Communication Effectiveness in Cuktural Perspective 1

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Effects of Communication on Culture of an Organization.



Communication Effects on Cultural Perspective

Compare culture clashes or basic differences that could account for possible

miscommunications and propose ways to adapt and overcome such differences to

enhance intercultural proficiency in your current role or in a hypothetical situation, you

develop. Analyse the issues from the unit related to intercultural communication.

Martin (1985) says that culture is our day-to-day way of living, he continues that

culture has a very big impact in the way we associate with one another in so many situations.

Culture affects numerous people in different ways especially concerning their name, frame,

blame and there ways of life in various perception of life. Culture influences a lot in our lives

as it affects the way we dress, eat and affects our believes, culture has a very big impact on

our behaviour, our self-esteem and the future outcomes of our actions. Many of the

misunderstanding and conflicts that arises between people of different cultural practices are

triggered by their name, fame and tame across the many cultural borders. Generally the

communication aspect of any culture is influenced by the identical characteristics that

originates from the religion description, acknowledgment and there acceptability of their

origin. (Bennett, M. J., & Bennett, M. J., 1993).

The way people relate with one another is based on the way they live and making use

of the above characteristic that gives acknowledgment, description and acceptance of their

Identity. A good example is the Indian –Pakistan conflict over Kashmir, which is about not

only the sovereignty issues but also concerning all the above characteristics of person cultural

identity. However, there various techniques that can be followed to initiate intercultural

proficiency and overcome the difference in these cultures. In addition, one of the method that

we can use to eradicate cultural differences is use of effective communication,

communication is not only to be limited on verbal terms but also it has to include gestures,

body movement and also eye contacts, which adds flavour to the communication

effectiveness. The context of the communication should also be clearly stated to both parties

that are communicating to another and be based on the relationship between the two parties.

Also, appreciation of the two different cultural identities have a major impact on the effects

and relation between the parties involved. Therefore, appreciating the cultures equally will

reduce culture clashes between them because their roles and efforts to their associates is


In a larger perspective of communication, the passing of information from one party

to another is greatly influenced by the surrounding environment rather than raw words

spoken out. The main agenda of effective communication is to give the other party the

specific meaning of your context, like the way things are said, the place of communication

are the additional variances for the meaning of information within the communication. The

presence of non-verbal cues and gestures does not mean that the communication will be very

effective rather it may be even difficult to communicate to other cultures using non-verbal

cues because some signs and gestures have different meaning in different cultures leading to

a misunderstanding. For instance, when signs and maps are directly put on signboards the

context is not that detailed and to other people it may be of no use to them.

In conclusion, we cannot say that small context of information can cause

misunderstanding in different cultural groups but small communication signs are useful

because they tend to be short and clear. Therefore, some other group of cultures may

understand it with ease however, this can generate or lead to conflict because of the

directness in the conveyance of the message to the groups of the cultures that may not

understand it with ease. In addition, for an organization to avoid cultural clashes at the place

of work they need to understand the diverse cultural practices and these will promote

production at the work place.



1. Martin, J. (1985). Organization.

2. Denison, D. R., & Mishra, A. K. (1995). Toward a theory of organizational culture

and effectiveness. Organization.

3. McQuail, D. (1987). Mass communication theory: An introduction. Sage Publications,

Inc.tion science, 6(2), 20.

4. Bennett, M. J., & Bennett, M. J. (1993). Intercultural sensitivity. Principles of training

and development. Portland, OR: Portland State University.


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