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Tamaraw Building - Marulas - Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Hwy




A Research Presented to that Faculty of the

College of Elementary Education

Our Lady of Fatima University

Under the class of

Dr. Junel Victoria


Mark Ivan D. De Guzman

Marie Clarence D. Jabal

Jurainne Marinelle C. Futol

Genellerino P. Perualila

S.Y. 2022 - 2023

Tamaraw Building - Marulas - Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Hwy

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits


Education is a systematic and scientific process of providing knowledge, skills and

experiences to develop a human force as per requirements of society. This is
accomplished by using different methods and resources at different levels of education for
different stakeholders like students, teachers, parents, administrators and others so, that every
individual of the society be equipped with the desired change in behavior to be social, cultural,
sympathetic and helpful to the other members of society and for the nation.

Educational institution is an important component of the system, where key role is

played by the teachers. Teacher is the personality who initiates all curriculum related activities,
motivate students to participate and learn from them and also help them to use the newly
acquired knowledge and skills in practical situations. Teachers fulfill their obligations with
sincere efforts in order to develop the youth of the nation to their full potential.

Homework has been criticized by a lot because of the effects somehow on self-
Management skills and Study habits of the Learners and some percentage in different countries
that says no to homework is a majority that it may come up that Students could possibly reduce
study interest and however based on experts and minority of the previous surveys that homework
could help to increase self-management skills and study habits when done right.

In a recent international comparison of the amount of time that students spend on

homework, students from the United States ranked near the bottom of the 20 countries surveyed
(Harmon et al. 1997). Furthermore, research indicates that over the last 25 years high school
students have decreased the amount of homework that they complete (Brookings Institution
2003). Nonetheless, there is a popular conception that students are being assigned too much
homework. One key empirical question that underlies the homework debate is how much benefit
students receive from time spent studying.
Tamaraw Building - Marulas - Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Hwy

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits

Homework The Homework is born in year 1905 founded by Roberto Nevelis and later
revised by Horace Mann who has played a large in history of homework that has a love and
dedication in Education that he make the homework mandatory in every school for them to learn
outside the classroom to maintain their knowledge and enlightened learners to understand who
cannot yet demonstrate the previous topic or lesson that been taught during the class.

It is said that homework is designed to use as penalties for the student or learner that
couldn’t or unable to demonstrate the previous lesson and topic that been taught in schools for
them to apply and keep up to those learners who were able to present or demonstrate the topic

Even though homework still had its advantage when it comes to building the study habits
of Elementary Learners in their early childhood but also has the disadvantages like it gives extra
work load for the learners.

It is Said to take over the children’s time to do physical activities or other curriculum that
could honed their skills. Most Parents and Educators are in debate on centuries if Homework
Curriculum does leverage the benefit the Advantage over the Disadvantages of it in learners
Study Habits.

Although Homework Curriculum has many Positive side like those helping the student to
apply their knowledge from the previous lesson and topic that been discussed or prepare them for
the next one but long duration Homework causes elementary learner grade student felt stressed
over the task given and may give a larger toll in their Study Habits.

Homework had a lot of Pros but it is said to cause too much unnecessary pressure or
stress to Elementary Learners, that takes away their time for them relax or refresh, Not always
effective, and may last a long duration of time that can last an hour or more that might cause
more than the benefits to help.
Tamaraw Building - Marulas - Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Hwy

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits

However, Expert suggested elementary learners should take homework for them to
applied what the curtained benefits of homework only the condition in short amount of duration
time for them not to cause curtained stress and pressure.

The purpose of this study is aimed to help to find out the efficient way of revising of
curriculum for homework for Elementary Grade Learning and find out the impact on Elementary
Grade Learner.

2.0 Review of Related Literature

According to Woods, (2022) Some Parents opinion, child should go and play outside or have
fun instead of doing homework. However, expert says homework when done correctly can
utilized and provide study habits, practice core concepts, develop study and time
management skills.

According to Varly , (2022) No homework Policy may help learner to find balance to their
own personal and academic’s goal

According to Wexler, (2019) Critics have objected that even if homework doesn’t increase
grades or test scores, it has other benefits, like fostering good study habits and providing
parents with a window into what kids are doing in school.

According to Bodovoski, (2022) Homework has no significant effects on the student as an

Education Departments promotes the homework to the curriculum as an opportunity for
children to learn and for families to get involved but on the other side have demonstrate
negative effect parental help o student achievement on homework.
Tamaraw Building - Marulas - Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Hwy

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits

According to Chris D, (2023) even homework may find difficult student still a lot of benefits
when it comes to their academic attainment and reinforced their required knowledge.

