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Autocomplete is a common feature in modern applications, which helps users to quickly find and
select the desired search term or item by presenting a list of suggestions based on what they have
typed. The autocomplete algorithm works by predicting the remaining characters or words that the
user is likely to input based on their previous search history, search queries, and the context of the
current search. One way to implement autocomplete is by using a data structure called a skip list.

Skip List:

A skip list is a probabilistic data structure used for efficient searching and sorting of elements in a list.
It is similar to a linked list, but with additional levels of pointers, which allow for faster traversal of
the list. The skip list is implemented as a series of linked lists, where each level has a different skip
factor. The skip factor determines the number of elements to skip when searching for an element in
the list. The skip factor is typically set to 2 or 3, which means that each level of the skip list skips 2 or
3 elements at a time.


To implement autocomplete using a skip list, we first need to create a dictionary of words that we
want to use for suggestions. We can use a text file containing a list of words, or we can use an API to
fetch words from an online database. Once we have the dictionary, we can create a skip list of words.
The skip list will have multiple levels, with each level containing a subset of the words from the
previous level. The top level will contain a single word, which is the first letter of each word in the

Here's an example implementation of the autocomplete algorithm using a skip list:


import random

class Node:

def __init__(self, value=None, level=0):

self.value = value

self.forward = [None]*(level+1)

class SkipList:
def __init__(self, max_level=16, p=0.5):

self.head = Node()

self.max_level = max_level

self.p = p

self.level = 0

def random_level(self):

level = 0

while random.random() < self.p and level < self.max_level:

level += 1

return level

def __len__(self):

return len(list(iter(self)))

def __iter__(self):

node = self.head.forward[0]

while node:

yield node.value

node = node.forward[0]

def __contains__(self, value):

node = self.head

for i in range(self.level, -1, -1):

while node.forward[i] and node.forward[i].value < value:

node = node.forward[i]

return node.forward[0] and node.forward[0].value == value

def insert(self, value):

node = self.head

update = [None]*(self.max_level+1)
for i in range(self.level, -1, -1):

while node.forward[i] and node.forward[i].value < value:

node = node.forward[i]

update[i] = node

node = node.forward[0]

if node is None or node.value != value:

level = self.random_level()

if level > self.level:

update[self.level+1:level+1] = [self.head]*(level-self.level)

self.level = level

node = Node(value, level)

for i in range(level+1):

node.forward[i] = update[i].forward[i]

update[i].forward[i] = node

def remove(self, value):

node = self.head

update = [None]*(self.max_level +1)

for i in range(self.level, -1, -1):

while node.forward[i] and node.forward[i].value < value:

node = node.forward[i]

update[i] = node

node = node.forward[0]

if node is not None and node.value == value:

for i in range(len(node.forward)):

update[i].forward[i] = node.forward[i]

if self.head.forward[i] is None:

self.level -= 1


raise ValueError(f"{value} not found in skip list")

def autocomplete(self, prefix):

node = self.head

for i in range(self.level, -1, -1):

while node.forward[i] and node.forward[i].value < prefix:

node = node.forward[i]

node = node.forward[0]

result = []

while node and node.value.startswith(prefix):


node = node.forward[0]

return result


The above implementation consists of two classes, `Node` and `SkipList`. The `Node` class represents
a node in the skip list and stores a value and an array of forward pointers. The `SkipList` class
represents the skip list and stores a reference to the head node, the maximum level of the skip list,
the probability `p` of increasing the level of the skip list, and the current level of the skip list.

The `SkipList` class contains methods for inserting, removing, and searching for elements in the skip
list, as well as a method for generating autocomplete suggestions based on a given prefix. The
`insert` method traverses the skip list from the highest level to the lowest level, updating the forward
pointers of the nodes along the way to insert the new node in the correct position. The `remove`
method removes the specified value from the skip list by traversing the skip list and updating the
forward pointers of the nodes as needed. The `autocomplete` method generates a list of
autocomplete suggestions based on the given prefix by traversing the skip list from the highest level
to the lowest level and adding all nodes with values that start with the prefix to a list.


Here's an example of how to use the `SkipList` class to implement autocomplete:


skip_list = SkipList()

words = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "grape", "orange", "pear", "peach", "pineapple"]

for word in words:


prefix = "a"

suggestions = skip_list.autocomplete(prefix)

print(suggestions) # Output: ["apple"]

prefix = "b"

suggestions = skip_list.autocomplete(prefix)

print(suggestions) # Output: ["banana"]

prefix = "c"

suggestions = skip_list.autocomplete(prefix)

print(suggestions) # Output: ["cherry"]

prefix = "p"

suggestions = skip_list.autocomplete(prefix)

print(suggestions) # Output: ["pear", "peach", "pineapple"]



In this project, we have implemented the autocomplete algorithm using a skip list data structure.
Skip lists are an efficient way to search and sort elements in a list and are well-suited for
implementing autocomplete functionality. By using a skip list, we can quickly generate a list of
suggestions based on a given prefix, making it easy for users to find and select the desired search
term or item.

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