areas.

2. Protect existing facilities and adjacent properties from damage due to
construction operations.

B. Provide barriers around trees, plants and other areas designated by the

1. Protect against pedestrian and vehicular traffic, stored materials,

dumping, injurious materials, and puddling or continuous running water.


A. Provide temporary, weather tight enclosures for openings in exterior

surfaces to ensure acceptable working conditions, to protect installed
materials and equipment, and to prevent unauthorized entry.

B. Provide doors with self-closing hardware and locks.


A. Provide temporary protection for installed products and work.

1. Control traffic in the immediate area to avoid damage.

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B. Cover walls, projections, jambs, sills, and soffits of all openings.

C. Protect finished floors and stairs from traffic, movement of heavy objects,
and storage damage.

D. Prohibit traffic and material storage on finished work, waterproofed and

roofed surfaces, and on lawn and landscaped areas.


A. Establish safety and security program and provide facilities necessary to

protect the public, construction personnel and the Work.

1. Include security organization, staff and procedures.

2. Include name, qualifications and experience of safety manager and staff.
3. Submit to Engineer for approval.
4. Ensure approved program is strictly implemented.

B. Establish alarming system for emergency.


A. Contractor shall erect, maintain, and remove suitable and approved

temporary security fencing to enclose such areas of the Works and all areas
of land occupied by the Contractor within the Site as may be necessary to
implement his obligations under the Conditions of Contract.

B. Contractor’s access for works within the area protected by security fence
shall be subject to the gate pass control and work permit procedures
required by the Engineer.

C. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to obtain all necessary approvals

and permits.


A. Grade site to drain.

B. Maintain excavations free of water.

C. Provide, operate and maintain necessary pumping and dewatering


D. Allow for protection from rain storm and floods by taking appropriate control

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A. Control the accumulation of waste materials and rubbish.

1. Periodically dispose of legally off-site.

B. Clean interior surfaces prior to starting finish work.

1. Maintain areas free of dust and other contaminants during finishing



A. Within 14 days of the date of the Letter of Acceptance, the Contractor shall
submit plans showing his proposed location and layout for:

1. Engineer’s Site Offices;

2. Contractor’s Site Offices;
3. Contractor’s Stores, Equipment and Maintenance Yards and Materials
Storage Facilities;
4. Principal routes for heavy equipment and trucks;
5. Areas for the temporary storage and permanent dumping of excavated
6. Temporary fencing and security lighting.

B. Contractor shall provide, maintain and subsequently remove all temporary

Site Offices, stores, workshops, yards, parking areas, utilities and the like
necessary for the construction operations. A specific location will be
designated by the Engineer.

C. Engineer’s site offices shall be completely detached from that of the

Contractor’s and shall be at a central location as approved by the Engineer.

D. Contractor shall also provide, maintain and subsequently remove temporary

services for water supply sanitary facilities, drainage, electricity, telephone,
lighting, roads, paths, parking areas and refuse disposal for the Site Offices.

E. Drawings showing the plans and elevations shall be submitted to the

Engineer as detailed in Section 01 33 00

1. Any reasonable changes or modifications required by the Engineer shall

be incorporated at no additional cost to the Owner.
2. Departures from the approved details shall not be permitted unless
written consent is obtained from the Engineer.

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A. Contractor shall provide, maintain and subsequently remove all temporary

offices, stores, workshops, yards, parking areas, utilities and the like
necessary for the construction operations.

B. Setup and layout shall be made with the general approval of the Engineer.

C. Contractor shall also provide, maintain and subsequently remove temporary

services for water supply sanitary facilities, drainage, electricity, telephone,
lighting, roads, paths, parking areas and refuse disposal.


A. Contractor shall provide, furnish, and maintain a suitable temporary office

facility for the exclusive use of the Engineer. All offices shall be weather-
tight with suitable external and internal finishes, utility services, heating,
ventilation and air-conditioning, furniture and equipment.

B. Facilities shall be located on the Site and in accordance with the

requirements of the Engineer and to his approval.

C. Site office shall be completed with all the equipment and furnishings by end
of the Mobilization Period but no later than 28 days after the
Commencement Date.

1. Deductions in payment shall be made for any delay.

D The Engineer’s temporary site offices shall present a neat business like
appearance and shall be of substantial construction as approved by the

E Contractor shall provide one dedicated telephone line with the required
extensions and one dedicated line for facsimile facilities.

1. All telephone and facsimile charges within the country shall be paid by
the Contractor.
2. International call charges incurred by the Engineer shall be reimbursed
to the Contractor for the Owner.

F. Maintenance of the facilities shall also include the maintenance and routine
servicing of all electrical and electronic appliances.

G. All Engineer’s Site offices facilities, furnishings, equipment and related items
supplied by the Contractor shall be:
1. New;
2. Of approved quality and type.
3. Upon satisfactory Contract Completion, the facilities including furniture
and equipment shall be removed by the Contractor.

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H. Contractor shall provide air conditioned and lighted office accommodation,
furnishings and survey equipment in accordance with the schedule of
accommodation as specified.
1. These office facilities shall be for the exclusive use of the Engineer.
2. Construction shall be soundproof, waterproof, fireproof and well isolated.
3. All doors and windows shall be provided with fly screens.
4. Windows shall be shaded.
5. Interior walls shall be of paneling selected by the Engineer.
6. An attendant’s call button shall be provided in each office.
7. The toilets shall have the specified W.C., urinal, lavatory basin and paper
towel dispensers.
8. Door locks shall be of Yale lever handle or equivalent and keys to all
doors shall be held by the Engineer.
9. The offices shall be identified by a suitable sign as approved by the
10 All desks and cabinets shall be provided with locks and keys.
11. Kitchen rooms shall be fitted with:
a. Kitchen sink with stainless steel top and cupboards below and having
a potable water supply;
b. Refrigerator of minimum 6 cubic feet capacity;
c. Electric kettle.
d. Coffee maker -drip type.
e. Table with six chairs.
f. Microwave oven.
g. Electric water cooler.
h. Electric water heater.

I. Contractor shall be responsible for the daily cleaning and maintenance of

the offices, their fixtures and fittings.

J. In the event of failure or malfunction of any item of equipment in the office

the Contractor shall promptly provide a substitute item equivalent to the
defective item, during the repair or replacement period.

K. Contractor shall provide at least 10 covered car ports, minimum 6m x 3m

each, with a clear height of 2.5 meters.

1. All car ports shall be properly and fully shaded and shall be for the
exclusive use of Engineer’s staff and visitors. Placards shall be provided
to identify each car port.

L. Contractor shall provide as required by the Engineer:

1. Supplies of consumable materials such as general office equipment,
stationery etc;
2. Protective clothing including safety helmets, waterproof clothing, cotton
overalls, safety boots, rubber boots etc. for the use of the Engineer’s
staff and visitors to the Site.

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M. Contractor shall furnish a minimum of four attendants at the Site Office

1. During site working hours until Contract Completion.

2. Attendants shall be assigned by the Engineer.
a. To assist in handling samples, materials and similar duties;
b. To assist the Engineer during inspection, measurements, testing or
similar duties.
3. Attendants shall speak English.
N. Contractor shall provide all items listed in the attached Schedules of Offices,
Furnishings & Fittings and Survey Equipment.

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The office requirements are as follows:

[At least […] office rooms (4m x 4m), […] toilets, […], Kitchen, […] car shades.
 Resident Engineer: […] room
 Offices for Engineers: […] rooms
 Offices for Inspectors: […] rooms
 Offices for QS: […] rooms
 Offices for surveyors: […] rooms
 Office for secretary & Doc. Controller: […] rooms
 Store: […] rooms
 Meeting Room: […] rooms
 […]

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The fittings required for the rooms within the Engineer’s Site offices indicated in the
Schedule of Offices, shall be to the Engineer’s approval and are as follows:

Item Description:

1 Executive desk with

two locking drawers
and swivel chair nr […]

2 Conference table and

chairs for […] persons nr […]

3 Desk with two locking

drawers & swivel chair nr […]

4 Chair, cloth fabric

covered, padded,
steel frame nr […]

5 Typist desk and chair nr […]

6 Full size drafting table

with adjustable stand &
`T’ square; stool &
drafting instruments
complete nr […]

7 Reference table
for drawings nr […]

8 Drawing stand nr […]

9 Samples cupboard nr […]

10 Four drawers steel

filing cabinet nr […]

11 Shelving and pin nr […]


12 In/Out tray (set) nr […]

13 Four tier filing tray nr […]

14 Waste paper basket nr […]

15 Telephone hand set nr […]

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16 Facsimile Machine
(Plain Paper) nr […]

17 Magnetic White Board nr […]

18 Portable [insert type]

fire extinguisher nr […]

19 Portable [insert type]

fire extinguisher nr […]

20 Maximum-minimum
thermometer nr […]

21 Plain paper heavy

duty type photo-
copier (A3/A4 format,
facility, cassette feeds,
sorting facility. nr […]

22 Computer, as specified
hereinafter nr […]

23 Black & White Printer

with all
accessories nr […]

24 Color Printer
with all
accessories nr […]

25 Scanjet with
PC interface and
accessories kit nr […]

26 Plotter nr […]

27 First Aid Kit nr […]

28 Electronic Calculators nr […]

29 Digital Camera
(auto focus with
required range lens
and panoramic view
and date imprint facility) nr […]

30 Binding Machine

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(adjustable for A4
size to A3 size) nr […]

31 Lamination machine nr […]

31 Vehicle [type] nr […]


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The Contractor shall provide and maintain in good condition at all times, the following
new survey equipment and materials during the continuance of the Contract for the
exclusive use of the Engineer and his staff:

[insert schedule of survey equipment]

O. Computer:

[insert computer specifications], 3 Year Warranty.

The Computer, Word Processor and Printer shall be supplied with approved
licensed software including network cabling, connectors and other miscellaneous
items required to put the system in operation, including dust covers, user’s manual

P. Black & White Printer:

Color LaserJet Printer fit for purpose and approved by the Engineer.

Q. Color Laser Printer:

Color LaserJet Printer fit for purpose and approved by the Engineer.

R. Plotter:
Plotter fit for purpose and approved by the Engineer

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A. Contractor’s storage sheds shall have the following features:

1. Weather tight with ventilation for products requiring controlled climatic

2. Adequate space for organized storage and access.
3. Lighting for inspection of stored materials.

B. Submit drawings showing the proposed location and size of all shops,
storage areas, security fencing, stationary equipment, and similar facilities.


A. Use established roads or routes approved by the Engineer.

B. Review traffic restrictions with authorities having jurisdiction and obtain

required approvals.

C. Provide and maintain traffic controls as required.

D. Maintain roads free of dirt, trash, construction debris, etc.

E. Provide temporary access arrangements between parts of the site including

temporary roads and parking areas.


A. Remove temporary items, materials, equipment, etc. prior to Substantial
Completion of the Works. Obtain Engineer’s approval before removal.

B. Terminate utility connections in a manner acceptable to the Engineer and

the appropriate utility company.

C. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary


1. Remove temporary underground installations.

2. Grade site as shown on the Drawings or to match adjacent areas.
3. Restore existing facilities used during construction either to specified or
original conditions.


A. Contractor shall keep the work area, including all storage areas, free from
rodents, noxious pests, and other vermin at all times.

B. The Engineer shall notify the Contractor of any noncompliance and the
corrective action required.

1. Contractor shall take immediate corrective action upon receiving such


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2. If the Contractor fails to eliminate both the rodents and the causes
thereof, the Owner may have the site exterminated and charge the cost
to the Contractor.


A. Unless otherwise specified, hoarding shall be provided to protect the

existing facilities as directed by the Engineer or other concerned authorities
at no additional cost to the Owner.


A. Throughout the progress of his work, the Contractor shall keep the Site and
all working areas:
1. In tidy and workman-like condition,
2. Free from rubbish and waste materials.

B. Any temporary works, constructional plant/equipment, materials or other

things which for the time being are not required for use by the Contractor
may with the consent of the Engineer:
1. Be removed from the Site.
2. Shall be properly and securely stored thereon.

C. Requirements of this Clause shall not limit the Contractor's obligations

under the Conditions of Contract.


A. Before application is made by the Contractor for handing over of the Works,
all items of work shall be complete, ready to operate and in a clean

B. All trash, debris, unused building material and temporary structures shall
have been removed from the site of the work to an approved tip.

C. Tools and construction machinery not needed for repair and adjustment
consequent to operational tests shall with the consent of the Engineer, be
removed from the Site.

D. Walkways, parking areas and roadways, pertaining to the Works shall be

completely cleaned.


A. No valve or other control of the water system shall be operated by the

Contractor without approval of the relevant authority and the Engineer.

B. Contractor shall not draw any water from a fresh water source or fire hydrant
for use on the work, without first obtaining permission from the relevant
Authority. The water source for site use shall be supplied by the Contractor

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from approved public water supply network or public tanker filling station as

C. In case of connections to existing mains or services the Contractor shall

notify the relevant authority and the Engineer at least three working days
in advance of any shutdowns required for connections to existing mains in
order that the required shutdown and inspection services may be provided.


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SECTION 01 55 26



A. This Section includes:

1. Traffic Control Requirements.

2. Quality Assurance.
3. Dust Control.


A. Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures

B. Section 01 70 00 - Execution and Closeout requirements.


A. Comply with requirements specified in Section 01 33 00.

B. Shop Drawings

1. Shop drawings for all areas requiring traffic regulation, even if such areas
are not shown on the contract drawings to include but not be limited to:

a. Identify existing services and access to adjacent roads.

b. Detail congested areas at a scale of 1:250.
c. Vehicular segregation and routing.
d. Proposed detours during construction.
e. Employee parking areas.
f. Temporary roads.

C. Method statement for dust control.


A. Contractor shall maintain and protect vehicular and pedestrian traffic

(including plant staff) through all construction areas.

1. Work shall include but not necessarily be limited to furnishing, erecting

and maintaining temporary roads traffic control devices including
barriers, barricades, cones, drums, warning signs directional signage
and lights.

B. No work shall be performed during the hours of darkness unless otherwise

authorized in writing by the Engineer.

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C. Contractor shall ensure that adequate access is maintained at all times to
public roads and properties affected by construction activities.

D. Temporary roads and access to the site shall include but not necessarily be
limited to:

1. Field surveys,
2. Construction and maintenance of paved and unpaved roads including
3. Providing and installing barriers, drainage, lighting, traffic signals, signs,
barricades, and other traffic control devices.
4. Drawings showing details of the proposed roads shall be submitted to
the Engineer for approval.
5. Temporary protection of existing utility services as required by the
6. Removal of roads and restoration of surfaces to their original condition
(or such other condition as directed or approved by the Engineer) when
the roads are no longer required.


A. Traffic Safety Supervisor

1. Provide a competent Traffic Safety Supervisor approved by the

Engineer, to oversee the vehicular and pedestrian traffic operations.
This supervisor may have collateral duties but he must give adequate
time and attention to traffic safety as required by job site conditions.

a. Supervisor shall be available at all times,

b. Supervisor shall have received traffic safety training or shall have had
previous experience regulating traffic flow through construction work

2. The Traffic Safety Supervisor's duties and responsibilities shall include

but not necessarily be limited to the following:

a. Maintain traffic flow through and around the construction site.

b. Coordinate traffic control procedures with all relevant authorities.
c. Inspect the condition and location of traffic control devices to ensure
that they are in proper working order.
d. Establish traffic control requirements and develop appropriate control
e. Provide and maintain such devices as are necessary for safe and
efficient traffic movement.
f. Coordinate traffic control operations, including maintenance, with the
g. Review the Contractor's material storage and handling procedures
with respect to traffic safety and operation.

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A. Contractor shall prevent nuisance conditions from developing as a result of


B. Dust control shall be by watering using tanker trucks with spray attachments
or by other approved methods at no additional cost to the Owner.

C. Submit for approval by the Engineer.



A. All traffic control devices shall be approved by the Engineer before being
used on the Site.

1. After the initial use is complete, the Contractor may reuse any approved
items as the need arises.

B. All sign panels, barricades, drums, vertical panels and flagmen's paddles
shall be reflectorized.

1. Painting shall not constitute an approved substitute for reflectorization.

C. Barricades shall be made of metal or plastic and shall collapse when tipped

1. Barricades made of wood will not be permitted.

D. Cones shall be manufactured of a material capable of withstanding impact

without damage to the cones or vehicles.

1. All cones shall be red and shall have a white reflectorized band.
2. Cones shall be capable of remaining upright during normal traffic flow
and wind conditions in the area where they are used.

E. Vertical panels shall be constructed of metal or plastic.

1. Wood construction will not be permitted.

F. Warning lights shall be Type A (low intensity flashing), or Type C (steady


1. Shall meet the minimum requirement of the Institute of Transportation

Engineers "Standard for Flashing and Steady-Burn Barricade Warning

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A. Provide and maintain traffic control devices, both inside and outside the
Contract Limits, as needed to direct traffic and ensure vehicular and
pedestrian safety.

B. Prior to beginning construction, erect the necessary signs, barricades, and

other traffic control devices.

1. Remove or cover all warning signs except those required for public
safety during non-working hours or when construction in that area is
2. Cover signs with either metal or plywood sheets so that the entire sign
cannot be seen by on-coming traffic.

C. Use traffic Control devices only as long as they are needed.

1. Only those devices that apply to conditions actually in existence shall be

in place.

D. Reflective materials on signs, drums, barricades, and other devices shall be

kept clean, free from dirt, mud and road grime.

E. Traffic Control Devices

1. Shall be supplied and maintained by the Contractor.

2. Shall be relocated, realigned or replaced as necessary.
3. Which are damaged, lost, stolen, destroyed or deemed unacceptable
shall be promptly replaced by the Contractor without additional payment
or compensation.

F. Warning lights shall be securely fixed to barricades or drums used singly or

in combination with other devices, unless otherwise specified.


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SECTION 01 58 00

A. This Section covers the fabrication and installation of project
identification signs.


A. Section 01 11 00 – Summary of Work.
B. Section 01 33 00 – Submittal Procedures.
C. Section 01 50 00 – Temporary Facilities and Controls.


A. Project identification signs shall meet the following requirements.
1. Size and quantity shall be as shown on the Drawings or in the
Particular Specification.
2. The signs and mounting structure shall be designed to withstand a
wind speed of […] km/hr.
3. Paint selection and application shall be adequate to withstand
weathering, fading and chipping for the duration of the Contract.
4. Signs shall be painted by a professional sign painter.
5. Minimum contents shall be as follows:
a. Text in both Arabic and English.
b. Names and logos of the Owner, Consultant and Contractor.
c. Project Title.
d. Contract No.
e. Project Cost.

6. Signs shall be illuminated if requested by the Engineer.

A. Shop drawings showing at least the following details shall be submitted
in accordance with Section 01 33 00:
1. Content and layout details.
2. Structural and foundation details.
B. Samples of the proposed sign painter’s work shall be submitted for
approval in accordance with Section 01 33 00. Inferior quality work
shall be cause for rejection of the proposed sign painter

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A. Construction Materials:
1. Mounting structure: Timber or steel
2. Sign surface: Plywood 18 mm thick
3. Foundation: Grade 20 Concrete
B. Exterior grade paint shall be used.

A. The Contractor shall erect the project identification sign not later than
30 days after receiving notice to commence.
B. Signs shall be erected where shown on the Contract Drawings or as
approved by the Engineer.


A. The Contractor shall keep all signs clean, repair them if damaged, and
repaint them as necessary to maintain a neat and visually pleasing
appearance throughout the construction period.


A. The Contractor shall remove the signs and mounting structures within
one month of completion of the Work.
B. The Contractor shall repair ground disturbed during removal to its
original condition.


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SECTION 01 60 00




A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements

relating to products to be used in the Work, including the following:
1. Selection of products for the Works.
2. Quality assurance.
3. Product delivery, storage, and handling.
4. Product warranties.
5. Special warranties.
6. Product substitutions.
7. Comparable products
8. Products’ hazards control and safety.

B. If the requirements in this Section contradict with requirements in other

Sections, the more stringent requirements shall prevail.

C. Related Sections include the following:

1. Division 01 Section 01 42 00 "References" for applicable industry
standards for products specified.
2. Division 01 Section 01 70 00 “Execution and Closeout
Requirements” for submitting warranties for contract closeout.
3. Other specific Sections in subsequent Divisions for specific
requirements for warranties on products and installations specified to
be warrantied.


A. Products: Items purchased for incorporating into the Work, whether

purchased for Project or taken from previously purchased stock. The term
"product" includes the terms "material," "equipment," "system," and terms
of similar intent.

1. Named Products: Items identified by manufacturer's product name,

including make or model number or other designation, shown or listed
in manufacturer's published product literature, that is current as of
date of the Contract Documents.

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2. New Products: Items that have not previously been incorporated into
another project or facility. Products salvaged or recycled from other
projects are not considered new products.
3. Comparable Product: Product that is demonstrated and approved
through submittal process, to have the indicated qualities related to
type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical
properties, appearance, and other characteristics that equal or
exceed those of specified product.

B. Substitutions: Changes in products, materials, equipment, and methods

of construction from those required by the Contract Documents and
proposed by Contractor.

