Scheme of MIS

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Course Objectives:
After the completion of this course, the students will be able to:
✓ Understand the concept of information systems
✓ Know the importance of MIS in business success.
✓ Be aware of different information technology applications in business environment.
✓ Have an understanding of the relationship between MIS and decision makers for
strategic business decision
Course Outline

Week 1 Introduction to Information Technology
• What is a system
• System Software and Application Software
• Components of an Information System
• Information System Resources
• Fundamental role of I.S. in Business
• Introduction to e-Business

Week 2 Data Resource Management

• Database Management
• Fundamental Data Concepts
• Traditional File Management Systems
• Types of Databeses
• Database Management Systems (DBMS)
Week 3 Data sharing
• Importance and need of data sharing
• Organizational networking and its benefits
• Role of DBMS in Data sharing
Week 4 Management Information System
▪ Definition of MIS
▪ Various types of Information Systems
▪ The purpose of Information Systems
▪ History of information systems and its implications
▪ Application software
▪ Basic components etc.
▪ Using information technology for electronic commerce
▪ Elements of computer based information system (CBIS)
Week 5 Management Information Systems in Practice
▪ Transaction Processing System (TPS)
▪ The characteristics of TPS
▪ The Transaction Processing Cycle
▪ Management Reporting System (MRS)

Week 6 Various Types of Reports Generated through MRS
▪ The Decision Support System (DSS)
▪ Types of processing tasks performed by DSS
▪ The characteristics of Group Decision Support System (GDSS)
▪ The Executive Information System (EIS)
Week 7 ▪ Office Automation
▪ Definition of Office Information System (OIS)
▪ Types of OA Systems
▪ The study of Message Handling Systems
▪ Teleconferencing applications and types
▪ Office Support Systems
Week 8 Mid Term Examination
Week 9 ▪ The study of the following concepts:
▪ Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
▪ Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
▪ Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
▪ Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)
▪ Materials Resources Planning (MRP-II)
▪ Just-In-Time (JIT) Production
▪ RandD Information Systems
▪ Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)
Week 10 Expert Systems
▪ Artificial Intelligence
▪ The components of an Expert System
▪ Expert System
▪ Functional area of business
▪ How technology can support the decision activities of the finance
▪ Financial information systems and the sources of financial
Week 11 People, Organizations, Systems and Management
▪ Characteristics of people and groups in organization that often
affect the design and performance of Information Systems
▪ The MIS function in organizations System
Week 12 Information System Design and Development
▪ What is System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?
▪ Stages of System Development
▪ Preliminary Investigation
▪ Requirements Analysis
▪ System Design
▪ System Acquisition
▪ System Implementation and Maintenance
Week 13 ▪ Study of various Approaches to System Development
▪ The Traditional Approach
▪ Prototyping Approaches
▪ End User Development
Week 14 Current Focus On Information Use
▪ Problems in implementing global information systems
▪ GIS implementing strategies

Week 15 Ethical Implications Of Information Technology
▪ Moral, Ethics and the Law
▪ Ethics and the information services
▪ Codes of Ethics
Final Term Examination

Recommended Text Books

✓ Brien, James O. Management Information System: (latest edition)

✓ Laudon, Kenneth C. and Laudan Jane P. Management Information System: (latest
✓ Long, Larry and Long, Lacy. Introduction to computer information system: (latest
edition) McLeod, Raymond. Management

Note: In addition to the above, any other text or book referred by Instructor can also be


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