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Healthcare system in India

There are hospitals in India excelling in standards when compared to any hospital in the UK or
the US. There are skilled surgeons and physicians in India who have made a mark in their
respective fields. But the most unfortunate thing is, the services of these surgeons and physicians
have not reached all sections of the population. If the benefit has to reach even the poorest of the
poor, the system of medical care delivery has to change India has a vast health care system, but
there remain many differences in quality between rural and urban areas as well as between public
and private health care. Despite this, India is a popular destination for medical tourists, given the
relatively low costs and high quality of its private hospitals. International students in India
should expect to rely on private hospitals for advanced medical care.

Studying in India offers a number of health challenges that students from developed countries
may be unused to, so it is important to know how the health care system in India operates in the
event you need it. Health care in India is a vast system and can be much like the rest of the
country: full of complexity and paradoxes.

It is one of the prominent contribution to India’s GDP. It attracts large number of domestic as
well as international players. There is massive growth potential and scope for expansion. In
India the % of overweight children is 15%. India ranking is not in the top 100. Life expectancy in
India is 69.42%. Doctor available (pr 10,000) is 7%. GDP also plays a role in the developing of
health care and if we compare are GDP is larger than most of the country but the difference in
the ratio of population is quite huge. The health care system comprise of hospitals, diagnostics,
pathology, equipment, telemedicine and medical tourism etc. There are hospitals in India
excelling in standards when compared to any hospital in the UK or the US. There are skilled
surgeons and physicians in India who have made a mark in their respective fields. But the most
unfortunate thing is, the services of these surgeons and physicians have not reached all sections
of the population. If the benefit has to reach even the poorest of the poor, the system of medical
care delivery has to change.

Reasons of lacking behind of our healthcare system

The main common cause leading to overpopulation in India are: the birth rate is still higher than
the death rate. ... Hence, best solution to population problem in India is to reduce the birth rate.
Govt. should bring schemes related to one child.If we talk about the resources in India
comparatively to the population size it is limited. Whether in other countries the % of the
resources are comparatively more according to the size of population.
A serious drawback of India’s health service is the neglect of rural masses. It is largely a service
based on urban hospitals. Although, there are large no. of PHC’s and rural hospitals yet the urban
bias is visible. According to health information 31.5% of hospitals and 16% hospital beds are
situated in rural areas where 75% of total population resides.

The gap in fund management by the administrations should be understood and be balanced. Not
enough funds are allocated for public healthcare in India and the inequality in urban and rural
facilities is well known. Due to the lack of modern quality healthcare in the public sector,
generally, people prefer private healthcare which is not affordable for most of the rural
population due to lower-income and lack of basic insurance policy. Private healthcare in India is
a premium and expensive affair for a large section of society. Notably expensive medical device
is procured but basic infra is missing in public healthcare system.

The most important aspect and perhaps which touches most of us is that the cost and
transparency of treatment. In an ideal situation it should be like a menu card in a restaurant;
where ingredients and rates of services are mentioned in advance, so the patient does not get
surprised on receipt of bills. Besides patients can decide whether to take those services or not;
looking at his/her budget. Besides these, patients can also decide whether to opt for those
services or not; keeping their budget in mind.

Serving the Nation by providing services empathetically, without any vested interest can give
great joy which is a reward in itself for the medical professional and pharmaceutical company
As goes an old saying, A stitch in time saves nine, post preventive care, the next step is the
diagnosis, if done in time can not only help save cost but also lives in some cases. We often hear
of cases being diagnosed only at an advanced stage when very little can be done to save the life.
The importance of diagnosis is mostly doubted in India.

A comprehensive preventive care program can lower your odds of becoming another statistic.

For example, preventable risk factors such as avoiding tobacco use, maintaining your proper
weight, regular exercise and other steps can significantly reduce your chances for illness or
premature death. The health system of India depends almost on imported western models. It has
no roots in the culture and tradition of the people. It is mostly service based on urban hospitals.
This has been at the cost of providing comprehensive primary health care to all. Otherwise
speaking, it has completely neglected preventive, pro-motive, rehabilitative and public health
Solution to improve healthcare system

Government should come up with schemes and initiative for controlling the population that
cab further help in improving the health care of country. collaboration. The purpose of the
bill is to control the population growth of India. ... The 2020 bill proposes to introduce a two-
child policy per couple and aims to incentivize its adoption through various measures such as
educational benefits, taxation cuts, home loans, free healthcare, and better employment
opportunities. The quality of human beings in an organization determines the success of that
organization. The improved skills, attitudes and productivity can only be possible through
adequate training,

There has been much interest in international collaboration in health research, especially
when projects involve scientists from developed and developing countries. While
recognizing the potential value of such collaborative projects, there is justifiable concern
about attendant risks and dangers. Because of the unequal power, there is the danger that the
more powerful partners from the developed country. Education plays an important role in
developing the country. If the literacy rate of country will rise vise a versa all important
sector including the health sector will rise well there will more doctors. The need for
primary healthcare centre’s to provide humane care closer home, focusing on prevention
and early detection, has never been so acute in India. Instituting more of them will
significantly improve the population’s health outcomes even as they reduce the overall
need for hospital care, in turn reducing the load on doctors, nurses, lab-workers,
technicians and other hospital staff. Recently, largely due to pressure from the public and
the media, the Indian government is beginning to vocalize firm timelines and budgets for
new health programs. The government has committed to dedicate 2.5 percent of our GDP
to health care by 2025. More and more programs are using 100 percent of their health care
budgets. New programs are bringing medical insurance to the poor, allowing access to
both government facilities and private facilities.

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