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Productivity in general is the ability of each individual, system, or company to produce what they
want by using resources effectively and efficiently.

The word productivity itself has the same elements as the power of production and productivity. This
term is often used to assess the efficiency of a plant, machine, company, facility, system or person in
converting an input into the desired output.

Culture of Productivity that generates employees who have high levels of work competence with pride
in excellence and a willingness to learn and achieve, a sense of duty and responsibility to carry out tasks
and activities that will benefit the company, and high levels of enthusiasm for interpersonal cooperation
and collaboration based on mutual trust and respect with a shared in the company’s wellbeing. Investing
in a strong and positive company culture of productivity will unify your team, set you apart from your
competition, and contribute to your company’s success.

2. Productivity is important because a country's standard of living depends on its ability to produce
goods and services. The greater a country's productivity (the amount of goods and services produced for
each hour of a worker's time), the greater its profits and standard of living.

3. Human Capital is one of the most important factors that cannot be separated from anorganization,
both an institution or a company. In essence, Human Capital in the form of people employed in an
organization as a mobilizer, thinker and planner to achieve the goals of the organization.Therefore, the
Human Capital Index becomes important for a country, because :

a. The progress of a nation is largely determined by the quality of its human resources. Besides
other factors such as natural resources, infrastructure and social culture as well as capital and
political stability. But Human Capital have a role to manage all components.
b. So, if Human Capitalin a country of high quality can be ensured that the management of all
existing natural resources will be maximized and produce prosperity for the nation. Andvice
versa, if Human Capital are low then even though other determinants are there it will be difficult
to develop them. As a result the country will experience a growth stagnation. Therefore,
superior human capital must be prepared by the state early on. Starting from the lowest level,
namely school age children. In the next 5 years our government, the emphasis is on human
capitals. In my opinion, how Human Capital can help us as a nation to compete in the global
business environment is that Human capital is a factor that influences the development of a
company in every organization that is demanded to have quality Human Capital and have "High
and Smart"competitiveness, so that it can become energy for organizations to compete with
their competitors in the midst of globalization Strengthening Human Capital towards superior
people has a close correlation with increasing work productivity, in winning competition amid
rapid changes in the world of business, political economy and culture.

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