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During your speaking session,


 Speak loudly and clearly

 Answer the questions that related to your questions
 Speak not too slow or too fast
 Speak as many as you can
 Use correct grammar
 Use simple words


 Using bombastic words

 Speak too less
 Stop too long
回答 句子的时候要用 Past tense

Celebration 节日,庆典

Mother’s birthday, Mother’s day, father’s day, Chinese new year, Christmas day

 The celebration that I celebrate with my family was Chinese new year/I had a
memorable(值得纪念)/distinctive(与众不同)Chinese New Year celebration with my

 I played some fun activities with my cousins(表兄表妹)and siblings(兄弟姐妹)

together at the backyard(后院). After that(过后), I went to chat(聊天) with my
relatives(亲戚), whom I hadn’t seen in a long time./ I ate a reunion meal(团圆饭)
with my families in the dining room(用餐室)/ I was busy to help my mother to
prepare a delicious(scrumptious 美味) reunion meal in the kitchen.
 Yes, I really enjoyed myself/Indeed(当然), I had a great time(我过得很快乐) and felt
happy/grateful/blessed(幸福)because I was immersed(沉浸)/enveloped(包围) in
a joyous(快乐) and harmonious(和谐) atmosphere(氛围) that day. I was
overjoyed(非常快乐) because I was able to gather(聚集) with my families and
relatives and I think it is a rare(不常见,难得) opportunity(机会)to gather in a
house and around a round table to enjoy a reunion meal.
 Family celebrations are important in Malaysia because they bring families together
and strengthen bonds/family relationships(增进亲子关系). Through celebrations,
we get to share stories and experiences and create memories that will last a life
time./ Family celebrations also play an important role(扮演一个很重要的角色) in
preserving(保留) cultural traditions(文化习俗) and passing them down(传去)from
one generation to the next(下一代).


 The belonging that I lost was a pencil./I remembered it was a pencil and it’s still vivid(烙印,
记得) in my mind.
 One day, I asked my friend to lent me a pencil as/because(因为) I wanted to use it for my
tuition class and I promised her that I will return back tomorrow. However, I forgot to take it
home and the next day, I went to the place again to find but the pencil that I put on the table
was gone/missing(不见).since 自从
 Of course, I went to the stationery store and bought a new pencil for her. After that, I
honestly told her how I lost her pencil and apologized to her sincerely(郑重,诚恳) .+I think
its better to tell her the truth as(越) soon as(越) possible(phrase) rather than wasting
time to conceal(隐瞒) and act like nothing happened.
As the people now are using mobile gadgets 由于现在很多人用电子产品

 Yes, since the longer we work together/recognize/understand someone for a long time, the
more trust we build/develop.(发展,建立) So we can simply lend a helping hand(伸出援手)
to our friends, neighbours and siblings if they need it one day.(关于信任)

Impulsive purchase 冲动地购买,无计划购买

 The item that I bought was a T-shirt./ I bought a T-shirt a few days ago/last week but I didn’t
wear it till now.
 When I passed by (路过) one of the stores, I suddenly stopped and saw they were having a
50% promotion. So,I chose a T-shirt that I spotted(看中)and purchased it. /When my
mother went shopping with me in a mall, I stopped in front one of the stores because I was
attracted by its beautiful/irresistible(很好看) design, so I chose and purchased it without any

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