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30 June – 2 JULY 2021, SPLIT, CROATIA



Gabrijela Grozdanić1, Mirela Galić1, Pavao Marović1

University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy,;;

As one of the most attractive materials of the modern age, glass has become an irreplaceable element
of structures. To be able to respond to the structural challenges, it has become the subject of many
researches, especially those in which the behavior of glass elements exposed to different types of loads
is analyzed. This paper will present some of the aspects in structural analyses of glass upon impact loads.
For a good analysis of glass response, it is important to be acquainted with the production process. The
majority of today’s flat glass is produced by the Float process. The most used type of glass is soda-lime
glass composed of SiO2 – Na2O – CaO (with additional ingredients). It can be used without any
additional treatment if there is no demand for increased strength and safety. Considering part of Float
process in which heated glass is slowly cooled to release residual stresses, untreated glass is called
annealed glass. Basic mechanical properties of glass are shown in Table 1.

Properties Middle value Interval

Density ρ = 2.500 kg/m³ 2.250 – 2.750 kg/m³
Young’s modulus E = 70.000 MPa 63.000 MPa – 77.000 MPa
Poisson number µ = 0,22 0,20 - 0,25
Table 1. Basic mechanical properties of glass according to prEN 13474 [1]
It is very important to point out that glass is eco-friendly, recyclable material. It can be melted over
numerous times and reused to produce new glass products. Compared with other building materials it
does not lose its properties when reprocessed. By combining different additional elements it is possible
to affect some glass properties, such as heat resistance, colour, etc. Apart from adding elements to
chemical structure, there are treatments that improve glass mechanical properties. When focusing on the
safety and strength of glass elements it is important to mention tempering. Tempered glass is a glass of
increased strength with the ability of safe breakage, meaning the glass will not break into sharp and
heavy pieces that can cause injury. Tempering can be produced by chemical treatment or by heating and
fast cooling. The final effect of both processes is developing compression on the surface and tension
inside, resulting in increased tensile strength of glass element. The most obvious difference between
annealed and tempered glass is in their breakage pattern (Figure 1). Heat strengthened glass is tempered
glass exposed to slower cooling, consequently producing lower stress on surface and inside the glass.

Annealed glass / float glass Heat strengthened glass Thermally toughened glass
Figure 1. Breakage pattern for different types of glass

Most types of glass can be involved in the process called lamination. Laminated glass is made of at
least two glass sheets connected with an interlayer. Interlayer ensures integrity after breakage and in
case of the unbroken sheet it provides post-breakage capacity. Glass as a structural material (primary or
secondary) ought to sustain different types of actions. Due to its brittle nature, elements are usually
designed to be robust. Lack of post-failure behavior is replaced by additional substructure elements or
improvements within glass elements (as laminated glass). Glass behavior under static load is linear-
elastic until failure, where it breaks without any plastic deformation. Griffith [2] developed a well-
known theory of surface flaws, asserting that glass surface is not perfectly smooth but it contains small
flaws invisible to the naked eye but of great importance to the material strength. In further observation,
to avoid the problem of infinite stress at the peak of the sharp flaw from linear elastic theory, Griffith
used a reversible thermodynamic system to model a static crack. Using the theorem of minimum energy
and adding an increase in potential energy, caused by work from destroying cohesive forces in crack
formation, Griffith describes energy balanced concept. Further, critical stress related to critical crack
length is defined. Equation (1) defines the relation between crack length and critical stress describing at
what stress the propagation will occur for defined crack length ܽ௖ :

