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An educated person should, among other things, know how to work in a group.
In my opinion, all sorts of tasks become easier — and faster — through
teamwork. More than speed or ease, though, big or complex projects require
teamwork. There are multiple solutions that would make teamwork best
encouraged and assessed in educational settings.
To begin with, the first solution is to require students to work on group
projects outside school. This solution would motivate students and would learn
how to work as a team. As well, students would make more friends.
Nevertheless, it’s difficult to assess individual student contributions to the
team. In general, the entire project is evaluated, not the work of individual
students or who did what. Moreover, the project can be poor and because of
that, all students will be oppressed.
In addition, group projects could be done partly in school, and partly outside
school. Although teachers could monitor students’ work more easily, some
teachers wouldn’t be good at this. Additionally, it’s better for students to be in
the classroom because that’s what people expect. However, it would be time-
consuming for large classes.
Last but not least solution is that teachers monitoring and student self-
assessment. The specific action that can be taken is that students keep a learning
journal throughout the project. It would help to burden of monitoring and
assessing progress shared by teachers. However, the drawback would be that
some students would dishonestly claim they worked harder than they did.
Overall, the educated person should be able to demonstrate not just
knowledge but also the ability to work independently in teams.

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