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PG-QP – 22 -4- *PGQP22*


1. Fill the appropriate pair from the following in the given blanks :

Wait ________ I come back and do the second sum ______ you finish the first one.
A) before, when B) till, after
C) since, before D) up, after

2. What is incorrect in the following lines ?

When his turn came he mentally bowed to Saraswati the goddess of learning he
began his address.
A) tense B) spelling C) punctuation D) clause

3. Choose the correct spelling from the following :

A) Monteparnasse B) Montparnasse
C) Montepernasse D) Monteparnase

4. Find the appropriate indirect narration of the following sentence :

The teacher said, “The earth moves round the sun.”
A) The teacher said that the earth moved round the sun.
B) The teacher told that the earth moved round the sun.
C) The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.
D) The teacher said the earth moves round the sun.

5. Which one is the correct passive voice of the following sentence ?

Ram gave Radha an apple.
A) An apple was given to Radha by Ram
B) Apple is given to Radha by Ram
C) An apple has been given to Radha by Ram
D) Apple had been given to Radha by Ram.

6. Pick up the correct synonym for Transcendental from the following :

A) mundane B) magnificent
C) mystical D) mythic

7. From which drama of Shakespeare the poem “The Seven Ages of Man” has been
extracted ;
A) As You Like It B) Hamlet
C) Richard II D) Tempest
*PGQP22* -5- PG-QP – 22

8. Which poem of Alexander Pope contains the following lines :

“Sol thro’ white curtains shot a tim’rous ray,/And oped those eyes that must eclipse
the day.”
A) The Dunciad B) An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot
C) The rape of the Lock D) Pastorals

9. Who wrote the following lines and in which book ?

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.”
A) Pope in The Dunciad
B) Dryden in Absalom and Achitophel
C) Milton in Paradise Lost
D) Eliot in The Waste Land

10. Who is the author of “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard ?”

A) William Cowper B) Thomas Gray
C) William Wordsworth D) James Thomson

11. How many times has Brazil won the World Cup Football Championship ?
A) Four times B) Twice C) Five times D) Once

12. Jude Felix is a famous Indian player in which of the fields ?

A) Volleyball B) Tennis C) Football D) Hockey

13. Who built the Jama Masjid ?

A) Sher Shah Suri B) Ala-ud-din Khilji
C) Aurangzeb D) Shahjahan

14. The Reserve Bank of India was established in

A) 1920 B) 1930 C) 1935 D) 1940

15. The New Development Bank of BRIC countries is based at

A) Beijing B) Shanghai C) St. Petersburg D) Sao Paulo

16. If x = 1 – q and y = 2q + 1, then for what value of q, x will be equal to y ?

A) – 1 B) 0 C) 1/2 D) 2

17. If P% of P is 36, then P is equal to

A) 15 B) 60 C) 600 D) 3600
PG-QP – 22 -6- *PGQP22*

18. A sum of Rs. 1550 is lent out into two parts, one at 8% and another one at 6%. If the
total annual income is Rs. 106, find the money lent at each rate.
A) 550, 850 B) 650, 900
C) 575, 875 D) 675, 950

19. Due to a price hike of 20%, 4 kg less sugar are available for Rs. 120. What is the
initial price per kg of sugar ?
A) Rs. 5/kg B) Rs. 4/kg C) Rs. 6/kg D) Rs. 5.5/kg

20. A and B together can do a piece of work in 30 days. A having worked for 16 days, B
finishes the remaining work alone in 44 days. In how many days shall B finish the
whole work alone ?
A) 30 days B) 40 days C) 60 days D) 70 days

21. 587 × 999 = ?

A) 586413 B) 587523 C) 614823 D) 615173

22. In a certain code language, “You are great” means “Water is cold”, “They are poor”
means “rain is heavy” and “poor not great” means “heavy never cold”. Which of the
following stands for “rain” ?
A) you B) they C) not D) poor

23. Pointing out a lady, Kamal said, “She is the daughter of the woman who is the mother
of the husband of my mother.” Who is the lady to Kamal ?
A) Aunt B) Grand daughter C) Daughter D) Sister

24. Statements :
I. The university officers have decided to conduct last examination every year in
March/April in order to announce the result at proper time.
II. In past the result was declared late by the University due to the lack of number
of examiners.
A) Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
B) Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
C) Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
D) Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.

