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Understanding Of Feminism Feminism has not changed today, but its focus has changed.

Many women
today have good education and employment opportunities just like men, as the early claimed feminist
would have fought for them. Now, after getting all these equal opportunities, men are now
discriminating them and at times abusing them in order to undermine their hard work. Men are doing all
they can to undermine the success women have been able to acquire, however, today’s feminism
movement is struggling to protect women and girls from domestic violence, sexual harassment, and
rape as well as discrimination among it all. Today, the feminist movement has grown and is still growing
as women around the globe have joined hands in the fight against inequality. The feminist movement
has come a long way, and it is continuing to grow as many women join the movements. Even though
many of the demands of the everyday feminist have not been met, a lot has been achieved, and the
fight is still on. Over time, feminism has gained a negative label in society. Society, especially men, view
feminism as women’s fight for superiority over men. In addition, they view feminist as people who are
complaining women who have hatred towards men. There is a lot of misinterpretation, ignorance and
obliviousness on the feminism cause, but the world changes every day, as more and more individuals
sign onto the movement. Feminism has changed the world and made women happier, more confident,
and more supportive of one another; therefore, it should not be viewed negatively in the society.

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