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Once upon a time, there lived a very wealthy woman in a small village. She lived alone in
a very big house. Her wealth was plentiful, but she was very greedy so people called her
Bagenda Endit.

“I’m the richest woman in this village; no one can match all my wealth. There is nothing
I love more than my wealth. I’m happy with all my wealth. Ha…Ha…Ha. This jewelry, it is so
Ihiny. I’ll not let anyone take it. The gold, diamond, and all of this there’s the only one I need.
No one richer than me, no one can take all my wealth. No one can take a tittle cent from me”.
That was what she thought about. She didn’t care with the people around her, although they were
very poor and were starving.

One day, very old woman came to her and asked for help. She said ‘’Bagenda Endit,
please help me. My soon has never had any food for days. We are starving.’’ ‘’Hi, the ugly old
woman! Get away for me! I don’t care with you or your son. Whether you are starving or even
dying, it is not my business.’’ Bagenda Endit shouted. The old woman didn’t move from
Bagenda Endit sight, so Bagenda Endit splashed the woman with some water. Splash! And all
over the old woman baby became wet. Baginda Endit was a filling less woman. She didn’t even
have a little bit mercy to the old woman and her baby. She even got more angry. She forced the
old woman to get out of her yard. ‘’Hi...Hi...Hi! What such a foolish woman! Who does she
think she is, so that she comes to me for a help.’’

A few days later, a very old man, with a stick to walk, came to Bagenda Endit and asked
for some water, “Have mercy on me Bagenda Endit! Please give me some water. I am so thirsty.
If you don’t mine, I will take the water from your wheel.” asked the old man. “Hey! poor old
man. I don’t want you to take my water. No one can take any of them. Go away!” said Bagenda

With a hurt, the old man went by; he used his stick to walk. He put his stick and shouted,
“Bagenda Endit, you don’t want to lose any drop of your water. Now I will give you more

He took his stick out of the ground. Suddenly, the water came out, busted into the air.
“What is this? Where does all these water come from? No! My treasure! My treasure will drown!
No!” said Bagenda Endit white she tried to save her wealth.

It swept all over the village and it turned into a lake. Bagenda Endit was drowned with all
of her wealth. So, now people called the lake Situ Bagendit.

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