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Topik Tips from Authors


About the Podcasts:

The listening (듣기) part of the application includes hundreds of podcasts. These podcasts are
thoroughly chosen by TOPIK experts as the best podcasts which help TOPIK Listening and
Writing. Almost all of the topics covered in these podcasts can be met during Listening Exam,
including news-related questions and more advanced questions.

Caution about Listening Podcasts!

Don’t try to write the script, don’t try to translate. Don’t use your free time on listening. Listen
while you are walking, cooking, eating, working etc. The order of the podcasts does not matter.
Just listen even if you don’t understand. If you can, try to remember the ideas you heard from
these Podcasts, because you might use it on Writing (54) as well. These podcasts should make
up 60 % of your listening practices, the other 30 % could be from other books and 10 % could
be mock tests.

There are abundant samples of questions (51). You can try yourself and compare it with the
answers provided.

There are abundant samples of questions (51). You can try yourself and compare it with the
answers provided.

There are more than two hundred examples and tips for various questions. Don’t spend much
time to learn every template provided. Try to stick only one and master it. Start to answer one
or two questions by writing around a month before your exam. Till then, just read and learn.

Single world is hard to use properly. Whole example is hard to remember. Choose the between,
memorize sentences about special topics. We provide abundant samples of such sentences
which you can use for your answer. Try to write each sentence provided three times a day for
three days, and you will be able to use it naturally. Learning three sentences a day is enough.

There are three main benefits of doing this. Firstly, the sentence has no grammar or logical
errors. Secondly it is easier to remember compared to words, because whole sentence has a
whole meaning, which makes it easier to remember. Finally, you will have at least one or two
ready ideas which then you can surround with others and finish exam on time. Or it will
probably take time to think about ideas for each part of the essay.
Read more and translate less. Even if you translate, don’t write the word itself and memorize it
from your paper. Read the whole passage again after a couple days to train your memory about
the words you learned. Remember that it is better to understand a word when you see, so train
your eyes, not your hands. Try to learn adjectives, adverbs and verbs more than nouns, because
these will decide most of your answers.

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