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Name: ______________________


“Challenges, Opportunities, and Best Practices in Management as an HR Staff/ In-
Charge Working in The Private Sector During Pandemic”

Opportunities During this Pandemic 1 2 3 4 5

Develop online training programs to help employees gain
new skills, upskills and reskills
Opportunities for flexible work set up to promote work-life
balance and reduce stress
Watch inspiring videos of managers doing successfully
Implement Virtual Employee Recognition to boost morale
and Celebrate Employees Success
Expanding Online Network and Productive Partnership
Develop Health and Wellness Program to help employees
maintaining healthy both Physical and Mental
Promote employee’s engagement such as encouraging to
participate in Content Creation to help them become
Innovative and Creative
Continuous Learning and Making an Impact
Offer wellness program that includes online fitness class,
mind training and proper diet training.
Understanding and Accepting Individual Differences
Promoting New Brands such as Affiliate Marketing
Sharpening Existing Computer Skills
Practice Self-Care

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