Savelp SRS Phase3

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Mehwish Alam (CT-007)
Mahwish Hashmi (CT-025)
Minahil Tariq (CT-026)
Areeba Aamir (CT-029)


Team Aces
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Purpose ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Recommendations...................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestion ............................................................. 4
1.4 Product Scope ............................................................................................................ 5
2. Overall Description ..................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Product Prospect .................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Operating Environment .......................................................................................... 6
2.5 Design Constraints ................................................................................................. 7
2.6 User Documentation .............................................................................................. 7
2.7 Assumptions ........................................................................................................... 7
2.8 Dependencies ......................................................................................................... 7
3.0 Technical Operation ................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Tools, Techniques, and Procedures ....................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Deployment Procedure .................................................................................... 8
3.1.2 Testing ............................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Software Documentation ....................................................................................... 8
3.3 Project Support Function ....................................................................................... 9
4.0 External Interface Requirement ............................................................................ 10
4.1 User Interfaces ..................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Hardware Interface ............................................................................................... 10
4.3 Software Interface ................................................................................................ 11
4.4 Communication Interface..................................................................................... 11
5.0 System Features ....................................................................................................... 12
5.1 Sending SOS, SMS, placing an automatic distress call ....................................... 12
5.3 Detect Alarming Situations and Locations .......................................................... 12
5.4 Record audio Capture and send images ............................................................... 12
5.5 Notifications for high-alert areas ......................................................................... 12
5.6 Receive help from ride-hailing services .............................................................. 13
5.7 Customization ...................................................................................................... 13

6.0 Non-functional Requirements ................................................................................ 13

6.1 Portability and Compatibility Requirement ......................................................... 13
6.2 Reliability and Efficiency Requirement............................................................... 13
6.3 Safety and Security Requirements ....................................................................... 13
6.4 Scalability Requirements ..................................................................................... 13
6.5 Other Requirements ............................................................................................. 14
6.5.1 Design Requirement ...................................................................................... 14
6.5.2 Ethical Requirement ...................................................................................... 14
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
As we all are victims of criminal cases in our daily routine and everyone wants
quick aid. It becomes difficult to handle such cases manually without any updated
system which can monitor such activities through advanced algorithms and AI
techniques. So, we want to build an app named “SAVELP” which will detect any
unusual activity with the help of predefined parameters and activate the
notification system with the help of using motion sensors. This application can
observe, record, and take necessary actions for an immediate emergency response to the
victims. Synchronization with ride-hailing services and weather services, warning for
dangerous on-road conditions, and natural disaster

1.2 Recommendations
For the readers, the report is divided into six parts. Where each part is responsible
for discussing the different components of the project. The first put light on the
basic introduction of the document and shares the developer’s views on what they
are planning to design and develop. The second part contains a detailed description
of this project. The other two sections work towards the external Interface
Requirement and System Features of the project and lastly we discuss the non-
functional needs of the project.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestion

This document is intended for different sets of people enrolled in the project's
planning, designing, and development. These people include project managers,
developers, designers, and programmers. The PMP and SRS are also aimed at the
sponsor, testers, and management and marketing team to guide them about the app.
Moreover, the SRS also contains the overall description, external requirements,
system features and non-functional requirements which will help further
understand the project's complete scope and purpose.
1.4 Product Scope
Due to the fact that everyone is a victim of criminal activity in their everyday lives
and needs immediate assistance. Without an updated system that can track such
behaviors using AI approaches, it is such a challenging task to manage those cases
manually. So in order to have control over these sorts of cases, we will create a
mobile application. The main objectives of this app

is to:

● Integrate Google maps and GPS for location tracking.

● To develop alert notifications and emergency-identifying systems.

● To alert users about red alert timings and areas.

● To detect alarming situations.

2. Overall Description
The system will provide a platform that will have two users, saviors and victims. As the rate of street
crime is rapidly increasing, with the help of this platform the rates will not only decrease but also
provide the users about the red alert areas and timings so they can be safely travel and be prepared
beforehand. This platform saves our day-to-day problem of harassment and other related accidents.

