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INTRODUCTION E-nursing has been defined

as the
learning and teaching tacilitated online
Nurses all around the world have risen to the through network technology.
challenge ofnew technology. Today, the nurses
-Garrison and Anderson, 2003
work in a variety of E-health programmes
such as tele-triage. They access online libraries E-nursing comprises all forms of
and databases of clinical practice guidelines electronically supported learning and
from computers in their work places. Nurse teaching. The information and commu-
in specialized areas of practice now interact nication system whether networked
with their peers in discussion groups over the learning or not, serves a spec1hc media
internet. Nurses are also involved in standards to implement the
nursing process.
development for the implementation of -Tavangarian D, 2004
electronic health records and many nurs1ng
I t is commonly referred to the inter-
educational programmes are now offered online.
Patient must be able to access information national use of networked information

best and communication technology in

practices from expert nurses or other
professionals. Many nurses practice in remote teaching and learning. Electronic
and isolated regions where
accessing needed learning is more than just training on
information and resources is difficult. computer: it has the potential to cover
both content and the administration
of learning
E-NURSING -Pollard and Hillary 2021
Definition of E-Nursing
Goals of E-Nursing
E-nursing involves the use of computers
or electronic devices in To improve nursing and the clients
some way to
provide training, education and learn- outcomes.

ing material. T o encounter challenge owing

-Derek Stockley, 2003 emergence of new technology.
Communication Technology (E-Nursing, Telemedicine and Telenusing) 675

n u r s e s to benefit from Internet resources enhance the decision-

To enhance
all developments
in information, making prOCess. Theygive nurses access
timely, evidence-based and
communication and technology. to
information, enabling to

Modalities of E-Nursing swifter, better-informed judgements

modalities ot
E-nursing are: on behalf of their patients. The result
The following Is sater patient care and better health
1. Individualized Self-Paced E-Learning
Online: When an individual nurse Nurses reap the
resources such as
Nursing Work Outs:
accesses learn1ng full benefits of technology into their
nursing database online through an
daily practice. Healthcare organiza-
internet. For example, a nurse student
tions are beginning to acknowledge
is searching for data on some nurse
the necessity of providing nurses withN
research on the nternet or a local
access to information, communication

2. Individualized Self-Paced E-Learning and technology that supports nursing

Oline:When an individual nurse care; yet, the implementation of
learner is using nursing database or tools needs to be accelerated.

a computer-assisted learning pack-

(while not connected to Theory of E-Learning
agesottline for adult learn-
the internet). A learner is using hard Andragogy: It stands
drive, CD or DVD. ing. It is an art/science of teaching
3. Group Based E-Learning Synchro- adults. The adults can learn when they
nously: When groups of nurses are feel need to learn. Their past experience
working together at the same time is of learning.
used as a
source Learners
must have as much autonomy as possible
through the Internet. For example,
one- or two-way audio and video and good learning climate minimizes
conterenc1ng. the anxiety.
Group-Based E-Learning Asynchro- Constructivism: It is a theory ot learn-
nously:When groups of nurses are ing. The knowledge is constructed by
working over the Internet and they the learner based on mental activity.
exchange themselves with a time The knowledge is constructed not
delay. For example: online discussions transmitted. It is a purposeful activity
through e-mailing lists. that requires to build useful knowledge.

Types of E-Nursing Styles in E-Nursing

Smarter Decision Making: Its initia The following styles of e-nursing are:
tives such as electronic health records, Offline and Online Activities: Learn-
tele-health, databases, c-mail and
ing teaching activities takes place while
676 A Comprehensive Textbook on Nursing Administration and Management

