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fun main() {

println("Hello, world!!!")
// This is a comment. Comments start with //
// val is used for variables which are immutable (not changable)
val myName = "Denis"
// myName = "Michael" // ERROR: Val cannot be reassigned

/* This is a multi line comment starts with /* and ends with *'/ without the '
var is used for variables which are mutable/changeable.
kotlin is a strongly typed language that supports Type Inference.
The compiler will directly assume the size and type to a variable by that.
For example, if you assign any whole number to a variable,
the compiler will directly assume that the variable is of type Int
*/ */
var myAge = 31

// Integer TYPES: Byte (8 bit), Short (16 bit), Int (32 bit), Long (64 bit)
val myByte: Byte = 13
val myShort: Short = 125
val myInt: Int = 123123123
val myLong: Long = 12_039_812_309_487_120

// Floating Point number Types: Float (32 bit), Double (64 bit)
val myFloat: Float = 13.37F
val myDouble: Double = 3.14159265358979323846

// Booleans the type Boolean is used to represent logical values.

// It can have two possible values true and false.
var isSunny: Boolean = true
// not sunny anymore...
isSunny = false

// Characters
val letterChar = 'A'
val digitChar = '1'

// Strings
val myStr = "Hello World"
var firCharInStr = myStr[0]
var lastCharInStr = myStr[myStr.length - 1]

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