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Propan-2-ol also known as Isopropyl Alcohol is one of the common organic molecules in the

family of Alcohols. It is widely used for its low cost. In most cases, Isopropyl alcohol can be used
to manufacture rubbing alcohols, aftershave lotions, and other cosmetic products. However,
Isopropanol is very hazardous to human life since it has a high flammability and is easy to
ignite. Professionals always make sure that it is isolated from heat, sparks, flames and other
sources of ignition, as well as strong oxidizers, acetaldehyde, chlorine, ethylene oxide, acids,
and isocyanates. It must be safely contained in a Flammable safety cabinet. Moreover, another
factor that may affect our bodies is the liver due to IPA poisoning. Based on my research, our
bodies can only handle small amounts of this liquid. Furthermore, our kidneys can only recover
20-50 percent of IPA from our bodies. Ingestion of IPA may also lead to a danger to our lives
because it was stated that Isopropyl alcohol can affect our Nervous system pointing out that our
heartbeat, gag reflex, and breathing can be easily damaged. It is that dangerous because it can
induce hypothermia and a subsequent cardiac arrest. This is why we must keep Isopropyl
alcohol away from our environment and kept in a safe place to maintain health protection.


Byjus(2021). What is Isopropyl alcohol?. Retrieved from: Isopropyl alcohol (C3H8O) - Structure,
Molecular Mass, Properties & Uses (

PAC(2021). The danger of Isopropyl Alcohol. Retrieved from: The Dangers of Isopropyl Alcohol
(IPA) - Flammability, Exposure, & Safety (

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