C. Basis-of-Design Product Specification: Where a specific manufacturer's

product is named and accompanied by the words "basis of design,"
including make or model number or other designation, to establish the
significant qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service
performance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristics
for purposes of evaluating comparable products of additional
manufacturers named in the Specifications.

D. Manufacturer's Instructions and Manufacturer's Recommendations

means latest published or printed version of 'manufacturer's written
instructions' and manufacturer's written recommendations.

E. Manufacturer's Warranty: Preprinted written warranty published by

individual manufacturer for a particular product and specifically endorsed
by manufacturer to Owner.

F. Special Warranty: Written warranty required by or incorporated into the

Contract Documents, whether to extend time limit provided by
manufacturer's warranty, or to provide for joint and several liabilities, or
to provide more rights for Owner.

G. Manufacturers’ names listed in the specifications are intended to show

the minimum acceptable product standards and are not intended to be

1. Products of other manufacturers that are equivalent to the specified

product may be accepted subject to the conditions set in this section
and in specification sections.
2. Reference to a manufacturer’s name or product shall not be
interpreted as an approval of this manufacturer or all his product line.
Submission for approval of manufacturer and a specific product is

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A. Product List: Prepare and submit a list, in tabular from, identifying

specified products. Include generic names of products required. Include
manufacturer's and supplier's name and proprietary product name for
each product.

1. Coordinate product list with Contractor's Construction Program, the

Submittals Schedule, and the Subcontract List.
2. Form: Tabulate information for each product under the following
column headings:
a. Specification Section number and title.
b. Generic name used in the Contract Documents.
c. Specified warranty requirements, if any.
d. Proprietary name, model number, and similar designations.
e. Manufacturer's name and address.
f. Supplier's name and address.
g. Installer's name and address.
h. Total quantity required for the Works.
i. Projected delivery date or, if multiple deliveries, first and last
delivery dates.
j. Identification of items that require early submittal approval for
scheduled delivery date.

3. Initial Submittal: Within 14 days after Commencement Date, submit 3

copies of initial product list. Include a written explanation for omissions
of data and for variations from Contract requirements.
a. At Contractor's option, initial submittal may be limited to product
selections and designations that must be established early in
Contract period.

4. Completed List: Within 28 days after Commencement Date, submit 3

copies of completed product list. Include a written explanation for
omissions of data and for variations from Contract requirements.
5. Engineer's Action: Engineer will respond in writing to Contractor within
14 days of receipt of completed product list. Engineer's response will
include a list of unacceptable product selections and a brief
explanation of reasons for this action. Engineer's response, or lack of
response, does not constitute a waiver of requirement that products
comply with the Contract Documents.

B. Product Data: Collect information into a single submittal for each element
of construction and type of product or equipment.
1. Certificate of origin.

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2. If information must be specially prepared for submittal because
standard printed data are not suitable for use, submit as Shop
Drawings, not as Product Data.
3. Mark each copy of each submittal to show which products and
options are applicable.
4. Include the following information, as applicable:
a. Manufacturer's written recommendations.
b. Manufacturer's product specifications.
c. Manufacturer's installation instructions.
d. Standard color charts.
e. Manufacturer's catalog cuts.
f. Wiring diagrams showing factory-installed wiring.
g. Printed performance curves.
h. Operational range diagrams.
i. Mill reports.
j. Standard product operation and maintenance manuals.
k. Compliance with specified referenced standards.
l. Testing by recognized testing agency.
m. Application of testing agency labels and seals.
n. Notation of coordination requirements.

5. Submit Product Data before or concurrent with Samples.

C. Compliance Statement: Submit a copy of project specifications

identifying on each item whether or not the submission complies with
that requirement.

D. Copy of Product Warranty.

E. The Engineer reserves the right to request further clarifications and

particulars regarding any submission.

F. Substitution Requests: Submit three copies of each request for

consideration. Identify product or fabrication or installation method to be
replaced. Include Specification Section number and title and Drawing
numbers and titles.
1. Substitution Request Form: Use form provided by Engineer.
2. Documentation: Show compliance with requirements for
substitutions and the following, as applicable:
a. Statement indicating why specified material or product cannot be
b. Coordination information, including a list of changes or
modifications needed to other parts of the Work and to
construction performed by Owner and separate contractors, that
will be necessary to accommodate proposed substitution.
c. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed
substitution with those of the Work specified. Significant qualities

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may include attributes such as performance, weight, size,
durability, visual effect, and specific features and requirements
d. Identify product to be replaced. Include detailed comparison in
matrix form between specified materials and proposed ones.
e. Product Data, including drawings and descriptions of products
and fabrication and installation procedures.
f. Samples, where applicable or requested.
g. List of similar installations for completed projects with project
names and addresses and names and addresses of architects
and owners.
h. Material test reports to the same standards from a qualified
testing agency, approved by Engineer, indicating and
interpreting test results for compliance with requirements
i. Research/evaluation reports evidencing compliance with
building code in effect for Project, from a model code
organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction.
j. Detailed comparison of Contractor's Construction Schedule
using proposed substitution with products specified for the Work,
including effect on the overall Contract Time. If specified product
or method of construction cannot be provided within the Contract
Time, include letter from manufacturer, on manufacturer's
letterhead, stating lack of availability or delays in delivery.
k. Cost information, including a proposal of change, if any, in the
Contract Price.
l. Contractor's certification that proposed substitution complies
with requirements in the Contract Documents and is appropriate
for applications indicated.
m. Contractor's waiver of rights to additional payment or time that
may subsequently become necessary because of failure of
proposed substitution to produce indicated results.

3. Engineer's Action: If necessary, Engineer will request additional

information or documentation for evaluation. Engineer will notify
Contractor of acceptance or rejection of proposed.
a. Form of Acceptance: Change Order.
b. Use product specified if Engineer cannot make a decision on use
of a proposed substitution within time allocated.

G. Comparable Product Requests: Submit request for consideration of

each comparable product. Identify product or fabrication or installation
method to be replaced. Submit three copies of each request for
consideration. Include Specification Section number and title and
Drawing numbers and titles.

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1. Request Form: Use a form acceptable to Engineer.
2. Documentation: Show compliance with requirements for approval of
an unnamed product.
3. Engineer's Action: If necessary, Engineer will request additional
information or documentation for evaluation within one week of
receipt of a request. Engineer will notify Contractor of acceptance or
rejection of proposed comparable product within 28 days of receipt
of request, or within 14 days of receipt of additional information or
documentation, whichever is later.
a. Form of Acceptance: Variation Order, without additional
b. Use product specified if Engineer does not make a decision on use
of a proposed comparable product within time allocated.

H. These specifications are based on SASO and US codes and standards

or approved equal. An accredited and approved laboratory/certification
agency shall provide technical assessment regarding the suitability of
products and tests made to other approved international standards to
provide equal or better performance.
1. The technical assessment shall comprise a detailed technical
comparison between the two standards.
2. The most stringent code shall prevail.
3. The Engineer, in all cases, has the right to evaluate such
comparison and request from the contractor to abide by the
specified standard.

I. Basis-of-Design Product Specification Submittal: Comply with

requirements in Division 01 Section 01 33 00 "Submittal Procedures."
Show compliance with requirements.

J. Products Manufactured under license: Contractor submitting products

in accordance with these specifications manufactured by a company
other than the one specified and in another country shall submit also:
1. A letter from the original manufacturing company listed in the
specifications certifying that the product submitted is
manufactured under license and subject to quality control and
supervision from the original manufacturing company.
2. Both the original manufacturing company and the subsidiary
company shall have Quality Management System such as ISO
9001 and 9002
3. The submitted product under license is equivalent to the original
specified product in all respects.
4. The Engineer has the right to request further testing in an
approved independent laboratory to demonstrate that the product
manufactured under license is equivalent in all respects to the
product manufactured by the original company.

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A. Alternative Equivalent Standards: Product references to industry

standards establish quantitative and qualitative attributes,
characteristics and properties, required to be inherent in the specified
product. Standard products not conforming to referenced standards, but
otherwise exhibiting the same essential properties and conforming to
another recognized equivalent industry standard may be used, subject
to approval and compliance with other specified requirements.

1. Recognized standards are those which are listed in Division 01

Section 01 42 00 "References".
2. Comply with provisions in "Comparable Products" Article to obtain
approval for use of a product conforming with an alternative
equivalent standard.

B. Compatibility of Options: If Contractor is given option of selecting

between two or more products for use on Project, product selected shall
be compatible with products previously selected, even if previously
selected products were also options.

1. Each contractor is responsible for providing products and

construction methods compatible with products and construction
methods of other contractors.
2. If a dispute arises between contractors over concurrently selectable
but incompatible products, Engineer will determine which products
shall be used.

C. Source Limitations: To the fullest extent possible, provide products of the

same type and kind from a single source.

1. If a specified product is available only from a source that cannot

produce or supply sufficient quantities to execute and/or complete
Project requirements in a timely manner, request Engineer to
determine the most essential qualities, attributes and characteristics
required in the specified product, in order to select a comparable
product possessing the same relevant, significant properties.
2. Comply with provisions in "Comparable Products" Article to obtain
approval for use of an unnamed product.

D. Compliance with Contract Documents: Contractor shall fully and

unconditionally comply with requirements set in the Contract

E. Manufacturers’/ Installers’ Qualifications: submit manufacturer / supplier

profile form.

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A. Deliver, store, and handle products using means and methods that will
prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft. Comply with
manufacturer's written instructions.

B. Delivery and Handling:

1. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at Project site and to
prevent overcrowding of construction spaces.
2. Coordinate delivery with installation time to ensure minimum
holding time for items that are flammable, hazardous, easily
damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other losses.
3. Deliver products to Project site in an undamaged condition in
manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system,
complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking,
protecting, and installing.
4. Inspect products on delivery to ensure compliance with the Contract
Documents and to ensure that products are undamaged and properly

C. Storage:

1. Store products to allow for inspection and measurement of quantity or

counting of units. Also, the Contractor shall maintain a product stock
control program for this purpose.
2. Store materials in a manner that will not endanger Project structure.
3. Store products that are subject to damage by the elements, under
cover in a weather tight enclosure above ground, with ventilation
adequate to prevent condensation.
4. Protect foam plastic from exposure to sunlight, except to extent
necessary for period of installation and concealment.
5. Comply with product manufacturer's written instructions for
temperature, humidity, ventilation, and weather-protection
requirements for storage.
6. Protect stored products from damage.
7. Provide a secure location and enclosure at Works site for storage of
materials and equipment, if any, to be furnished by Owner. Coordinate
location with Engineer.

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A. Warranties specified in other Sections shall be in addition to, and run

concurrent with, other warranties required by the Contract Documents.
Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not
relieve Contractor of any obligations under requirements of the Contract
1. Provide complete total system warranty in which Manufacturer
Installer and Contractor are jointly and severally responsible and
agree to repair or replace, without limitations, all or any part of the
products warranted. Warranty shall cover materials and
2. All costs of repairing any defects in the works or consequential costs
due to this defect shall be borne by the warrantors.
3. Special Warranty: Written warranty required by or incorporated into
the Contract Documents, either to extend time limit provided by
manufacturer's warranty or to provide more rights for Owner.
4. Refer to other Divisions for specific content requirements and
particular requirements for submitting special warranties.
5. Submit form of warranty for Engineer’s approval.

B. Warranty Requirements:

1. Related Damages and Losses: When correcting failed or damaged

warranted construction, remove and replace construction that has
been damaged as a result of such failure or must be removed and
replaced to provide access for correction of warranted construction.
2. Reinstatement of Warranty: When Work covered by a warranty has
failed and been corrected by replacement or rebuilding, reinstate the
warranty by written endorsement. The reinstated warranty shall be
equal to the original warranty with an equitable adjustment for
3. Replacement Cost: Upon determination that Work covered by a
warranty has failed, replace or rebuild the Work to an acceptable
condition complying with requirements of the Contract Documents.
The Contractor is responsible for the cost of replacing or rebuilding
defective Work regardless of whether the Owner has benefited from
use of the Work through a portion of its anticipated useful service
4. Owner's Recourse: Expressed warranties made to the Owner are in
addition to implied warranties and shall not limit the duties,
obligations, rights, and remedies otherwise available under the law.
Expressed warranty periods shall not be interpreted as limitations
on the time in which the Owner can enforce such other duties,
obligations, rights, or remedies.

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C. Rejection of Warranties: The Owner reserves the right to reject
warranties and to limit selection to products with warranties not in
conflict with requirements of the Contract Documents.

D. Where the Contract Documents require a special warranty, or similar

commitment on the Work or part of the Work, the Owner reserves the
right to refuse to accept the Work, until the Contractor presents
evidence that entities required to countersign such commitments are
willing to do so.

E. Manufacturer's and Special Warranties: Prepare a written document,

ready for execution, that contains appropriate terms and conditions, and
identifies commencement date and warranty period. Submit a draft and
obtain Engineer's written approval before final execution.
1. Manufacturer's Standard Form: Modified to include Project-specific
requirements and information, and properly executed; or
2. Special Form: Individually prepared and specially drafted to include
Project-specific requirements and information, and properly

F. Submittal of Warranties: Comply with requirements in Division 01

Section 01 70 00 "Execution and Closeout Procedures".

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A. General Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the

Contract Documents, that are undamaged, and unless otherwise
indicated, that are new at time of installation.
1. Provide products complete with all accessories, trim, finish, fasteners,
and other items needed for a complete installation and indicated use
and effect.
2. Standard Products: If available, and unless custom products or
nonstandard options are specified, provide standard products of types
that have been produced and used successfully in similar situations on
other projects.
3. Owner reserves the right to limit selection to products with warranties
not in conflict with requirements of the Contract Documents.
4. Where products are accompanied by the term "as selected," Engineer
will make selection.
5. Where products are accompanied by the term "match sample," sample
to be matched is Engineer's.
6. Descriptive, performance, and reference standard requirements in the
Specifications establish "salient characteristics" of products.
7. Or Approved Equal: Where products are specified by name and
accompanied by such terms as "or other equal and approved", “or
approved”, "or approved equal" or "or equal", comply with provisions in
"Comparable Products" Article to obtain approval for use of an
unnamed product.
a. Engineer reserves the right to limit selection to named products
b. Unless otherwise agreed, contract unit rates and prices will be
deemed to be based on the use of named products specified in the
Contract Documents.

B. Product Selection Procedures: Procedures for product selection include

the following:

1. Product: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled

"Product" name a single product and manufacturer, provide the
product named, unless otherwise indicated.
2. Manufacturer/Source: Where Specification paragraphs or
subparagraphs titled "Manufacturer" or "Source" name single
manufacturers or sources, provide a product by the manufacturer or
from the source named that complies with requirements, unless
otherwise indicated.
3. Products: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs titled
"Products" introduce a list of names of both products and
manufacturers, provide one of the products listed that complies with
requirements, unless otherwise indicated.

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a. Restricted List: Where Specifications include a list of names of
both manufacturers and products, provide one of the products
listed that complies with requirements. Comparable products or
substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be
considered unless otherwise indicated.
b. Non-restricted List: Where Specifications include a list of names
of both available manufacturers and products, provide one of the
products listed, or an unnamed product, that complies with
requirements. Comply with requirements in "Comparable
Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed product.

4. Manufacturers: Where Specification paragraphs or subparagraphs

titled "Manufacturers" introduce a list of manufacturers' names,
provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed that complies
with requirements, unless otherwise indicated.
a. Restricted List: Where Specifications include a list of
manufacturers' names, provide a product by one of the
manufacturers listed that complies with requirements.
Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's
convenience will be considered unless otherwise indicated.
b. Non-restricted List: Where Specifications include a list of
available manufacturers, provide a product by one of the
manufacturers listed, or a product by an unnamed manufacturer,
that complies with requirements. Comply with requirements in
"Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed
manufacturer's product.

5. Available Products: Where Specification paragraphs or

subparagraphs titled "Available Products" introduce a list of names
of both products and manufacturers, provide one of the products
listed or another product that complies with requirements. Comply
with provisions in "Comparable Products" Article to obtain approval
for use of an unnamed product.
6. Available Manufacturers: Where Specification paragraphs or
subparagraphs titled "Available Manufacturers" introduce a list of
manufacturers' names, provide a product by one of the
manufacturers listed or another manufacturer that complies with
requirements. Comply with provisions in "Comparable Products"
Article to obtain approval for use of a product of an unnamed
7. Product Options: Where Specification paragraphs titled "Product
Options" indicate that size, profiles, and dimensional requirements
on Drawings are based on a specific product or system, provide
either the specific product or system indicated or a comparable
product or system by another manufacturer. Comply with provisions

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in "Comparable Products" Article to obtain approval for use of an
unnamed product.
8. Basis-of-Design Product: Where Specifications name a product, or
refer to a product indicated on Drawings, and include a list of
manufacturers, provide the specified or indicated product or a
comparable product by one of the other named manufacturers.
Drawings and Specifications indicate sizes, profiles, dimensions, and
other characteristics that are based on the product named. Comply
with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration
of an unnamed product by one of the other named manufacturers.
9. Visual Matching Specification: Where Specifications require
matching an established Sample, select a product (and
manufacturer) that complies with requirements and matches
Engineer's sample. Engineer's decision will be final on whether a
proposed product matches satisfactorily.
a. If no product available within specified category matches and
complies with other specified requirements, comply with provisions
in Part 2 "Comparable Products” Article

10. Visual Selection Specification: Where Specifications include the

phrase "as selected from manufacturer's colors, patterns, and
textures" or a similar phrase, select a product (and manufacturer) that
complies with other specified requirements.
a. Standard Range: Where Specifications include the phrase
"standard range of colors, patterns, textures" or similar phrase,
Engineer will select color, pattern, density, or texture from
manufacturer's product line that does not include premium items.
b. Full Range: Where Specifications include the phrase "full range
of colors, patterns, textures" or similar phrase, Engineer will select
color, pattern, density, or texture from manufacturer's product line
that includes both standard and premium items.


A. Conditions: Engineer will consider Contractor's request for substitution

when the following conditions are satisfied. If the following conditions are
not satisfied, Engineer will return requests without action, except to record
noncompliance with these requirements:
1. Requested substitution offers Owner a substantial advantage in cost,
time, energy conservation, or other considerations, after deducting
additional responsibilities Owner must assume. Owner's additional
responsibilities may include compensation to Engineer for redesign
and evaluation services, increased cost of other construction by
Owner, and similar considerations.
2. Requested substitution does not require extensive revisions to the
Contract Documents.

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3. Requested substitution is consistent with the Contract Documents and
will produce indicated results.
4. Substitution request is fully documented and properly submitted.
5. Requested substitution will not adversely affect Contractor's
Construction Schedule.
6. Requested substitution has received necessary approvals of
authorities having jurisdiction.
7. Requested substitution is compatible with other portions of the Work.
8. Requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the
9. Requested substitution provides specified warranty.
10. Requested substitution includes full comparison between specified and
proposed material.
11. If requested substitution involves more than one contractor, requested
substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work, is
uniform and consistent, is compatible with other products, and is
acceptable to all contractors involved.


A. Conditions: Engineer will consider Contractor's request for comparable

product when the following conditions are satisfied. If the following
conditions are not satisfied, Engineer will return requests without action,
except to record noncompliance with these requirements:

B. Where products are specified by name or industry standard, submit the

following, in addition to other required submittals, to obtain approval of an
unnamed or alternative equivalent industry standard product:
1. Evidence that the proposed product does not require extensive
revisions to the Contract Documents, that it is consistent with the
Contract Documents and will produce the indicated results, and that it
is compatible with other portions of the Work.
2. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed product with
those named in the Specifications. Significant qualities include
attributes such as performance, weight, size, durability, visual effect,
and specific features and requirements indicated.
3. Evidence that proposed product provides specified warranty, if any.
4. List of similar installations for completed projects with project names
and addresses and names and addresses of architects/engineers and
Owners, if requested.
5. Samples, if requested.

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SECTION 01 70 00



A. This Section includes:

1. Substantial Completion.
2. Final Inspection.
3. Close-out Procedures.
4. Approvals from Services Authorities.
5. Final Cleaning.
6. Operating and Maintenance Data and Instructions.
7. Standard Operation Procedure (SOP).
8. Warranties and Bonds.
9. Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials.


A. Section 01 31 19 - Project Meetings.

B. Section 01 50 00 - Temporary Facilities and Controls.


A. Project Close-out Requirements

1. Includes general requirements in preparation for final acceptance such

a. Final payment.
b. Normal termination of the Contract.
c. Similar actions evidencing completion of the Work.

2. Specific requirements for individual units of Work are specified in the

Specification sections.

B. Time of Close-out

1. Directly related to Taking Over of Works.

2. May be a single time period for the entire work.
3. May also be a series of time periods for individual parts of the Work that
have been certified as “Taken-Over” by the Owner at different dates.

