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Tejada, Hydie March A.


- List products that has using a clean technology

1.)    Energy Saving TVs

Television manufactures have been making a concerted effort to produce energy efficient
products for some time now. The vast majority of a retailer’s television inventory is generally
ENERGY STAR-certified, signifying their commitment to energy efficiency and the
environment. Recently released models continue to require less and less power to properly
function, which helps both the environment and your wallet. This is paramount because
televisions are one of the most widely used electronic devices in a typical household, and being
able to cut down on its energy usage is invaluable.

2.) LED Lights

An easy way to minimize your negative environmental impact simply involves reducing your
overall energy consumption. A great way to start is by replacing your traditional light bulbs with
LED lighting, which will enhance your bulbs’ efficiency and lifespan while still providing high
quality brightness. LED bulbs are also devoid of toxic chemicals and produce virtually zero
harmful UV emissions. The technology is experiencing extensive propagation and can be found
in more homes every day.  The most remarkable aspect of LED bulbs is how vast of an
improvement they are compared to their traditional counterparts.

3.) Solar Water Heaters

Another premier example of the solar panel’s widespread industry proliferation, solar water
heaters are superior to their traditional counterparts in virtually every single way. The reliance on
solar power boosts their overall efficiency rates, unit lifespan, and reduces the emission of
harmful particles. Plus, a solar water heating unit can potentially decrease energy consumption
by up to 70 percent and help make that monthly utility bill a little less intimidating.
4.) Solar Panel Charging Cases
Traditionally, solar panels generate power for homes by absorbing light and channeling it into
energy. It was only a matter of time before this concept was effectively applied on a smaller
scale to juice up electronics devices. The Voltaic Generator Solar Laptop Charger consists of
high-quality solar panels mounted on a waterproof case, utilizing batteries specifically calibrated
to efficiently absorb solar power. You can use this convenient solar charging case to power
virtually all mainstream electronics. The fact the case looks stylish even with the solar panels is a
nice bonus too.

5.) Eco-Friendly Verification Phone Apps

In a consumer market infatuated with eco-friendly products, companies are scrambling to find
ways to brand themselves as green. While many businesses contain official third-party
certification verifying their green initiatives, plenty of companies are masquerading beneath the
eco-friendly umbrella to both improve sales and enhance their image.
Consumer Reports’ free downloadable phone app Eco Label contains lists of certifiably green
products and can help shoppers potentially avoid being duped by false advertising. Boasting a
seamless and streamlined user interface, Eco Label can help you identify genuine eco-friendly
goods while perusing the aisles.      

6.) Green GPS Units

Portable GPS units have been providing drivers with detailed directions, traffic avoidance routes,
and road trip statistics for over a decade. However, none of these dedicated devices have really
been configured to have your best eco-friendly interests in mind. The Pama Eco Navigator
Satellite Navigation System is the sole GPS product on the market dedicated to helping minimize
your car’s carbon footprint.
It provides you with the most fuel-efficient routes and a detailed diagnostic of your car’s
performance. Additionally, it automatically logs all your routes, allowing you to potentially go
back and assess your fuel efficiency for particular drives. In a market inundated with GPS
devices, the Eco Navigator Satellite Navigation System’s emphasis on the environment helps it
stand out from the crowd.

7.) Solar Speakers

Solar panels haven’t only been utilized to power devices; they’ve also been purposed to help
technology become entirely self-sustaining. This innovation is evident in the Etón Rukus
wireless speakers, a sleek, contemporary sound system that boasts high-quality auditory punch
and is powered primarily by the sun. As expected, the solar panels are seamlessly embedded on
the top of the device to allow for maximum light absorption. It’s undeniably cutting edge, and
looks cool to boot. 

8.) Green Power Outlets

One of the continuous and inherent problems of traditional power outlets is how they continue to
require power even once a device or appliance is turned off. Deemed “vampire power,” it’s a
form of energy that negatively effects both the environment and your monthly utilities bill. Eco-
friendly outlets allow you to cut off all power to your gadgets with the simple turn of a dial, thus
eliminating the vast majority of vampire power and enhancing your energy efficiency in the
process. These hyper-efficient outlets are now widely available in retail stores everywhere.

9.) Eco-Friendly Paper Shredders

Documents containing sensitive information and/or personal financial records are obviously
confidential, and it’s the need to dispose of said materials that has given birth to the electronic
paper shredder industry. Various hand-powered shredders have now emerged and serve as a
convenient eco-friendly solution, simply requiring users to twist their hands to activate the
shredding mechanism. These green shredders are portable, incredibly easy to use, and represent
an easy way to help conserve energy. 

10.) Dryer Balls

A simplistic yet effective concept that has finally begun receiving mainstream recognition, dryer
balls are basically large rubber balls with spikes covering the surface. Their purpose is to
separate the clothes to facilitate quicker drying and keep them soft. The reusability of the dryer
balls renders traditional dryer sheets obsolete, and allows you to save money in the process.
Their only real downside is the fact they can be rather noisy at times.  

