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P. Le . NO ractica] No @ ae [Ty \| He ~ Interprey the conditions ond data furnished “tendering of the given project- v ae Pg I Fenerae Gutderines € Formats | po: = “PREFACE ; { : i . Ir - This document containing broad uid lines | toy WN ue . orks Service has been mecl with ax objective thet it should help all concerned in adeptt —Proposed automated!» web - based e- Procuvem off, tem ith the objective of omtine evaluation pe 2 the human intervertion in evaluation of! reduction of cycle time of _procuvement. Ne system is based Sn e tact: iN&el From Notional Informatics Centre wae) er internal sources. However, av: |_iMprovernerst adepted “by C2. with _ a of _Chalrman » C1 tor the purposes the System fun ctimauity. _ e Users of Syste, _| oF a a Improvement _ HP En hanced convenience + rr Compeicnce | of Gove. a and poticies —_ _ elated to e ~ Procur, co ; = portat | “shall be ‘in comp i ‘lance ™ 00 oe its Subsequent amdments x € it “Shaw ney with the re welevant Circulars oF | — | Scanned with CamScanner And other Sitoetoey bodies, “| SCOPE = The e-Procurement System will cover the - a ony ve — Following po { | AN the Oper cmd Limited open tenclers hoving ~|Estimoted Value of Rs. 200 lakhs ¢ abo — ~| threshold -timit may be reduced further by Chaurmon , Cri a8 ple vegulvemers. = b Shall require th om o# the Vercor) cniractor registration in different cot egories ip Compticmce” with cvc office Order NS 48/7/04 || Slated 02.07.09, and ts Subsequent guidelines | - _|| © this matter, ifan ; — - Ck AN the steps trom hosting of Tenders +i) | cleciston of 1-4 bidder i covered in the __ || e- Procurement Systern. This inclucles Creating ¢ _ dD _| Hosting of Nit, Downloacting and cubmiseio¥ of | bids, open of Tender ¢/ Evatuation of bids including upfoacling oF work order] Supply order - (rca ec’ e =ProCurement _ Porton __ || On-cineY on @ de ot the company woth Saidation _ Committee at neday Stages on] [sent por tay alse generates Rebl ' Scanned with CamScanner of c1L]s ubsidd / the mis |Decision ipperte Ssystere , od Nat and ant , strme ond Conditions of NIT 08 dq ine process (including evaluation oF bred # any) not Covered undér e- Procurement per the will be as Manuat oF C2L: 7 gndiq _Limiteol_+ Manuals of Coat Manuct 1) Ce¥tract Management Works » i) Monua} oF eivi/ Engineering bove Manuals are ovailoble oo CIL , Website 3 to. CoaLindia- in.) ae THE ORGANISATIONAL SETUP . An e- Psocurement Cel) Will be at Company Head quarters undex direct contre] oF Director . +o function as the Nedat deportinent tor _e-Procuremernt JP cit] Subsidiary - The exective. rem _ frrious disciplines will be post ec) in the e-Procurem -enmt in cru] subsid ary The executives, from yaricus discip-tines will be Mposted _in the e —Procure Ment ceu. Responsi bitity oF the e-Procurement cel) oF | ert [subersiog— ‘HQ will be i a> To co- ordinate ar _|| Grdders , User Departments, _ || authorities “such as Banks, Auditors etc for the effective F ef#icient implementation of e-procuremen =f: and ce - send with NIc, and other concerned Scanned with CamScanner {] || by - - | tale Tacrtitate customization of the portat f 3 TING about comtinucus improvement in the (/ Stem “tea Suit -the requirement of -the Company, 10 Bidllexs of Departmentay automated web based — i I i : I Arran ement of Training | Users 7 p55. adoption op i da as et mode. - i} - - | te Te Co-ordinate for the inthastructure developt For the Proper implementation of the e-Precuremer cea System, a |e Te Create a heipdesk for oni differen. Stakeholders of the system yi _ ——-—_ [fr 7 crrange Pubsticity € Pacititate change {| memagern for smoe Migration from manuag i systelh oF tendering to electronic Mode. I 7 | —, p —.. Ige TO arrange Pubeicity ¢ AFacizitate change | || Panagemelit tor smobth migration trom (nanuag | Syotdhn of tendering +o ClSCtnonicimm octet multe! I [> ‘TS guide the user departs Oe — | of Oifferent formats OF II {| |i Te administer the e-Proc Ih . 5 = ca | ond onune User Man | | Scanned with CamScanner 2EQISTRATTON] ENROLLMENT oF BIPPER ON EPRocuREME PORTAL Of CIL: ‘ Mn order -to submit’ the Bid, the bidders have togel +themseives vTegiesterod en-tine on the NT €- Procuyement: portlet of CXL with vaeid Digitar Signatuve Certificate (psc) issued rom one en C1 authorized by Controiier of Certifying of Ln Tn enUine Registration of the Biddey. will be Heo of Cost and one ee vce pias The registration Should beih the name oe 7 bidder “whereas Bsc holder may be either bidder himself ow hre duty authorized PETS) 6. The Digitiat Signature Certificate have +o be obtainkd for c1t [subsidiary uses ‘trom an gory authorized by cca. Govt of Y Indiq- The bidder “will have -toYobtath the dligitot Signature Certitjcays | trom any certify: agene rabies authorized by cca Toft Govt! of INdiqY which con be “traced up +o the chaih of trust +o the root Certi¥cate i Of Con. UNDERTAKINGS “To BE turnished ON-LINE 8Y THE | paper. a \ Scanned with CamScanner

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