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Constant Power Load

At any time load takes constant power irrespective of voltage changes. If the voltage decreases, the
current increases thereby consuming same power and vice versa.
Eg: - Induction Motor

Constant Power Load – (Conventional)

Equation: - (P/Pi) = (V/Vi) ᴷ

K=0, Constant Power Load

Vi ₌ 415V V ₌ 414V
Pi ₌ 105.3KW P ₌ 105.3*(414/415)⁰ = 105.3KW
PF ₌ 0.9 PF ₌ 0.9
Pi ₌ 117Kva P ₌ 117Kva
Qi ₌ P*tan (ɸ) = 51Kvar Q ₌ P*tan (ɸ) = 51Kvar
I ₌ P/√3*Vi*Cosɸ I ₌ P/√3*V*Cosɸ
162.9A 163.2A

So the voltage decreases, the current increases thereby consuming same power and vice versa.
Constant Current Load

It will maintain constant current with respective of change in voltage.

Eg: VFD, UPS etc.

Constant Current Load – (Polynomial)

Equation: - (P/Pi) = (V/Vi) ᴷ

K=1, Constant Current Load

Vi ₌ 415V V ₌ 414V
Pi ₌ 105.3KW P ₌ 105.3*(414/415)¹ = 105KW
PF ₌ 0.9 PF ₌ 0.9
Pi ₌ 117Kva P ₌ 116.7Kva
Qi ₌ P*tan (ɸ) = 51Kvar Q ₌ P*tan (ɸ) = 50.9Kvar
I ₌ P/√3*Vi*Cosɸ I ₌ P/√3*V*Cosɸ
162.9A 162.9A

So the voltage decreases, the power is decreased at same current.

Constant Impedance Load

It will maintain the constant impedance of the connected load with respective of change in square of the

Constant Impedance Load – (Conventional)

Equation: - (P/Pi) = (V/Vi) ᴷ

K=2, Constant Impedance Load

Vi ₌ 415V V ₌ 414V
Pi ₌ 105.3KW P ₌ 105.3*(414/415)² = 104.7KW
PF ₌ 0.9 PF ₌ 0.9
Pi ₌ 117Kva P ₌ 116.4Kva
Qi ₌ P*tan (ɸ) = 51Kvar Q ₌ P*tan (ɸ) = 50.7Kvar
Combination of ZIP Load (30% Constant Power load, 50% Constant Current Load, 20% Constant
Impedance Load)

Constant of ZIP Load – (Polynomial)

Equation: - (P/Pi) = (V/Vi) ᴷ

K=0, Constant Power Load

K=1, Constant Current Load
K=2, Constant Impedance Load

Vi ₌ 415V V ₌ 414V
Pi ₌ 105.3KW P ₌ 105.3*(0.2*(V/Vi)²+0.5*(V/Vi)¹+0.3*(V/Vi)⁰) = 105KW
PF ₌ 0.9 PF ₌ 0.9
Pi ₌ 117Kva P ₌ 116.7Kva
Qi ₌ P*tan (ɸ) = 51Kvar Q ₌ P*tan (ɸ) = 50.9Kvar

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