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A. Contractor shall complete the following:

1. Submit last progress payment request complete with associated

releases, consents and supporting documents.
2. Submit final manufacturer certifications, guarantees, warranties, and
similar documents.
3. Submit clearance certificates and approvals from government authorities
as necessary to connect the Works to the permanent power supply.
4. Submit operating certificates, final inspection and test certificates and
similar releases enabling full and unrestricted use of the Works.
5. Submit record drawings, final operation and maintenance manuals, final
project photographs, damage or settlement surveys, property surveys,
and similar physical items.
6. Make final changeover of locks and deliver keys to the Engineer,
7. Complete start-up, testing of systems, and training of the Owner’s
operations and maintenance personnel.
a. Submit equipment operating data as well as all test reports and test
data required by the Contract.

8. Dismantle and remove temporary facilities and services from the project
a. This includes utilities, construction tools, buildings and facilities,
mockups, and similar elements.
9. Complete final cleaning.
10. Repair and restore exposed finishes which have been marred or
otherwise damaged.
11. Submit all spare parts, tools and maintenance equipment.
12. Submit an itemized list of all deviations and non-conformances to the
contract requirements.
a. Include a detailed plan to correct each deviation and non-

B. Notify the Engineer that the facility or Works is ready for the substantial
completion inspection.
1. Include the itemized list of deviations and non-conformances in the
notification letter.

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A. Contractor shall complete the following:

1. Submit last progress payment request complete with associated or

corrected submittals.
a. State that each item has been corrected or otherwise resolved for

2. Submit the Engineer’s and Contractor’s list of deficiencies from the

substantial completion inspection.
a. State how each item has been corrected or otherwise resolved for
3. Submit final meter readings for all utilities, a measured record of stored
fuel and chemicals, and similar data as of the time of final completion.
4. Submit complete listing of all consumable stores and spare parts used
by the Contractor to service the electro-mechanical works throughout the
maintenance period.
5. Complete submittal of record documents.

B. Notify the Engineer that the facility or Works is ready for the final inspection.
1. Include the itemized list of deviations and non-conformances in the
notification letter.


A. Comply with specified and contractual procedures necessary for issuance

of the “Taking-Over Certificate.”

B. When Contractor considers work has reached final completion, submit the

1. Certificate that:
a. Contract Documents have been reviewed.
b. Work has been inspected.
c. Work is complete and meets the requirements of the Contract
2. Provide all submittals required by the Contract Documents.
3. Submit a final statement of accounting giving total adjusted contract
sum, previous payments, and the sum remaining due.

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A. Obtain all clearance certificates and approvals required as a prerequisite to
connecting the Works to the permanent power supply.
B. Coordinate with the Engineer to obtain the necessary documents from
services authorities regarding connection to the local services.


A. Execute prior to final inspection.

1. Clean all interior and exterior surfaces exposed to view.

a. Avoid disturbing natural weathering of exterior surfaces.
1.Remove temporary labels, stains, and foreign substances.
2.Polish transparent and glossy surfaces.
3.Clean or replace all filters for mechanical equipment.
4.Clean roofs, gutters, downspouts, and drainage systems.
5.Remove debris and surface dust from all spaces.
6.Clean concrete floors in unoccupied spaces broom clean.
7.Clean light fixtures and lamps so they operate at maximum
2. Clean the site
a. Sweep paved areas and rake all other surfaces.
b. Remove litter and foreign substances.
c. Remove stains, chemical spills, and other foreign deposits.

B. Comply with safety standards and governing regulations for cleaning

1. Do not burn waste materials at the site.
2. Do not bury debris or excess material on the property or discharge to
unauthorized areas.
3. Do not discharge volatile or other harmful or dangerous materials into
the drainage or sewerage systems.
4. Remove all waste materials from the site and dispose of properly.


A. Store documents separate from those used for construction.

1. Protect from deterioration and loss.
2. Store in a secure, fire resistive location.

B. Keep documents current throughout the construction period.

1. Do not conceal Work until “As-Built” information has been recorded.

C. Record Drawings (As-Built)

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1. Maintain a blue line or black line set of prints of all Contract Drawings,
Shop Drawings and Working Drawings.
2. Keep drawings clean and undamaged.
3. Mark up drawings to show actual installation if that differs from what is
shown on the Contract Drawings.
a. Mark up changes using a red erasable pencil.
b. Show “as built” condition fully and accurately.

4. Mark up drawings to show new information of importance, which was not

shown on either the Contract Drawings or the Shop or Working

a. Give particular attention to concealed work that will be difficult to

measure or record at a later date.

5. Note related variation order numbers as applicable, next to the mark up.
6. Submit documents with transmittal letter containing date, project title,
Contractor’s name and address, itemized list of documents, and the
Contractor’s signature.


A. Provide operating and maintenance data and instructions for all plant,
equipment and systems.

1. Comply with Section 01 33 00.

a. Submit four sets prior to final inspection.

2. Index and present data in a three-ring side binder with durable plastic
3. Present data on A4 size paper.
4. Separate data by system and type.


A. Provide in duplicate, notarized copies of all specified guarantees,

warranties, and bonds including those required of manufacturers, suppliers
and sub-contractors.

1. Assemble documents in a binder with a durable plastic cover.

2. Provide table of contents.

B. Start of Warranty period shall be:

1. Date when equipment is placed into full time operation for the Owner’s
benefit and with the Owner’s approval, or

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2. Date of Taking Over Certificate.


A. Provide products, spare parts, and maintenance materials as specified in

the technical Sections of the Specifications.

1. Include itemized list of all items furnished, describing each item and
citing the appropriate specification section and paragraph.
2. Package each item for long term storage.
3. Mark or tag each item for easy identification.
4. Submit certificate confirming compliance with specified requirements.

B. Deliver items to the project site.

1. Inventory items with the Engineer and store where directed by the


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SECTION 01 78 23


A. This Section includes requirements and procedures for submission of
Operation and Maintenance Manuals (OMMs). Contractor shall provide
OMMs related to vendor-supplied items and shall cover all works equipment
and products including the following:

1. [Pumps]
2. [Motors]
3. [Anchor Crane]
4. [HVAC Equipment]
5. [Bar Screen Equipment]
6. [Flash mixing Equipment]
7. [Flocculator/Clarifier]
8. [Chemical Feed Equipment]
9. [Chlorinators]
10. [Filtration Equipment]
11. [Cooling Tower Equipment]
12. [Ultrafiltration Equipment]
13. [Reverse Osmosis Equipment]
14. [Disinfection Equipment]
15. [Compressors]
16. [Motor Control Centers]
17. [Instrumentation]
18. [Laboratory Equipment]
19. [Workshop Equipment]
20. […]
Additional items […] will be added to cover all the equipment of the
treatment units need for each Project to cover site specific conditions
and specific project requirements.


A. Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures.

B. Section 01 45 00 - Quality Control.
C. Section 01 70 00 – Execution and Closeout Requirements.
D. Section 01 79 00 – Demonstration and Training.

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A. The Contractor’s personnel responsible for the preparation of Operation

and Maintenance Manuals and data shall be experienced with not less
than [ten (10)] years’ experience in the operation and maintenance with
successful past record in preparation of the O&M manuals and relevant
experience in detection of operation faults and troubleshooting
procedures of the products described.


A. The Contractor shall prepare data in the form of an instructional manual.

B. Binders shall be commercial quality, A4 210x297mm, three D side ring
binders with durable plastic covers; 75mm maximum ring size. When
multiple binders are used, correlate data into related consistent
C. Covers shall be used to identify each binder with typed or printed title
Project; identify subject matter of contents.
D. Tabbed dividers shall be provided for each separate product and system,
with typed description of product and major component parts of
E. Text shall include manufacturer's printed data, or typewritten data on 24-
pound paper (100 gsm).
F. Drawings shall be provided with reinforced punched binder tab.
Drawings shall be bound in with the text. Larger drawings shall be folded
to approximate an A4 page, and shall be placed in clear plastic holder.
G. Content shall be arranged under section numbers and sequence of
Table of Contents of this Project Manual.
H. Complete Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be presented in
both English and Arabic format.


A. The Table of Contents shall provide the title of the Project; names,
addresses, and telephone numbers of the Engineer and Contractor,
including the names of responsible parties; schedule of products and
systems, indexed to content of the volume.
B. For each product or system, the Contractor shall list names, addresses
and telephone numbers of Subcontractor and suppliers, including local
source of supplies and replacement parts.
C. Product data shall be included, with each sheet marked to clearly identify
specific products and component parts, and data applicable to
installation. Inapplicable information shall be deleted.

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D. Drawings shall be provided to supplement the product data, to illustrate
relations of component parts of equipment and systems, and to show
control and flow diagrams.
E. Typed text shall be provided as required to supplement product data.
The Contractor shall provide logical sequence of instructions for each
procedure, incorporating the manufacturer's instructions specified in
Section 01 41 00.


A. The Contractor shall provide Operation and Maintenance Manuals for

materials and finishes for applicable Specification Sections.
B. Architectural Building Products, Applied Materials, and Finishes: The
Contractor shall include product data, with catalog number, size,
composition, and color and texture designations. The Contractor shall
provide information for re-ordering custom manufactured products.
C. Instructions for Care and Maintenance: The Contractor shall include
manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning agents and methods,
precautions against detrimental agents and methods, and
recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance.
D. Moisture Protection and Weather Exposed Products: The Contractor
shall include product data listing applicable reference standards,
chemical composition, and details of installation. The Contractor shall
provide recommendations for inspections, maintenance, and repair.
E. The Contractor shall comply with additional requirements pertaining to
Operation and Maintenance Manuals as specified in individual
Specification Sections.
F. The Contractor shall provide a listing in Table of Contents for design
data, with tabbed flysheet and space for insertion of data.


A. The Contractor shall submit Operation and Maintenance Manuals for

each item of equipment or system of the Specifications. For each item
of equipment and each system, the Contractor shall include a description
of the unit or system, along with component parts. The Contractor shall
identify the function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting
conditions. The Contractor shall include performance curves, with
engineering data and tests, and complete nomenclature and model
number of replaceable parts. The Contractor shall also include details of
manufacturer’s recommended spares, maintenance task descriptions,
single line diagrams, wiring diagrams for circuits and sub circuits, etc.
The Contractor shall provide a method of control description, details of
controls and telemetry system.
B. The Contractor shall provide a list of spares as recommended by the
respective manufacturers and suppliers which would be required for

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operating the equipment for a period of two years on completion of the
Defects Liability Period. Each spare on the list shall be priced. The
Contractor shall identify the names and contact information for
manufacturers and suppliers.
C. Panel board Circuit Directories: The Contractor shall provide electrical
service characteristics, controls, and communications;
D. The Contractor shall include color-coded wiring diagrams as installed.
E. Operating Procedures: The Contractor shall include start-up, break-in,
and routine normal operating instructions and sequences. Include
regulation, control, stopping, shutdown, and emergency instructions.
The Contractor shall include summer, winter, and any special operating
F. Maintenance Requirements: The Contractor shall include routine
procedures and guide for preventative maintenance and trouble
shooting; disassembly, repair, and reassembly instructions; and
alignment, adjusting, balancing, and checking instructions.
G. The Contractor shall provide a servicing and lubrication schedule, and a
list of lubricants required.
H. The Contractor shall include the manufacturer's printed operation and
maintenance manuals and instructions.
I. The Contractor shall include the sequence of operation by the controls
J. The Contractor shall provide the original manufacturer's parts list,
illustrations, illustrated parts guides, assembly drawings, and diagrams
required for maintenance.
K. The Contractor shall provide control diagrams by controls manufacturer
as installed including detailed circuit operation description with
programmable controller ladder diagrams, illustrations, assembly
drawings, diagrams for maintenance.
L. The Contractor shall provide coordination drawings, with color-coded
piping diagrams as installed.
M. The Contractor shall provide charts of valve tag numbers, with location
and function of each valve, keyed to flow and control diagrams.
N. The Contractor shall provide list of original manufacturer's spare parts,
current prices, and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage.
O. The Contractor shall include test and balancing reports as specified in
Section 01 45 00.
P. The Contractor shall comply with additional requirements as specified in
other Sections.
Q. The Contractor shall provide a listing in Table of Contents for design
data, with tabbed dividers and space for insertion of data.
R. The Contractor shall provide as-built schematics and wiring diagrams.
S. The Contractor shall provide Contractor's record drawings.

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A. Before final inspection, the Contractor shall instruct designated

personnel in operation, adjustment, and maintenance of products,
equipment, and systems.
B. For equipment requiring seasonal operation, the Contractor shall provide
instructions for seasonal operation as required.
C. The Contractor shall use Operation and Maintenance Manuals as the
basis for instruction. The Contractor shall review the contents of the
manual with personnel in detail to explain all aspects of operation and
D. The Contractor shall prepare and insert additional data in the Operation
and Maintenance Manual when need for such data becomes apparent
during instruction.

A. The Contractor shall submit preliminary draft outlines and proposed

formats of Operation and Maintenance Manuals within 60 days of the
start of Work.
B. For Operation and Maintenance Manuals for equipment and systems,
the Contractor shall submit preliminary copies of Operation and
Maintenance Manuals simultaneous with or before the delivery of such
equipment and systems to the Site. Include a copy of all warranties,
bonds, and service agreements as specified. The Engineer will review
the submittal and determine the adequacy of the content and
C. The Contractor shall submit for review final copies of Operation and
Maintenance Manuals at least 30 days before placing the equipment or
system into service. If the final copies differ from the accepted
preliminary copies, the Contractor shall submit two additional copies of
any necessary supplemental material, including instructions for insertion
of new material into the Engineer’s preliminary copies.
D. The Contractor shall revise the content of Operation and Maintenance
Manuals as required. Submit six sets of revised final volumes in final
form (hard copy) within two weeks after handing over of the facility.
Include field function and performance test results, if required in other
E. The Contractor shall provide six electronic (CD-ROM) copies of final
volumes within four weeks after handing over of the facility. The
electronic files shall be readable using the latest version of Adobe
Acrobat Reader. The latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader shall be
included with each CD. Files shall be arranged with content sheets for
easy reading and a searchable index for reference.


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SECTION 01 78 36


A. Within this Section, the term Warranty and litigation in case of conflict, shall be
used to mean warranties of various types, equipment performance certifications,
and similar performance guarantees.
B. Within this Section, the term Product shall be used to mean equipment, systems,
products, components, and other similar aspects of the Work that have a
manufacturer’s or installer’s warranty.


A. Basic construction warranty of work is outlined in the General Conditions of the
B. Requirements for a Maintenance Bond, if required, were outlined in the Invitation
for Bids.
C. Specific Product warranties are identified in the various Technical Specification
D. Each Separate Prime Contractor shall provide the basic construction warranty,
shall provide his own Maintenance Bond, if required, and shall be responsible for
any required Product warranties, related to his own Contract.
E. Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve
the Contractor of the warranty on the Work that incorporates the products, nor
does it relieve suppliers, manufacturers, and subcontractors required to
countersign special warranties with the Contractor.
F. Written warranties made to the Owner are in addition to implied warranties, and
shall not limit the duties, obligations, rights, and remedies otherwise available
under law. Warranty periods shall not be interpreted as limitations on time in
which the Owner can enforce such other duties, obligations, rights, or remedies
as established by the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).
G. The Owner reserves the right to reject warranties and to limit selections to
products with warranties not in conflict with requirements of the Contract
H. Where a special warranty is required on the Work or part of the Work, the Owner
reserves the right to refuse to accept the Work until the responsible entities
countersign such warranty.
I. Upon determination by the Owner that Work covered by a warranty has failed, the
Contractor shall replace or rebuild the Work to an acceptable condition complying
with requirements of Contract. The Contractor is responsible for the cost of
replacing or rebuilding defective Work regardless of whether the Owner benefits
from use of the Work through a portion of its anticipated useful service life.

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J. When correcting warranted Work that has failed, the Contractor shall remove and
replace other Work that has been damaged as a result of such failure or that must
be removed and replaced to provide access for correction of warranted Work.
K. When Work covered by a warranty has failed and been corrected by replacement
or rebuilding, the warranty shall be reinstated by the Contractor by written
endorsement. The reinstated warranty shall be equal to the original warranty with
an equitable adjustment for depreciation.
L. In the event the Contractor fails to commence and diligently pursue any warranty
work required, the Owner may have the work performed by others, and after
completion of the work, charge the cost of the work, and any reasonable and
necessary expenses associated with the work incurred by the Owner, to the
Contractor. In the event sufficient funds are not remaining in the Contract to cover
the cost and expenses incurred, the Owner will have the right to recoup expenses
by other legal means.


Warranties shall commence on the Substantial Completion Date, unless one of
the following apply.

A. The Certificate of Substantial Completion designates a warranty commencement

date, other than the Substantial Completion Date, for certain Work or portions of
B. By separate agreement between the Contractor and the Owner, a designated and
completed portion of the Work is occupied or used by the Owner during the
construction period, in which case any warranty related to that Work or portions
of the Work shall commence when the occupancy or use begins.


A. Written product warranties shall be submitted to the Owner within fifteen (15)
days of Substantial Completion. If another date is specified per paragraph 1.3
above, written warranties shall be submitted within fifteen (15) days of that other
B. When a special warranty is required to be executed by the Contractor, or by the
Contractor and a subcontractor, supplier, or manufacturer, the Contractor shall
prepare a written document for execution by the required parties that contains
appropriate terms and identification. A draft of the written document shall be
submitted to the Owner for acceptance prior to final execution.
C. When Operating and Maintenance Manuals are required for warranted
construction, an additional copy of each required warranty shall be provided, as
necessary, with each Operating and Maintenance Manual.

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A. Each Separate Prime Contractor shall prepare and submit a Warranty Plan which
outlines the responsibilities and procedures to address warranty issues arising
from the Contract and the Work. Each Separate Prime Contractor’s Warranty
Plan shall include information relative to his own portion of the Work and to
product warranties related to his own Contract.
B. Prior to Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall meet with the Owner to
develop a mutual understanding with respect to the requirements of the Warranty
Plan. Communication procedures for notification of construction warranty
defects, priorities with respect to the type of defect, reasonable time required for
Contractor response, and other details deemed necessary by the Owner for the
execution of the warranty shall be established and reviewed at this meeting.
Based on the information provided at the meeting, the Contractor shall submit to
the Owner a written Warranty Plan.
C. The Warranty Plan shall generally include all information required to assure that
the Owner receives all warranties to which it is entitled and can take action with
respect to calls against the warranties. The Plan shall be in sufficient detail to
render it suitable for use by future Owner operations and maintenance personnel,
and tailored as appropriate for the specific Contract.
D. The Warranty Plan shall include the following information.
1. The Plan shall identify key personnel associated with the warranty process, to
include their specific roles and responsibilities, and their telephone numbers
and other means of contact. Key personnel should be from within the
organizations of the Contractor, subcontractors, manufacturers, and suppliers
involved. The Contractor may choose to furnish the name, telephone number
and address of a licensed and bonded company, other than itself, authorized
to directly initiate and pursue warranty work on its behalf. Doing so does not
relieve the Contractor of any of its responsibilities in connection with their
responsibility for warranting the Work.
2. The Plan shall provide a list of all product warranties and special warranties
required by the Contract Documents. This list shall also provide the status of
delivery of each of these warranties.
3. The Plan shall provide a list of each warranted product. This list shall include
the following:
a. Name of item
b. Model number
c. Serial number
d. Location where installed
e. Name and phone numbers of manufacturer
f. Name and phone numbers of installer
g. Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of sources of spare parts
h. Organization, names, and phone numbers of persons to call for
warranty service

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i. Typical response time and repair time expected for various warranted
j. Term of warranty (starting point and end point of warranty period).


A. [Ten (10)] months after the date for Substantial Completion, the Owner will
conduct an inspection of the facility, and based on the inspection, prepare and
provide to the Contractor a list of warranty work items that are required to be
replaced or repaired under the terms of the warranty provisions of the Contract.
The Contractor may be invited to participate in this inspection, but his participation
is not mandatory.
B. Upon receipt of the list of warranty work items, the Contractor shall provide to the
Owner a response containing his planned actions and dates for those actions
relative to the identified warranty work items. The Contractor shall complete all
work items not later than [twelve (12)] months after the date for Substantial


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SECTION 01 79 00



A. This Section establishes requirements for operation and maintenance

training. Subcontractor-supplied training will be from vendor-based
training required from major equipment and chemical process suppliers.
Specific training areas shall include the following:
1. [Safety (Contractor will adopt approved HSE plan and train Owner’s,
Engineer’s and Contractor’s staff with qualified personnel)]
2. [Anchor Crane]
3. [Motor Control Centers]
4. [Chemical feed and monitoring equipment including chlorine
analyzers, evaporators, alum feed equipment, total organic carbon
analyzer, pH meter, and turbidity meter]
5. [HVAC equipment]
6. [Pumping systems]
7. [Sedimentation systems]
8. [Filtration systems]
9. [RO systems]
10. […]
B. The Contractor shall provide engineering process and overall operations
management training.


A. Section 01 31 19 – Project Meetings.
B. Section 01 33 00 – Submittal Procedures.
C. Section 01 70 00 – Execution and Closeout Requirements.
D. Section 01 78 23 – Operation and Maintenance Data.


A. The Contractor shall provide the training area. Minimum requirements
for the training
1. Located outside of construction work area.
2. Air conditioned.
3. Seating for [15] trainees. The size of training classes will not exceed
[15] people.
4. Tables suitable for trainees to write and lay out class materials.
5. All equipment required for audio/visual presentations.

