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Print Media

Undertaken at


Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the award of

Bachelors of Journalism & Mass Communication (BJMC)

Tecnia Institute of Advanced studies

Supervisor: Mr. Shivendu Rai Submitted by: Nishchay Singh Negi

BA(JMC) 3rd Semester


Evening shift

Roll Number : 00421302421

Batch (2021-2024)


(Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)
Institutional Area, Madhuban Chowk, Rohini, Delhi- 110085, Website:

S No Topic Page No

1 Declaration i

2 Certificate ii

3 Acknowledgement iii

4 Preface iv

5 Executive summary v

6 Chapter 1: Introduction 1

Industry profile 9

Company profile: 14

Organisational structure: 16

7 Chapter 2: Job Prospective & Relevance of Training 18

8 Chapter 3: Job Specific analysis 20

9 Chapter 4: Learning Summary 22

10 Summary and Conclusions 27

11 References/ Bibliography 30

I,Nishchay Singh Negi , roll number 00421302421 certify that this STR entitled ‘Print Media’ is a of my
authentic work carried out at “AANANDI TECHNOSOFT LLP” from 1 st2022August to 30 2022
September. The matter embodied in this report is original.

Countersigned Signature of the Student


I,Nishchay Singh Negi , enrolment Number 00421302421 3 rd semester, Div-A, Evening shift, certify
that the Summer Training Report (BJMC - 209) entitled “Summer Training Report in AANANDI
TECHNOSOFT LLP as a commercial Graphic desinger is done by me and it is an authentic work
carried out by me at Skill Coefficient. The matter embodied in this report has not been submitted
earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of the Student


Certified that the Summer Training Report/ (BJMC - 209)

Done by, Nishchay Singh Negi enrolment number 00421302421 is completed under my guidance.

Signature of the Guide Date:

Name of the Guide: Mr. Shivendu Rai

Designation: Asst. Professor


Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies

New Delhi-110085


I am grateful to this company and its educated team and experts who have been extremely helpful to
me in providing opportunity to participate in my training program as Project Management intern
where I perform different roles like content creation and content editing. The piece of work is
incomplete until, I acknowledge the help and assistance I received during the training.

I pay my sincere gratitude to Mr. Yuvraj Singh Tamrakar for their valuable encouragement, guidance,
unfeigned help and rigid support and without her supervision this work would not have attained its
present shape and my whole team, during that internship period they always helped me.

I express my great regards to Mr. Shivendu Rai(Guide for the reports) of Tecnia Institute of Advanced
studies (TIAS), who provided me valuable suggestions for this training program.

With immense satisfaction I have completed my training.

Nishchay Singh Negi

BA (JMC) 3rd Sem. Evening shift, Div-A

Enrollment number:


This report is a product of my association with communication discipline in theory and practical. In
the ever changing world of communication and media; this report is a result of the practical training I
got in this company for 8 weeks. The report is presented in an understandable pattern.

Looking at communication as an essential feature of human society and print media being the best, I
have explained the print media’s past, present and future with different details about print media
and the organization.

I have addressed two major points in this report. One what is print media and trends, particularly in
India. Two, organization’s profile with the work I did during the training. This helped me to correlate
the knowledge gained at the college level with that in a professional environment.

The work is undertaken with the modest aim to get the feel of real world working situations. To
report the findings about the exposure I got, which is quite different from simulated industry
atmosphere of practical done in the college. The readers of this report will find this report as a
valuable work.


I underwent training in this company for 4 weeks and the training helped me gain practical exposure
and enhanced my journalistic skills.

At this online platform the help of Mr. Yuvraj Singh Tamrakar, I learnt how to work in the
environment of a online platform and the whole work of graphic designer. He gave me many tips like
how to make a good design more effective, how to target your audience and also about the
marketing and advertisement of a poster/ video. I gained a lot of practical exposure which helped me
to improve my skills.

The training here started with 3 days of work with a team to just observe their work and help them in
Graphic Designing , so that trainee can understand each and every aspect of working .

While working in the office, the learning process is totally different from the classroom environment.
The learning is more practical and advanced than the theoretical aspects taught in the classrooms, it
was rather a very friendly environment. The ideology of working in such an environment gives us the
benefit to learn more and more and grow future prospects. They strictly follow the format of their
department. After 3 days I became a part of a team and the task here was given to Design some
poster according to the company’s demand and after getting approval from the seniors we had to
finalise the Poster, edit it and had to be approved it from Yuvraj Singh Tamrakar ( owner)

In my training period I found out some very different and really colourful definitions of what it takes
to be a journalist or photographer But I believe that in order to become a commercial photographer.