Source :
How we get around including sustainable transportation and infrastructure options available to
us. Primary challenges include improving carbon-free vehicle options and increasing the amount
of carbon-free vehicles on the road.
Electric Car Manufacturers
In almost every single metro area of the U.S., the total amount of carbon emissions from
passenger vehicles has increased since 1990. The electrification of our vehicles is one of the key
ways that we’ll lower these emissions in cities. And the race to create the next best electric car,
one of the greatest races among green technology companies, has begun. 
 Tesla
 Rivian
 Byton
 Ford
 GM
 Nissan
 Toyota
 VW
 Audi
EV Charging
With the rise of electric vehicles comes a need for innovation in electric vehicle charging
technologies as well. To support an all EV economy, we need batteries that support driving
longer distances and also networks of EV charging stations to grow and meet demand. The
following companies are leading the charge.
 The Mobility House
 EVgo
 ChargePoint
 Amply
EV Conciere Services
Featured clean tech service: Current EV makes buying an electric vehicle easy.
 Current EV
Electric Scooters
If you live in a metropolitan area, you’ve probably seen the influx of electric scooters in your
city. Learn more about how electric scooters are allowing for green commuting in cities.
 Bird
 Lime
Electric Motorcycles
Silent, sexy sustainable motorcycles are here, too. Because why not?
 Harley Davidson
 Zero Motorcycles
Electric Airplanes
Did you know that if aviation were a country, it would be the 7th largest in terms of greenhouse
gas emissions? If no action is taken, climate change pollution from aviation is forecasted to triple
by 2050. Fortunately, the following businesses (among others) are making progress to
build sustainable electric airplanes.
 Ampaire
 Zunum Aero
 Solar Impulse
Sustainable Aviation Fuel
In addition to innovation in airplanes themselves, many companies are also working on
developing sustainable aviation biofuels to help curb emissions while we work towards electric
airplane technology.
 Emerald Biofuels
 Fulcrum BioEnergy
 Red Rock Biofuels
 SG Preston
 SkyNRG
 Sunchem
 Virent
Ever since Elon Musk’s white paper in 2013, this “fifth mode” of transportation has been
developing almost as fast as its revolutionary speed. Learn more about Hyperloop technology. 
 Hyperloop One
 Hyperloop Transportation Technologies
Distribution Software
 Angaza
Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy is a premier focus of the green tech industry.
Primary challenges include decreasing air and water pollution, and decreasing CO2 emissions.
Solar Energy at Home
If you’re looking to take control of your own emissions through installing solar at home, more
and more options are becoming available to you. And for those who would love to have solar but
are not in a position to purchase or install it (can’t afford it, don’t own property, etc.), learn how
you can switch to clean energy to free with Arcadia Power.
 Arcadia Power
 Pick My Solar
 Zola Electric
 Sunrun
Commercial and Utility-Scale Solar
The following companies are leading the charge on commercial and utility-scale solar.
 First Solar
 NextGrid
 Sol Systems
 SunPower
 Trina Solar
 ReNew Power
 BayWa r.e.
 Cypress Creek Renewables
Energy Storage
Learn more about current grid-scale energy storage in our article The 2nd Cleantech Wave:
Energy Storage. And see how businesses like Malta are developing technology to store grid-scale
energy where batteries would not suffice.   
 Malta
 Sila Nanotechnologies
 Panasonic
 Geli
Carbon Capture
Technologies like direct air capture and carbon sequestration are being developed to pull CO2
out of the air in an effort to battle climate change. Learn about the companies leading the way on
carbon capture.
 Climeworks
 Carbon Engineering
 Global Thermostat
Microgrid Solutions
People living in different geographies must adapt and develop solutions to climate change issues
unique to their location. Learn about how microgrid solutions. 
 Scale Microgrid Solutions
Solar Software Solutions
Wind Energy
Energy prices have been falling as wind turbines have been growing, making it one of the most
viable forms of clean tech energy. Today’s windmills have come a long way since their humble
beginnings on Persian and Dutch farms. Learn about wind power’s second wind. 
 General Electric
 Vineyard Wind
 Orsted
 Vestas
Waste to Energy
 Sierra Energy
Agriculture and Food Services
Transportation and energy are usually what we think of when we think about clean tech, but
some of the best clean tech companies are making headway in the agriculture and food services
These businesses are focused on sustainability of how we grow, distribute, and consume our
food. The primary challenges include water overuse, limited land, distance between where food
is grown and where it’s consumed, and decreasing and repurposing agricultural and consumer
packaging waste.
Urban Sustainable Farming
In How to Feed the World in 2050, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN states that
we’ll need to increase food production by 70% while farmable land is only expected to expand
by about 5%. Learn about how vertical farming can solve this problem. And see which
companies are leading the way in our article Cleantech Collides with the Future of Food. 
 Freight Farms
 Ghotham Greens
 Agrilution
 Local Roots Farms
 Verticrop
 Plantagon
Farming Software Solutions
 Flux IoT
 Isabel
Insect-Based Protein
While insect-based protein bars may have reached a small corner of the shelves at your
neighborhood health food store, we are in the early days of food innovation using insects. Learn
about the future of insect-based protein.
 Gourmet Grubb
Plant-Based Meat
Meat alternatives are taking the world by storm, and for good reason. Learn about
the environmental benefits of plant-based meats.
 Beyond Meat
 Impossible Foods
 Memphis Meats
 New Harvest
With increasing desire to be more connected to our communities and more connected to the food
we consume, interest in living in an agrihood has been on the rise.
 Agritopia
 Sendero
 Harvest
Working toward a clean, abundant, sustainable water supply. Primary challenges include water
overuse, water scarcity, and large parts of the world population lacking access to clean water.
Some fantastic clean tech products are being developed to address this.
Water-Saving Appliances
 Nebia
 Warka Water
 charity: water
Waste and Sustainable Materials
What we do with products and materials that are no longer useful, and what products and
materials are made of. Primary challenges include making better products that last longer or
biodegrade, improving manufacturing processes, and achieving equal quality with alternative
Smart Sorting Technology
 ZenRobotics
Solvent Recycling
Company profile: Solvent Recycling Systems
 Solvent Recycling Systems
Ocean Plastic Solutions
From plastic eating bacteria to the project attempting to eliminate plastic from the ocean, people
are developing solutions to address plastic pollution in our oceans.
 The Ocean Cleanup
Nonprofits (Waste Focus)
 My Green Lab


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