25. Laugh is related to Joy in the same way as Cry is related to ?

A) Child B) Sad
C) Punishment D) Sorrow
*PGQP22* -7- PG-QP – 22


(Social Work)
26. The lineage is determined through the male line in this family system
A) Patriarchy B) Matriarchy
C) Neo-local D) Single parent family
27. The primary unit of socialisation for a child is
A) School B) Peer group
C) Family D) Neighbourhood
28. The marriage system in which an individual is married to more than one wife
A) Polygamy B) Monogamy
C) Polyandry D) Polygyny
29. The set of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies,
religious practices passing from one generation to other is termed as
A) Culture B) Lifestyle
C) Art D) Language
30. The concept of health includes
A) physical aspects only B) physical, social and mental aspects
C) physical and social aspects D) social aspect only
31. The Arya Samaj was founded by
A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy B) Swami Dayananda Saraswati
C) Swami Vivekanand D) Mahatma Gandhi
32. Satya Shodhak Samaj focused on the rights of
A) Backward class B) Children
C) Widows D) Farmers
33. “Community is a group or collection of groups that inhibits a locality.”
A) Gisbert B) MacIver
C) Max Weber D) Ogburn and Nimkoff
34. The practice of self immolation on the funeral pyre of the husband is referred to as
A) Sati B) Panigrahana
C) Kanyadana D) Homa
PG-QP – 22 -8- *PGQP22*

35. Select the odd one out.

The ideal form of Capitalism contains
A) Personal profits B) Free competition
C) Social reform D) Economic activity
36. The economic system where lower castes performed various functions for upper
castes and received grain in return is known as
A) Daan B) Bhudan C) Jajmani D) Sati
37. When the ownership of property rests with the state on behalf of the people; it is
referred as
A) Community ownership B) Private property
C) Personal property D) Public property
38. The state of normlessness in both the society and the individual is referred as
A) Anomie B) Capitalism C) Jajmani D) Privatisation
39. Attraction towards luxurious commodities which otherwise are not needed is referred
to as
A) Barter B) Consumerism C) Privatisation D) Capitalism
40. Constitution is
A) A set of ordinary laws
B) A set of financial laws
C) A set of official laws
D) The basic structure defining the powers of the state and the rights and duties of the
41. In the pre-independence era, the Indian economic system mainly relied on
A) Industries B) Agriculture C) Import D) Export
42. According to Marx, the social life is based on conflict of interest between
A) Members of the society B) Proletariat and Bourgeoisie
C) Rich and Middle class D) King and subject
43. Which one of the following is not a Social Institution ?
A) Family B) Clubs C) Religion D) Government
*PGQP22* -9- PG-QP – 22

44. The characteristic feature of Blended Family is

A) more than two generations live together
B) members follow different culture
C) it includes children from one or both partner’s previous relationships
D) where children are adopted
45. The right to equality is enshrined in the _________ of the Constitution.
A) Article 14 B) Article 23 C) Article 26 D) Article 45
46. The system in which total power is vested in one individual or party, is called
A) Democracy B) Dictatorship C) Monarchy D) Aristocracy
47. What according to Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar is the soul of Indian Constitution ?
A) Constitutional Remedies B) Directive Principles
C) Fundamental Rights D) Federal Structure
48. “ People do not want liberty but they want law and order” is stated by
A) Mohd. Ali Jinnah B) Hitler
C) Subhash Chandra Bose D) Mussolini
49. Highest sex ratio in India is in the State of
A) Kerala B) Bengal C) Uttar Pradesh D) Punjab
50. Which one of the following is not the basis of membership of family ?
A) Marriage B) Birth C) Friendship D) Adoption
51. Select the appropriate response
The object of attitude can be ______
A) Entities B) People
C) Abstract Concepts D) All of the above
52. The process of recognizing and interpreting sensory stimuli is known as
A) Learning B) Perception
C) Prejudice D) Sensation
53. Economic liberalization in India was introduced in
A) 1981 B) 1991 C) 2001 D) 2011
54. Select the odd one out.
Intelligence implies
A) Problem solving abilities B) Spatial manipulation
C) Knowledge D) One’s capacity for logic
PG-QP – 22 -10- *PGQP22*

55. Inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group

A) Bias B) Stereotype
C) Discrimination D) Inequity
56. Strong feelings capable of determining an individual’s behaviour
A) Mood B) Sensation C) Intelligence D) Emotions
57. The concept of welfare state encompasses
A) Egalitarian society
B) State ownership of the means of production
C) Abolition of private property
D) State intervention for social security and providing help to the needy and indigent
58. When the person is arrested without any violation of a law, the writ petition filed is
A) Mandamus B) Habeas Corpus
C) Quo- warranto D) Prohibition
59. FIR stands for
A) First Information Referral B) Free Information Report
C) First Intimation Report D) First Information Report
60. Which social movement is not India specific amongst the following ?
A) Chipko Movement B) May Fourth Movement
C) Narmada Bachao Movement D) Non-co-operation Movement
61. Azad Hind Fauj was formed by
A) Subhash Chandra Bose B) Mahatma Gandhi
C) Sarojini Naidu D) Sardar Patel
62. Bellur Math in West Bengal is associated with
A) Karve B) Mahatma Gandhi
C) Swami Vivekanand D) Sardar Patel
63. Anna Hazare is known for his involvement in
A) Anti corruption Movement B) Women emancipation
C) Child rights D) Freedom struggle
64. Which of the following provides resistance to social change ?
A) Social Problems B) Cultural change
C) Technological advancements D) Non- acceptance of new inventions
*PGQP22* -11- PG-QP – 22

65. Acid rains are caused due to

A) Water pollution B) Air pollution
C) Noise pollution D) Natural disasters

66. This is a man-made disaster

A) Earthquake B) Tsunami C) Fire D) Landslides

67. The five articles of faith of Sikhs are recommended by

A) Guru Gobind Singh B) Guru Nanak Dev
C) Guru Tegh Bahadur D) Guru Amar Das

68. Which of the following is not a non-profit organisation ?

A) Private Universities B) Society
C) NGO D) Sec 25 Company

69. The acronym CSR stands for

A) Corporate Sustainable Responsibility
B) Corporate Social Responsibility
C) Co-operative Social Responsibility
D) Combined Social Responsibility

70. Which of the following is not a source of bio-gas ?

A) animal waste B) sewage
C) crop residue D) nuclear energy

71. Green house gases comprise of

A) carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrous oxide
B) carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen
C) carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide
D) carbon dioxide, methane, argon

72. Medha Patkar is associated with which one of the following ?

A) Narmada Bachao Andolan B) Beej Bachao Andolan
C) River Linking Project D) Project Tiger
PG-QP – 22 -12- *PGQP22*

73. Which pair is not correctly matched ?

A) Swami Vivekananda i) Ram Krishna Mission
B) Raja Ram Mohan Roy ii) Brahmo Samaj
C) Dayanand Saraswati iii) Theosophical Society
D) Jyotiba Phule iv) Satya Shodhak Samaj
A) i B) ii C) iii D) iv
74. United Nations Declaration on Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations
General Assembly in the year
A) 1945 B) 1948 C) 1955 D) 1946
75. The Constitution (Seventy-Third Amendment) Act, 1992 pertains to
A) Panchayati Raj B) Rural Employment
C) Right to Education D) Right to Expression
76. The Nobel Prize winning microfinance organisation ‘Grameen Bank’ is located in
A) Bangladesh B) Bhutan C) Sri Lanka D) Nepal
77. What was the name of the organization founded and run by Mother Teresa ?
A) Sisters of Loreto B) Sisters of Charity
C) Loreto Convent D) Missionaries of Charity
78. Which of the following is not fundamental right ?
A) Right to equality B) Right to freedom
C) Right against exploitation D) Right against unemployment
79. What is the foundation of Panchayati Raj System ?
A) Gram Sabha B) Zila Parishad
C) Both A) and B) D) State Assembly
80. Which of the following is not a social movement ?
A) Chipko Movement B) Industrial Revolution
C) Narmada Bachao Andolan D) Anti- Apartheid Struggle
81. Which of the following is not a social legislation ?
A) Protection of Civil Rights Act
B) Beggars Act
C) Right to Information Act
D) Forest Conservation Act
*PGQP22* -13- PG-QP – 22

82. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a society ?