Like every other thing training also has its own benefits and limitations. Training helps to get a
practical exposure of all the things taught in the theory sessions and gives the opportunity to work as
content writer, Script writer and proved as a catapult in uplifting existing caliber there .If training has
some benefits then it has certain limitations also. A trainee, in the eyes of media organization is one
who is totally unaware of the practical knowledge and thus he/she is not given any project or
assignment individually earlier as if he\she has more caliber than the people who are already working
from past. He is completely inexperienced so a media organization cannot afford to trust completely
on an intern. It, therefore, becomes difficult for an intern to get his own work. While working in
media organization of repute, it is expected to give your 100% to your work with sincerity but no
stipends are provided.

After the end of the summer training internship, some of the objectives were achieved. The purpose
of the workshop was to put my theoretical knowledge to practical use so that I could enhance my
skills. The work was so organized that it offered me easy access to various source of information, and
at the same time, it offered me a work environment. This environment enabled me to bring out my
leadership qualities and work on my communication, technical skills. It made me even more bold and
outgoing. It helped me a great deal in knowing about the market conditions and where will I stand
after receiving the degree. During the course of my internship, I enhanced my communication skills,
confidence, working skills, personality, Technological Knowledge etc. and all the objectives of the
workshop were fulfilled by my sincere effect and support of my seniors and colleagues in this

Journalism refers to the production and distribution of reports on recent events. The word
journalism applies to the occupation, using methods of gathering information and utilizing literary
techniques. Various forms of journalistic mediums include: print, television, radio, Internet and in
the past: newsreel.

Concepts of the appropriate role for journalism vary between countries. In some nations, the news
media is controlled by government intervention, and is not a fully independent body. In others, the
news media is independent of the government but instead operates as private industry motivated by
profit. In addition to the varying nature of how media organizations are run and funded, countries
may have differing implementations of laws handling the freedom of speech and libel cases.

The advent of the Internet and smartphones has brought significant changes to the media landscape
in recent years. This has created a shift in the consumption of print media channels, as people
increasingly consume news through e-readers, smartphones, and other personal electronic devices,
as opposed to the more traditional formats of newspapers, magazines, or television news channels.
News organizations are challenged to fully monetize their digital wing, as well as improvise on the
context in which they publish in print. Newspapers have seen print revenues sink at a faster pace
than the rate of growth for digital revenues.

While publications reporting news to the general public in a standardized fashion only began to
appear in the 17th century and later, governments as early as Han dynasty China made use of
regularly published news bulletins. Similar publications were established in the Republic of Venice in
the 16th century. These bulletins, however, were intended only for government officials, and thus
were not journalistic news publications in the modern sense of the term.


It is hard to think of a profession of greater public importance than journalism. What journalists
publish and broadcast constitute the chief means whereby citizens inform themselves about public
life in their societies, enabling them to play the role of active participants in democratic life.
Journalism is particularly important as a provider of independent information about government,
and therefore as one of the main checks on the power of the state. It also has the capability to
monitor the activities of large, powerful institution – both profit and non profit- that affect the lives
of the people. Indeed, in this complicated world, it is almost impossible for people to keep informed
about and engaged in public life without the presence of a well-trained and capable press. A well
functioning democracy depends on good journalism. Markets cannot function well without reliable
and timely information provided by a good journalist.


The word "journalism" is often complicated and misinterpreted by many. Most people do not
consider journalism a profession because there isn't a set of guidelines that everybody must pass
and there is no required curriculum for journalists. We live in a time where news is accessed in many
different ways through many different platforms. Bloggers and activists are considered journalists by
many. And this is where the complication of the word lies.

Journalists can not solely be looked at as writers, editors and news anchors. Being a journalist means
being an invisible fourth branch to the government. The Founding Fathers created the First
Amendment in order to protect the press against tyranny. Journalists are expected to be the watch-
dogs of society and to inform the public. It requires a great civic duty and a devotion to truth.
Journalists provide citizens with the information to form their own opinions.

Often times, journalists can lose their credibility due to the vast amount of news sources available to
use today. Many people receive news via Twitter, Facebook or blogs. Would we consider these
people journalists because they are informing the public? Should there be a distinction between
people who study journalism and people who tell the news? Journalists differ from bloggers because
they hold themselves to a higher standard. Journalists must choose their sources, diligently seek out
the truth and always identify sources and their motives.