2.1 Product Prospect

Our primary aim is to add all the functionalities in the application and initiate an awareness program for
the public so they know that they can ask for help anywhere if they are in any critical or danger situation
and activate the notification system with the help of motion sensors. Also detect the unusual activity
with the help of predefined parameters.

2.2 Product Role & Task

One of the key components of our application is to develop motion-detecting sensors using AI which will
help in calling saviors or emergency contacts with just single action.
Another important component of this application is to integrate google maps and GPS for location
tracking. This will alert users from red alert areas and their timings. Also help the emergency contacts or
nearby savior users to reach the victim on time.

2.3 User Classes

Following are the important characteristics of our users.

User Class Characteristics

● A user as a victim can check for the red alert areas and

● Victims have their separate account functionality.

● A victim can call for the help if in danger.

● A victim can predefine the parameters to detect unusual


● Saviors can get the notification from victim asking for help.

● Saviors have their separate account functionality.

● Saviors can see the location of victim.

● Admin has their separate account functionality.

● Admin can add or remove users

● Admin can access the database and make changes.

● Admin can

2.4 Operating Environment

SAVE the VICTIM is an AI based application which will connect victim with the saviors to get help in
danger or any other security problems. This application does need an active connection to the internet
and your current location so that saviors can track the victims and application can send the notification
to the nearest saviors.
2.5 Design Constraints
With the current team, their size, skills, and time we are limited into what are the potential limitation of
our project.

● We are bounded by the strict time limits for the designing and development of our application.

● Our database is stored over in the cloud which is some meaning not an ideal place to store data.

● The color schemes will be same as google APIs as we will be inheriting it for GPS.

2.6 User Documentation

The user manual is shared after the completion of the project.

2.7 Assumptions
● We are assuming that the team is skilled or willing to learn a skill that is required for the
completion of the project.

● We are assuming that the initial frontend design is ready by 3rd week of the project.

● We are assuming that an efficient app is developed for the help of victims.

2.8 Dependencies
● WBS and project scope are locked before the development is initiated.

● The frontend is ready before the development of the backend

● The database is design is synchronous with the frontend and both we ready before the backend

● All the documents related to the project requirement should be ready before the development.

3.0 Technical Operation

3.1 Tools, Techniques, and Procedures
Following the technical requirements, we are using it for the designing and development
of the web application.

● Server > our server is composed of the FLASK framework which is a web
framework offered under the python web framework.

● Frontend > our frontend is composed of a combination of HTML, CSS, JS,

and Bootstrap.
● Database > our database follows the PSQL database structure.

● Other > we utilized video-conferencing applications such as ZOOM for a

meeting, Photoshop for designing of front-end, and MS Project for WBS and

3.1.1 Deployment Procedure

Before releasing the application to the public, the team set up a series of meetings to
ensure that all the requirements are met according to the SRS and SDD and afterward it
is released to the public.

We also work towards continuous testing of the program so that all the testing does not
pile up in the end.

3.1.2 Testing
The application moves through a series of black-box testing in which all the protocols are
properly measured and test results are shared with the development team to make the
necessary arrangement.

3.2 Software Documentation

This is a continuous process that includes the proper documentation of the ideas,
requirement, and other related documents to ensure that the proper reviewing of all the
documentation are manually checked and edited before the delivery.

● Source Code

● Requirement Documents

● Modification Documents

● Help Guide for Application

3.3 Project Support Function
With the small team at our side, every member has to perform their tasks diligently to
ensure the smooth development of the application. Aside from that, every member is also
ready to help the other team member in guiding the project and also all the members are
included to perform the testing of the application.

Component Timeline

Idea Gathering
3rd week

Definition of Scope
7th week

UI/UX Designer
10th week

14th week and continue till the end

16th week and continue till the end

19th week and continue till the end

Website Delivery
23rd week
4.0 External Interface Requirement
The front end of the application is developed by the designer and front-end developers
making the user interface and user experience in mind.

4.1 User Interfaces

Design > We research and opt for the modern website design look, layout, and
color scheme

Features > The platform will have multiple features for both Saviours and Victims.

Navigation > We have a detailed navigation listing all the categories and subcategories.

Color > As mentioned above we opt for the modern color scheme the primary
colors used on our website are #0D1F22, #A3C4BC,#BFD7B5, and #E7EFC5.