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B. Instruction times shall be from [08:00] hours to [12:30] hours local time,
Sunday through Thursday except local legal holidays. A [10] minute
break shall be provided after each hour of instruction.
C. Minimum curriculum requirements shall include the following topics:
1. Theory of operation and control, including both classroom and
“hands-on” training.
2. Use of the Operation and Maintenance Manual, including the location
of information.
3. System layout.
4. Wiring, instrumentation, and controls.
5. Control sequence and logic.
6. Normal and emergency operating procedures.
7. Basic and advanced operation and maintenance.
8. Equipment/instrument adjustment and calibration.
9. Site walk through to locate and identify equipment.
10. Preventive maintenance.
11. Major maintenance.
12. Safety.
13. Trouble shooting.
14. Use of special tools.
15. Operation and maintenance supplies.
16. Spare parts.
D. The Contractor shall provide trained, articulate personnel to coordinate
and expedite training, to be present during training coordination
meetings with the Engineer, and familiar with operation and maintenance
manual information Specified in Section 01 78 23.
E. Contractor shall furnish manufacturers’ representatives to provide
detailed training to Owner’s personnel and Engineer’s personnel on
operation and maintenance of specified products (equipment,
components, subsystems, and systems) and as may be required in
applicable sections of the Specifications. Training shall include pre-
startup classroom instruction, post-startup classroom instruction, and
onsite hands-on instruction. The manufacturers’ representatives shall be
familiar with facility operation and maintenance requirements as well as
with the specified equipment.
F. The Contractor shall coordinate pre-startup training sessions with the
Owner’s operation and maintenance personnel, Engineer’s personnel,
and manufacturers’ representatives. Training sessions shall be
coordinated with the submission of operation and maintenance manuals
in accordance with Section 01 78 23.

A. All submittals shall be as specified in Section 01 33 00.
B. The Contractor shall submit the following:
1. Task and Skills Analysis: Identify the following:
a. Tasks requiring training.

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b. Education, training, and skills of proposed plant operations and
maintenance staff.
c. Logical order of presentation.
d. Objectives of each training segment.
e. Methods for measuring achievement of objectives for each
2. Instructor’s Qualifications: The Contractor shall submit the proposed
Instructor’s qualifications. Minimum experience requirements for the
Instructor shall include [three (3)] years’ operating and maintaining
equipment, academic or factory training, and a combination of
training and experience. The Engineer reserves the right to reject
proposed Instructors lacking experience and education required to
conduct the training.
3. Pre-Training Conference Agenda: Include the training schedule,
examination of training facilities, and problem identification and
4. Instructor’s Manual: Include notes to the instructor for each training
session. References to the source of answers shall be provided in
the course material. The manual shall address:
a. Session objectives.
b. Session outline.
c. Session application.
d. Instructor qualification and knowledge requirements.
e. List of tools and supplies required for instruction.
f. Include safety and standby equipment.
g. Trainee and course evaluation forms.
h. Audio/visual resources or reproductions.
i. Session tests and a grading guide.
j. Additional notes such as references, review questions,
demonstration techniques, class exercises, coordination with
other sessions, and achievement measurements.
5. Schedule of Training Activities: Include the schedule of submittals,
the estimated dates for the completion of installation, and estimated
training dates. Coordinate with startup and activities specified, and
allow for full participation by manufacturers’ representatives. Adjust
the schedule for interruptions in operability of equipment.
6. Training Plan: Include the course outline and time allocation for each
training segment.
7. Training Curriculum: Develop individual training courses for each
system identified on the Process and Instrumentation Drawings.
Separate training sessions shall be provided for operations,
maintenance, and electrical/instrumentation personnel. The training
curriculum shall be prepared for staff having a high school level of
education with journeyman qualifications. The training curriculum
shall be presented in both English and Arabic formats.

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8. Presentation Materials: Provide two reproducible copies. Complete
presentation materials shall be prepared in both English and Arabic
9. Manuals and Class Handouts: Provide one reproducible copy for
review and one copy for each trainee at least [5] working days before
the start of the class. Materials and class handouts shall be prepared
in both English and Arabic formats.
10. Trainee Course Evaluation: Prepare a trainee course evaluation to
be prepared by each attending trainee. Collect and submit the
trainee course evaluations. Include the original evaluation forms in a
summary report.
11. Trainee Understanding Evaluation: Evaluate the trainees’
understanding of course material. Include tests with at least [15]
questions on each outline topic. Conduct a written test at the end of
each training segment, grade the tests, evaluate fulfillment of course
objectives, and submit the original graded tests in a summary report.


A. The Contractor shall schedule the Pre-Training Conference not less than
7 calendar days before training starts. The Engineer, Subcontractor,
training instructors, and other responsible parties shall attend.
B. The Contractor shall conduct classroom training before providing field
training. The Contractor shall conduct hands-on training before the
system demonstration. All training shall be completed before the end of
the commissioning and training period, and no later than 3 months
following the completion of construction.
C. The Contractor shall schedule training not less than 7 calendar days
before the desired training date. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer
at least 3 days in advance of scheduled training. Failure to provide
required notice shall make the Contractor responsible for costs incurred
by the Engineer. The Engineer may delay scheduled training by up to 5
calendar days for personnel time conflicts. The Engineer will notify the
Contractor of the delay at least 3 days in advance of scheduled training.


A. The Contractor shall provide all materials and supplies (including
consumables) necessary for training and demonstrations, special tools
required for training and demonstrations, and safety equipment required
by instructors.

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A. The Contractor shall verify that the Engineer has accepted or approved
the required submittals.
B. The Contractor shall assemble instruction materials and set up
demonstration materials before the start of training.
C. The Contractor shall provide training including:
1. One day of classroom training for each system and part of the Work
before Taking-Over on each of the following: system operation,
system maintenance, and electrical and instrumentation.
2. One day of hands-on demonstration and operator training at the
installed equipment, after the manufacturer validates equipment
D. The Contractor shall prepare a training evaluation for each attending
E. The Contractor shall evaluate trainees understanding of course material,
conduct a written test at the end of each training segment, grade the
tests, and evaluate fulfillment of course objectives.
F. The Engineer will evaluate the Contractor’s training methods, teaching
techniques, and trainer qualifications. Unacceptable training shall be
repeated at the Subcontractor’s cost.


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SECTION 01 91 13


A. Commissioning work shall ensure that all equipment and systems have been
completely and properly installed, tested, function together correctly to meet the
design intent, and to document system performance parameters for fine-tuning
of control sequences and operating procedures. The commissioning process
shall provide system documentation, equipment start-up, system calibration,
testing, training, verification and performance testing.
B. The Contractor shall coordinate and direct each step of the commissioning
process. The commissioning team shall be made up of representatives from the
Contractor, sub-Contractors, professionals, major equipment suppliers, and
construction trades.
C. System installation, start-up, testing, balancing, preparation of operation and
maintenance manuals, and operator training are the responsibility of each Sub-
Contractor, with coordination, observation, verification and commissioning the
responsibility of the Contractor. The commissioning process does not relieve the
Sub-Contractors or the Contractor from the obligations to complete all portion of
work in a satisfactory and fully operational manner.


A. The commissioning work shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Factory Acceptance Tests
2. Start-up and testing of the equipment
3. Functional testing, adjusting and balancing of the system(s)
4. Site Acceptance Tests including continuous operating endurance tests
where applicable
5. Cooperation and coordination with the Owner, Engineer, other Contractors
and other entities as directed by the Owner
6. Provision of qualified personnel for participation in commissioning tests,
including subsequent testing where required after the initial testing
7. Provision and installation of equipment, materials, and labor as necessary to
correct construction and/or equipment deficiencies found during the
commissioning process and retest where applicable
8. Provision of operation and maintenance manuals and as-built drawings
9. Provision of training and system demonstrations
B. The work included in the commissioning process involves a complete and
thorough evaluation of the operation and performance of all systems, sub-
systems, and components supplied under this contract and interaction with all
related systems

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C. The Contractor shall furnish and install the total system and be responsible for all
hardware and software including but not limited to:
1. Configuring head-end equipment, applications and field devices
2. Developing user interfaces and required database configuration
3. Configuration and all related, management, maintenance; and associated
operations and reporting tools to provide a totally operational system
4. System integration and interfaces with other systems as specified.
5. Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) and Site Acceptance Tests (SAT). These
tests must be conducted in an integrated fashion demonstrating correct
operability of all facets of the system.
6. Coordinated activities with other system and building Contractors as required
for interfacing with any and all upstream or downstream systems.
7. Full and total system-wide responsibility for all multi-vendor products
selected, designed, furnished and installed under the terms of this Contract.
8. Complete and operable system-wide products that comply with the
minimum performance requirements as indicated.
9. Fitting all cabinets, boxes, frames, patch cables and panel products to ensure
that the electronic systems all properly fit and are fully integrated
D. Timely and accurate documentation is essential for the commissioning process
to be effective.

Documentation required as part of the commissioning process shall include but

not be limited to:

1. Progress and status reports, including deficiencies noted

2. Minutes from all meetings
3. Pre-start, and start-up procedures
4. Training agenda and materials
5. As-built records
6. Commissioning report
7. Training Manuals
8. Operational and maintenance (O&M) manuals
9. Test Records
10. Warranty Statements and Certificates
E. Detailed testing shall be performed on all installed equipment and systems to
ensure that operation and performance conform to contract documents. The
Commissioning Authority shall witness all tests. The following testing is required
as part of the commissioning process:
1. Verification tests are comprised of a full range of checks and tests to
determine that all components, equipment, systems, and interfaces between
systems operate in accordance with contract documents. This includes all
operating modes, interlocks, control responses, and specific responses to
abnormal or emergency conditions.

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Functional performance tests (FPT) shall determine if the system is providing
the required capacity of the various services in accordance with the finalized
design intent.
F. Comprehensive training of the Owner’s personnel shall be performed by qualified
Contractor personnel, and where appropriate by other subContractors and
vendors prior to turnover of the systems to the Owner. The training shall include
classroom instruction, along with hands-on instruction on the installed equipment
and systems. All training sessions shall be videotaped or recorded on alternative
audiovisual media.
G. The Contractor shall:
1. Advise the Engineer regarding any change in schedule, conditions or
supplied products and services.
2. Assign maintenance personnel and schedule them to participate in meetings,
training session as follows:
3. Develop the commissioning requirements and all related testing, verification
and quality control sections for approval by the Owner
4. Prepare the commissioning program required as part of the Commissioning
Specification. Include lists of all SubContractors for commissioning events by
name, firm, and trade specialty.
5. Develop detailed pretest and final test reports forms for data recording
purposes throughout the testing process.
6. Include cost for commissioning requirements in the contract price and
all other SubContractors, to ensure cooperation of all parties in the
commissioning program.
7. Remedy deficiencies identified before or during the testing phases.
8. Provide shop drawings of equipment. Shop drawings shall be full size sheets
folded as required to fit in binders.
9. Provide As-Built for all supplied systems using AutoCAD latest version + GIS.
As-Built shall be provided in both soft-copy and three hardcopy full-size
H. The Contractor shall submit a detailed written Test Plan for review and
approval by the Engineer prior to the start of any testing activities to include but
not be limited to all static, functional, and integrated testing procedures required
to assure a fully operational system. The Contractor shall provide all the
resources needed to demonstrate proper integration and controls of the entire
system. All testing is to be conducted prior to the opening of the project.
I. All training is to be conducted prior to the opening of the project and in accordance
with the Plan. All training is to ensure the highest standards of service
performance to include independent performance assessments if required by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall submit a detailed written Training Plan for review
and approval by the Engineer prior to the start of any training activities.

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A. The Contractor shall provide skilled technicians to start-up and debug all systems
required under this contract. Work schedules, time required for testing, etc. shall
be coordinated by the Contractor. The Contractor shall ensure that the qualified,
and as required by the specifications certified, technician(s) are available and
present during the agreed upon schedules and of sufficient duration to complete
the necessary tests, adjustments, and/or problem resolutions.
B. System performance problems and discrepancies may require additional
technician time, other Sub-Contractors time, reconstruction of systems, and/or
replacement of technician or system components. The additional technician time
shall be made available for subsequent commissioning periods until the required
system performance is obtained.
C. Qualifications of technicians shall include expert knowledge relative to the
specific equipment involved and a willingness to work and coordinate with the
Commissioning team.



A. Contractor shall furnish all special tools, equipment and software required during
the commissioning process. A list of all tools and equipment to be used during
commissioning shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval by the Owner.


A. Proprietary test equipment and software required by any equipment manufacturer
for programming and/or start-up, whether specified or not, shall be provided by
the manufacturer of the equipment. Manufacturer shall provide the test
equipment, demonstrate equipment use and assist in the commissioning process
as needed. Proprietary test equipment and associated software shall become the
property of the Owner upon completion of the commissioning process.


A. A pre-construction meeting of all commissioning team members shall be held at
a time and place designated by the Engineer. The purpose shall be to familiarize
all parties with the commissioning process, and to ensure that the responsibilities
of each party are clearly understood.
B. The Contractor shall complete all phases of work so the systems can be started,
tested, balanced and acceptance procedures undertaken. This includes the
complete installation of all equipment, materials, software, controls, etc. per the
contract documents and related directives, clarifications, and change orders.

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A. Should improper adjustments, misapplied equipment, and/or deficient
performance result in additional work being required to commission the systems,
the Contractor shall complete all additional work under the direction of the
Engineer, with input from the Contractor, equipment supplier, and
Commissioning Authority. Whereas all members shall have input and the
opportunity to discuss, debate and work out problems, the Owner shall have final
jurisdiction over deciding all additional work to achieve specified performance.
B. Corrective work shall be completed in a timely fashion to permit the completion
of the commissioning process. Experimentation to demonstrate system
performance may be permitted. If the Owner deems the experimentation work to
be ineffective or untimely as it relates to the schedule or commissioning process,
the Contractor shall rectify the situation within the Owner’s imposed deadline.

If the deadline(s) pass without resolution of the problem, The Owner reserves the
right to obtain supplementary services and/or equipment to resolve the problem.
Costs incurred to solve the problems in an expeditious manner shall be the
Contractor’s responsibility.


A. Verification Tests
1. Scope of verification tests:
a. To verify that all components, equipment, systems, sub-systems, and
interfaces between systems, operate in accordance with contract
documents. These tests are to include all operating modes, specified
operational responses, specific responses to abnormal or emergency
conditions and verifications of the proper response of the all field devices,
controllers and sensors.
2. Documentation and Reporting Requirements.
a. Provide checklists for each component, piece of equipment, system, and
sub- system, including all interfaces, etc. Each item to be tested shall have
a different entry line with space provided for comments. Separate
checklists shall be prepared for each mode of operation. Provide space
to indicate whether the mode under test responded as required or not.
Provide listing of test equipment with calibration date, and list of tools
used to perform tests. Also, provide space for all necessary parties to sign
off on each checklist.
b. Data sheets used in verification of the proper operation of the field devices
shall include each field device to be verified, and its location. For each
field device, provide space for recording the readout of the controller, the
reading at the controller’s sensor(s), and any comments. Also, provide
space for all necessary parties to sign off on each checklist.
c. All test procedures and data sheets shall be submitted to the design
professional for review and acceptance.
d. All CAD drawings shall be submitted in softcopy in AutoCAD latest version
along with hardcopy.

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3. Verification Procedures
a. The Engineer shall direct and witness the verification operating tests and
checks for all equipment and systems.
b. The Engineer will inspect and verify the position of each device and
interlock identified on the checklist. Each item shall be signed off as
acceptable (yes), or failed (no).
c. The operating test shall be repeated for each condition that applies to the
system being tested.
d. Operating checks shall include all safety cutouts, alarms and interlocks
associated with all equipment in the system and/or other associated
systems or equipment during all modes of operation of the system.
e. If during a test an operating deficiency is observed, appropriate comments
shall be added to the checklist data sheet.
B. Tests
1. All Tests must be passed and accepted as directed by the Owner.


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SECTION 21 05 00



A. The works covered under this contract include the supply, installation,
testing, adjusting and putting into operation systems, components of
systems, and individual items of equipment, and work related thereto, in
accordance with the project Tender Documents. Products not mentioned
but obviously necessary for the completion of those Works shall be

B. Any NFPA or Civil Defense requirement or approval shall be the

Contractor responsibility and shall be included in the Tender price and any
future requirement either shown on the drawings or specifications shall be
done without any additional cost implication to original contract.

C. All Firefighting works shall be carried out by Specialist approved by Civil

Defense and it is the Contractor responsibility to obtain Civil Defense
drawings approval before the work commence.

D. Piping shall be pitched to permit complete draining of the system.

E. Fire standpipe shall not be used in any way to provide water for other

F. All valves and risers shall be securely supported at each floor.

G. All valves and risers shall be located where readily accessible.

H. All local alarms shall be linked with the electrical fire control panel as
shown on drawings and or specified in such a way that whenever any local
alarm is initiated, a corresponding pilot and alarm shall be actuated on the
main fire control panel to indicate occurrence of fire in the particular zone.


The works specified in the following divisions/section are included in this

Section, as if repeated herein verbatim.

A. Division 21 – Fire Fighting

B. Division 22 – Plumbing
C. Division 23 – HVAC

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A. The work of Division 21 shall be governed by general conditions of

contract and sections of Division – 21.

B. It is the Contractors responsibility to be fully aware of and comply with all

of the requirements of the above documents, and further assure that all
Subcontractors are equally informed.

C. Adhesives, sealants, vapor barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet

“Green Building Regulations & Specifications” for Volatile Organic
Compounds, (VOCs) content limits.


A. This section applies to and is part of all Sections of Division 21


A. The manufacturers of all materials and equipment must have at least ten
years of experience in the design and manufacture of their products.


A. No item shall be installed in breach of any of the existing local fire

department regulations. In all cases, however, installation shall comply
with National Fire Codes (NFPA Latest Edition) or indicated otherwise.


A. The Drawings are based on design and include general layouts and typical
details of various systems to be installed. The Contractor shall make the
installations in a workmanlike manner to conform to the structure, to avoid
obstructions, to preserve head room, and to keep openings and passage
ways clear without additional instruction and without additional cost to the


A. The Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings showing the exact routing and
locations of all the piping, ducting, equipment, etc., all in their respective
locations and according to the dimensions of the approved manufacturer.
Shop Drawings scale shall be 1/10, 1/20, 1/50 and 1/100 as applicable and
as approved by the Engineer.

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B. The Contractor shall submit catalog cuts and brochures of products with
reference to proper paragraph in specifications. All submittals shall be
bound in one Booklet.

C. The Contractor shall submit at the beginning of the project a schedule of

submittals for materials and shop drawings to the approval of the Engineer.


A. All materials shall be furnished in accordance with the requirements of the


B. The naming of manufacturers in the Specifications shall be strictly adhered

to in all circumstances.

C. Substitution of materials other than those named shall not be submitted.

D. Materials shall be delivered in unbroken packages bearing the brand and

maker's name, and shall be stored on platforms and properly covered to
protect them from moisture, heat and dust.

E. All materials shall be supplied from the main factories in the country of
origin of the manufacturer. Any deviation from this, like supplying
equipment assembled in another different country under a license or
another name is not accepted unless approved by the Engineer.


A. The following abbreviations have been mentioned in the specifications.

1. ANSI American National Standard Institute.

2. ASA Acoustical Society of America, American Standards Association.
3. ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
4. AWWA American Water Work Association.
5. ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials.
6. BSI British Standards Institution.
7. NFPA National Fire Protection Association.
8. UL Under Writers Laboratories.
9. SAF Safety and Fire Protection Directives for Industrial Facilities
10. SEC Security Directives For Industrial Facilities

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A. All workmanship required to accomplish the work mentioned in Mechanical

specification or shown on related Drawings, shall conform to the highest
standards, and as required by the Engineer.





A. All apparatus shall be thoroughly cleaned before being placed in operation.

Finished surfaces shall be restored if damaged and entire installation shall
be delivered in perfect condition, subject to the approval of the Engineer.


A. All piping and equipment shall be tested as specified under the

corresponding section of the Specifications and to meet local and specified
requirements. Labor, materials, power, etc.., required for testing, shall be
furnished by the Contractor, unless otherwise indicated under the particular
section of the Specifications.

B. Tests shall be performed in the presence of representatives of the Engineer

and such other parties that have legal jurisdiction and all results shall be

C. In general, pressure tests shall be applied to piping systems only before

connection of fixtures, equipment and appliances. In no case shall any
piping, fixtures, equipment or appliances be subjected to pressures
exceeding the ratings as prescribed by the manufacturers of fixtures,
equipment and appliances, or accepted engineering standards for piping
and fittings.

D. All defective work shall be promptly repaired or replaced and the tests shall
be repeated until the particular system and component parts thereof receive
the approval of the Engineer and authorities having jurisdiction, and at no
additional cost to the Owner.

E. Any damages resulting from tests shall be repaired and/or damaged

materials replaced, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and at no
additional cost to the Owner.

F. The duration of tests shall be as determined by all parties having jurisdiction,

but in no case less than the time prescribed in each division of the

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G. The following tests should be furnished for but limited to the following Fire
Suppression System Test.


