GJM - Edang Written Task 1

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Arellano University

Florentino Cayco Memorial School

Of Graduate Studies

2600 Legarda, Sampaloc, Manila

Name: Gladys Joy M. Edang Course: MAPI Semester/SY: 2022-2023

Date: 09/10/2022

Written Task No. 1

Vision and mission of Arellano University and the Graduate School of Education

analysis in terms of:


Vision – Arellano University and the Graduate School of Education Vision aims to

provide a quality learning to students. It is very evident as a student of the institution

because the curriculum and the professors itself are very competent. The institutions’

goal is to provide and produce a globally competitive students that can adapt with the

fast-changing society not only to become a model institution but also a great institution

that will continuously evolve as well to meet and exceed the expectations and needs of

its clients.

Mission – The institution provides equitable access to education without being bias of

what is the background an individual came from to promote equality and equity in all

aspects. The institution will also continuously adapt and evolve to meet the needs of its

clients to support and sustain the quality of education despite of the crisis happening in

our society such as doing the classes online to protect and secure the health of each
and everyone. Education must continue no matter what the situation is, and the

institution will continue to live up to its mission.

Graduate Attributes - The graduate students are taught to be more competent in

analytical thinking and problem-solving skills using the tasks being given to strengthen

and develop the level of competency of the students. Students are always encouraged

to speak up to develop their communication skills, and with this experience’s learnings

are continuously obtained to become a better individual with values, morals, and sense

of responsibility.

Relevance to Present Time

Vision – The vision is very relevant to the present time wherein the society is facing

crisis and changes. The institution also follows and adapt to these changes to provide

quality learning for the learners to become globally competitive despite of the crisis


Mission – The institution provides learning modalities that fits the needs of the learners

regardless of their status in this time of pandemic to continue the learning.

Graduate Attributes – The institution create and develop a curriculum for the graduate

students that surely fits and will still fits the demand and needs of the fast-changing

society. Students are taught and learning to become more competent not only for self-

growth but also for the benefits of the students and people around them, especially in

their workplace.

Responsiveness to the Needs Situation

Vision – The vision is responsive to the needs that fits the students. By creating a

better curriculum and options that is applicable to the situation.

Mission – The institution provides learning modalities that fits the needs of the learners

regardless of their status in this time of pandemic to continue the learning just like the

online class.

Graduate Attributes – The institution create and develop a curriculum for the graduate

students that surely fits and will still fits the demand and needs of the fast-changing

society. Students are taught and learning to become more competent not only for self-

growth but also for the benefits of the students and people around them.


Vision – The vison is evidently specific to giving a quality education by continuously

developing and implementing curriculum for the students to become globally


Mission – To provide equitable access to education is obviously evident as well as the

institution continues the learning despite the crisis and not taking the opportunity to

develop a competent and skillful learner.

Graduate Attributes – Based on the curriculum presented by the institution, skills and

competencies cited are continuously being implemented and will surely be met with the

help od the professors.

State the three modes/ types of philosophy according to functions. Differentiate

one from the other. How can each mode / type can practically apply in your
workplace. Cite specific example for each.

The three modes of philosophy are: Speculative, Prescriptive and Analytic

Speculative Prescriptive
Analytic philosophy
philosophy prescriptive method means using
professing to be attempt to arrive at common experience
founded upon criteria or conditions and ordinary
intuitive or a priori which will guide our language to analyze
insight and judgment of concepts and
especially insight concepts and issues language in
into the nature of the to establish criteria philosophy.
Absolute or Divine for evaluating them.

Application to Workplace:

Speculative – This mode of philosophy can be applied to the nature of my work in

education field in positive and negative way. Speculative is philosophy of the

transcendent or one lacking empirical basis. We speculate without basis or evidence. In

education field, speculative can be positive or negative. For example, you have a

student that has a poor socio-economic background, and you speculate that his status

might be the reason why he/ she is performing and outstanding in school. On the other

hand, it can also be negative if for example the student is a delinquent, nonperforming

you speculate that the reason of this kind of behavior might be due to his/her poor

socio-economic background.

Prescriptive – is always present in the educational field. As a Teacher and an Adviser,

I am responsible to my student’s welfare and actions inside the school. There are

instances wherein students encounter problems and crisis that they cannot tell or share

to their family. For example, based on my experience being an adviser, I had this

student who got pregnant by accident and was planning to abort the baby because her
family will never accept and forgive her for her mistake. As an adviser, it is my duty to

guide her and let her understand the situation. Based on our culture, abortion is illegal,

inhumane and against the law, on the other side early pregnancy is also stigmatized in

our society reflecting the family of an individual. With that situation I talked to her and

make her realize the consequences of her actions if she will go after her plan.

Prescriptive bridges the gap between descriptive observation of the way people do

make choices and the normative guidelines for how they should make choices. So, with

the help of making her understand the situation, I made her keep the child by

prescribing her possible solutions without giving up the child. Prescription given was

based on the observation with same cases and the norms, culture, and law we follow in

the society we live in.

Analytic – by meaning it is to study or examine something in detail in order to

understand more about it. In education field we use this in all subject areas to help our

students learn and understand the lessons. For example, in school whenever I teach

the characteristics of Filipino language, I give sample sentence wherein these

characteristics are present. They will analyze and understand the concept in that way

they learn, and the retention of the subject matter is achieved.

Epistemology is the philosophical study of the nature, origin, and limits of human

knowledge. What makes knowing systematic and non – systematic?

Knowing the epistemology in systematic way will give an individual an answer to his/her

questions directly. Based on evidence and data gathered and understanding the

relations of it. While non-systematic are learnings that doesn’t have concrete evidence,

but we believe exist. This can be complicated in a way that point of views can vary
depends on how we understand and see the value of something that has not been

proven or doesn’t have enough evidence to prove that it really exists.

Explain the importance of philosophy of education for you, as a student, and as a


Philosophy of education is important to me as a student and as a professional teacher

because this serves as my guide. Guide for my everyday life as an individual. This helps

me to think rationally, critically. Identify what’s right and wrong, how to see the beauty in

all things and understand my society to develop awareness and become an instrument

for change. And this also guides for me as a professional as I integrate these

philosophies in my lessons for the students to become a better individual as well.

What makes moral values absolute or relative? Explain

Moral Values can be absolute and relative if it is supported by our existing laws. Moral

principles and values are based on universal truths about the nature of human beings.

Humans tend to commit bad deeds and actions that are against to our moral and norms

that makes it not absolute. But if our existing laws will hold and strongly support the

moral and values, we have this will become absolute because consequences are

present if an individual go against the moral and values of our norm.

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