oftline. Evamples not connected to an Formal and Informal

Internet learning activitics take place Formal lecarning is a
learning that
while online cxamples are connected is planned with specified learning
to the Internet. objectives whereas informal learning
Synchronous and Asynchronous is unstructured or unplanned.
Activities: Within Synchronous learn-
ing. learning and teaching takes place Advantages of E-Nursing
at the same time (real time), Example, I t enhances innovative teaching.
listening to a live radio broadecast, I t promotes self-directed learning.
watching live television broadcast. I t is convenient for the learner.
Telephone, video conferencing, chat, E-learning saves time and place for
online, seminar, skype conversation are
N used. Whereas asynchronous learning is I t promotes Internet use.
the teaching-learning activities taking I t builds self-confidence among learners.
place with time delay (time shift). l t increases retention and application
Example; self-paced courses through of information.
Internet or CD-ROM, video-tapped Proof of completion and certification
classes or seminars, etc. is also automated.
Different Multimedia Assets: When
the activities are carried out through Disadvantages of E-Nursing
more than one media. Some forms of e-learning perceived
Different Didactical Interactions: The as isolating from the personal touch.
different didactical approaches can be Nurses may not have the IT skills
used such as assignments, assessment, needed to take advantages of e-learning.
pre-test, discussions, reading, presenting I t decreases manual contribution.
information, watching a video, asking
questions, workshop, demonstrations
and participating in a simulation, etc. TELE-MEDICINE
Different Ways of Delivering Telc-medicine is the use of telecommunica-
Content: The various ways to deliver tion and information technologies in order to
the content are computer, PDA, TV, provide clinical health care at a distance.
mobile phones, iPod, etc. Every device These technologies allow communication
has its own characteristics, advantages between the patient and medical staff with
and disadvantages. both convenience and the transmission

Self-Study and Collaborative medical, imaging and health informatics

Learning: Icarning can be both ways: daa from one site to another. It is also useu
individualized as wcll collaborative to
to save lives in critical care and emergency
Communication Technology
(E-Nursing, Telemedicine and Telenursing) 677
situations. It helps eliminate distance barriers
and can improve access to medical services that Tele-medicine is the use of
would often not be consistently available in information exchanged from medical
one site
to another via
distant rural communities. electronic communica-
improve a patient's clinical

History of Tele-Medicine health status. Tele-medicine

1906: ECG Transmission Einthoven,
growing variety of applications and
services using two-way video, email,
the Father of
1920: First ECG transmission over
phones, wireless tools and
other forms of
telephone lines. telecommunications
1924: The first
exposition of Tele According to World Health Organi-
care "Radio News magazine from zation, tele-medicine is defined as,
April 1924. "The delivery of healthcare services,
1955: Tele-psychiatry The Nebraska where distance is a critical factor, by all
Psychiatric Institute first closed-circuit healthcare professionals using intorma-
TV. tion and communication
1959: University of Nebraska did for the exchange of valid information
first documented use of visual tele- for diagnosis, treatment and prevention
communication in health care. of disease and injuries, research and
1988: Under the first tele-medicine evaluation, and for continuing educa-
programme in December 1988, the site tion of healthcare providers, all in the
of massive earthquake in Armenia was interests of advancing the health of
linked to medical centres in the United individuals and their communities".
States for tele-medicine consultations. I t is transfer of medical data for:
1989: NASA introduced the first inter- Consultations
national tele-medicine programme. Diagnosis
The programme was extended to Russia Support for Clinical Case
to provide tele-medicine consultation to .Containing Medical Educations
Durn victims after a terrible train accident.
Concepts of Tele-nmedicine
Definition of Tele-Medicine A video image has a rate oft motion known as

Tele-medicine is defined as the use of the frame rate. This standard video like the
elecommunications, the delivery of one seen of the television has a frame rate of
frames second
healthcare expert sharing of medical 30 frames per
second. 30
the human
perdoes not
with persons who are at required, so eyes
Knowledge rate

distance locations. perceive any gaps in information. In video

678 A Comprehensive Textbook on Nursing Administration and Management

there is limitation restriction Image X-Rays: which are still images

conferencing, or

information that be having a size of aroundIMB.

