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Sanjivani Rural Education Society’s Year:-2020-21

Assignment No.:01 Dept.: - CivilEngineering
ACAD/F/ Subject:- (22304) Pages:- 01
Building Construction
Rev=00 Date:-11/12/2017 Unit No:- 01 Date of submission :- / /
Name of Subject Teacher:-Prof. B.M.Bahadure Total No of Questions:-
Q.1 Define the terms substructure and superstructure used in building construction.

Q.2 Classify the building as mentioned in National building code (2016) with examples of each.

Q.3 Draw a neat labeled sectional view showing different components of building from foundation to
parapet, for a load bearing brick masonry wall.

Q.4 State any two building components with their function.

Q.5 State any two purpose of foundation.

Q.6 State the classification of building as per type of construction.

Q.7 Difference between load bearing structure and framed structure(any four points)

Q.8 Define substructure and superstructure. Give their components also.

Prof. B.M.Bahadure Prof. Y.S.Jagtap

Subject Teacher H.O.D.

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