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peel 2 Practical NO. © & ‘Title ~ Interpret the given set of tender document - to comment Eee “the Soponems veftected in ft TENDER DOCUMENT NIT No: Pco/ ase |749p/°18 Tendey toy External Peveloprnent work tor ___ construction of xotings Model Residential Schoo) _ at Teleibani » eos wh ~ odisq. _ tl NIT, “Addendum 7 To. Instructions Te Tenders, special #or E-tendering , Letter cot Under takin | Intormatt Tender tor Externa) Development werk for cor constrycy of Kalinge ‘Model Residentic{ Schoo! ot Teleibani, ” Deogarh odisha. _ - Engineevin Projects (India) Ltd. invites the open 5 Htine &-Tenders on item Rate basis type {Tom the eligible contraciors /tirms who ful¥ill ehe eng iblity | ey Scanned with CamScanner Criteria as pey the brief particulars of scope tox the “External Development Work for construction oF Kali soe Model Regitentia) Schoo! cr Teleibani , Peagrah ~odish in too bid system Crechno ~commerviciat bid € Pricebiel) tor the Aonrgining works : lex. | Name of “Work : ESTaanteD) TIME oF | eo No. | a COST (RS) | CompLerton | (RS) | External Development “work | Rs. 120-4 | ra tor construction ©% Kalinga Mode] Lacs og | NA |] [ Resi ential School at THeibani, BLE clue py Months i | Decgroh- odisha. GsT) _ the brie? seepe oF work included “ip this tender “shal spelude Boundar wall, Compound Wal), Internal read — € drain & 2 Fxtethal Uightni ete. Construction oF kauinga Roacl Model Residentiq) Schoo! at Teleibani, n Deograh ~ odlisha- a rime’ Schedule of Tender activities i} Stert Date Time for Bounleadling _o# tencler documents : 13.03.2021 trom 06.00 PM- th Date oF Pre bid Meeting: Na-@iddere ave re eq.ucsted,, to Send they queries “after visitin the sife 7 __ through, emai) _upto ot slags pricy te&’due date a Subnitseion oF # tender will be given accurately, > Last ‘Bate €T €Time, submission (Ot ‘encler (00-Line i ___of#tine) + 20-03- 202! Upto 05-00pm. __M Oate € Time oF online opening of tendes (Technical _ _s Bid) + 22.03. 202) at I].00 AM. Scanned with CamScanner 2:0 Contractors / Bidders who fulfin the tollowin reguitements are eligible to participate nee tender - The oint ventures / consortium cre. not accep ted. a) i Experience of having completec) Wowk durin the lost 1Cseven) | col ending last clay of the month previous +06 the one in ieee app slic utiong invited : Three Similar works, each costing not less than the amount eguat +0 10 1 of "esifatea Cost put to tender. Si St 7 ‘Sign €S- idder (jus crstomple/ ire Toma Sign € Stamp oF Bidder oR — a Hs o! Uoger-meeeee “each Costing not less than the amount — - och ety oe cost put te -tencler. GR one Similar work oF cost not less thon the amount “egual | Ra G07 of estimated cost put to tenciey The * Similor us works’ shall mean, “ Consbuction of a dD ___ type oF Sulla llork", - a ¥ Note- The Werk order mpleti 7 certificate should eles mention al scope of Work: For evaluation purpose, the completion cos: cost oF Works mentioned in the ‘completion certificate shol| be enhanced by Te per amnum Hl) the end of month _ Scanned with CamScanner Prioy to clote of Nav ik The cost of free issue Materials inelucled In the shall not be com pletion of cost WOKS ii} The experience certificates Government Orgonizations issued by om Serj Government OFF mize] Autonomous oolies] Mun cipal Bodies ] Companies ~cistedl on BSE] NSE f private eae be accepted for a 4 the dignbiss oF the -+ender. the co pletion certificates issued must be Supported _ completion certticate: a work order] Agreemerrt ¢ 5) Should have ave’ UN: - works amounting atV least 50 Ys of the estimated cost oF the wok c i #inancial yg: S by a chartered Accel ¢ c) Should not have incurred a two years cluring the consecutive #tn¥ncial Ceupies of Annual Turnover cevtifica oe ODIN su ited. public Limited shal) ssesst However, apnu al financial turnover on last five consecutive jp, om BI-03.2020 duly certified ant alon “ef aw! OPIN issue Tcoaz is also to be submi ol: oy lasses iN More thay immectiade last tive ears, Ending 3! 