To What Degree Should Parents Intervene in The Lives of Their Teen Children?

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To what degree should parents intervene in

the lives of their teen children?

At the age of sixteen, young people in many countries are given
certain rights and obligations. It is obvious that parents have a duty to
exercise control for and educate their children until they reach this
significant milestone. There are some issues in which parental
intervention is necessary, but in others, it is not.
To begin with, some parents take their involvement so much that
they become a source of destruction for their teen kids. Children want
to become more mature than their age and try to take control of their
own lives. Sometimes little things become uncomfortable for teens and
after, perceive their parents as interfering too much in their lives. This
is true, being overly involved can lead to a child’s incapability to handle
personal issues. Giving child time and privacy to think and explore is a
pivotal part of supporting their growing independence.
On the other hand, parents’ intervention could have a positive side
too. Parental involvement at school can help build positive interactions
between parents and kids. Parents will have a better idea of what their
child’s day Is like, which can improve family communication.
However, as a child gets older, they need more privacy and personal
space. This is because, they are exploring new ideas, emotions, social
interests, and what kind of person they want to be. It is natural for
children to keep ideas and information to themselves.
Moreover, because the teenage brain is still developing teenagers
sometimes make quick decisions and can’t often foresee the
consequence of their behavior. This means that children need their
parents to bear in mind and guide them, like where their child is going
to be this Saturday night, how they’re getting there and back, and
whether is alcohol or drug abuse.
Nevertheless, there are multiple particular ways to respect child’s
privacy, including knocking before entering their rooms, giving them
space to talk to their friends, and asking before looking at their phones.
Overall, parents should allow their children to make and be
responsible for their mistakes and live their own lives.

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