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Difference Between Russian And American

Culture Essay Essay

Comparing Cultures Looking back at my experience living in America, to my best friend’s parents
experiences from Russia, I was vividly able to see just how different the two cultures are. Furthermore, I
found it intriguing how, after researching America and Russia, we both reflect the cultural values of our
countries to a tee. Between language, education, government, location, and religion, both Russia and
America contain several similarities and differences that really define the cultures in both countries… To
begin with, both America and Russia have its own native language and intonation patterns which makes
both countries unique.

Essay Example on Difference Between Russian And American Culture

America is known mainly for its diversity in ethnicities, languages, and cultures however, majority of
Americans do speak English and the second most spoken language in the United States is Spanish
(http://www.alsintl.com/blog/top-10- languages/). As for Russia, the most frequently spoken language is
infact Russian (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/rs.html). Although
both America and Russia value education greatly, both countries have two different perspectives on it.
For example, most successful businessmen in the United States do not have several university degrees.

They would rather go out and start their own business right away then sit in a classroom for 4+ years
mainly because they do not see the point of it, and they have a stronger work ethic than men in Russia.
As for the woman in Russia, they want to get as much of an education as possible. There, most doctors,
engineers, teachers and skilled professionals are indeed women (http://irachernova. Articlealley.
Com/differences-in-culture-between-america-russia-118278. Html). The constitutions of the United
States and the Russian Federation were written more than two hundred years apart.

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