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Brand Value 1. Supply Chain Shortage:

New Products Innovation: 2. Expensive Products:
Diversified Portfolio: 3. Limited Product Line:
Young Customers prefer Adidas 4. Growing Operating Expenditure
Effective Supply Chain Management: 5. Overdependence on External Supplies
Strong Financial Position 6. Adidas Endorsement Deals
Strong & Diversified Distribution Network: 7. Adidas Product Turn Around is Very Slow
8. Absence of Brand Loyalty:
Effective Marketing Strategy:
Branding through international sponsorships:
Celebrity Endorsements:

1. Competition: developing flexible product line (future change in product design,
2. Rapid Expansion and including new products and derivatives of existing product)
Adoption of Ecommerce: Increase the product line and creating new
3. Supplier Dominancy: T1:W4,
4. Loss of Trademark: High/Quality product equal to competitors can be manufactured
5. US-China Trade Tensions:
6. Exchange Rates: T9;W7
7. Global Economic Slowdown: Using upgraded technologies will help the production of adidas to
8. Fake Products be productive to cope up with the trend in the markets.
9. Technological
Advancements T8;w2
Reducing the price will help to lessen the distribution of fake

Creating loyalty cards for customers to patronize more the
brands’ product
Increase partnership strategies and marketing intermediaries
Or better buy their rivals
1. Supply Chain Shortage: Adidas outsources the production of most of 1. Competition: The main threat facing Adidas is increased competition
its products to 3rd party or independent manufacturing suppliers, due to globalization and technological advancements, which has
mainly in China, Cambodia, and Vietnam. It has exposed Adidas to the enabled entry and penetration of small and medium companies.
risk of overdependence on foreign suppliers. 2. Rapid Expansion and Adoption of Ecommerce: Companies are
2. Expensive Products: Adidas charges a premium or high prices for its adopting the rapidly expanding e-commerce at an alarming rate, which
products, which has alienated low-income consumers. Only upper- and can pose a threat to Adidas if its main competitors such as Nike and
middle-income group customers can afford over a $100 shoe. Puma adopt e-commerce before them.
3. Limited Product Line: Adidas Group has only Adidas brand and 3. Supplier Dominancy: The fact that Adidas outsources most of the
Reebok brand under its portfolio, which has restricted the company manufacturing of its products implies that the suppliers have more
within sports footwear, sports apparel, and accessories. Therefore, a bargaining power than the company. The skewed balance of power
decline in demand for sports-related products can be disastrous to exposes Adidas to the possibility of being held hostage by its biggest
Adidas. suppliers.
4. Growing Operating Expenditure: With growing prices of raw 4. Loss of Trademark: In 2019, Adidas lost the three-strip logo
material and labor, the operating expenses of Adidas have also kept trademark case in the General Court of the European Union, which
growing. The revenue of Adidas has increased but so have its operating exposes the brand to the threat of imitation.
expenses. The company has grown its investment in marketing and it 5. Technological Advancements: The threat posed by competitor
reflected in the form of higher other operating expenses. Other increases as they become more technologically advanced.
operating expenses of the brand grew past €9 billion in 2018 and were 6. US-China Trade Tensions: Adidas operates globally, which implies
more than €350 million higher than the previous year. Growing that the company is susceptible to the reckless tit-for-tat imposition of
operating expenses can shrink profit margins and affect net income tariffs between countries
adversely. 7. Exchange Rates: Fluctuations of major currencies such as the Euro and
5. Overdependence on External Supplies: Adidas depends entirely on the US Dollar can negatively affect Adidas’s profits since it operates in
external partners for the production of the products it sells. It has the global marketplace.
outsourced nearly all of its production to external suppliers located in 8. Global Economic Slowdown: The effects of economic slowdowns,
Asia and other parts of the world. On the one hand, while it allows such as lower sales, negatively affect Adidas, just like any other
Adidas to focus on other aspects of business, on the other it adds to company.
operating costs. Adidas could bring costs down through backward 9. Fake Products: According to CEO Rorsted, 10% of Adidas products in
integration. Asia could be fake. The number and quality of fake products for
6. Adidas Endorsement Deals: Nike endorsements with athletes are very premium shoe brands have increased significantly in the recent past,
high in number than Adidas, Under Armour or any other brand. In which poses a threat to shoe-manufacturing companies.
1980, Adidas was passed on a potential endorsement with American 10. Regulatory Pressures:
basketball player Michael Jordan. But Nike was able to snag Jordan
endorsement deal and even today the brand is generating billions of
dollars revenue for one of the leading brand Nike.
7. Adidas Product Turn Around is Very Slow: Adidas turnaround time
is about 18 months from design to store which is an alarming weakness
of Adidas. This turnaround is very slow and the company is unable to
capitalize on emerging trends in the market
8. Absence of Brand Loyalty: Unlike its competitors like Nike and
Underarmour, Adidas has failed to create loyalty among its customers.
Launching the Yeezie brand was a good attempt by Adidas to create
brand loyalty but it still has miles to go to reach where Nike is.

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