4.2 Hardware Interface

We design our website in a way that helps our customers to access the website on
different hardware such as on a computer, laptop, tablet, mobile, and our website is also
explicitly tested for touch devices.

Name Requirement

Haruko Free Hosting


PostgresSQL FREE PSQL Instance

Computing Device Smart Phone, Computer, Laptop

4.3 Software Interface
Our application is accessible by any modern-day software or operating system.

Name Requirement

Operating System Windows, Chrome OS, Linux, and macOS

Mobile OS Andriod, iOS, and modern OS

Browser Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, FireFox and Others

Editor VS CODE, Notepad++

Terminal Linux Terminal, Windows Terminal

Database MYSQL Workbench

4.4 Communication Interface

Our primary mode of communication is through email which enables a direct
communication pathway between the seller and the buyer and the same mode is used to
enable communication between the admin and customers.
5.0 System Features
Savelp helps to prevent accidents via warnings and alerts. The basic functionality of the
app is achieved by alerting the ambulance services through their service numbers

5.1 Sending SOS, SMS, placing an automatic distress call

Whenever the app’s accelerometer sensor detects any form of abnormal disturbance or
acceleration, it pops up an alert for user confirmation and also coordinates the GPS for
the user’s location, if the user doesn’t respond in the set time (30 seconds by default
which is customizable) the phone’s alarm will get triggered, and the sequence of
execution begins by alerting the ambulance services through their service numbers and
emergency response teams. Parallels, SOS alerts are sent via CALLS and SMS to
contacts saved in the app database.

5.2 Alerting nearby acquaintances and First response teams

The app will automatically send an alert to other users of the Savelp app. The app also
has built-in first-responder emergency contacts such as police stations and ambulances.
Which will send alerts to the nearest police stations and hospitals in case of emergency.

5.3 Detect Alarming Situations and Locations

The sensors are made to detect any type of irregular disturbance or acceleration. The app
is also integrated with Google maps for better access to locations and for easy detection
and tracking.

5.4 Record audio Capture and send images

The camera and microphone (mic) of the smartphone are turned on; data is recorded and
sent to the listed contacts on the app, as well as to the EMS near the accident spot. The
recorded audio-visual data could help the EMS to assess the type and severity of the
accident better.

5.5 Notifications for high-alert areas

The app also detects all the high-alert areas and notifies the user about them, so that users
can be aware and cautious
5.6 Receive help from ride-hailing services
Integration with ride-hailing services (e.g., Uber, Careem, inDrive etc.) for urgent help in
case of the no availability of other medical facilities is proposed. This functionality
requires active participation from these ride-hailing services’ to form a collaborative
business model with the Savelp app.

5.7 Customization
The app also allows customization for contacts, locations, emergency-timer, etc. So that
users can select options according to their choice.

6.0 Non-functional Requirements

6.1 Portability and Compatibility Requirement
Our application is capable of running on modern hardware and software, which include
all the modern operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux and the modern
browsers Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari

6.2 Reliability and Efficiency Requirement

The website aims to be operational 24/7 for the customer to come, search and place their
orders. The monitoring team is put into place to ensure that the website remains online
24/7 for service.

6.3 Safety and Security Requirements

One of the most important aspects of the business is its database or records. Our database
is secure access and database editing rights are only given to a certain number of people.
All the best practices to ensure no leakage of data and protection from SQL injection

6.4 Scalability Requirements

The current server or backend application allows us to scale or develop the application as
we seem fit, different components can be constructed to further benefit the customers but
all the scalability decisions are made after concerning the customers and other
6.5 Other Requirements
The non-functional requirement of the web application is concerned with the look and
feel of the website. It is the requirement that make sure that our website is not only
technically equip but also presentable for the customers.

6.5.1 Design Requirement

Our primary objective is to design an environment for the customer where they easily
find what they are looking for and also enjoy the process. Incrementally we added image
zoom functionality and customer feedback to ensure the best usability.

6.5.2 Ethical Requirement

We ensure that the product listed on our website is properly verified and true images are
uploaded to safeguard from any potential fraud with the customers. Also, measures are
put into place to ensure that customers are verified so that fake order possibility is

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