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Ideal Society Essay

What does one think of when discussing the topic of an “ideal society”? Throughout history, mankind
has struggled to improve society for future generations. Every person has his/her own views on what an
ideal society should be like. Society is defined as “a body of individuals living as members of a
community”. Many scholars and well-known authors such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Thomas
More express those ideas through public speaking. Although those ideas are just one person’s opinion,
others believe in the power of God and the belief that he created the world. This, in turn, developed
societies amongst the people.

Society is built upon individuals expressing their own beliefs and their opinions and putting them into
action. The real question is how we, as individuals, take those thoughts, and utilize them to the best of
our ability in our everyday lives. Realistically, an ideal society will only work if the ideals are upheld
within each individual in the society. An ideal society has been talked of as a “Utopia”. It is one of the
common dreams of man. It is a topic that has no such notion of a perfect explanation. There are many
different perceptions from each person in today’s world.

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