A. The Contractor shall coordinate the work to ensure orderly, timely

installations of the work of applicable trades within the various spaces


A. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all necessary permits, inspections
and tests, for the proper installation of his work, as may be required by the
various administrative authorities having jurisdiction.

B. Certificates of inspections, tests etc., with the proper approval certified

thereon, shall be secured by the Contractor and these documents shall be
delivered to the Engineer before the work in question will be accepted.

C. After the pipe lines have been tested and approved, backfill shall be
compacted thoroughly by hand tampers below center lines of pipes and to
at least 300mm above it. No backfill shall be placed in such a manner as
to cause damage or misalignment to the pipes or protective coating if used.
Backfill material under such conditions shall be earth or gravel above the
top of piping and hubs.


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SECTION 22 05 00



A. The works covered under this contract include the supply, installation,
testing, adjusting and putting into operation systems, components of
systems, and individual items of equipment, and work related thereto, in
accordance with the project Tender Documents. Products not mentioned
but obviously necessary for the completion of those Works shall be

B. Unless specifically mentioned otherwise, the following electrical works and

materials for the Mechanical equipment shall be supplied and installed
under Division 22 of the specification but in all respect to the requirements
of the Electrical Specifications.

1. All control panels including doorlock disconnected switches, push

buttons, starters, contractors, circuit breakers, time delays, selector
switches, relays, transformers, timers, controllers, pilot lights,
setpoints, alarms and all other electrical equipment which are
necessary for the satisfactory operation, control and protection of all
plant supplied under this section of the specifications.

2. Whenever a number of starters controllers, instruments, indicating

lights and the like occur or are shown on the Mechanical and/or
electrical Drawings, they shall be arranged in a central position in a
neat, easily cleaned, factory-built panel, or motor control center
assembly. The assembly shall include isolators and all necessary
fuses, busbars, starters, instruments, relays, push-buttons, indicating
lights and the like. Components shall be mounted in a logical order
based on the sequence of operation.

3. All control equipment including sensors, detectors, actuators,

controllers, pressure level and flow switches, annunciation alarms,
remote control stations and all such equipment needed for the proper
system operation.

4. All control wiring for the above mentioned equipment.

5. Final connection, between disconnect switches, power outlets, flex

outlet and mechanical equipment.

6. Power cables between submersible pumps and control panel.

C. The following electrical works and materials for the mechanical equipment
shall be supplied and installed under the electrical part of this contract.

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1. All power supply up to and including the following:
- Disconnect switches when specified to be installed separate from
the control panel.
- Flex outlet for electric water heater.

2. Power supply up to control panels when specified with an integral

disconnect switch.

3. Power supply to disconnect switches when the switches are built-in

the equipment.

4. Empty conduits with pull wires for all cables and wires classified under
the mechanical scope of works.

5. Control outlet boxes for all control equipment classified under the
mechanical scope of works.

6. Power cables and conduits or fixing arrangement between water

pumps, and their control panel.


A. The work of Division 22 shall be governed by general conditions of contract

and sections of Division -22.

B. It is the Contractors responsibility to be fully aware of and comply with all

of the requirements of the above documents, and further assure that all
Subcontractors are equally informed.


A. This section applies to and is part of all Sections of Division 22.


A. Materials and equipment shall conform to the latest edition of reference

specifications specified herein and to applicable codes and requirements
of local authorities having jurisdiction.

B. The manufacturers of all materials and equipment must have at least ten
years of experience in the design and manufacture of their products.


A. The plumbing works including all related systems shall comply with the
latest applicable codes and standards of the following:

1. UPC Uniform Plumbing Code.

2. NPC National Plumbing Code.
3. IPC International Plumbing Code.

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4. AWWA American Water Works Association.
5. ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
6. ANSI - American National Standards Institute.
7. ASTM - American Society of Testing Materials.
8. NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
9. AWS American welding Society.
10. NFPA National Fire Protection Association.
11. BS British Standards.
12. FM Factory Mutual.
13. IBR Institute of Boiler and radiator Manufacturers.
14. ISO International Standardization Organization.
15. ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
16. SAF Safety and Fire Protection Directives for Industrial Facilities
17. SEC Security Directives For Industrial Facilities


A. In addition to the sections mentioned above, and unless specifically called

in the specification the following works shall be referred with the other
related divisions.


A. The Drawings are based on design and include general layouts and typical
details of various systems to be installed. The Contractor shall make the
installations in a workmanlike manner to conform to the structure, to avoid
obstructions, to preserve head room, and to keep openings and passage
ways clear without additional instruction and without additional cost to the


A. The Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings showing the exact routing and
locations of all the piping, equipment, etc., all in their respective locations
and according to the dimensions of the approved manufacturer. Shop
Drawings scale shall be 1/10, 1/20, 1/50 and 1/100 as applicable and as
approved by the Engineer.

B. The Contractor shall submit catalog cuts and brochures of products with
reference to proper paragraph in specifications. All submittals shall be
bound in one Booklet.

C. The Contractor shall submit adequate Engineering data on each piece of

equipment together with all characteristic curves, capacity selection charts
and all data for testing and balancing of the systems. In addition the
Contractor shall submit manufacturer's printed installation instructions.

D. The Contractor shall submit at the beginning of the project a schedule of

submittals for materials and shop drawings to the approval of the Engineer.

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A. All materials shall be furnished in accordance with the requirements of the

B. Materials shall be delivered in unbroken packages bearing the brand and

maker's name, and shall be stored on platforms and properly covered to
protect them from moisture, heat and dust.

C. All materials shall be supplied from the main factories in the country of
origin of the manufacturer. Any deviation from this, like supplying
equipment assembled in another different country under a license or
another name is not accepted unless approved by the Engineer.


A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the training and familiarization of

the Owner’s Maintenance Staff for a period of at least six weeks on all
equipment and plants he has supplied or installed.


A. The Contractor shall furnish and submit to the Engineer in electronic and
hard copy triplicate bound, A4 size, Instruction Manuals containing the
following material;

B. Brief description of each system and its service and basic operation

C. Manufacturer's mechanical equipment parts list of all functional

components of the systems listed on the Drawings, control diagrams and
wiring diagrams of controllers. List shall give system No., unit no.,
Manufacturer's Model No., and Manufacture's Drawing no. Parts list shall
include manufacturer's recommended spare parts for one year operation.

D. Chart of the tag numbers, location and function of each valve.

E. Maintenance instructions for each type of equipment.

F. Possible breakdowns and repairs for each type of equipment.

G. List of nearest local suppliers for all equipment.

H. Manufacturer's literature describing each piece of equipment control

diagrams and wiring diagrams of controllers.

I. Complete, as installed, color coded wiring diagrams of all electrical motor

controller connections and interlock connections of other mechanical
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J. The Contractor shall furnish all the foregoing to the Engineer for his review
as to the fulfillment of the specified requirements.

K. All items shall be available at least four weeks prior to the substantial
completion date.

1.12 Workmanship

A. All workmanship required to accomplish the work mentioned in Mechanical

specification or shown on related Drawings, shall conform to the highest
standards, and as required by the Engineer.

B. The Engineer will be the sole judge of the standards required.





A. All apparatus shall be thoroughly cleaned before being placed in operation.

Finished surfaces shall be restored if damaged and entire installation shall
be delivered in perfect condition, subject to the approval of the Engineer.
Systems shall be adjusted and balanced to operate as shown in the
Drawings and herein specified.


A. All piping and equipment shall be tested as specified under the

corresponding section of the Specifications and to meet local and specified
requirements. Provide anemometers, thermometers, gauges, voltmeters,
ammeters, and similar instruments, not part of the permanent installation,
but required to record the performance of the equipment and systems.
Labor, materials, power, etc.., required for testing, shall be furnished by the
Contractor, unless otherwise indicated under the particular section of

B. Tests shall be performed in the presence of representatives of the Engineer

and such other parties that have legal jurisdiction and all results shall be

C. In general, pressure tests shall be applied to piping systems only before

connection of fixtures, equipment and appliances. In no case shall any
piping, fixtures, equipment or appliances be subjected to pressures
exceeding the ratings as prescribed by the manufacturers of fixtures,
equipment and appliances, or accepted engineering standards for piping
and fittings.

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D. All defective work shall be promptly repaired or replaced and the tests
shall be repeated until the particular system and component parts thereof
receive the approval of Engineer and authorities having jurisdiction, and
at no additional cost to Owner.

E. Any damages resulting from tests shall be repaired and/or damaged

materials replaced, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and at no
additional cost to Owner.

F. The duration of tests shall be as determined by all parties having

jurisdiction, but in no case less than the time prescribed in each division
of the Specifications.

G. Tests to be performed shall include but will not be limited to the following:
1. Noise and vibration isolation test
2. Insulation test
3. Sanitary drainage test
4. Pump tests
5. Noise and vibration measurement
6. Water heaters
7. Area storm drainage
8. Domestic water supply test


A. The Contractor shall coordinate the work to ensure orderly, timely

installations of the work of applicable trades within the various spaces


A. Access doors shall provide ready access to concealed control valves,

traps, cleanouts, motors and other items requiring operation, adjustment,
or maintenance.


A. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all necessary permits, inspections
and tests, for the proper installation of his work, as may be required by the
various administrative authorities having jurisdiction.

B. Certificates of inspections, tests etc., with the proper approval certified

thereon, shall be secured by the Contractor and these documents shall be
delivered to the Engineer before the work in question will be accepted.


A. Openings in exterior walls, particularly at or below grade shall be kept

properly plugged and caulked at all times, (except when being worked on)
to preclude the possibility of flooding due to storms or other causes. After
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completion of work, openings shall be permanently sealed and caulked in
the manner herein specified.


A. All trench bottom grading required for plumbing work shall be done under
the requirements of this section of the Specifications. The bottom of all
trenches shall be trimmed by hand method to receive pipes at their
respective finish levels. Trenches shall not be excavated below grade by

B. After the pipe lines have been tested and approved, backfill shall be
compacted thoroughly by hand tampers below center lines of pipes and to
at least 300mm above it. No backfill shall be placed in such a manner as
to cause damage or misalignment to the pipes or protective coating if used.
Backfill material under such conditions shall be earth or gravel above the
top of piping and hubs.


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SECTION 23 05 00



A. The works covered under this contract include supply, installation, testing,
adjusting and putting into operation systems, components of systems, and
individual items of equipment, and work related thereto, in accordance with
the project Tender Documents. Products not mentioned but obviously
necessary for the completion of those works shall be provided such as, but
are not limited to the following:
1. Requirements of fire dampers wherever duct crossing firewall.
2. System air balancing and associated requirements to do the balancing
3. Insulation of valves and valve boxes.
4. Maintaining the noise levels as specified
5. Steel platforms (fly over) above services in plant rooms and roof.
6. Chemical dosing and flushing of heating water system to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

B. Unless specifically mentioned otherwise, the following electrical works and

materials for the Mechanical equipment shall be supplied and installed
under Division 23 of the specification but in all respect to the requirements
of the Electrical Specifications.

1. All control panels including door lock disconnected switches, push

buttons, starters, contractors, circuit breakers, time delays, selector
switches, relays, transformers, timers, controllers, pilot lights, set
points, alarms and all other electrical equipment which are necessary
for the satisfactory operation, control and protection of all plant supplied
under this section of the specifications.

2. Whenever a number of starters controllers, instruments, indicating

lights and the like occur or are shown on the Mechanical and/or
electrical Drawings, they shall be arranged in a central position in a
neat, easily cleaned, factory-built panel, or motor control center
assembly. The assembly shall include isolators and all necessary
fuses, bus bars, starters, instruments, relays, push-buttons, indicating
lights and the like. Components shall be mounted in a logical order
based on the sequence of operation.

3. All control equipment including thermostats, sensors, detectors,

actuators, controllers, pressure level and flow switches, annunciation
alarms, remote control stations and all such equipment needed for the
proper system operation.

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4. All control wiring for the above mentioned equipment.

5. Final connection, between disconnect switches, power outlets, flex

outlet and mechanical equipment.

6. The following electrical works and materials for the mechanical

equipment shall be supplied and installed under the electrical part of
this contract.

7. All power supply up to and including the following:

 Power outlets for indoor units.
 Disconnect switches when specified to be installed separate from
the control panel.
 Flex outlet for exhaust fans.

8. Power supply up to control panels when specified with an integral

disconnect switch.

9. Power supply to disconnect switches when the switches are built-in the
10. Empty conduits with pull wires for all cables and wires classified under
the mechanical scope of works.

11. Control outlet boxes for all control equipment classified under the
mechanical scope of works.

12. Power cables and conduits or fixing arrangement between heating

water pumps, air handling units, etc.. and their control panel.

13. Power cables and conduits from central control panel to the various
equipment controlled from the same panel, such as exhaust fans, supply
air fans, etc..


A. The work of this Section shall be governed by General Conditions of


B. It is the Contractors responsibility to be fully aware of and comply with all

of the requirements of the above listed documents, and further assure that
all Subcontractors are equally informed.

C. Adhesives, sealants, vapor barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet

“Green Building Regulations & Specifications” requirements for Volatile
Organic Compounds, (VOCs) content limits.

D. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to be fully aware of and comply with all

of the requirements of the district cooling provider.

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A. This section applies to and is part of all Sections of Division 23.


A. The manufacturer's of all materials and equipment must have at least ten
years of experience in the design and manufacture of their products.


A. In addition to the mentioned above, the works shown herein after shall be
applicable along with the requirements of the related divisions and sections.


A. The Drawings are based on design and include general layouts and typical
details of various systems to be installed. The Contractor shall make the
installations in a workmanlike manner to conform to the structure, to avoid
obstructions, to preserve head room, and to keep openings and passage
ways clear without additional instruction and without additional cost to the


A. The Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings showing the exact routing and
locations of all the piping, ducting, equipment, etc., all in their respective
locations and according to the dimensions of the approved manufacturer.
Shop Drawings scale shall be 1/10, 1/20, 1/50 and 1/100 as applicable and
as approved by the Engineer.

B. The Contractor shall submit catalogue cuts and brochures of products with
reference to proper paragraph in specifications. All submittals shall be
binded in one Booklet.

C. The Contractor shall submit adequate Engineering data on each piece of

equipment together with all characteristic curves, capacity selection charts
and all data for testing and balancing of the systems. In addition the
Contractor shall submit manufacturer's printed installation instructions.

D. The Contractor shall submit at the beginning of the project a schedule of

submittals for materials and shop drawings to the approval of the Engineer.

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A. All materials shall be furnished in accordance with the requirements of the


B. The naming of manufacturers in the Specifications shall be strictly adhered

to in all circumstances.

C. Substitution of materials other than those named shall not be submitted.

D. Materials shall be delivered in unbroken packages bearing the brand and

maker's name, and shall be stored on platforms and properly covered to
protect them from moisture, heat and dust.

E. All materials shall be supplied from the main factories in the country of
origin of the manufacturer. Any deviation from this, like supplying
equipment assembled in another different country under a license or
another name is not accepted unless approved by the Engineer.


A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the training and familiarization of

the Owner’s maintenance staff for a period of at least six weeks on all
equipment and plants he has supplied or installed.


A. All moving parts of machinery shall be protected by strong guards to

adequately protect all personnel working on or in the vicinity of equipment.

B. Wherever possible, moving parts should be protected by guards supplied

by the equipment manufacturer. All guards must be strongly attached to
equipment and should be designed to be easily removed for access,
servicing, adjustment and maintenance.


A. The Contractor shall furnish and submit to the Engineer in electronic and
hard copy triplicate bound, A4 size, Instruction Manuals containing the
following material:

B. Brief description of each system and its service and basic operation

C. Manufacturer's mechanical equipment parts list of all functional

components of the systems listed on the Drawings, control diagrams and
wiring diagrams of controllers. List shall give system No., unit no.,
Manufacturer's Model No., and Manufacture's Drawing no. Parts list shall
include manufacturer's recommended spare parts for one year operation.

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D. Chart of the tag numbers, location and function of each valve.

E. Maintenance instructions for each type of equipment.

F. Possible breakdowns and repairs for each type of equipment.

G. List of nearest local suppliers for all equipment.

H. Manufacturer's literature describing each piece of equipment control

diagrams and wiring diagrams of controllers.

I. Complete, as installed, color coded wiring diagrams of all electrical motor

controller connections and interlock connections of other mechanical

J. The Contractor shall furnish all the foregoing to the Engineer for his review
as to the fulfilment of the specified requirements.

K. All items shall be available at least four weeks prior to the substantial
completion date.


A. The following abbreviations have been mentioned in the specifications.

1. AMCA - Air Moving and Conditioning Associations.

2. ANSI - American National Standard Institute.
3. ARI - Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute.
4. ASA - Acoustical Society of America, American Standards
5. ASHRAE - American Society of Heating Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning Engineers.
6. ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
7. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials.
8. BSI - British Standards Institution.
9. SMACNA - Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors
National Association
10. UL - Under Writers Laboratories.
11. BTU - British Thermal Units.
12. SAF - Safety and Fire Protection Directives for Industrial
13. SEC - Security Directives For Industrial Facilities


A. All workmanship required to accomplish the work mentioned in

Mechanical specification or shown on related Drawings, shall conform to
the highest standards, and as required by the Engineer.

B. The Engineer will be the sole judge of the standards required.

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A. All apparatus shall be thoroughly cleaned before being placed in operation.

Finished surfaces shall be restored if damaged and entire installation shall
be delivered in perfect condition, subject to the approval of the Engineer.
Systems shall be adjusted and balanced to operate as shown in the
Drawings and herein specified.


A. All piping and equipment shall be tested as specified under the

corresponding section of the Specifications and to meet local and specified
requirements. Provide anemometers, thermometers, gauges, voltmeters,
ammeters, and similar instruments, not part of the permanent installation,
but required to record the performance of the equipment and systems,
labour, materials, power, etc.., required for testing, shall be furnished by
the Contractor, unless otherwise indicated under the particular section of
the Specifications.

B. Tests shall be performed in the presence of representatives of the Engineer

and such other parties that have legal jurisdiction and all results shall be

C. In general, pressure tests shall be applied to piping systems only before

connection of fixtures, equipment and appliances. In no case shall any
piping, fixtures, equipment or appliances be subjected to pressures
exceeding the ratings as prescribed by the manufacturers of fixtures,
equipment and appliances, or accepted engineering standards for piping
and fittings.

D. All defective work shall be promptly repaired or replaced and the tests shall
be repeated until the particular system and component parts thereof
receive the approval of the Engineer and authorities having jurisdiction,
and at no additional cost to the Owner.

E. Any damages resulting from tests shall be repaired and/or damaged

materials replaced, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and at no
additional cost to the Owner.

F. The duration of tests shall be as determined by all parties having

jurisdiction, but in no case less than the time prescribed in each division of
the Specifications.

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G. Tests to be performed shall include but will not be limited to the following:

1. Vibration isolation test

2. Sound attenuator test
3. Insulation test
4. Heating water pipe tests
5. Heat Exchangers Test
6. Pump tests
7. Air handling unit tests
8. VRV indoor & outdoor unit tests
9. DX systems tests
10. Air and water balancing
11. Exhaust systems tests
12. Noise and vibration measurement
13. Room condition tests
14. Controls and building management test


A. The Contractor shall coordinate the work to ensure orderly, timely

installations of the work of applicable trades within the various spaces


A. Access doors shall provide ready access to concealed control valves,

traps, cleanouts, motors, fire dampers, and other items requiring operation,
adjustment, or maintenance.

B. Doors and frames shall be of 12-gauge galvanized steel with invisible

hinges, and cam lock fastenings. For plaster walls or ceiling, frames shall
have a 50 mm. wide lath plaster bond. For masonry walls, the frame shall
be set flush with masonry with provisions in the jamb for anchoring. Doors
shall be solid flush steel with grey metal primer. Location of access doors
shall be coordinated with and shall have the approval of the Engineer
before the mechanical work is installed.


A. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all necessary permits, inspections
and tests, for the proper installation of his work, as may be required by the
various administrative authorities having jurisdiction.

B. Certificates of inspections, tests etc., with the proper approval certified

thereon, shall be secured by the Contractor and these documents shall be
delivered to the Engineer before the work in question will be accepted.

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A. Openings in exterior walls, particularly at or below grade shall be kept

properly plugged and caulked at all times, (except when being worked on)
to preclude the possibility of flooding due to storms or other causes. After
completion of work, openings shall be permanently sealed and caulked in
the manner herein specified.


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SECTION 26 00 01



A. ELECTRICAL WORK, unless otherwise specified, includes the supply, installation,

testing and commissioning of the complete electrical systems, equipment and
materials shown on the Drawings and/or described in the Specification together
with all associated ancillary work, support work and builders work in connection.


Incoming Power Supply and Connection which will be provided by Saudi Electricity
Company (SEC) shall consist of MV […] kV power supply from SEC.

It shall be the full responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate with SEC, for the
existing nearest tie-in manhole of MV network in order to ensure all necessary
electrical connection between SEC, MV network and the transformer room of the
project. No variation order shall be accepted with respect to interface with SEC
after contract award.

Medium voltage switchgear and MV/LV dry type transformers shall be in conformity
with relevant European IEC Standards in order to be compatible with prevailing
voltage frequency (cycle) and available SEC grid supply network.

