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Good Afternoon everyone,

Its so wonderful to see you all on this sunny

day . I am Priyanka, I am gonna speak on a very important topic
which all the humans should know . the topic is ‘how can we ensure
economic freedom so that we can continue as a free nation ?
Before I start I would like to add some points
about what is economic wealth and freedom! Economic wealth is the
total value of the resources you have to meet your physical or
material needs. Money is the currency of economic wealth. ... These
resources include the value of your assets (home, car, bank accounts,
other material possessions, etc.) Nations with greater economic
freedom have stronger economies, with higher gross domestic
product per person. Citizens in countries that are economically free
enjoy twice as much formal education on average as those in
economically repressed nations. Free trade is a key element of
economic freedom. Wealth inequality significantly hampers
economic freedom and this effect is reinforced at a lower level of
democracy. Higher wealth inequality causes lower protection in
property rights, less access to sound money, less freedom in
international trade, and greater regulations. In fact, greater
economic freedom correlates with better outcomes in schools (both
public and private), higher literacy rates, lower infant-mortality rates,
longer life expectancy, and a cleaner, safer environment. Ironically, it
is the countries that reject economic freedom that produce inferior
social goods.
That’s all I wanted to say thanks u.

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