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Market Name of items Quantity sold Rate ($) Discount % Table 1

Shop1 Pen 7 $ 20 2%
Shop1 Pencil 14 $ 5 3% Cost of Registers (Excl. discount)
Shop1 Sticker 14 $ 5 4% Total discount
Shop1 Register 9 $ 30 5% Total Discount%
Shop1 Books 6 $ 50 6% Count of stickers sold in Shop 1 & 2
Shop1 Eraser 15 $ 2 7%
Shop1 A4 sheets 9 $ 60 8%
Shop2 Pen 9 $ 20 2% Table 2
Shop2 Pencil 9 $ 5 3%
Shop2 Sticker 12 $ 5 4% Financials for "Pen"
Shop2 Register 5 $ 30 5% Shop1
Shop2 Books 17 $ 50 6% Shop2
Shop2 Eraser 19 $ 2 7% Shop3
Shop2 A4 sheets 12 $ 60 8% Total
Shop3 Pen 4 $ 20 2%
Shop3 Pencil 8 $ 5 3% Total Discount
Shop3 Sticker 12 $ 5 4%
Shop3 Register 9 $ 30 5% Net Cost
Shop3 Books 8 $ 50 6%
Shop3 Eraser 20 $ 2 7%
Time: 45 mins
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1. Please use a single formula (can be a

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"green" colored cells to obtain the desired
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Count Cost ($) 2. Rate ($) and Discount % for a specifc item is
same across all the shops.

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