A) Mutual Interaction and mutual awareness
B) Dynamic
C) Social Control
D) Absolute Uniformity
83. The caste system in Vedic age was introduced to facilitate
A) Societal hierarchy B) Division of labour
C) Suppression of people D) Reservation
84. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion etc. is a Fundamental Right
classified under
A) The Right to Freedom of Religion
B) The Right against Exploitation
C) The Right to Equality
D) The Cultural and Educational Rights
85. Which one of the following is the basis of membership of caste ?
A) By Name B) By Religion
C) By Economic Status D) By Birth
86. Indian Constitution authorises the Indian State to make special provisions for weaker
sections of society, which includes
A) Prostitutes
B) Daily wagers
C) Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes
D) Domestic workers
87. Anna Hazare is not associated with this movement
A) Jan Lokpal Bill Movement
B) Anti Corruption Movement
C) Right to Information Movement
D) Chipko Movement
88. The negative treatment of one person by another on the basis of personal
characteristics is
A) Individual prejudice
B) Institutional discrimination
C) Individual discrimination
D) Institutional prejudice
PG-QP – 22 -14- *PGQP22*

89. Which of the following is a Social Security Legislation in India ?

A) Juvenile Justice Act, 2000
B) The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948
C) Child Marriage Prohibition Act, 2006
D) Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1986
90. The movement which caused a ban on Sati Pratha was led by
A) J. B. Phule B) Ishwar chand Vidya sagar
C) Raja Ram Mohan Roy D) Munshi Premchand
91. The state which has the highest female literacy is
A) Tamil Nadu B) Jammu and Kashmir
C) Maharashtra D) Kerala
92. What are the basic needs of humans ?
A) Self actualisation B) Physiological
C) Security D) Self esteem
93. Who is the author of the book Ignited Minds ?
A) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan B) Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
C) Dr. Rajendra Prasad D) Jawaharlal Nehru
94. A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a
state, typically through elected representatives is called
A) Monarchy B) Anarchy C) Secularism D) Democracy
95. In the India, the laws are framed by this system
A) Legislature B) Judiciary C) Executive D) Political parties
96. What is the number of Vedas ?
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
97. The birth place of Mahatma Gandhi is
A) Porbandar B) Surat C) Ahmedabad D) Godhra
98. Bijak is said to be associated with this poet
A) Tulsidas B) Kabirdas C) Ved Vyas D) Kabir
99. Human Development Index is given by
100. Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan is linked with
A) Aruna Roy B) Arundhuti Roy
C) Teesta Setalvad D) Binayak Sen
*PGQP22* -15- PG-QP – 22

101. Who coined the word, “Positivism” ?
A) August Comte B) Karl Marx
C) Emile Durkheim D) Max Weber
102. The concept of “cultural lag” was given by
A) P. Sorokin B) W. Ogburn C) R. Redfield D) M. Singer
103. Who used the term “collective conscience” in the study of society ?
A) Max Weber B) Emile Durkheim
C) August Comte D) Karl Marx
104. The concept of “folk society” was given by
A) P. Sorokin B) W. Ogburn C) R. Redfield D) M. Singer

105. The concept of “animism” was first introduced by

A) Edward Tylor B) L. H. Morgan C) G. Simmel D) Emile Durkheim
106. Who introduced the concept of “ethnocentrism” ?
A) Edward Tylor B) L. H. Morgan C) G. Simmel D) W. G. Sumner
107. Which of the following is the correct sequence of Comte’s law of three stages ?
A) Metaphysical-Theological-Positive B) Positive-Theological-Metaphysical
C) Theological-Metaphysical-Positive D) Metaphysical-Positive-Theological
108. The term “Cross Cousin” was coined by
A) Edward Tylor B) L. H. Morgan
C) G. Simmel D) W. G. Sumner

109. The “Dramaturgical approach” in sociology was forwarded by

A) Erving Goffman B) Peter Berger
C) Talcott Parsons D) H. Garfinkel
110. The book, The Sociological Imagination, was authored by
A) Max Weber B) C. Wright Mills
C) August Comte D) Karl Marx
PG-QP – 22 -16- *PGQP22*