03.2020: iatavee sheet that a m Charteree! Accountant issued eariler by Icai isalso to be x a d) Should hove a Selvency of 407 of estimated Scanned with CamScanner cost issued by his bankers in the name oF the bidder - The eae certificate Should not have been issued eorli thon ene yeor of last date of submission of tender. e) Should have valid Permanent Account Number oF Income Tax Coopy of PAN to be enclosed), 4) Should have valid Permonent is desirable +hat the biclder should hove valid PF Registration No- In cose ;the biddere clo not have PF Registration No, the Same shall be obtained. b pent bidder within one month trom the Ge oF loz or before yelease o#% First RA Bill. = g) Shula have valid GST Registrotion.No. - n 1) Bidder hove -lo submit con#irmation letter whether oe ave pogisizted under MSME Act. eon €. Stomp of EPIL : Sign Stamp of Bidder. or not ¢ it yes, then relevant copies ot the re istrat 9 ~ion letter (Registered under single point registration scheme of NSIC » Govt of Indiq. Ministry o# Msme_E, New Dethi Vide Ga Notitication dated 26.08.2012, along with the form? Memorandum -2 With the conferned pic) to be enclosed in Technical Bid ¢a request Jetter tor exemption trom submission of Tender tee. Scanned with CamScanner v “= ip Tt is desired that the before submittin, condition ¢ Workin decide not dor all the bidder visits the site to bid to assess the Ground conditions at site - Incase bidder to visit site, they shall be responsible Consequences ai of. Bidder to submid a sa? ~decleratioyy with the bidin reapect of some. The credentials of the Bidders with vespect te Technical € Financiq] criteria shall be verified ¢ Inspection of the works, itregquired to be carried out by Ept- 1% not found satisfac tor by EPI, theiy bid wil] be considered non ~respondive € rejected . In case of Existing agencies working with EPIL poor performance ot Yagencies will be cénsidered as veoson for rejection. 24 Tender documents eee of the following ave available on the website of EPI; wuts. & €FP Portal: otow. cprocerre -9ov- in _ €as walas on MSt¢ portal http: /J ww. mst ecommerce com] eprochome/ EPIL. () Notice invitin Tender, Adclendum +o Instructions to Tenders, specda) instructions to Bidders for mee) Letter of pidestakls Form o#+tender » Memorandum, Bidder Information 3 A +4; tor NIT, Bid security Performg (vel-z). ii) Additional Conditions of contracts - Genera] Conditions of Contract . Technical specifications m ‘Approved makes é ay (vol-z) Scanned with CamScanner vo :) price Bid] Bill oft Quontiig (vo) am) 4-0 In order +o porticipate ithe bidder should have pigital Signature Certificate (b5¢) trom one of the | ¢ authorized Certifying Authorities. 50 Interested bidders have to necessari ly Tvegelg ter themeselves on the portal hetp | owe. waste ue om] eprocheme JEPIL through mis mete Ltd. Kolkata to porticipate in the bidding under this invitation for bids. T+ shall be the sole responsibil of the interested bidders Pay to get themselves registered the aforesald portal Yegu Zor” which tg o Kolkata at toll Sormailities. contact Mls mstc Ltd. n9 adores 9 to complete the eyes, MJs Mste Ltd. Registered oftice at 225-6, __ — Achorryo Ta: dish Chandy Bose Roacl, Kelkotq - T0020 Sion € Stamp of EPIL d —— Scanned with CamScanner

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