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Q.1. A certain gas occupies 0.418 litre at 27C and 740 mm Hg.
(a) What is its volume at NTP?
(b) If the same gas weighs 3.0 g, what is its molecular mass?
(c) If we increases the mass of gas to 7.5 g in the same vessel and the temperature is changed to
280 K. What would be its pressure?
Q.2. At 400 K, the (rms) speed of gas X (MW = 40) is equal to the most probable sped of gas Y
at 60 K. The MW of gas Y is?
Q.3. Calculate the % of the free volume available in 1 mole gaseous water at 1.00 atm and 100oC.
Density of liquid water at 100oC is 0.958 g/cm3.
Q.4. 1 g of N2 and 1 g of O2 are put in a two–litre flask at 27oC. Calculate partial pressure of each gas,
the total pressure and the composition of the mixture in mole percentage.
Q.5. 6.0 g He and 12.0 g Ne molecules both having average velocity 4 × 102 ms–1 are mixed. Calculate
kinetic energy per mole of the mixture.
Q.6. The stopcock, connecting the two bulbs of volumes 5 litres and 10 litres containing an ideal gas at
9 atm and 6 atm respectively, is opened. What is the final pressure in the two bulbs if the
temperature remained the same?
Q.7. An open flask contains air at 27oC. Calculate the temperature at which it should be heated so that,
(a) 1/ 3rd of air measured at 27oC escapes out.
(b) 1/ 3rd of air measured at final temperature escapes out.
Q.8. The vapour density of the gaseous mixture of NO and N2O3 is 21. If mixture contains
150 gm, then find out the no. of moles of NO and N2O3 present in the mixture at the same
temperature and pressure.
Q.9. Two flask of equal volume have been joined by a narrow tube of negligible volume. Initially both
flasks are at 300 K containing 0.60 mole of O2 gas at 0.5 atm pressure. One of the flasks is then
placed in a thermostat at 600 K. Calculate final pressure and the number of O2 gas in each flask.
Q.10. The degree of dissociation of N2O4 according to the equation N2 O4  2NO2 at 70oC and
atmospheric pressure is 65.6%. Calculate the apparent molecular weight of N2O4 under the above
Q.11. A monometer is connected to a gas containing bulb. The open arm reads 43.7 cm where as the arm
connected to the bulb reads 15.6 cm. If the barometric pressure is 743 mm mercury. What is the
pressure of gas in bar?
Q.12. The compressibility factor for N2 at 223 K and 81.06 MPa is 1.95 and at 373 K and 20.265 MPa is
1.10. If a certain mass of N2 occupies 1 litre at 223 K and 81.06 MPa, what would be its volume at
373 K and 20.265 MPa?
Q.13. A jar contains a gas and a few drops of water at TK. The pressure in the jar is 830 mm of Hg. The
temperature of the jar is reduced by 1%. The vapour pressures of water at two temperatures are
30 and 25 mm of Hg. Calculate the new pressure in the jar.
Q.14. A gas bulb of 1 litre capacity contains 2  1021 molecules of nitrogen exerting pressure of
7.57  103 N/m2. Calculate the root mean square speed and the temperature of gas molecules.
If the ratio of Ump to Urms is 0.82. Calculate Ump for these molecules at this temperature.
Q.15. A 10–cm column of air is trapped by an 8–cm long column of Hg in a capillary tube horizontally
fixed as shown in the figure at 1 atm pressure. Calculate the length of air column when the tube is

10 cm 8 cm
(a) Vertically with open end up
(b) Vertically with open end down

Q.16. A student forgot to add the reaction mixture to the round bottomed open flask at 27oC and put it
on the flame. After a lapse of time, he realized his mistake, using a pyrometer he found the
temperature of the flask was 477oC. What fraction of air would have been expelled out?
Q.17. A 20 c.c. mixture of CO, CH4 and He gases is exploded by an electric discharge at room
temperature with excess of oxygen. The decrease in volume is found to be 13 c.c. A further
contraction of 14 c.c. occurs when the residual gas is treated with KOH solution. Find out the
composition of the gaseous mixture in terms of volume percentage.
Q.18. 7.5 mL of a gaseous hydrocarbon was exploded with 36 mL of oxygen. The volume of gases on
cooling was found to be 28.5 mL, 15 mL of which was absorbed by KOH and the rest was absorbed
in a solution of alkaline pyragallol. If all volumes are measured under the same conditions, deduce
the formula of the hydrocarbon.
Q.19. Pay load is defined as the difference between the mass of displaced air and the mass of the balloon.
Calculate the pay load when a balloon of radius 10m, mass 100kg is filled with helium at 1.66 bar
at 270C (density of air = 1.2kgm-3 and R = 0.083 bar dm3 k-1 mol-1).
Q.20. A mixture of 0.5 mole of CO and 0.5 mole of CO2 is taken in a vessel and allowed to effuse out
through a pinhole into another vessel which has vacuum. If a total of A mole has effused out in
time t, show that M1A + M2(1–A) = 36, where M1 and M2 are mean molar masses of the mixture that
has effused out and the mixture still remaining in vessel respectively.
1. (a) 0.37 litre, (b) 181.5 gram/mole, (c) 2.27 atm
2. 4
3. 99.9386%
4. 0.44 atm, 0.38 atm, 0.82 atm, 53.3%, 46.7%
5. 806.8 KJ/mol
6. 7 atm
7. (a) 177oC,
(b) 127oC
8. 2.126 moles, 1.134 moles
9. 0.66 atm, 0.4, 0.2
10. 55.56
11. 1.347 atm or 1.36 bar
12. 3.774 litre
13. 817 mm
14. T = 274.2 K, Urms = 49.42 m/sec, Ump = 40.52 m/sec
15. (a) 9.04 cm
(b) 11.17 cm
17. Percentage composition of CO = 37.5 %
Percentage composition of CH4 = 32.5 %
Percentage composition of He = 30%
18. C2H4
19. 3811 kg

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