A Proposal For The Study of Customer Satisfaction of The Customers of Jojo's Restaurant and Lounge in Tamghas

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A Project Work Report

Submitted By
T.U. Regd. No: 7-2-311-112-2018
Symbol No: 703110016
Resunga Multiple Campus

Submitted to
The Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of


Resunga Municipality, Gulmi

April, 2023
1.1 Background of the study
Global trends in urbanization, privatization, and marketization are rapidly transforming the
food systems of developing nations worldwide. The changing food markets have tapped into
unfolding debates related to the globalization of the food supply, including the localization of
food systems (Polsa and Fan 2011), the loss of traditional food provisioning traditions (Eckhardt
and Mahi 2012; Hino 2015), the responsibility of corporations (Gao 2013), the definition and
promotion of healthy eating (Witkowski 2007), the advancement of food safety and security
(Nguyen and Pham 2012; Veeck, Yu, and Burns 2010), the promotion of sustainability (Dapice
and Xuan 2012). These global challenges require integrated efforts from a wide range of
perspectives to clarify the definition of a robust food system and illuminate important issues
related to economic development, marketing systems, food policy, and the well-being of
In an competitive marketplace where business compare for customers, customer satisfaction is
seen or a key differentiator and even organizations are increasingly interesting in relating
existing customer while targeting non customers. In this global world, customer satisfaction has
become a key element of business strategy. So the product should satisfy the customer’s demand
and fulfill the necessary faculties.
A restaurant is a place where people visit to eat and drink the food being prepared on the
premises and pays for the same. The Jojo’s restaurant and lounge is one of the popular restaurant
among the people of Tamghas. In Tamghas, there are so many restaurants which provide the
services and facilities to customers but The Jojo’s restaurant and lounge is one of the

most popular and recognized one by its services and facilities provided to
1.2Purpose of study

Globalization with the growth of global trade and cultural exchanges have accelerated changes
in people’s lifestyles of the society. The overall objective of this study is to analyze the
customers satisfaction of the customers of JOJO’S RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE and
for developing new marketing strategies for attracting more customers. The main purposes of the
study are:
 To understand the influence of demographic factors on Customer satisfaction of
restaurant by sample respondents.
 To know the need and desires of customers prefer by the people in tamghas.
 To describe the impact of fast food on individual’s health and environment.

1.3 Significance and the need of the study

Research has its own significance because its aims to gain more knowledge on the certain and to
add new literature to the existing field.

For a number of reasons, restaurant research is crucial.

Economic Impact: Restaurants play a significant role in the economy by creating jobs and raising
money for the local area. When deciding on rules and laws that will affect the restaurant
business, legislators may find it helpful to do research on restaurants to better understand the
economic impact they have in a certain area.

Consumer Behavior: Research on dining establishments can reveal information about patron
preferences, behavior, and attitudes. Restaurant operators can utilize this data to create menus,
pricing plans, and marketing efforts that appeal to their target population.

Restaurants must abide by health and safety laws to make sure that the food they serve is suitable
for eating. The overall safety of the food service business can be improved by conducting a study
of restaurants to help identify any areas where health and safety regulations are not being
1.4 Literature survey

1.4.1 Conceptual review

A restaurant is a place of business where patrons can purchase food and beverages to be served
to them. People go there to dine, interact with others, and unwind. A restaurant could be
little or big, informal or formal, and serve a range of foods and eating options.

In restaurants, the dishes and beverages that can be ordered are often listed on the menu. The
menu may be displayed in a booklet or written on a board. Some eateries might have a set menu,
while others might have a rotating menu that varies with the seasons or the chef's whims.

Restaurants may offer a variety of seating options, including counter seating, booth seating, and
tables and chairs. For special occasions or holidays, certain restaurants may also provide private
dining rooms.

1.5 Variables Considered in the Study

Customer demographics, including age, gender, income, and other factors that may affect their
dining preferencesOfferings on the menu include cuisine type, pricing point, variety of meals,
and menu design.Restaurant atmosphere includes the lighting, music, furniture, and decorations.

Service excellence: the staff's courtesy, responsiveness, and attention to detail.Overall

contentment, readiness to return, and propensity to suggest the restaurant to others are all
measures of customer satisfaction.

1.6 Research methodology

A restaurant's research approach often entails collecting and analyzing information about a
variety of areas of the business, such as its target market, competitors, menu, pricing, location,
marketing plans, and customer satisfaction.

Surveys are a useful tool for learning about the preferences, viewpoints, and feedback of
customers. Online, in-person, and telephone interviews are all options for conducting surveys.
Focus groups are used to get opinions from a crowd regarding particular elements of a restaurant,
including the cuisine, atmosphere, or pricing. Focus groups are frequently held in-person, and the
time of the participants is reimbursed.Mystery shoppers are sent to a restaurant to assess the
staff, the quality of the cuisine, and the entire dining experience. The information obtained from
mystery shopping can assist restaurant operators in identifying.
In general, restaurant research methodology combines quantitative and qualitative techniques to
develop a thorough understanding of the market, consumers, and competition of the restaurant.

1.6.1 Research Design

You must take into account a number of things while creating a research plan for a restaurant,
such as the goal of the study, the intended audience, and the precise research questions you wish
to address. To create a study plan for a restaurant, you can adhere to the general procedures listed

Establish the study's objective: What is the primary goal of the study? Are you attempting to
ascertain consumer preferences, enhance the menu, or gauge the success of your marketing

Describe the target market: Whom do you intend to poll? Are you aiming for both future and
present customers? Will a certain demographic, such as age, income, or geography, be the focus
of your study?

1.7 Limitations of the study

 The time to complete this project was very limited.
 Some of the information was extracted from social websites, magazines so the data may
not be accurate the updated.
 Insufficient budget for the research activities is another problem of this research.

1.8 Organization of the study


It deals with the introduction part; this chapter contents various aspects of the study. It includes
background of the study, profit of the organization ,objevtives, review lecture research
methodology and limitation of the study.


In the two chapters, collected data and information will be analyzed and present in a pleasant
manner. It mainly will consist of analysis.


The last chapter is about summary and conclusion, which present implication of conclusion for
practical application or future studies.

Griffin J. (1995): “Customer Loyalty: How to earn it, How to keep it”, Lexington Principle
books, New York.

Kotler, P. & Armstrong, g. (2003): Principle of marketing , personal education, London.

Pant, P.R and wolf H.K. (2002). A hand book for social science research and thesis writing.

Retrieved from



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