on the amount of can

transmitted through digital lines. Basically, Video Movie: Ultrasound/patient's

four types of data are used in tele-medicine: visualization, movie images have a
size of 10 MB or more; the patient can
Text for Patient Notes: Generally
be seen by a doctor at a remote
file of less than 10 KB.
having a using cameras.
Audio: electronic stethoscope, with a
hle size of around 10 KB.
TABLE 60.1: Modalities of Data Transmission in Tele-medicine

System Data Speed Advantages/Disadvantages

Economical Ubiquitous Slow, not Suitable for
Public Service Telephone Network (PSTN) 56 kbps
High Resolution
Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN) 128 kbps Cheap and Flexible Cheap

Service Digital Network ISDN 2 mbps Fast High Quality, Expensive and Patchy
Satellite 2 mbps High Quality and Remote Access Expensive
Wireless <2 mbps Convenience, Free Movement, New Technology
and Limited Standards
Leased Lines 64 kbps to Reliable
50 mbps
A Synchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Asyn- 155 mbps High Band Width, Expensive, maybe Superseded
chronous Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)

2. Remote Monitoring: It is also known

Types of Tele-medicine
as selt-monitoring/testing. lt enables
Tele-medicine can be broken into three main monitor a
medical professionals to
categories as follows: techno-
patient remotely using various
1. Store and Forward: It involves logical devices. It manages chronic
specihc conditions, such
acquiring medical data (medical images, diseases or

bio-signals) and then transmiting this heart disease, diabetes mellitus or asthma
data to the doctor or medical specialist Ttgives greater satistaction to patienis.
at a convenient time for assessment 3. Interactive Services:
offine. It does not require both the tele-medicine services provide real-time
parties at the same time. Medical interactions berween patient and
specialities like dermatology, pathology provider. lt includes phone conver
etc. are conducive to this kind. Most Sations, onl1ne communication
beneficial for population living in isolated home visits. Many activities such
Communities and remote regions. history review, physical examination
Communication Technology (E-Nursing, Telemedicine and
Telenursing) 679

sychia evaluations and ophthal- Tele-Education
mology assessments can be conducted Th
The use of tele-medicine
comparably to those done in traditional it much better than
technologies makes
face-to-face visits. In "clinician-inter- just surfing websites forP

information. Doctors can attend clinical meet-

active", tele-medicine services may be
ings at remote places and also participate and
less costly than in-person clinical visits.
present in them. Some projects such as
health net project of Africa use both Internet
Tele-Medicine Applications
and satellite communications for doctors
Emergency Health Care in remote areas.If this is dealt with using
Video Consulting tele-medicine, the approach is real time; the
Telecardiology referring doctor knows how the specialist is
Telepathology dealing with theand can thus further
his knowledge. Tele-consultation, video
Teleophthalmology conferencing on surgery, online clinical audit
Teleoncology and continuing medical education are just some
Telepsychiatry of the education applications of tele-education. X

Distance Leaning
Medical education and the transter Tele-monitoring is the remote monitoring
status can be
of medical data. of patient data. The patient's
monitored, wherever he/she is, whether in

Medical care delivery, diagnosis, consul-

at a distance. aircraft or in a remote village as long he has
tation and treatment
The data includes, blood
homes or retirement centres. a telephone access.

Nursing ECG, spirometry,

Home monitoring for patients. pressure, pulse,
data. These can be
in the aftermath of disasters. CT scan and other radiology
Health care lines or through
transmitted using telephone
of appropriate
wireless with the
himself Advantages of Tele-Medicine
Adoctor ofa paramedic or even a patient with a
remote area can have a consultation Utilization: The first benefit
to 1. of
pecialist. This requires certain procedures
tele-medicine is proper
needs to be of population
rollowed; the person initiating resources. In India,

importantly the complete

rained and in comparison
s ratio is 1:15000 these
PrOCess needs to be documented for the patient nations, and
1:500 in developed
t h e doctor's record. Tele-consultationa
are not
doctors lives
so involves a family doctor seeking helpO cent
Indian population
80 per
specialist in an emergency
and Management
680 A Comprehensive Textbook on Nursing Administration

in rural and semi-urban arecas. Tele- 5. Medical Education and

medicine can help in cost-effective Tele-medicine is also useful in
utilization of mcagre resources and education. When medical
students are
at the same time can decrease paticnt posted in rural area,
they be linked

workload few referral centres.