According to Marie, (2021) while the homework gives the idea it is difficult it has found out
that it has a lot of benefits by doing this specific curriculum.

According to Huyong et al, (2023) A homework is part of the growth of the child the that
could benefit their creativity, uniqueness and etc.

According to Cordz (2020), homework that exceeds an hour and more may cause stress to

According to Wilson et al. (2021), a homework is a provide structure for learners to make
them engaged and appreciate the hard work that they put in their effort

According to Kelman (2021), The homework that students are stuck on may give them stress
and exhaustion when it passes an hour and more.

According to Xu, Du, Liu, Huang, (2019) noticed that the task of completing homework is
emotionally charged, when studying the effect of it they found that emotion management had
a positive influence on emotion management, cognitive reappraisal and homework
completion later on.
Tamaraw Building - Marulas - Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Hwy

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits

According to Cosio, Williams, (2019) the study explored the link between when students
completed their homework in relation to the date the material was covered. They found that
students who completed their homework within two days of the lecture did significantly
better on their exams.

According to Keane & Heinz, (2019) Advocates assert that homework enhances the
academic task and rest assures self-discipline and study rehearses, especially if it is
purposeful, discussed in class, promptly corrected with essential and clear feedback, and
lastly, if it is graded by the teacher.

According to Kryukova et al., (2022) and Platonova et al., (2022). While assigning
homework can help students remember what they have learned in class, it can also be
detrimental to their comprehension of science. Students may become discouraged and begin
to dislike science if they are given too much or too challenging homework.

According to Heffernan (2019) argues homework should not be eliminated, but “demand
smarter ways to use homework”. Instead of being a burden to those currently within the
educational system, homework should be designed to help positively impact student

According to McGlynn and Kelly, (2019 p. 36) homework should be used to provide students
with the opportunity to obtain mastery over concepts they have been learning. For teachers to

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits
Tamaraw Building - Marulas - Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Hwy

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits

combat this argument, it is necessary to state the objective before giving an assignment to
students know the purpose is.

According to Hosseini, (2019) in order to warn the student and also to remind the teacher of
his expectations in the field homework has always been considered as one of the important
factors in the realization of learning and in each period in accordance with the perception of
learning, the form, and type of task has been different.

According to Hosseini (2019) examines the necessity, positive and negative effects and
benefits and harms of homework, the need to correct it and the pathology of homework and
in general examines the functions and results of students’ extracurricular learning tasks
(homework). The present study was conducted as a review and data collection through
library studies, Internet search and databases and documents. Proper and timely use and in
accordance with the conditions, is the best suggestion for the usefulness of the night

According to Wiseheart et al, (2019) when students study or do homework on a topic spread
over days and weeks, they learn more and remember it better.

According to Algani & Eshan, (2020), the main role of parents is to give their children a
sense of security and the high expectations, which stimulates students to increase their efforts
towards learning the subject. Monitoring and controlling of children, by their parents, while

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits
Tamaraw Building - Marulas - Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Hwy

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits

doing their homework does not improve their results; the more parents notice and pressure
their children while doing homework, the more negative effects will be.

According to Sipilia-Thomas, E.S., Cho, E., & Brodhead, M.T, (2020), the purpose of
homework is to help encourage academic skills across multiple settings, increase fluency and
mastery skills, and build student responsibility, perseverance, and self-confidence.

According to Batman et at. (2022) homework assignments were designed to help students
review and retain the material they had learned class.

According to Prabha, (2020) homework can aid students in reviewing what they have learned
in class and improving their memory of it.

According to Salame and Hanna (2020) student’s perceptions, attitudes, learning

experiences, comprehension, and learning outcomes were all positively impacted by online

According to Haq et al. (2020) homework has significant impact on student’s achievement
and varies depending on the age of the students.
Tamaraw Building - Marulas - Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Hwy

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits

According to Sayan and Mertoglu (2020) most of the teachers believed that assigning
homework is necessary and do not support its prohibition.

According to Dolean and Lervag (2022) homework has an immediate effect on writing
proficiency of a student.

According to Clark and Comber (2020) Parents should facilitate their children in doing their
homework and spend time for reading at home.