ߪ௙ ൌ ඨ (1)
ߨ ή ܽ௖

Griffith's equation accurately defines only the behavior of brittle materials. Following Griffith's
work, Irwin defined a new fracture criterion. The criterion is based on a stress intensity factor ‫ܭ‬ଵ and a
comparison with the value of critical stress intensity factor KIc (fracture toughness) which is a property
of the material [3]:
‫ܭ‬ଵ ൒ ‫ܭ‬ଵ௖ (2)
Known theories [2, 3 and 4] are only the basic starting points in the analyses of glass structures
exposed to impact load, which demand definitions of certain coefficients and design guidelines for better
simulations for these kinds of loads.
It could be said that regulations in Europe are late behind architecture and construction works with
glass. European draft standard prEN 13474 [1] was released in 2009. In 2014 the Guidance for European
Structural Design of Glass Components [5] was released as a second draft edition for future Eurocode.
The guidance contains basic information about material properties, products made of glass, and the basis
for the design. Impact load, as one of the most common dynamic loads, tends to cause great damage in
brittle materials. Current regulations do not provide enough information to determine the resistance of
glass elements on different types of impact loading. According to regulations [5] impact loading
classification is divided into hard body and soft body impact. The division is characteristic for glass
because of its unfavourable effects in contact with other hard substances with hardness greater than the
glass [5].
EN 356:1999 (HRN EN 356:2006) [6] is a norm that defines experimental test as hard body impact
with steel sphere. The test is developed for the classification of security glazing products. EN
12600:2002 (HRN EN 12600:2006) [7] is a norm that provides a classification for impact resistance of
glass panels exposed to pendulum impact (soft body impact). Classification is defined by determination
of glass damage at defined drop height. In Guidance [5] requirements for improving and developing
regulations related to glass floors and horizontal glazing accessible for maintenance are described.
Demand is to specify verification for static and dynamic load and post-failure resistance. Post failure
resistance is an important demand in floor structures made of glass, and therefore it is forbidden to use
only tempered glass in most national regulations. Also, glass barriers and glass parapets are described
and the suggestion is to provide classification according to bearing type. From the aspect of dynamic
impact load the Guidance [5] suggests the norm EN 12600:2002 (HRN EN 12600:2006) [7] as an
experimental test remarking that larger panels, different substructure stiffness, and support
characteristics are not taken into consideration. Besides experimental verification, Guidance [5] is
describing two dynamic calculations. Method 1 uses transient numerical methods to define stress
evolution in the glass panel, while Method 2 uses equivalent loads defined through a double mass

oscillator. Both methods are considering impact energy E=100 Nm which is developed from a body
mass of 80 kg at impact speed v=2.04 m/s with 60% resonance mass [5].
Simulating fracture and fragmentation of brittle material is a great challenge for researchers. Today
there are different computational methods developed to accurately simulate the breakage and
fragmentation of brittle material. Depending on the stress condition inside the glass panel different types
of breakage patterns are achieved, each of them appropriate for different use. Modelling those types of
fragmentation can be provided with numerical programs that are based on continuum or discontinuum
methods. Wang et al. [8] made a comparison study of four methods encompassing continuum methods
FEM and XFEM, and discontinuum based methods DEM and FEM/DEM. Models are focused on the
simulation of dynamic fracture for glass beam exposed to low-velocity hard body impact. FEM analysis
uses smeared model for simulating discontinuous cracking failure with crack initiation according to
Rankine theory. It considers only Mode 1 for crack initiation but adopts Mode 1 and Mode 2 for crack
propagation. XFEM is using phantom nodes and linear elastic fracture mechanics with additional
functions. Phantom nodes use overlapping elements to bridge discontinuity and to avoid introducing
additional unknowns [8]. DEM discretizes the observed domain in a large number of elements connected
with the boundaries. Those numerous particles act like individuals when force is applied, producing
realistic simulations for progressive fracturing of brittle materials. FEM/DEM is using the same crack
initiation criteria and critical energy release as FEM. To model Mode 1 behavior, stress - displacement
curve is used. In the strain-softening interval, the softening function is used to describe a decrease in
bond stress, zero occurs at the point where the crack is initiated. The softening function is defined with
the constants determined from the experimental results of the observed material. Shear behavior is also
calculated using a softening function and penalty function method [8]. By comparing four described
methods Wang et al. [8] found that FEM/DEM is the most accurate method for predicting the real
behavior of glass under different types of low-velocity impact. XFEM results differ most in the manner
of fragmentation.
Defining behavior and energy release in pendulum test is a step to better understanding glass behavior
under the soft impact. Lately, many researchers work on a numerical solution for this type of loading,
so that expensive experimental tests and geometry limitations could be avoided. Pacios et al. [9]
performed an experimental pendulum test, on specimens made of tempered glass and annealed laminated
glass, with varying different types of support and different drop heights. The conclusion was that type
of support is of great influence on the dynamic response of the glass panel. Referring to DIN 18008, EN
12600:2002 (HRN EN 12600:2006) [7], and Pacios [9] experiment, Parra et al. [10] analyze the real
amount of load that is transferred from pendulum to panel. They observed a difference between the
initial energy of pendulum (for drop height) and load applied to the glass plate. It is assumed that energy
dissipation occurs during the contact of pendulum and glass panel. A simplified two-degree freedom
(2DOF) model is used to analyze contact between components. The conclusion is that global energy is
divided into energy that is affecting the glass panel (effective) and residual energy that applies to the
remaining parts of the test configuration. Approximately 20% of pendulum energy is transformed in
deformation and excitation of the remaining elements from the test configuration, transferring ~80% of
total energy on the glass panel. Similar studies and models are developed for the automotive industry
where tests are performed for head impact during a car accident. Brendler et al. [11] made a numerical
model in LS DYNA of pendulum impact test on toughened and insulated glass while Pelfrene et al. [12]
developed a numerical model in two different computer programs SJ MEPLA and ABAQUS. Both
authors compared the model with the results of experimental tests. Schneider [13] describes how to
model soft body impact by two proposed numerical methods from regulation [5]. Regarding the
pendulum impact test, a transient numerical method is described. It is a method for determination of
time-dependent structural behaviour of glass. The basis of the method is in incremental solving dynamic
equilibrium. It is required to first develop a model with proper elements presenting pendulum and glass
plate. Then, the model needs to calibrate. The second method presented is a simplified engineering
model with equivalent static loads. The method uses 2DOF model simulating a coupled system of glass
plate and pendulum. Besides the pendulum test other types of impact tests are performed to predict glass
strength. Van Dam et al. [14] performed small scale drop weight tests on annealed glass with the addition
of safety window film to study resistance and post-failure performances of glass reinforced with safety
window film. Quasi-static punch tests and low velocity impact tests are presented by Osnes et al. [15]
with the intention of verifying the Strength Prediction Model (SPM). SPM is combining FEM to