C. TELEPHONE PUBLIC EXCHANGE LINES will be connected the premises by the SAUDI.
Contractor shall do necessary follow up with local Authority and secure the
required approvals for the telephone system.


All electrical work from and including motor control centers/panels to and including
motors and other electrically operated equipment, which is included in the
Specification for Mechanical Work or other work, does not form part of the Electrical
Work, unless otherwise noted.

Unless otherwise noted on drawings the Motor Control Centers / Panels of the
following Mechanical System Motors are included in the Electrical works.

1. Fresh air fans

2. Exhaust fans

Unless otherwise noted on drawings the following motor control panels / centers
are not included in Electrical works, but their incoming and outgoing feeders are
included in Electrical works.

1. All pumps
2. All VFDS

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Power supply to motors and other electrically operated equipment, which are not
connected to a motor control centre/panel, is included in the Electrical Works and
comprises power supply to terminal box on equipment or nearby disconnecting or
starting device, and includes the disconnecting device, if individually provided, but
not the starting device or combination starter.

E. CONTRACTOR will undertake detailed design of the systems that are specified in the
form of "performance specifications" in accordance with the criteria stated in the
Specifications and as shown on the Drawings. Detailed design drawings / shop
drawings / as built drawings design will be submitted for approval. Contractor will
also undertake all necessary coordination with relevant authorities having
jurisdiction prior to completing the design.

F. The Contractor shall also:

1. The contractor has to visit the site and liaise with concerned Ministry
Departments for verification of any existing Buried services such as Electrical
Underground cables / Communication cables etc and should such services
exist, within the Project Site layout limits, then the contractor has to include such
prices in the tender for REROUTING of such services. No claims for the
damages or rerouting of services or any delays for obstruction of construction
works, will be accepted after awarding the contract.
2. Temporary electrical supply during construction of works
3. Contractor has to arrange the necessary Authority approvals and ASBUILT
DRAWING Approvals from the relevant Authorities
4. Arranging and carry out the necessary Ministry and Authorities Inspections and
Approvals for the Electrical Installations, Communication Installations and Fire
Alarm & Fire fighting Installations.
5. Arranging Permanent Electrical Power supply and Allow for adequate &
Appropriate Cable glands & Lugs etc for Ministry Power cables connections for
the Electrical substation.
6. Builders works, Ducts, Inserts, sleeves etc required for work.
7. Co-ordination with all other related trades and services
8. As built drawings, Operation & Maintenance manuals, Spares, other related
project record documentations during Handing over of the project
9. Training of Owners Staff for the operation of each system are installed.

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Carry out electrical work in accordance with the Drawings, Specification and
Regulations, ensuring compliance with design and performance requirements,
to provide safe and protected systems with equipment readily accessible for
operation, maintenance and repair. Installations are to be complete, ready for
operation and fully integrated and coordinated with all other work.

Installations are to be carried out by qualified personnel

Provide accessories necessary to complete the installations, of the types

specified or recommended for the purpose by the manufacturer of the equipment
or accessories.

B. EQUIPMENT SPACES AND ROOMS: check that dimensions, structure, ventilating

and cooling arrangements and other provisions in equipment spaces and rooms
are suitable for installation, operation and maintenance of proposed equipment.
Note any discrepancies on the shop and construction drawings.

C. POWER SUPPLY: liaise with the SEC to confirm and execute as required by

Characteristics of supply and system grounding.

Space requirements and associated builders work (Civil) and MEP for the
Authority's installations.

Make necessary arrangements at the earliest opportunity to ensure connection

as and when required, and inform the Engineer in the event of any foreseen

D. TELEPHONE PUBLIC EXCHANGE LINES: liaise with the Local MPT Authority to
confirm location of connection of public telephone exchange lines into the


Contractor are to have all consumable elements, such as lamps etc. and
defective equipment replaced by new, within 7 days prior to the date of
substantial completion.


are as follows (to be verified with SEC):

Medium voltage : [13.8] kV, three phase, 3 Wires.

wire low resistance neutral grounding 500 MVA.

Low voltage : [400/230] V, three phase, four wire, 60Hz. Solidly

ground neutral.

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Frequency : 60 Hz.

B. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS are to be supplied or derived from the voltage system

previously described, as shown on the Drawings, or as otherwise specified.

C. EQUIPMENT: is to be designed for the system voltage and frequency previously

described, unless otherwise specified. Special provisions are to be made for
equipment sensitive to power supply frequency and voltage variations and for
equipment operated at other voltages/frequencies or by direct current sources.
CLIMATIC CONDITIONS: equipment, including transformers, switchgear,
cables, relays, lighting fixtures, motors etc., is to be designed and derated for
continuous and trouble free service under the following climatic conditions:

1. REGULATIONS: Carry out electrical work in accordance with the current issue
of the local codes of practice the IEC 60304, where not in contradiction with
the local codes of practice and regulations, herein referred to collectively as
'the Regulations'.

Maximum ambient temperature […] deg. C (in the shade).

Minimum ambient temperature […] deg. C
Maximum ambient temperature […] deg. C
in plant room
Maximum ambient temperature […] deg. C
in plant room with A/C
Minimum relative humidity […] %
Atmospheric conditions sand and dust storms with particles of [0.1]
microns diameter

D. CONFLICT should an instance occur in this specification or on the drawings in

which material or construction methods called for is less than minimum
requirement of the Regulations, the Engineer shall be immediately informed in
writing. Consequent to Engineers approval, supply the materials and perform
the work as though called for to minimum code standards.

E. STANDARDS: unless otherwise specified, equipment and materials are to be

manufactured and installed in compliance with the relevant recommendations
of the following:

1. NFPA: National Fire Protection Association.

2. NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturer Association.
3. ANSI: American National Standard Institute.
4. IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
5. UL: Underwriter’s Laboratories.
6. IEC The International Electro-Technical Commission.
7. ISO: The International Standardization Organization.

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8. CCITT: The International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative
9. CCIR: The International Radio Consultative Committee.
10. CISPR: The International Special Committee on Radio Interference.
11. SAF: Safety and Fire Protection Directives for Industrial Facilities
12. SEC: Security Directives For Industrial Facilities
13. or other equal and approved standards, herein referred to as 'the

Local standards, such as, but not limited to, SASO (Saudi Arabia Standards
Organization) where enforced and relevant, are to have precedence over the


A. EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS shown on the Drawings indicate the approximate

locations and general layout of equipment. Exact and final locations and
layouts together with dimensions, weights, mounting methods and
accessories, where relevant, are to be shown on the shop and construction

B. WIRING LAYOUTS shown on the Drawings are to be used as a guide only to

defining basic positions, circuiting, loading and switching arrangements. Actual
layouts and details of routing of circuits (grouping of circuits in one conduit) are
to be shown on the shop and construction drawings, including coordination to
avoid interference with structural works.

C. WIRING LAYOUTS shown on the Drawings for work not included in the Electrical
Work, such as motor control centers/panels, cables to motors and other similar
electrically operated equipment are shown for convenience and reference only.

D. SYMBOLS: in order to provide sufficient detail and a minimum degree of clarity

on the drawings, the symbols used for the various electrical devices,
particularly wall-mounted devices, take up more space on the drawings than
the device does on the wall. Because of drafting limitations these locations
must be considered as being symbolic rather than exact physical locations of
the devices. The devices shall be installed with prime regard for convenience
of operation and the proper usage of the wall space rather than to coincide with
the scaled locations of the symbols. In locating the outlets, follow the criteria
provided on detail drawings where provided, and coordinate with furniture. Do
not scale from design drawings.


A. AVAILABILITY: confirm availability of equipment and materials proposed for use

in the work prior to submission for approval. If, after approval, equipment or
materials cease to be available, submit alternative items of equal quality and
type for approval.

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B. ACCEPTANCE BY AUTHORITY: confirm that proposed equipment and material
characteristics where required are compatible with the requirements of the
Local Power Authority or other authorities having jurisdiction and are acceptable
to them. Inform the Engineer of any modifications necessary to comply with the
Local Power Authority's requirements.

C. MANUFACTURERS' STANDARDS: equipment is to be the latest standard product of

the manufacturer. Component parts are to be the product of a single
manufacturer, unless otherwise approved and provided that components made
by other manufacturers are of a standard design and are interchangeable.

D. APPROVED MANUFACTURER'S: listing of approved manufacturers in the

Specification does not necessarily constitute approval of their standard products
as equal to those specified. Ascertain that listed manufacturers are able to
supply equipment and material in conformity with the Specification.

E. FACTORY ASSEMBLY: equipment generally is to be supplied in complete factory

assembled units ready for installation on site. Dis-assembly necessary for
transportation or other purposes is to be arranged to limit site work to simple re-
assembly and inter-wiring of control and power cabling.

F. STORAGE OF MATERIALS: equipment and materials are to be stored in an

approved location, under cover, free from humidity, dust, debris and rodents.
Equipment sensitive to heat and humidity is to be kept in climatically conditioned
areas until installed and handed over.

G. DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT: The Owner reserves the right to operate operable

defective equipment during the Defects Liability Period until it can be removed
from service for repair or replacement.

H. WARRANTY: where required by the Specification, provide a warranty, signed by

the manufacturer (including his agreement to replace promptly, defective
equipment or parts thereof, as instructed by the Engineer) covering materials
and workmanship for the period stated in the Specification, starting at
substantial completion. The Contractor is to assign the benefits of such warranty
to the Owner.

I. SPARE PARTS: not later than the date of substantial completion, provide spare
parts required by the Specification, together with suitable means of identifying,
storing and securing same.

J. TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS: not later than the date of substantial completion,
provide sets of tools and instruments required by the Specification, together with
suitable means of identifying, storing and securing same.

K. LABEL AND IDENTIFY all equipment, instruments, control and electrical devices
etc. to indicate duty, service or function, to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Labels are to be laminated plastic or anodized aluminum discs with black
surface and white core with incised lettering in Arabic & English. Alternative
methods of labeling may be submitted for approval. Fix labels with non-

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corrodible screws to equipment, or to adjacent permanent surfaces or as
approved by the Engineer.

L. EQUIPMENT NAMEPLATES are to be non-corroding, robust metal, inscribed in

English, and firmly fixed to equipment at factory. Nameplates are to indicate
name and address of manufacturer, model, serial number, basic characteristics
and ratings of equipment and are to include elementary diagrams etc., all in
accordance with the Standards.

M. FIREPROOFING: Where cables, cable trays, bus ducts or conduits pass through
floors and fire rated walls, pack space between wiring and sleeve full with
materials and seal with approved caulking compound.


A. GENERALLY: submit for approval, manufacturers' technical literature, shop and

construction drawings and other information required by the Specification, before
ordering equipment or materials and before executing any related work on site.

B. COORDINATION STUDY: and deliverables required from contractor a short circuit

and protection coordination study, for the electrical distribution network, is to be
carried out by the contractor and submitted to the Engineer for approval.
Contractor shall submit the following as per IEC:
- Cable sections calculations.
- Voltage drop (maximum permissible value being 5% at last outlet).
- Short circuit interrupting capacity values.

C. TECHNICAL LITERATURE is to include detailed manufacturers' specifications and

original catalogues or catalogue cuts, characteristics, model number, application
and operating criteria of all equipment and materials, together with other
information necessary to satisfy the Engineer that proposed equipment and
systems are suitable and adequate.

D. SHOP AND CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS are to demonstrate to the Engineer that the
design requirements are understood by indicating all equipment and material
proposed to be supplied and installed and by detailing fabrication and installation
methods proposed to be used. Shop and construction drawings are to clearly
state the name and location of the work, the names of the Engineer and
Contractor, submission date, cross- references to the Drawings and
Specification and the specific reference number, location, service and function
of each item.

E. SHOP AND CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS are to be submitted at a scale of 1:100 for

general layout plans, and 1:10, 1:20 or 1:50 as approved by the Engineer for
sections, details, elevations, congested layouts, etc. Drawings shall include but
not be limited to the following:

Details of electrical installations in conjunction with all trades concerned,

showing sleeves and openings for passage through floor structure.

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Composite construction drawings fully dimensioned, in metric, showing locations
of cables, conduits, bus ducts, shafts, mechanical and electrical equipment
rooms, ceiling spaces and all other critical locations

Plans showing equipment layouts including all details pertaining to clearances,

access, sleeves, electrical connections, location and elevation of pipes, ducts,
conduits, etc.

Plans, sections and elevations of electrical spaces to illustrate compliance with

Standards for allocation of spaces for maintenance, movement, installation... etc.

F. LIST OF PROPOSED MANUFACTURERS of all equipment and materials, including all

items for which choice of manufacturer is at the discretion of the Contractor, is
to be submitted for approval.

G. ASSEMBLED EQUIPMENT any assembled equipment to be supplied for the project

is to be assembled by the manufacturer or his authorized assembler. Contractor
is to submit the necessary documents to substantiate the above including the
assembler staff training, quality control, etc. The Engineer reserves the right to
reject any local assembler if the information submitted is not sufficient. The
Engineer's decision in that respect is final and not subject to discussion.

H. TEST CERTIFICATES AND REPORTS: submit manufacturers type and routine test
certificates and reports for equipment and devices. Complete test results are to
be submitted in clearly identified and organized booklets, indicating item of
equipment, make, model, type, date of tests, type of tests, descriptions and
procedures. Include in the test reports the Quality Assurance Certification, the
standards to which the equipment comply, and the standards to which the
equipment was tested.

I. FACTORY TESTING: for locally manufactured/assembled equipment is to comply

with the relevant standards recommendations and are to be witnessed by the
Engineer. If the manufacturers test certificates/tests are not complying with the
standards, then independent laboratory tests are to be carried out on equipment
in accordance with the Specification and the Standards, and as required by the
Engineer. The Engineer's decision in that respect is final and not subject to

J. SPARE PARTS SCHEDULES: submit with the Tender itemized schedules of spare
parts to be provided, as required by the Specification, and state against each
item the manufacturer's unit price including packaging and delivery to site.

K. TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS SCHEDULES: submit with the Tender itemized

schedules of tools and instruments to be provided, as required by the
Specification, and state against each item the manufacturer's unit price including
packaging and delivery to site.

L. LABELING SCHEDULE: submit for approval, prior to installation, a schedule of all

equipment and devices to be labeled and the suggested details, lettering,
position and fixing methods of each label indicating its application.

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M. SAMPLES: submit samples of all equipment and materials for approval. Major
items of equipment for which samples cannot be submitted are to be
demonstrated in existing installations or by manufacturers information, test
certificates and reports.


A. CONSTRUCTION: electronic components of communication systems, and CCTV

systems and special systems as well as electronic components forming part of
the power distribution system are to be solid-state integrated construction,
unless otherwise approved.

B. TEMPERATURE LIMITS: manufacturer is to indicate maximum and minimum

ambient temperatures acceptable for the equipment to operate continuously
and normally and beyond which electronic components may suffer permanent
damage. Contractor is to coordinate the air conditioning requirements for the
rooms where the equipment is located. Inform the Engineer of any special
requirements or discrepancies for a decision.

C. ALTERNATIVE ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT: maybe submitted for approval, provided

such equipment meets or exceeds the functional capabilities and/or
performance parameters of the equipment specified. Proposals for alternative
equipment will be considered only if accompanied by the following information:

1. List of operational characteristics and performance parameters

2. List of differences in operation and performance between proposed and
specified equipment
3. List of changes required and resulting implications
4. Drawings indicating changes required to system wiring
5. Statement of advantages of proposed equipment over that specified.

D. PROTECTION: solid-state equipment under normal conditions of operation is to

withstand any surges, which might be produced by sudden mains or standby
power switching operations. Protective devices are to be provided to protect
against surges, failure of output stages due to open circuit, short-circuit or
miss-match. Comply with IEC standards and/or with IEEE standard 472
(ANSI/IEEE C37.90 Guide for Surge Withstand Capability Tests".
System/equipment which may be adversely affected by short duration power
blackouts shall be capable of riding through such a disturbance by having an
internal battery back up to the memory / microprocessor, etc.

E. INDICATOR LIGHTS other than LV pilot lamps are to be light emitting diodes

F. ELECTROMAGNETIC RELAYS and control/small power transformers are to be

designed to withstand the 500 V a.c. test voltage between winding and
winding or winding and core.

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G. DUST COVERS, easily removable for inspection and servicing, are to be
provided for all relays and sensitive elements.

H. OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT: is to be designed for maximum ambient temperature in

direct sun and is to be protected/enclosed, as applicable, against dust and
weather conditions.

I. EXTERNAL INTERFERENCES carry out field investigations and tests to determine

possible interference from outside sources. Design electronic equipment to
ensure trouble - free operation.

J. SEGREGATION OF WIRING: design wiring so that low current circuits are

segregated from power wiring, using different conduits and wire ways for the
Composite wiring is acceptable for the same system in accordance with the
relevant codes.

Cable insulation is to be same grade for all conductors in a common


K. POWER SUPPLY UNITS: for low current systems which are fed from the LV
supply are to be independently fused on the live conductor and are to have
front panel mains indicator light, on/off switch and standard cartridge type fuse
holder. Blown fuse indicator lamp is to be provided when fuse does not have
an indicator.


A. Tests on Site:
1. Carry out inspection and acceptance tests on site on each complete system,
before final placement into service, in accordance with the Regulations and
Standards, as described in the Specification and required by the Engineer.
2. TEST SCHEDULES AND PROCEDURES are to be submitted for approval and are
to include details of testing equipment to be provided.
3. WITNESSING: inspection and acceptance tests are to be carried out in the
presence of the Engineer, and when required, by an authorized
representative of the Local Power Authority.
4. VISUAL INSPECTION: visually check proper installation, connections and
nameplate data before testing.
5. INSULATION RESISTANCE test the feeders, lighting and power circuits, motors
and other power equipment of low voltage installations with a megger of not
less than 500 V d.c. for installations rated up to 500 V (r.m.s. value of a.c.
supply) and 1000 V d.c. for installations rated above 500 V up to 1000 V. and
as required by the particular Section of the Specification.
6. INSULATION RESISTANCE: unless otherwise specified or approved, test the
circuit insulation resistance related to communications and security systems
with a megger of not less than 500 V operating voltage, with equipment

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7. CONTINUITY: test all feeders and circuits for continuity.
8. OPERATIONAL TESTS: carry out operational tests on all equipment and
complete systems to verify proper performance in compliance with the
Specification. Tests are to be carried out under normal operating conditions
for not less than 3 days and as required by the Engineer.
9. SPECIFIC TESTS: carry out specific tests required by the Specification and any
other tests required by the Engineer to verify compliance of the installations
with the Specification.

10. VOLTAGE CHECKS: perform voltage checks throughout the building and if
directed by the Engineer, adjust the transformer tap settings where a
transformer is provided on the supply end, or report to power authority for
adjustment necessary.
11. CURRENT CHECKS: In cooperation with the mechanical sub-contractor, take
clip-on ammeter readings on all phases of all mechanical equipment motors
with motors operating under full load conditions. Test readings shall be
submitted to the Engineer.


A. GENERALLY: not later than the date of substantial completion, provide the
Engineer with the required copies of all approved as-installed drawings, test
records, manufacturers' guarantees and warranties, operating and
maintenance manuals and other records required by the Specification.

B. PRESENTATION OF RECORDS: is to be in A4 size, plastic covered, loose-leaf ring

binders or other approved binders with hard covers, that are indexed, divided
and appropriately cover titled. Drawings larger than A4 size are to be folded in
the binders so that they may be unfolded without being detached.

C. AS-INSTALLED DRAWINGS: As installed drawings are to contain the

complete assembled information included on the construction drawings,
prepared in the same manner, and up-dated to indicate the systems, labeling,
referencing, mounting methods, routing etc. as installed. Submit complete
drawings for approval. Drawings are to include but not limited to:

1. Layout plans including all conduiting and wiring installations for all systems
2. All changes to the work during construction including corrections that are
made on floor plans and riser diagrams and detail drawings etc., as
3. Exact dimensioned location of all services embedded in the structure
4. Invert of all services entering and leaving the building and at property lines.
5. Dimensions and elevations of underground services in relation to building
at key points of every run.
6. Riser diagrams for all systems

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D. TEST RECORDS are to include test certificates of type tests, routine tests, site
tests, commissioning and performance tests and all other tests on equipment
and installations described in the Specification and required by the Engineer.
Information is to include test procedures and results, conditions under which
tests were carried out including set points, temperatures and the like, dates,
location and attendance by authorized representatives etc.


A. Operation and Maintenance Manuals will contain the following:

1. Technical description of each system and item of equipment installed, written
to ensure that the Owners staff fully understands the scope and facilities

2. Diagrammatic drawings of each system indicating principle components and

items of equipment

3. Schedules (system by system) of equipment installed giving manufacturer,

catalogue list numbers, model, rating, capacity and operating characteristics;
each item is to have a unique code and number, cross- referenced to the
diagrammatic drawings and layout drawings

4. Name, addresses, telephone, e-mail and fax numbers of the manufacturer of

every item of equipment.