According to Cosio, Williams (2019) Time spent on completing their homework affects
students’ performance. Students who completed their homework within two days of lecture
did significantly better on their exams.
Tamaraw Building - Marulas - Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Hwy

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits

2.1 Conceptual Framework


➢ Is There a positive or
➢ Finding Respondent. ➢ The Researchers are
negative effect to
aiming to understand
Elementary Learners
➢ Find Respondent in the whether if Homework
when they undergoing
Chosen locale. has positive impact to
Elementary Learner or
➢ Is there a chance of
➢ Through the use of do need a revision.
revising curriculum in
survey questioner
terms homework.
elementary leaner.
➢ Is there significance
➢ Gathering Data in
between study habits of
related literatures.
the learners and
homework curriculum

The Variables that would be tackled is the Homework on Academic Learners to know What
are the Effects in:


the Dependent Variable Which Researchers looking forward to Revised or remove in
curriculum where it may impact Elementary Grade Learner.


the Variable Respondents which Researchers are Focus. That would be taken in survey and
what they feel about removing or revising it from the curriculum.
Tamaraw Building - Marulas - Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Hwy

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits


the Independent Variable where Researchers are observing too as well if there is an impact
on the students Study Habits the revision or the removal of Homework.

2.2 Statement of the Problem

Research show that students can cause stress when put extra work load. Especially the
additional homework task that teachers or educators that causes an extended workload to the
time of elementary learner. (Levy, 2019)

This Study will determine the Impact of Homework in Elementary Grade Learners.

Research Problem 1. What is the various homework during the weekdays?

Research Problem 2. Does student feel fear and extra work by doing homework?
Research Problem 3. Can learners still maintain their study habits?
Research Problem 4. how do you maintain the quality of homework during the weekdays?


This where Researcher’s process the distribution of the study where Researchers conduct
the study about the Effects of Homework on Elementary Grade Student to Developed Study
Habits and what would the possible effect to the learners who might experience the changes in
curriculum that homework might be revised or eradicated.
Tamaraw Building - Marulas - Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Hwy

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits

3.1 Research Design

Research would use Descriptive design to conduct a survey in a controlled room to data
collection of a research tally. Also, for the convenience of the respondent which is
Elementary Learners.

3.2 Research Locale.

Researchers would like to conduct Research to Basic education department - Our Lady of
Fatima University. Where it was controlled and most of the researchers has their convenience
and agreed upon the specific locale.

3.3 Population and Sampling

Researchers will look for at the least of 100 respondents would answer to surveys would
be provided by the researchers. And mostly should be under elementary and would have a
consent by Teachers and school Principals that allowed the researcher to conduct a survey.

3.4 Research Instrument

Researchers will use a questionnaire survey for the conveniency of the respondents that
content of 5 questions. The questionnaire is the main instrument in this study. The researcher
prepares a paper that contains set of questions about the study for the respondents to answer to
know the response of the said questionnaire.

3.5 Data Collection

Researchers will request a consent to School Administration and Teachers to conduct a

survey to a whole class section(s). The researchers get respondents from Basic Education
Department, of Our Lady of Fatima University, Valenzuela City. Then, the researchers give an
informed consent and explain it to them what study is all about before answering the
Tamaraw Building - Marulas - Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Hwy

Impact of Revising of Curriculum about Homework in Elementary School Grade Students in their Study Habits

questionnaire. Next the researchers will evaluate the result of the questionnaire. And lastly
researchers will carefully interpret and see if the said topic has a better way.

3.6 Research Ethics

Researchers would use Inferential Statistics to summarize data and eliminated biases
under the large population that could be pass the standard of being our respondents. Research
ethics specially, interested in the analysis of an ethical issues that are raised when the people
involved as participant in research. The researcher use citation to avoid plagiarism and the
respondent will inform the goal and the purpose of the study. The procedures in answering the
questionnaire through an interview with an open-ended question. The researcher must also
inform the respondents if the time needed is too long and to inform them that they have an
authority to not answering the question. The researcher makes sure all of your answer regarding
to the question based on the research topic it will keep confidential, no one can know tour answer
except the learners. All the information and answer gave by the respondents consider are correct,
and any information collect by the researcher will use for educational purposes, and will remain

3.7 Data Analysis

Researchers will use a quantitative approach to analyzed the result that would be
calculate the percentage of positive and negative approach of homework to the child study habits
and also to conduct the possible impact of revising of the homework for the elementary learners
that could be out of the curriculum.

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