on a
to medical college for
grand rounds
2. Early Intervention: One of the most
and they can also do case presen tation
to teachers in medical
eftective means of providing medical colleges. In
intervention is by early detection and India, Indira Gandhi National Open
treatment. There are factors that inhibit University (IGNOU) carries out regular
the continuity of care. Issues such as monthly sessions of teaching of its
geographic location, incdement weather, diploma in maternal and child health
socio-economic barriers, patient's (PGDMCH) students. Physicians
apathy are significant factors that delay living in different parts of the world
and even prevent the speciality care. By also use tele-medicine in collaborative
providing these primary cure sites with research; they can also share dataor
the ability to quickly access speciality can discuss current trends.
consultation services are provided.
Patients are able to reap the benefits of Limitations to Spread of
early intervention while the healthcare Tele-medicine
system maintains quality service and
clinical efficiency.
Physician/Patient Acceptance
3. Avoids
Reasonable Cost
Unnecessary Transporta- Accessibility
tion: Local health providers discuss
cases of a patient on the phone with a
specialist if the specialist is not getting
Funding/Reimbursement Issues
clear After
Lack ofTrained Manpower
picture. a few questions, Legal and Ethical
he will be able to send the patient but
Privacy and Security Concerns
ifby video conferencing he has a clear
Rural Tele-medicine Network
picture of the patient, un-necessary
referral and patient transport can be Indian Scenario of Tele-medicine
definitely avoided.
4. Now with the availability of Internet connection
Community Based Care: Community in most cities of India, interest in tele-medicine
based care is another big
advantage of is increasing day by day but still major draw-
tele-medicine. People like to receive high a
back in India is that communication network
quality care in their local community. ue
is not suitable for most tele-medicine applCa
This reduces travel time and related
tions. ISDN lines are not available in most or
stressesassociated with
many referrals.
the places in India, which is basic requirement
Communication Technology (E-Nursing.
Telemedicine and
deo conferencing. Video
Telenursing) 681
technology will be limited to some big cities
and ele-medicine technology that will be used
and te
most of
the parts of India will be store and According to
forward technology. It willlike sending
be Association, "Tele-nursing is Nurses
subset a
of tele-health in which the focus is
radiological images, patients records, sounds
radiol a
nursing practice via
through e-mail or modem and getting opinion telecommunication
Tele-nursing refers to the
af experts. Many medical centres in India use of tele-
Communications and intormation
are now successtully running tele-medicine
projects using video conferencing. India is an
technology for providing
services in health care whenever a
ideal place to use this technology as 80 per
large physical distance exists berween
cent population in India lives in villages
patient and nurse or between any
where treatment is provided by unqualified numbers of nurses.
medical practitioners. Tele-nursing is defined as the practice
of nursing using protocols
Evolution of Tele-Medicine through
telecommunication technology.
in India
Arkansas Staff Board of Nursing
The Indian Space Research Organiza-
tion (ISRO). Applications of Tele-Nursing
SGPGIMS in Lucknow (Sanjay Tele-nursing application is home care. For
immobilized or live
andhi Postgraduate Institute of example, patients who are citizens
Medical Sciences). in remote or difficult to reach places,
oMG (Sri Ramachandra Medical who have chronic ailments, such as

disease. diabetes,
College) in Chennai. obstructive pulmonary
Medical congestive heart disease or disabiliry, such
AMS in Kochi (All India diseases (Parkinson's
neural degenerative
Science). as
Alzheimers disease,
ALS) et., may stay
Hrudayalaya in Bangalore. disease,
Narayana home and be
"visited" and
assisted regularhy