determine stress and strain with Monte Carlo simulation to locate artificial surface flaws to finally
evaluate fracture strength of glass panel. Model is capable of predicting fracture force, displacement,
and initiation position of fracture. It uses linear elastic fracture mechanics comparing stress intensity
factors for Mode 1 with fracture toughness. For purpose of defining more accurate failure prediction for
dynamic loading, Osnes et al. [15] presented a strain-rate dependent dynamic fracture toughness KID.
Overall, SPM showed very good results for modelling rate dependent fracture strength.
There are different approaches to determine glass behaviour under impact loads, still mostly verified
through experiments. We can corroborate to a significant progress in numerical modelling of glass
behaviour. These numerical models are appropriate for different analyses of glass structures. In this
paper, different numerical models will be presented with special reference to the advantages,
disadvantages, and application’s peculiarities of each of them. These models should be verified in
comparison with experimental results, which can improve design guidelines.
Significant progress in modelling and experimental testing of glass behaviour is evident in the last
ten years, so it could be said that the glass structures era is yet to come.


[1] prEN 13474-3:2009 Glass in building - Determination of the Strength of Glass Panes - Part 3:
General Method of Calculation and Determination of Strength of Glass by Testing, European
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[3] M. Overend, S. Gaetano, M. Haldimann. Diagnostic Interpretation of Glass Failure, Structural
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[4] E. Orowan. Fracture and Strength of Solids, Reports on Progress in Physics, XII, 185, 1948.
[5] Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components. European Commission, Joint
Research Centre, Report EUR 26439 EN, Luxembourg, 2014.
[6] HR EN 356:2006 (EN 356:1999) Glass in Building – Security Glazing – Testing and
Classification of Resistance against Manual Attack, Croatian Standards Institute, 2006.
[7] HR EN 12600:2006 (EN 12600:2002) Glass in Building – Pendulum Test – Impact Test Method
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[9] A. Pacios, S. Postigo, C. Huerta. Relationship Between Characteristic Parameters of Impact Test
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[10] J.A. Parra, J. Alonso, A. Pacios, M.C. Huerta. Effective Energy Applied to a Glass Plate During
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[11] S. Brendler, A. Haufe, T. Ummenhofer. A Detailed Numerical Investigation of Insulated Glass
subjected to the Standard Pendulum Test, LS-DYNA Anwenderforum, Bamberg, 2004.
[12] J. Pelfrene, S. van Dam, J. Kuntsche, W. van Paepegem. Numerical Simulation of the EN 12600
Pendulum Test for Structural Glass, Challenging Glass, 5, Ghent, 2016.
[13] J. Schneider, S. Schula. Simulating Soft Body Impact on Glass Structures, Structures and
Buildings, 169(SB), 416-431, 2013.
[14] S. van Dam, J. Pelfrene, S. De Pauw, W. van Paepegem. Experimental Study on the Dynamic
Behaviour of Glass Fitted with Safety Window Film with a Small-scale Drop Weight Set-up,
International Journal of Impact Engineering, 73, 101-111, 2014.
[15] K. Osnes, O.S. Hopperstad, T. Børvik. Rate Dependent Fracture of Monolithic and Laminated
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