5. Name, address, telephone and e-mail and fax numbers of equipment

agents/representatives for emergency services and procedures

6. Manufacturer's service manual for each major item of equipment, assembled

specifically for the project, including detailed drawings, illustrations, circuit
details, operating and maintenance instructions, modes of operation, control
provisions, sequences and interlocks and preventative maintenance program

7. Schedules of all fixed and variable equipment settings established during


8. Procedures for fault finding, where applicable, data or recommended

maintenance procedures, maintenance intervals and maintenance tools.

9. All test results conducted on the relevant equipment whether at the

manufacturer's place or at site.

10. Manufacturers' lists of recommended spare parts for items subject to wear
and deterioration, giving expected running period and indicating specifically
those items, which may involve extended deliveries.


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SECTION 26 00 05



A. This section includes the following:

1. Electrical equipment coordination and installation.

2. Sleeves for raceways and cables.
3. Sleeve seals.
4. Common electrical installation requirements.


A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and

Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this

A. ATS: Acceptance Testing Specifications.
B. EPDM: Ethylene-propylene-diene monomer rubber.
C. NBR: Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber.


A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated.


A. Test Equipment Suitability and Calibration: Comply with NETA ATS, “Suitability
of Test Equipment” and “Test Instrument Calibration.


A. Coordinate arrangement, mounting, and support of electrical equipment:

1. To allow maximum possible headroom unless specific mounting heights that
reduce headroom are indicated.
2. To provide for ease of disconnecting the equipment with minimum
interference to other installations.
3. To allow right of way for piping and conduit installed at required slope.
4. So connecting raceways, cables, wire ways, cable trays, and busways will
be clear of obstructions and of the working and access space of other

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B. Coordinate installation of required supporting devices and set sleeves in cast-in-
place concrete, masonry walls and other structural components as they are

C. Coordinate location of access panels and doors for electrical items that are behind
finished surfaces or otherwise concealed. Access doors and panels are specified
in Division 8 Section “Access Doors and Frames”.



A. In other articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements
apply to product selection:

1. Available Manufacturer: Subject to compliance with requirements,

manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work
include, but are not limited to, manufacturers specified.

2. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by

one of the manufacturers specified.


A. Steel Pipe Sleeves: ASTM A 53/A 53M, Type E, Grade B, Schedule 40,
galvanized steel, plain ends.

B. Cast-Iron Pipe Sleeves: Cast or fabricated “wall pipe”, equivalent to ductile-iron

pressure pipe, with plain ends and integral water-stop, unless otherwise

C. Sleeves for Rectangular Openings: Galvanized sheet steel with minimum [0.052
– or 0.138] inch ([1.3-or 3.5] mm) thickness as indicated and of length to suit

D. Coordinate sleeve selection and application with selection and application of fire-
stopping specified in Division 7 Section “Fire stopping”.


A. Description: Modular sealing device, designed for field assembly, to fill annular
space between sleeve and raceway or cable.

1. Sealing Elements: (EPDM) or (NBR) interlocking links shaped to fit surface of

cable or conduit. Include type and number required for material and size of
raceway or cable.
2. Pressure Plates: Stainless steel include two for each sealing element.
3. Connecting Bolts and Nuts: Stainless steel of length required to secure plates
to sealing elements. Include one for each sealing elements.

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A. Comply with NECA 1.

B. Measure indicated mounting heights to bottom of unit for suspended items and
to center of unit for wall-mounting items.

C. Headroom Maintenance: If mounting heights or other location criteria are not

indicated, arrange and install components and equipment to provide maximum
possible headroom consistent with these requirements.

D. Equipment: Install to facilitate service, maintenance, and repair or replacement

of components of both electrical equipment and other nearby installations.
Connect in such a way as to facilitate future disconnecting with minimum
interference with other items in the vicinity.

E. Right of Way: Give to raceways and piping systems installed at a required slope.


A. Electrical penetrations occur when raceways, cables, wire-ways, cable trays, or

busway penetrate concrete slabs, concrete or masonry walls, or fire rated floor
and wall assemblies.

B. Coordinate sleeve selection and application with selection and application of

fire-stopping specified in Division 7 Section “Fire stopping”.

C. Concrete Slabs and Walls: Install sleeves for penetrations unless core-drilled
holes or formed openings are used. Install sleeves during erection of slabs and

D. Use pipe sleeves unless penetration arrangement requires rectangular sleeved


E. Rectangular Sleeve Minimum Metal thickness:

1. For sleeve cross-section rectangle perimeter less than [1,270] mm and no

side greater than [40] mm, thickness shall be [1.3] mm.

2. For sleeve cross-section rectangle perimeter equal to, or greater than,

[1,270] m and 1 or more sides equal to or greater than [40] mm, thickness
shall be [3.5] mm.

F. Fire-Rated Assemblies: Install sleeves for penetrations of fire-rated floor and

wall assemblies unless openings compatible with firestop system used are
fabricated during construction of floor or wall.

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G. Cut sleeves to length or mounting flush with both surfaces of walls.

H. Extend sleeves installed in floors [50] mm above finished floor level.

I. Size pipe sleeves to provide [6.4] mm annular clear space between sleeve and
raceways or cable unless sleeve seal it to be installed.

J. Seal space outside of sleeves with grout for penetrations of concrete and masonry
(and with approved joint compound for gypsum board assemblies).

K. Interior Penetrations of Non-Fire-Rated Walls and Floors: Seal annular space

between sleeve and raceway or cable, using joint sealant appropriate for size,
depth, and location of joint. Refer to Division 7 Section “Joint Sealants” for
materials and installation.

L. Fire-Rated-Assembly Penetrations: Maintain indicated fire rating of walls,

partitions, ceilings and floors at raceway and cable penetrations. Install sleeves
and seal raceway and cable penetration sleeves with firestop materials. Comply
with Division 7 Section “Fire stopping”.

M. Roof-Penetration Sleeves: Seal penetration of individual raceways and cables

with flexible boot-type flashing units applied in coordination with roofing work.

N. Aboveground, Exterior-Wall Penetrations: Seal penetrations using sleeves and

mechanical sleeve seals. Select sleeve size to allow for 25-mm annular clear
space between pipe and sleeve for installing mechanical sleeve seals.

O. Underground, Exterior-Wall Penetrations: Install cast-iron “wall pipes” for sleeves.

Size sleeves to allow for [25] mm annular clear space between raceway or cable
and sleeve for installing mechanical sleeve seals.


A. Install to seal underground, exterior wall penetrations.

B. Use type and number of sealing elements recommended by manufacturer for

raceways or cable material and size. Position raceway or cable in center of
sleeve. Assemble mechanical sleeve seals and install in annular space between
raceway or cable and sleeve. Tighten bolts against pressure plates that cause
sealing elements to expand and make water light seal.


A. Apply fire-stopping to electrical penetrations of fire-rated floor and wall

assemblies to restore original fire-resistance rating of assembly. Fire-stopping
materials and installation requirements are specified in Division 7 Section “Fire

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A. Inspect installed sleeve and sleeve-seal installations and associated fire-

stopping for damage and faulty work.


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SECTION 46 05 01


A. This Section specifies general requirements for the equipment supplied under
this Contract.


A. Section 01 33 00: Submittal Procedures

B. Section 01 45 00: Quality Control
C. Section 01 91 13: General Commissioning Requirements
D. Section 01 70 00: Execution and Closeout Requirements
E. Section 01 78 23: Operation and Maintenance
F. Section 01 79 00: Data Demonstration and Training
G. Section 09 91 00: Painting
H. Section 26 06 20.01: Electric Motors.


A. Provide equipment, materials, tools, safety items, test equipment that will be
suitable for the climatic conditions experienced in […] region, Saudi Arabia.
Design equipment to operate satisfactorily to its full capacity in the following
1. Maximum ambient temperature […] oC and minimum […]oC.
2. Metal surfaces in direct sunlight can reach […] oC.
3. Maximum relative humidity is […] %.
4. Mean annual rainfall is about […] mm.
5. [Dust and sand storms occur frequently]. Wind velocity of […] km/hr. shall
be considered for all above ground structures.


A. Equipment supplied shall be suitable for operation in a particular medium (e.g.,

air, raw water, chemically-conditioned water, chlorinated water, etc.) or
service. The Contractor shall verify the characteristics of each medium or

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A. The Contractor shall comply with Section 01 45 00.

B. Equipment supplied under this Contract shall be new, shall not have been in
service at any time before delivery, except as required by tests, and shall fit to
the purpose.

C. The manufacturer shall demonstrate a minimum [ten [10] years] of experience

in production, development, testing, and installation of similar or larger size of
equipment. References shall be provided to verify performance.

D. Equipment supplied shall be selected from the standard range of products.

E. The manufacturer shall ascertain to its satisfaction the actual conditions and
services under which the equipment will operate and shall warrant that
operation under those conditions will be successful. The materials, installation
and other services provided under this Contract shall be project specific and
shall provide solid, dependable services for the period of time specified
elsewhere in the Specification.

F. Equipment supplied shall be equal or better in material, rating and

performance to that specified. Demonstrate to satisfaction of the Contractor,
that tolerances in material and performance are within the limits set up in
applicable and approved standards.

G. Applicable Standards: The Contractor shall submit for approval list of

standards to which proposed equipment is complied with, if different from the
ones specified. In instances, where two codes or specification requirements
are at variance, the more restrictive shall apply. In every situation the latest
specification, code or standard shall apply. Safety requirements shall comply
with the directives of Safety and fire protection directives for industrial facilities
– Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Interior – High Commission for
Industrial Security – Secretariat General – latest edition (SAF). Security
requirements shall comply with the directives of Security directives for
industrial facilities – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Interior – High
Commission for Industrial Security – Secretariat General – latest edition

H. Drawings
1. The Drawings are diagrammatic and show the general layout of the
completed construction work.
2. Determine the location of equipment, inserts, anchors, motors, panels,
conduits, stub-ups, fittings, fixtures, air, water, power and process inlets to
suit field conditions and the equipment actually provided.

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3. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring adequate clearance
between pipes, equipment and similar appurtenances, without any extra
cost to the Engineer.
4. The Contractor shall review the Drawings and Specifications of other
trades and shall include the work shown thereon that will be required for
the complete installation.
5. The Contractor shall submit written details and reasons for all changes to
the Contract Documents before making such changes.
6. In the event of varying interpretations of the Contract Documents, the
Engineer’s interpretation will govern.
I. Perform Manufacturer's and Supplier’s product quality control specifics as
required for this project.

J. Equipment in contact with potable water shall be compliant with NSF-61


A. Provide all equipment with a data plate.
1. Fabricate from minimum 2 mm thick, Grade 316L stainless steel sheet.
2. Use permanent embossed or preprinted lettering in English and Arabic.
3. Use letters and numerals not smaller than 5 mm high.
4. Fasten to the frame using corrosion-resisting pins.
5. Identify, as a minimum, the following:
a. Manufacturer
b. Serial number
c. Model number
d. Type
e. Operating and performance data
f. Other pertinent data.

B Use name tags attached to the equipment or device where data plates cannot
be used.
1. Make tags approximately 40 mm by 75 mm in size with square corners.
2. Fabricate from minimum 2 mm thick, Grade 316L stainless steel sheet.
3. Engrave or etch letters and numerals in English and Arabic using a
professional engraver.
4. Use letters not smaller than 3 mm high in size.
5. Identify the name and equipment tag number as shown on the
Instrumentation Drawings.
6. Provide a 5 mm diameter hole in the upper left-hand corner of each name
7. Attach the name tags to the equipment or item using a 3 mm stainless steel

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A. Submittals shall comply with Section 01 33 00.

B. Shop Drawings
1. Provide shop drawings for all equipment before fabrication or installation.
2. Submit certified equipment assembly drawings showing dimensions,
fabrication, foundation, fixing, parts identification and material, power drive
assembly and other devices and accessories forming complete equipment.
If equipment comes from a different source than the manufacturer’s works,
the Contractor shall give clear indication and references for the part
identification and vendor.
3. No equipment can be shipped before drawings approval.

C. As-Built drawings shall be submitted. As Built Drawings shall include complete

schematics and wiring diagrams; drawings showing all installed equipment,
conduits, piping/tubing, pipes, cables and all routing and tray systems;
supports and mounting details; point to point diagrams with cable wire and
cable members tube and termination numbers for instrumentation, the
respective tag numbers for all equipment.

D. Motor data, including:

1. Manufacturer.
2. Minimum guaranteed efficiency.
3. Power factor at full load, ¾ load, and ½ load.
4. Locked motor current.
5. Motor speed.
6. Mounting details.

E. Certified test reports on shop testing, functional testing, and performance

testing shall be submitted as specified in Section 01 91 13 and in this Section.
Approval of the shop test report only allows the manufacture to ship the
equipment to the site and does not constitute final acceptance.

F. In accordance with the requirements of Section 01 33 00, the Contractor shall

submit a certificate of compliance for mechanical equipment. The Contractor
shall identify all deviations from the Specifications and shall demonstrate that
the proposed alternatives are superior or equal to the ones specified.


A. If equipment selected by the Contractor requires revisions to the structure,

piping, electrical, or other work, the Contractor shall make such revisions at
no additional cost to the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for the
costs incurred by the Engineer for any required redesign necessitated by the

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equipment selected by the Contractor. All such revisions shall be subject to
the approval of the Engineer.
B. The Contractor shall determine that the location where it proposes to place the
equipment is structurally adequate to support the same before submittal of
equipment. Provide calculations for the Engineer’s approval.

C. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in the event that any equipment or
material is damaged after receipt at the jobsite and before acceptance of the
installation by the Engineer.

D. Repairs to damaged products in lieu of replacement shall not be made without

prior approval by the Engineer.

E. No modification to the equipment can be done without written approval of the

Engineer. This includes impeller trimming, drilling, welding, tapping etc...


A. The Contractor shall submit operation and maintenance manuals in
conformance with the requirements of Sections 01 33 00, and 01 78 23.

A. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Sections 01 33 00 and
01 78 23.

B. The Contractor shall warrant all equipment and components to be free of

defects in materials or workmanship for [12] months from the date of
satisfactory completion of commissioning.

C. The Contractor shall furnish and replace all equipment and component parts
that are defective or show undue wear within the Defects Liability Period
unless extended periods of warranty for specific pieces of equipment are
specified elsewhere. This does not include expendable items.

D. With respect to pumping systems, individual warranties by component

manufacturers in lieu of single source responsibility by the pump manufacturer
will not be acceptable.

E. The Contractor shall provide the manufacturer’s warranty certificates before

equipment start-up.


A. Testing and inspection shall conform to the requirements of Section 01 45 00.

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B. Inspection During Manufacture
1. The Contractor shall be entitled at all reasonable times during manufacture
to inspect, examine, and test on the manufacturer’s premises the materials
and workmanship and performance of all plant to be supplied under the
Contract. No equipment may be shipped before acceptance of the
inspection test report.
2. If part of the said plant is manufactured on other premises, the Contractor
shall obtain for the Engineer permission to inspect, examine, and test as if
the said plant were being manufactured on the Contractor’s premises.
3. Such inspection, examination or testing shall not relieve the Contractor
from any of its obligations under the Contract.
4. The Contractor shall give the Engineer written notice of the date on which
and the place at which any plant will be ready for testing. Unless otherwise
specified, provide […] weeks advance notice for all factory tests. If the
Engineer does not attend at the time and place named by the Contractor,
the Contractor may proceed with the tests and shall forward to the
Engineer duly certified copies of the test results.
5. Where the Contract provides for tests on the premises of the Contractor or
of any Lower Tier Contractor, the Contractor, except where otherwise
specified, shall provide free of charge such assistance, labor, materials
electricity, fuel, stores, apparatus, and instruments as may be requisite and
as may be reasonably demanded to carry out such tests efficiently. Test of
plants or equipment shall be conducted in a controlled environment with
enough time allocated to thoroughly examine and witness complete testing
and or manufacturing in factory or on site.
6. Where the Contract provides for tests on the Site, the Contractor, except
where otherwise specified, shall provide at its own expense such labor,
materials, electricity, fuel, stores, and apparatus and instruments as may
be requisite and as may be reasonably demanded to carry out such tests
7. If after inspecting, examining, or testing any plant, the Engineer decides
that such plant or any part thereof is defective or not in accordance with
the Contract, the Engineer may reject the said plant or part thereof by
giving to the Contractor within a reasonable time, notice in writing of such
rejection stating therein the grounds upon which the said decision is based.

C. Factory Testing - General

1. The Contractor shall provide facilities for the Engineer to be present during
the factory test, if so desired by the Engineer, and the Engineer shall have
authority to reject any plant and equipment which proves to be defective.
2. Factory tests shall be arranged and conducted to simulate site conditions
where equipment will operate.
3. Where variable speed output is required, then the equipment shall be
tested in combination with electrical controls of the type, which will
ultimately be used on site.
4. Where it is not possible to conclude such a test arrangement, this fact shall
be recorded in the Tender, which shall also include an indication of the
method of testing proposed. This method shall allow sufficient spot

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readings of overall efficiently, quantity/head output to be taken over the full
operating speed range.
5. Factory testing shall include an indication that cavitation or other adverse
phenomena are unlikely to occur during works testing, allowing for
differences in operating conditions which may be quantitatively
6. The manufacturer shall provide the Engineer with duly certified records of
all readings and curves showing graphically the results obtained for each
piece of equipment and demonstrate compliance with section criteria as
7. The manufacturer shall satisfy the Engineer as to the accuracy of the
instruments used for the factory tests and shall produce recent calibration
certificates or otherwise have instruments calibrated at its own expense by
an independent authority.
8. The conduct of factory tests including the provision of all instruments,
power, oil, and other materials consumed or used shall be at no additional
cost to the Engineer.
9. Should any other method of testing be proposed, full details shall be given
in the Tender.
10. If current at the required voltage and characteristic is not available at the
pump manufacturer's premises for factory testing, the pumps shall be
tested in conjunction with the manufacturer's standard or calibrated test
motor but the Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer as to the performance
of the test motor so that the power absorbed by the pumps may be
accurately determined. The Contractor shall state when tendering the type
of apparatus available for testing at the works and shall give particulars as
to the method of measuring the pump discharge.

D. Pump, Motor, and Compressor Factory Tests

1. Factory test each assembled unit and driver to determine the following
characteristics at the minimum, maximum, and two intermediate speeds or
flows at which the units are to be operated.
a. Pressure-capacity curve.
b. Brake power curve.
c. Efficiency curve.
d. Balance.
e. Vibration.
f. Bearing temperature and alignment.
g. Percent slip at motor full-load torque.
h. Load test at 115 percent of motor full-load torque and minimum load
speed of 96 percent of motor speed with normal field excitation and
determination of the motor current; output speed; and drive excitation.
2. Perform factory pump tests in accordance with the latest Hydraulic Institute
Standards or BS 5216, Part B (3). Test results should demonstrate
compliance with the pump selection criteria.
3. Perform factory compressor tests in accordance with the latest ASME
Power Test Code.

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4. Motors shall be factory tested in accordance with the requirements of
Section 26 06 20.01.
5. In the event any unit does not meet the specified requirements, it shall be
modified by the manufacturer to meet the requirements of the
Specifications and shall be re-tested at the factory in accordance with the
provisions of the Specifications, at no additional cost to the Engineer.

E. Field Tests
1. Following completion of the installation and satisfactory start-up of the
equipment, the Contractor shall field test each equipment item to
demonstrate compliance with specified performance requirements.
a. A record of bearing and coupling clearances and alignments shall be
tabulated to show the "as-built" condition of each pump.
b. A record of all overload, timing relay and oil pressure relays shall be
tabulated to show the "as-built" condition of each motor starter.
c. All cables shall be "megger" tested to confirm the integrity of the
insulation. A tabulated record of results shall be made.
d. The control panel shall be statically tested with motors disconnected to
confirm the correct sequence of operation.
e. Each pump shall be operated individually over the range from closed
valve to maximum emergency top water level on a recirculation basis
using fresh water and for a minimum of four hours continuously. During
this test the following parameters will be recorded: -
f. Motor current
i. Pump output
ii. Ambient and test water temperatures
iii. Bearing temperature shall be determined by a contact type
thermometer, or lubricant temperature may be measured.
iv. Vibration shall be tested using a vibration meter. The vibration of
the pump measured at any point on the pump and motor when
operating at full speed shall not exceed the amplitude allowed by
Hydraulic Institute Standard.
g. The field test trials shall extend until each pump unit has run
'continuously' for at least 3 days under all operating conditions. The
term 'continuously' shall include running at various speeds or on a
start/stop basis as determined by the control system.
2. The full speed vibration of all pumps shall be equal to or less than the
amplitude limits recommended in the Hydraulic Institute Standards and/or
the manufacturer's recommendation, whichever is more stringent.
3. Document each unit’s performance by obtaining concurrent readings
showing motor voltage and amperage, suction head and discharge head.
a. Readings shall be documented for at least three conditions to ascertain
the actual performance curve.
b. One test shall be at shutoff conditions.
c. Each power lead to the motor shall be checked for proper current
4. Determine bearing temperatures using a contact type thermometer.
Alternatively, lubricant temperature may be measured.