The Apollo Hospital Group. at

nurse via

N e w Delhi, and
It can be assisted in care with
videophone, etc.
Graduate Institute of Medical home patients atter
Ost at

Education Rescarch) Chandigarh. help of tele-nursing

wound dressing,

Egovernance projectwith 110,000 multi- handicapped ete.

purpose Internet kiosks in villages.

682 AComprehensive Textbook on Nursing Administration and Management

In normal home health care, one nurse is tele-nursing need to be under the
able to visit up to 5-7 patients per day. Using vision of reg1stered nurse or super-
tele-nursing, one nurse can visit 12-16 patients Nurses and midwIves
in the same amount of time. practising tele.
nursing are personally responsible for
A common application of tele-nursing is ensuring that their nursing and or
also used by call centres operated by managed midwifery skills and expertise remain
organizations, which are stafted by registered current for their
nurses who act as case Nurses and midwives should
managers or pertorm inform
patient triage, information and counselling as consumers of the tele-health
a means of regulating patient access and flow including other persons/professionals
and decrease the use of emergency rooms. Tele- who may be participations or
nursing can also involve other activities such as
is the tele-health consultations and urban
patient education, nursing tele-consultations, consent betore proceeding.
examination of results of medical tests and Nurses are midwives in tele-nursing
exams, assistance to physicians in the imple- who have a duty to provide privacy
mentation of medical treatment protocols. and confidentiality in all interactions.
Nurse and midwives practicing in tele
Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues
nursing be aware of both the evidence
Tele-nursing is fraught with legal, ethical and base for the practice and the areas of
regulatory issues, as it happens with tele-health practice in need of research.
as awhole. In many countries, interstate and Nurses and midwives
intercountry practice of tele-nursing is forbidden
practising tele
nursing should engage in evaluation of
(the attending nurse must have a license both in their practice in relations to issue of
her state/ country of residence and in the state/
quality safety and patient outcomes.
country where the patient receiving tele-care is
located). Legal issues such as accountability and Advantages of Tele-Nursing
malpractice etc. are also still largely unsolved t helped to improve the qual1ty or
and difficult to address. In addition, there
health services.
are many considerations related to
patient I t enables nurses to consult with on
nhdentiality and safety of clinical data. another, thus acquiring knowledge

how to improve their services.

Guidelines for Tele-Nursing fvital
Tele-nursing serves as a source of
Nurses and midwives practicing in tele- information for nurses.
nursing shall be registered nurses or The nurses can use remo

midwives. Enrolled nurses involved by to examine the wound and g

Communication Technology (E-Nursing, Telemedicine and Telenursing) 683
the appropriate the
opportunity assist those who are
course o f t r e a t m e n t .
unable to access health care services.
can make a regular follow Using clinical protocols or guidelines
The the paticnt recovers to
e n s u r e
that systematically assess the patient's
up possible. needs and symptoms.
and time for Prioritizing the urgency ofthe patient's
Telenurs1ng saves money
nurses and patients
since they needs.
hoth the
have to
travel. Collaborating and developingga plan or
do not care with the patient and supportive,

of Nurse in Tele-Nursing disciplines which may include recom-

Role mendation for cure, call back educations.
nurses monitor patients
with chronic diseases.
Evaluation outcomes.
nurses to overcome
Tele-nursing allows
distance and gives then
the barriers of

SUMMARY education and heaith

tele communication
and technologies that are even a patient
deals with of a paramedic or
This chapter
the provision of nursing services. A doctor in India are now
services globally, including specialist. Many medical centres
fimself in remote area can
have a consultation with a
using video-conferencing.
Successfully running tele-medicine projects

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