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Grade 12

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Discuss the nature of mountaineering;
2. Identify the different outdoor recreational activities related to mountaineering;
3. Perform the mountaineering activities in a different way through video

II. Subject Matter

Content: The learner demonstrates understanding of recreation in optimizing

one’s health as a habit; as requisite for physical activity assessment
performance, and as a career opportunity.
Topic: Mountaineering
Reference/s: PEH12 Q3 Mod2 Outdoor Recreation
Performance Standard: The learner leads dance events with proficiency and
confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in influencing others positively.
Learning Competencies: Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities
(MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in-
and out-of school
Code: PEH12FH-IIa-t-8
Materials: Laptop, TV

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

III. Procedure
A. Preliminaries

“Before we start in our class, May I request

everyone to stand for our prayer”
(Students stand up)
Ms. Briones can you lead us the prayer? Yes sir, let us all stand, in the name of the
father, the son, holy spirit, Amen. Dear
God we come to you this hour asking for
you guidance, lord give us knowledge and
wisdom to easily catch up out topic today
bless our parents, teachers and also my
fellow students, in Jesus name we pray,

“Good Morning Class!”

“How are you today?” “Good morning, Sir Dominic”

“Please settle down, class” “We’re, okay sir”

(Students settle down)
Let’s check your attendance first, say
present if I call your name. “Yes sir”

(Checking of attendance)

Very good there is no absent for today.

Let’s recap what is our topic last meeting?

It’s all about aquatics.
That’s right. We all discuss about the
aquatics, what is the example of aquatics?
Swimming sir, one of the most perfect
That’s correct. exercises.

A. Motivational


This time I will group you into 4 groups. (Students are listening to the counting of a
Let’s me group you first 1, 2, 3, 4. group)

Go to your group, and then all the chair (students is arranging their chairs)
arrange it in the side of the room.

So the mechanics, every recreational

activity that I will say you will going to
make a picture of that I will give you 30
seconds to make your picture and then
after the 30 seconds you will freeze and I
will give a 5 points to the group that have a
good picture.
Yes sir.
Understand class? No sir.
Any questions? So go to your group.

B. Activity
For your first activity I have here pictures
and you will guess it what recreational
activity is this.

So let’s start.

So what is this? “Hiking sir”

That’s correct, that’s hiking Trekking sir.


This is Trekking Camping sir.

Next, what is this?

Orienteering sir.
So right, this is camping
Last image, what is this?


So correct.
C. Abstraction

During the guessing of picture what do you

know what our topic all about is?

Mr. Dumaran? I think it is all about the recreational

activities in land.
That’s correct.

Our topic is all about mountaineering.

Do you have any idea about our topic?


Recreational Definition
Hiking It is an outdoor activity
where there are clear
paths to follow. Paths
are usually beautifully
charted with signs so
that hikers won’t get lost
along the trails. Natural
hiking trails serve as
guides of the hikers to
their destinations. It is
usually shorter than
Trekking This outdoor activity is a
longer journey on foot
compared to hiking. The
activity is quite
challenging, allowing the
trekkers to pass through
an uncharted paths.
Sometimes, this will take
within a few days or
weeks. Usually,
undeveloped places are
explored in trekking
where there is a close-
up view of the wonders
of nature.
Camping Camping is an enjoyable
outdoor activity that
allows you to experience
simple adventures
outside your homes. It
allows a lot of moving
since it involves
activities like carrying
backpacks, hiking and
most of all pitching of
tents. This activity lets
you experience
interaction and bonding
with others while
engaging in different
educational activities.
Orienteering It is an outdoor activity
that requires you to
follow a specific
sequence of pre-set
course with the help of
navigating devices,
specifically maps and
compass to go through
an unfamiliar terrain.
Aside from physical, this
activity requires mental
toughness to be able to
reach the expected

D. Analysis

Do you have same experience about the

activity we discuss?
Yes sir, I experience hiking and camping
Very good you have a lot of experience and trekking.
compared of me.

If I were asked you what is Yes sir, I want to experience this kind of
mountaineering? activities because it can boost your
stamina and endurance.

Identify what is mountaineering. Mountaineering is a recreational activity

that we do outdoor and the example is
hiking, camping.
Very good.

E. Application
On your activity I will group you in 4
groups and you will create a “CREATIVE

Let’s group you 1, 2, 3, 4. (Students count 1 to 4)

I will assign every group what kind of

mountaineering you will create.

I will allow you to have a filter or edit to

your picture.

For you rubrics

Criteria Percentage
content 25%
Props and Costume 25%
Yes sir.
Be aware of our rubrics class, okay?

I will give you 20 minutes to create your


Every group will present their output in

front and explain how their create the

Your time starts now. (Students do to their respective group)

Please go to your group we will now
present your output, are you ready? (Group 1 go to the front)
Let’s start with the group 1. (Students clap their hands)
(Group 2 are presenting)
Very good group 1, next is group 2

Your picture is very nice. (Group 3 go to the front)

Let’s proceed to the next group.
Group 3 go to the front. (Students clap their hands)
I like what your picture. Good job (Group 4 go to the front)
Group 4 you’re next

Nice one group 4. (Students clap their hands)

Congratulation class you have a good and
creative output, keep up the good work.

IV. Assessment

For your last activity I want you to get a ½

crosswise, you will answer the question in
your own words, okay class? Yes sir.
Don’t use phone okay, if I will catch you
using phone I will confiscate it.

In 5 minutes want you to answer this.

1. What is the benefits of

(Students answer the question)
You can start now.

Time is up please pass your paper in front

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Late papers will
deduct 2 points.
(Students pass their papers)
All papers are here?

V. Assignment

For your assignment I want you to study

our entire lesson, because next topic we
will have a quiz.

Be prepare class.

So, that’s it for today. Goodbye class.

Goodbye and thank you sir Dominic.
Prepared by:

Dominic A. Bayaras
Pre- Service Teacher

Checked by:

Remy V. Lamputi
Cooperating Teacher

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