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a. Operate the equipment at least two hours at the maximum specified
b. Bearing temperature shall not exceed the limits recommended in the
Hydraulic Institute Standards and/or the manufacturer's
recommendation, whichever is more stringent.
c. In the event any equipment fails to meet the above test requirements,
it shall be modified and retested in accordance with the requirements
of these Specifications. Test results shall be recorded for each pump
for each test and full report shall be submitted to the Engineer. The cost
of re-testing and reporting shall be borne by the Contractor.
5. The equipment manufacturer or its authorized representative shall submit
a certified written report with respect to its equipment stating that:
a. The equipment has been properly installed, wired, and connected
under its supervision.
b. The equipment is in accurate alignment and free from stress imposed
by connecting piping or anchor bolts.
c. It was present when the equipment was placed in operation.
d. It has checked, inspected and adjusted the equipment as necessary.
f. The equipment has been operated under full load conditions and
operated satisfactorily.
g. The equipment is fully covered under the terms of the guarantee.
h. The equipment is ready for continuous operation under specified
operating conditions.
i. The equipment was installed in accordance with the approved
drawings, data, and material.

F. The test results submittal to the Engineer shall be checked against guaranteed
pump performance data provided by the pump Manufacturer. The test results
will be accepted, if the tolerances are within the limits set forth in [ISO 2548
Code, Class C].

G. The Contractor's supervisory staff shall be present during the period of the
tests and trials and the Contractor shall be responsible for any failure of the
whole plant or any part thereof, whether such failure shall be determined by
the methods detailed herein or otherwise. If the pump test or trial is interrupted
by the Contractor, or through negligence on the part of the Contractor's staff,
it shall be completely repeated for the pumpset concerned.

H. If pumps fail to meet specified requirements, adjustments shall be made and

test rerun until performance meets the requirements. Test results shall be
recorded for each pump for each test and full report shall be submitted to the
Engineer. The cost of re-testing and reporting shall be borne by the Contractor.


A. As a part of the Work, an in-service check of each system required to be

validation tested shall be performed twice during the period of the Contractor’s

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guarantee by qualified technical representatives of the various system
manufacturers, including manufacturers of equipment components within

B. Checks shall be detailed and complete, requiring not less than 8 hours at the
site, and shall be performed under the observation and to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.

C. All costs for in-service checks shall be provided at no additional cost to the



A. Design and size all equipment parts to withstand all stresses that may occur
during fabrications, shipment, erection, and intermittent or continuous

B. Design, fabricate, and assemble all equipment in accordance with the best
modern engineering and shop practice.
1. Manufacture individual parts to standard sizes and gauges so that repair
parts, furnished at any time, can be installed in the field.
2. Make like parts of duplicate units interchangeable.
3. Materials shall be suitable for the service conditions.
4. All castings for equipment shall be free of blow and sand holes, cracks or
any defects. Any repairs, welds or corrections to castings will be conducted
only with consent of the Contractor and tested thereafter in a manner as
directed and witnessed by the Engineer.

C. Except where otherwise specified, structural and miscellaneous fabricated

steel used in items of equipment shall conform to the Standards of the
American Institute of Steel Construction.
1. Consider all structural members as being subject to shock or vibratory
2. Unless otherwise specified, all steel which will be submerged, all or in part,
during normal operation, shall have a minimum nominal thickness of 6 mm.
3. Provide the Engineer with the location of the fabricator and the shop
schedule before the beginning fabrication.


A. Cover all belt or chain drives, fan blades, couplings, exposed shafts and other
moving or rotating parts on all sides by safety guards.
1. Conform to the requirements of BS 5304.

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2. Conform to OSHA if local agencies do not have applicable safety
3. Construct guards such that they are free of sharp edges and corners.
4. Guards over couplings shall be easily removable without dismantling any
other item or accessory.

B Fabricate safety guards from either 1.5 mm or thicker, Type 316 stainless
sheet steel fabricator steel, GRP or combination of materials including
perforated steel sheet, wire mesh, etc. as per Engineer’s approval.
1. Design each guard for easy installation and removal.
2. Provide all necessary supports and accessories for each guard.
3. Use Type 316 stainless steel supports and accessories, including bolts.
4. Design all safety guards in outdoor locations to prevent the entrance of
blowing sand, rain and dripping water.
5. Provide openings for grease nipples where required.

C. Automatic Equipment
1. All equipment, except centrifugal pumps, which is under automatic control,
shall have a red warning label supplied and fixed alongside each access
point or point of physical danger.
2. The warning sign shall have an overall size not less than 200 mm x 150
mm and shall have red lettering on a black background.
3. Unless otherwise specified or agreed by the Engineer the legend shall be
in both English and Arabic as follows:
4. When specified an audible warning shall sound for [20 seconds] before the
mechanism starts to operate. This delay shall be non-adjustable.
5. Guards and or handrails shall be provided to prevent accidental contact
with normally accessible moving parts.


A. The Contractor shall provide a heavy cast-iron or welded steel base for each
item of equipment to be installed on a concrete foundation.
1. Mount equipment assemblies, unless otherwise specified or shown on the
Drawings, on a single, heavy, cast-iron or welded steel bedplate.
2. Provide bases and bedplates with machined support pads, tapered dowels
for alignment of mating surfaces or adjacent items, adequate openings to
facilitate grouting, and openings for electrical conduits.
3. Continuously weld all seams and contact edges between steel plates and
shapes and grind smooth.
4. The plates shall have a minimum thickness of 6mm.
5. Include a drip lip and provision for directing accumulated gland leakage to
a single disposal drain point.
6. Provide concrete plinth for all equipment 100 mm above the finish floor
unless approved otherwise by the Engineer. Plinths shall have chamfered

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edges of sufficient size to allow a minimum of 100 mm from any anchor
bolt to the edge of concrete.

B. Pipe all accumulated gland and seal water leakage and spent cooling water to
a floor drain provided by Contractor adjacent to each piece of equipment.
1. A single floor drain may be used for more than one piece of equipment
provided the equipment drain line does not create a safety or tripping
2. If drain piping creates a hazard, provide an additional floor drain adjacent
to the equipment at no additional cost to the Engineer.
3. Drains shall be minimum 30 mm, weather protected uPVC where exposed
to sunlight.
4. Drain line shall be supported and anchored as necessary to prevent
movement and sloped to drain.
5. Where drain media is of high temperature, material shall be chlorinated
PVC or equivalent high temperature resistant material and insulated for
6. Fittings shall be drainage pattern type with clean outs at all 90° turns.
7. All cold drainage lines such as AC condensate drains shall be insulated
and protected from damage by traffic.


A. Provide jacking screws in the equipment bases and bedplates to aid in leveling
before grouting.

B. Equipment suppliers shall furnish anchor bolts, nuts, washers, and sleeves of
adequate design for proper anchorage of the bases and bedplates to the
concrete bases.
1. Sleeves shall be a minimum of 1.5 times the diameter of the anchor bolts.
2. Unless otherwise shown or specified, anchor bolts for items of equipment
mounted on baseplates shall be long enough to permit 25 mm of grout
beneath the baseplate and to provide a minimum of adequate anchorage
into structural concrete.
3. Anchor bolts, together with templates or setting drawings, shall be
delivered sufficiently early to permit setting the anchor bolts when the
structural concrete is placed.
4. Anchor bolts, nuts, washers and sleeves shall be Type [316L stainless
steel] conforming to ASTM A-167 and ASTM A-267.
5. Where anchor bolts and equipment bases are of different material provide
dielectric protection by coating of holes in the bases and insulating sleeves
and washers.
6. Anchor bolts shall extend through nuts a minimum of three threads but not
exceed 12 mm.


A. General

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1. All drive units shall have an AGMA rating and service factor suitable for 24
hours per day operation under the specified maximum, or "worse case"
operating load.
2. Construct drive unit housings of high-grade cast iron, welded steel, or other
suitable material.
3. Provide thermal rating which exceeds the design load requirements or
provide proper cooling devices. If cooling devices are required, provide
the necessary cooling water and drains at no additional cost to the
Engineer. Type of cooling water shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendation and the equipment’s ability to cope with
the chemical and solids makeup of the cooling media.
4. Design all drives for the specified service conditions.

B. Electric Motors
1. All low voltage electric motors supplied under this Contract shall conform
to all requirements specified in Section 26 06 20.01. Additional or
superseding requisites for certain motors may be found elsewhere in this
Specification, and to a lesser extent, in other parts wherein electric motor
driven equipment is specified.
2. The Contractor shall coordinate the work of all trades, including the
functional, safety and Code requirements for each installation, in order to
comply with these Specifications.

C. V-Belt Drives
1. Where motors are mounted above the driven machine on a pedestal, belt
tensioning shall be accomplished using four studs which are double nutted
to the motor plate to raise and lower the motor plate. Hinges with a jacking
screw to tension the belts shall not be used.
2. Where motors are mounted horizontally adjacent to the driven equipment,
belt tensioning shall be accomplished using a sliding rail type motor mount,
with manual adjustment of motor location. Manual adjustment shall be
accomplished through a permanently mounted hand crank mechanism.
3. All V-belt tensioning devices shall be such that under no circumstances will
it be possible for any device, once set to the desired adjustment, to go out
of the adjustment due to the load being imposed upon the drive at that
setting. This requirement shall not be construed to mean that a set belt
tension may not go out of adjustment due to gradual stretching of belts, but
shall mean that no portion of any device or devices used to accomplish belt
tensioning may slip, become loose, or otherwise move from the desired set
point, once selected, except when manually reset by operating personnel
by use of the adjustment device or devices.

D. Gears
1. Provide oil-lubricated totally-enclosed gear reducers and increasers.
2. Service Ratings
a. Provide a nameplate service power rating equal to the nameplate rating
of the driving motor.

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b. Provide mechanical and thermal capacity equal to or greater than an
equivalent power determined by multiplying the service power rating by
the specified service factor recommended by AGMA for heavy duty
c. Worm gears, if used, shall have a minimum service factor of 1.20.
d. All other gears shall have a minimum service factor of 1.50.
3. Thermal Rating
a. Obtain thermal rating for the equivalent power without auxiliary cooling
equipment such as heat exchangers.
b. Design units to operate continuously under the conditions specified and
in a location where ambient temperatures vary from […] °C to […] °C.
c. If a cooling coil is required, provide minimum 25 mm diameter tubing,
an adjustable flow control device and a solenoid supply water valve with
the gear.
d. Design cooling system to operate with plant effluent as the cooling
e. Design to be resistant to any corrosive effect imposed by the plant
effluent chemical makeup.
4. Equip each gear with an AGMA nameplate showing service power, service
factor for actual mechanical or thermal rating as applicable and AGMA gear
Class I rating.

E. Bearings
1. Provide anti-friction bearings throughout.
2. Unless otherwise specified, select bearings to provide a minimum 50,000
hours B10 life for the specified load in continuous operation.
3. Select thrust bearings for loads of at least 1.5 times the maximum thrust
loadings anticipated.


A. Equipment lubrication shall ensure that there is a continuous presence of

lubricant on all wearing surfaces.
1. Make lubricant fill and drain openings readily accessible.
2. Provide an easy means of checking the lubricant level.
3. Where lubrication points, fill and drain openings are inaccessible or located
in an unsafe area, provide safe access platform or extend openings or
points of lubrication to a safe accessible area.

B. Add the prescribed amount and type of lubricant as required by the equipment
manufacturer to each equipment item before testing and/or operation.

C. Provide a […] year supply of lubricants for each piece of equipment installed.

D. All lubricants shall be properly packaged, labeled and delivered to the

Engineer concurrent with equipment installation.

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E. Provide an inventory listing of lubricant types by equipment and identify the
quantities provided.



A. The Drawings are diagrammatic and generally show the desired arrangements
for principal apparatus, piping, and similar appurtenances.
1. Follow the Drawings as closely as possible.
2. Exercise proper judgment in carrying out the work to obtain the best
possible headroom and space conditions, to secure a neat arrangement
for piping, valves, fixtures, hangers, and similar appurtenances and to
overcome local difficulties and interferences wherever encountered.

B. The Contractor shall measure its work at the installation sites, verify all Lower
Tier Contractor drawings before submittal and be completely responsible for
properly installing equipment as shown on the Drawings and within the
available space.

C. The Contractor shall secure the Engineer’s approval for all variations and/or
substitutions before making any changes.

D. The Contractor shall coordinate all installation with all disciplines to prevent


A. The Contractor shall box, crate, or otherwise completely enclose and protect
all equipment during shipment, handling and storage.
1. Protect all equipment from exposure to the elements. Keep dry and clean
at all times.
2. Store pumps, blowers, motors, electrical equipment and other equipment
having anti-friction or sleeve bearings in weather tight storage facilities
such as warehouses. Turn shafts during storage as recommended in
writing by the equipment manufacturer to prevent “bearing set”.
3. Clean and restore all materials and equipment showing evidence of rust,
dirt contamination or other surface or subsurface deterioration to the
Engineer’s satisfaction before installation.

B. The Contractor shall protect painted surfaces against impact, abrasion,

discoloration, and other damage. Repaint and repair damaged surfaces to the

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satisfaction of the Engineer before acceptance in accordance with the
requirements of related in paint sections

C. The Contractor shall protect electrical equipment, controls, and insulation

against moisture or water damage.

D. The Contractor shall maintain equipment storage facilities in accordance with

the provisions of these specifications

E. The Contractor shall store all equipment in approved storage facilities from
delivery until installation.

F. The Contractor shall periodically exercise all mechanical equipment, whether

in the Contractor's designated storage facility, or whether installed but not yet
placed into service or accepted by the Engineer. Follow the procedures
prescribed by each manufacturer.

G. The Contractor shall provide continuous power supply and wiring to energize
any and all motor heaters to prevent moisture build up while in storage and in
installed location until such time as equipment is put in service.

H. The Contractor shall provide personnel, material and equipment to uncrate or

unpack and recreate and repackage all equipment for examination by the
Engineer upon arrival at site. The recreating or repackaging will be done in a
manner to allow for rotation and electrical connection yet provide protection as
shipped from factory for equipment until installation.

I. All unpainted surfaces subject to corrosion shall be coated with rust inhibitor
and reapplied as necessary to protect the finish until equipment is put into

A. The Contractor shall install all equipment in full accordance with the equipment
manufacturer's recommendations and good practice.
1. Where specified in other sections of this Specification, factory-trained
service personnel shall be on-site to supervise the installation.
2. Sufficient notice shall be given to the Engineer before equipment
installation in order that the Engineer or its representative may be present
during installation.

B. General Installation Requirements

1. Examine equipment immediately upon arriving at the project site for
damage during shipping and handling. The examination shall also include
checking for corrosion, poor workmanship, dirt or deleterious substances
and poor fits.
2. Level the base plate or bedplate.
3. Install equipment.

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4. Check alignment of couplings.
5. If grout has been used, check alignment and state of level after the grout
has set.
6. Check direction of rotation and correct, if necessary, to insure proper
7. Provide drain lines from all equipment gland leakage housings, seal water
openings, spent cooling water outlets, and strainers to nearest floor drain
or point of disposal. Blow-down valves shall be provided on all strainers
whether or not shown on the Drawings.
8. Ensure that all submerged or intermittently submerged powered equipment
does not have power and control cable splices of any kind inside wells or

C. The Contractor shall provide an experienced, competent, and authorized

representative of the manufacturer or supplier to inspect, check, adjust (if
necessary), and approve the installation of each equipment item, and:
1. In each case, the equipment supplier's representative shall be present
when the equipment is initially placed in operation.
2. The Contractor shall have the equipment supplier's representative revisit
the job site as often as necessary until all problems are corrected and the
equipment installation and operation is satisfactory to the Engineer.

D. Equipment manufacturers shall furnish the services of competent, factory-

trained personnel during the warranty period specified to inspect, service, and
repair the equipment where required.
1. Service requests shall be answered and acted upon promptly.
2. This requirement shall not include normal maintenance and service of
equipment, which will be the responsibility of the Owner.

E. All costs for this work shall be included in the priced bid by the Contractor.


A. Except as specifically supplemented or superseded by requirements herein,

shop painting shall conform to requirements in paint sections.
1. Electric motors, gears, starters, and other similar self-contained or
enclosed components shall be shop primed and finished with a high-grade
oil-resistant acrylic enamel.
2. Surfaces which will be inaccessible after assembly shall be painted or
otherwise protected before assembly by a method which provides
protection for the life of the equipment.

B. Surfaces to be painted at the project site shall be shop painted with one or
more coats of a primer which will adequately protect the equipment until
finishes are applied at the project site.
1. Primers shall be as specified in paint sections.

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2. Prime all equipment with primer compatible with the coating system
selected by the Engineer, and if not, the Contractor shall re-prime the
equipment such that it is compatible and in conformance with paint

C. Machined and polished metallic surfaces which are not to be painted shall be
coated with a rust preventive compound as specified in paint sections.


A. Before being placed in operation, equipment shall be inspected by the

manufacturer's factory-trained personnel.
1. Correct all defects discovered during this inspection before initial
equipment start-up.
2. Remove internal coatings and all shipping brackets from motors, fans,
impellers, compressors, etc. provided at the factory.
3. Lubricate equipment per the manufacturer’s recommendations and ensure
operating levels are correct.
4. Submit certified report.

B. The Contractor shall conduct operational testing as specified in Section 01 91

13 in the presence of the Engineer and shall record the results. The
Contractor's supervisory staff shall be present during the period of the tests
and trials and the Contractor shall be responsible for any failure of the whole
plant or any part thereof, whether such failure shall be determined by the
methods detailed herein or otherwise. If the equipment test or trial is
interrupted by the Engineer, or through negligence on the part of the
Engineer's staff, it shall be completely repeated for the equipment concerned.
1. Correct unsatisfactory performance and repeat the tests until the
equipment performance meets the Specifications.
2. The Contractor shall furnish all power, materials, services, test equipment
and labor required to successfully complete all equipment testing specified.
3. The Contractor shall certify in writing to the Engineer, in triplicate, that all
tests were conducted in accordance with these Specifications and that all
components within each system successfully function as required.

C. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer [fourteen (14)] calendar days in
advance of the time when the equipment will be placed into operation.

D. During the course of initial operation, the Contractor shall instruct the Owner
personnel in proper operation and maintenance of the equipment, as specified

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A. A representative of each equipment manufacturer shall instruct the plant’s
operating personnel in the use and maintenance of the equipment as specified
in Section 01 79 00.
1. Schedule the instruction period at a time mutually agreed upon with the
2. Instruct the Owner’s personnel regarding use and maintenance of the
3. Answer all questions from the Owner’s operating personnel.
4. Demonstrate lubrication, disassembly, adjusting, routine parts
replacement, and other "hands-on" activities related to maintenance of the

B. The Contractor shall provide not less than [8] hours of instruction for each item
of equipment or set of identical pieces of equipment provided, unless
otherwise specified.
1. More days shall be provided if called for in the individual equipment
2. Each manufacturer shall include this service in the price of its equipment.

C. The Contractor shall coordinate training schedules with the Engineer.

1. Under no circumstances shall more than two training sessions be
scheduled for the same day.
2. The Contractor shall designate an individual through whom manufacturer's
training will be coordinated. This individual will coordinate all training
sessions with the Engineer.


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Technical Standard Specifications
and Design Manual Guidelines for
Water Treatment Plants, Water
Pumping Stations and Water
Reservoirs or Storage Tanks

General Specifications

Document Number: 00_TES_SD_002.01

This Issue Date 31/10/2021 25/03/1443 (H)

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All rights reserved. This is the property of National Water Company “NWC” The contents of this document, either in full or in part, are not allowed
to be copied in any form or used by anyone outside NWC unless specifically authorized in writing by the document owner of other authorized
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Issue Page
Prepared By
Name Signature Department/ Designation Date

Ahmed Awad Alshehri Technical Service

Consultant Team Khatib & Alami

Reviewed By
Name Signature Department Date

Bander Alshammari Engineering Director Projects and

Technical Service

Abdulhameed Alomar Studies Manager

General Manager Scheduling And

Ahmed Saleem

Planning And Architecture Design

Khalid Alhusain

Naif Zuheir Projects General Manager - Southern

Mohammed Alamri Projects Support Engineer - Northern

Projects General Manager - Northern

Mohammed Alamoudi west

Farhan Alenezi Projects General Manager - Eastern

Project Program Senior Manager -

Abdullah Alanazi Middle

Majed Almalki Technical Services Director - Western

Owned By
Name Signature Department Date

Majed Mohamed
Technical Services General Manager

00_TES_SD_002.01 Page 2 of 213 Issue Date 31/10/2021

Endorsed By
Name Signature Department Date

Talal Alahmari Policies And Procedures Director

Approved By
Name Signature Department Date

Mansour M. Abuthnain Projects And Technical Services VP

History Page
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No. Date (Name) (Name) By (Name) (Name)
Bander Alshammari

Abdulhameed Alomar
Ahmed Awad
Alshehri Ahmed Saleem

Khalid Alhusain

Naif Zuheir Majed Mohamed

01 31/10/2021 Talal Alahmari Mansour M. Abuthnain
Mohammed Alamri

Mohammed Alamoudi
Team Farhan Alenezi

Abdullah Alanazi

Majed Almalki

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00_TES_SD_002.01 Page 3 of 213 Issue Date 31/10/2021

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