111. Who coined the word, “Ethnomethodology” ?

A) Erving Goffman B) Peter Berger
C) Talcott Parsons D) H. Garfinkel

112. The concept of “leisure class” was given by

A) Karl Popper B) Max Weber
C) Robert Redfield D) T. Veblen

113. The concept of “ mores” was coined by

A) Erving Goffman B) Peter Berger
C) H. Garfinkel D) William Sumner

114. The concept of “Social Position” has been given by

A) Max Weber B) Emile Durkheim
C) Radcliffe-Brown D) Karl Marx

115. The concept of “Social Fact” was coined by

A) Max Weber B) Emile Durkheim
C) Radcliffe-Brown D) Karl Marx

116. The concept of “role set” is associated with

A) Erving Goffman B) Peter Berger
C) H. Garfinkel D) R. Merton

117. The concept of “secularization” was given by

A) Bryon Wilson B) Louis Wirth
C) Radcliffe-Brown D) T. Veblen

118. Jajmani system can best be explained by

A) Mutual trust and co-operation of the people
B) Conflicting interest of the people
C) Oppression and suppressive measures adopted by the jajmans
D) Conflicting interest and distrust of the people

 119. Which of the following is NOT an agency of socialization ?

A) Family B) Peer Group C) Media D) Cafeteria
*PGQP22* -17- PG-QP – 22

120. The factors of Rural Social Change include

(i) Electronic Media
(ii) Farm Technology
(iii) Rural Ideology
(iv) Khap Panchayats
Find the correct combination according to code :
A) (i) and (ii) B) (ii) and (iii)
C) (i), (ii) and (iv) D) (i), (ii) and (iii)
121. A social situation where two or more conflicting groups resolve not to fight further
to adjust with each other leaving the causes of conflict unresolved and agreeing to
get certain benefits on mutual basis is conceptualized as the process of
A) Co-operation B) Adjustment
C) Integration D) Accommodation
122. The concepts of Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft were framed by
A) R. Redfield B) Ferdinand Tonnies
C) R. K. Merton D) W. Sumner
123. Exogamy is
A) A rule stipulating that one must marry outside one’s own group
B) A rule stipulating one must marry inside one’s own group
C) A rule observed only by the Nayar
D) Considered incestuous in some societies
124. Gender roles refer to
A) the subordination of women based on the assumption of superiority of men
B) the rights, responsibilities, expectations, and relationships of women and men
C) chromosomal and hormonal differences that cause inevitable differences in the
behaviour of men and women
D) none of the above
125. Who has outlined 6 features of the caste system ?
A) Andre beteille B) Dipankar Gupta
C) G. S. Ghurye D) T. K. Oommen
126. Who said , “Power is the ability of an actor to impose his/her will over and against
the will of others ?”
A) Marx B) Weber C) Durkheim D) Gramsci
PG-QP – 22 -18- *PGQP22*

127. Who stated  “Ideas of the ruling class are the ruling ideas” ?
A) Marx B) Gramsci C) Hegel D) Habermas
128. Who stated that hierarchy implies the regular ordering of a phenomenon on a
continuous scale “such that the elements of the whole are ranked in relation to the
whole” ?
A) Louis Dumont B) Andre Beteille
C) Dipankar Gupta D) F. G. Bailey
129. What qualifies a caste to be a “dominant caste” ?
A) Economic superiority B) Numerical superiority
C) Political superiority D) All of the above
130. When was the dowry prohibition Act passed in India ?
A) 1941 B) 1951 C) 1961 D) 1971
131. What is the real operative unit of caste ?
A) Jati B) Varna C) Society D) God
132. The fundamental rule of jati is
A) Beti vyavahar B) Roti vyavahar
C) Beti vyavahar and roti-vyavahar D) Equality
133. What is the German word for power as used by Weber ?
A) Herrschaft B) Macht
C) Gemeinschaft D) Gessellschaft
134. Who authored the book, Modernization of Indian Tradition ?
A) J. P. S. Ubeori B) Lloyd Rudolph
C) Susan Rudolph D) Yogendra Singh
135. The concepts of “little tradition” and “great tradition” for the socio-cultural analysis
of the peasant society were formulated by
A) Milton Singer B) Norman Brown
C) Mckim Marriott D) Robert Redfield
136. In tribal societies the “age-sets” are considered as one of the bases of social
A) Allocation B) Differentiation
C) Enumeration D) Stratification

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