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My Opinion About Sexism and Feminism Essay Feminism, the true art of women taking over our planet

and bringing forward a new life to equality, yet that so called “equality” can easily turn into another
ongoing sexism battle. As a woman, I do understand some protests brought on, but I will never fully
understand the constant hate towards any other gender. Everyone is

Equal, at least in my mind.

The start of Feminism began as a challenge to male domination. It could have been a great start to a
future of equality and reduce the sexism battles that many people face, male or female. Sadly, new
contemporary Feminists don’t seem to have much concern for the abolishment of sexism. The feminism
we see today, does not mean advocating for the gender blindness or treating any individual as a
complex human being or even not reducing people because of their sex or gender. Instead, feminists
have now created a new battle, anti-male sexism. But what does it mean to be a Feminist… By definition,
Feminism varies from a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a
common goal: to establish and achieve political, economic, personal, and social gender equality.
Meaning equal rights and achievements means for all sexes or genders.

Feminism has now become one of the most popular trends to occur within American states and
Canadian provinces, and many women are focusing their lives vouching for what contemporary
feminists do. Now, I’m not saying this is a bad thing, nor am I against any type of Feminism, I just feel
that the Feminism we see all over social media has portrayed the wrong message. The framing of
females by feminists has made some good impacts, by improving the thought all women were
undermined by men intelligently, financially and socially. Although these changes were caused, they
have also had a new frame of men, being insensitive, arrogant, oppressive, abusive. This new framework
towards men, caused the feminist strategy of rising women and lowering men, with the very convincing
argument that women are good and men are bad. I have no hate towards any man, and I am considered
a Feminist, since I do vouch for equal rights, but in a more appropriate manner. I don’t care what you
identify as and will always vouch for equality of everyone, no matter, race, identification or sexual
orientation, but this consistent bash against any man has made me sick to my stomach, how are we – us
women, any better than man were years ago.

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