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Name:……………………… Date:…………………………

Business Management
Marke�ng Mix – Promo�on

Above the line promotion (ATL) and Below the line promotion (BTL) are two common
marketing strategies used by businesses to promote their products or services.

ATL promotions are mass

marketing techniques that aim to
reach a large audience, often
through traditional forms of media
such as TV, radio, billboards, and
print ads. These promotions are
called "above the line" because
they are typically executed through
third-party media, and the business
has limited control over the
content and message of the ad.
Examples of above the line promotions include TV commercials, radio ads, and billboards.

BTL promotions, on the other hand, are

more targeted and personalized forms of
marketing that aim to reach specific groups
or individuals. BTL promotions are called
"below the line" because they are typically
executed through direct communication
with consumers, and the business has greater
control over the message and content of the
promotion. Examples of below the line
promotions include email marketing, direct
mail, and personal selling.

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Name:……………………… Date:…………………………

Through the line promotion (TTL) is a hybrid approach that combines elements of both ATL
and BTL strategies. TTL promotions aim to create a seamless customer experience across
multiple marketing channels, both online and offline. The goal is to build a cohesive brand
message that resonates with customers across all touchpoints. Examples of through the line
promotions include social media marketing, influencer marketing, and event marketing.

Here is an example of each type of promotion:

• ATL promotion: A soft drinks company runs a TV commercial during the break-time.
The ad reaches millions of viewers and aims to build brand awareness for the company's
• BTL promotion: A coffee shop sends a personalized email to its loyalty program
members offering them a free drink with their next purchase. The promotion targets a
specific group of customers and aims to drive repeat business.
• TTL promotion: An athletic apparel brand launches a social media campaign featuring
popular fitness influencers wearing their products. The campaign includes sponsored
posts on Instagram, a branded hashtag, and an in-store event where customers can meet
the influencers and try on the clothes. The promotion aims to build brand awareness
and drive sales across multiple channels.

Above the line promotion Below the line promotion Through the line promotion
Above the line promotion Below the line promotion is a Through the line promotion
refers to a marketing strategy marketing approach that is a form of promotion that
that involves utilizing provides businesses with uses an integrated approach
independent mass media to direct control over their of combining both above the
advertise a company's promotional activities, line and below the line
products or services. This allowing them to bypass the promotion strategies.
form of communication is need for independent media.
paid for by the firm. This form of communication
enables companies to carry
out their promotions without
relying on external entities.

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Name:……………………… Date:…………………………

Promotion and Ethics

There are several ethical considerations and responsibilities that a company must consider
when promoting their products. Some of these include:

• Honesty and transparency: Companies have a responsibility to be truthful and transparent

in their promotional messages. They should not make false or misleading claims about their
products, and they should clearly disclose any limitations or side effects.
• Fairness: Companies should not engage in unfair competition or unfair advertising
practices that mislead consumers or harm their competitors.
• Privacy: Companies must respect the privacy of their customers and ensure that any
personal information collected through promotions is handled responsibly and securely.
• Social responsibility: Companies should consider the impact of their promotional
activities on society and the environment. They should avoid promoting products that are
harmful to people or the planet, and they should strive to promote socially responsible
behaviors and values.
• Respect for cultural norms: Companies should respect the cultural norms and values of
their target audience and avoid promoting products in ways that are offensive or

Overall, a company's promotional activities should be guided by ethical principles and a sense
of responsibility towards their customers, stakeholders, and the wider society.

Be a Thinker
What is the relationship between promotion and
the stages of a product life cycle


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