Citizens depend on journalists to report the fair truth and to maintain an unbiased opinion. The role
of a journalist is to facilitate democracy and it is important to establish who a journalist is for
credibility and professional purposes. We live in a world where clickbait is considered a form of
"journalism," when the press used to be of huge importance a century ago. Society is making it
harder for journalists to remain credible. The world needs journalists because they are committed to
finding truth and protecting citizens.

Here are six roles the modern journalist should serve:

The Ethical Role. Yes, journalists get bashed about because of real and imagined lapses in
ethics, but the challenge now is to raise the bar on professional ethics, and then provide ethical
guidance to today’s participatory audience. We should deal more swiftly and transparently with
ethical errors within the profession, but we should also provide teaching tools on information
ethics, what ethics means and why it’s important, and how to spot compromised ethics.

The Guide/Filter Role. Editors and reporters should assume some responsibility for
providing their audiences with pointers to the best stuff on the web, be it the best-reported of the
important news or the most interesting and entertaining articles and videos. In a command-and-
control environment, we cared only about directing people to what we ourselves did. Now our
role is to help audiences sift through the glut of information assaulting them daily by providing
pointers. This is the value-add role, and if done right it can help overcome the digital-age
tendency for people to focus too narrowly on their own interests. If done well, it will bring more
people to your site or publication.

The Understanding and Context Role. Why should the best bloggers get to have all
the fun? The best journalists should become the best bloggers. I know many really, really smart
reporters and editors. These people should have blogs, and they should serve readers better by

taking the news of the day and putting it in context, combing articles for the tidbits that need to
be weaved together to make a bigger whole, and explaining what it all means.

The Conversation Leader Role. Already, our news reports start a lot of conversations
with our without our consent. The conversation-starter role should become explicit in our job
descriptions. Once started, we should guide it. We should thank and encourage the good
contributors, and depreciate the bad contributors We should highlight the smartest things
people say. We should provide our own insights and supplemental knowledge to any
conversation we find. We should be full participants, not just the lurking overlords of top-down

The Aggregator Role. We should aggressively gather data related to the communities we
serve. We should make sure that anything that is knowable about a community we serve is
findable through resources we provide. While in the Guide/Filter Role we might provide
pointers, in the Aggregator Role, we make data available and let people find it for themselves.
This is a role that serves the long tail of information, because we never know what other
individuals might find useful, important or necessary.

The Straight News Role. We cannot, even if we wanted to, and should not, cede our
professional responsibilities to uncover news. We must know about everything important going
on in the communities that we serve, and we should strive to be the first to tell our communities
about the important news of the moment (note: no longer of the day, but of the moment). We
must still be out in our communities gathering facts and organizing them in a way that is
relevant and useful and then reporting the most important facts to our communities.


In India print media has been closely associated with the freedom struggle. In the 19 th century, the
press fought for the information of and the right to criticize.

The evolution of Newspapers in India is with the introduction of ‘Bengal Gazette’ started by James
Augustus Hicky in 1780 from Calcutta as a weekly two sheet paper. This Newspaper paved the way
for Indian freedom struggle and the fight against the social evils in India by the way of revolutionary
and enlightening writings. Very soon other Newspapers such as Calcutta Chronicle, Madras Courier,
and Bombay Herald, Bombay Courier, Bombay Gazette entered into the scene and the Newspapers
in Hindi and other regional languages also started flourishing in the various parts of the nation.
Bengal was the birth place of Journalism in India and the language press. ‘Samachar Darpan’ was the
first Indian language Newspaper which was a Bengali weekly newspaper introduced in 1818 and the
first periodical of India in

Indian language was ‘Dig Darshan’ in Bangla language started in the same year. ‘Eenadu’ was a
Telugu daily which was started by Ramoji Rao, first Gujarati Newspaper was ‘Bombay Samachar’
which still exists and is considered as the oldest living Indian Newspaper of India.


It is hard to think of a profession of greater public importance than journalism. What journalists
publish and broadcast constitute the chief means whereby citizens inform themselves about public
life in their societies, enabling them to play the role of active participants in democratic life.
Journalism is particularly important as a provider of independent information about government,
and therefore as one of the main checks on the power of the state. It also has the capability to
monitor the activities of large, powerful institution – both profit and non profit- that affect the lives
of the people. Indeed, in this complicated world, it is almost impossible for people to keep informed
about and engaged in public life without the presence of a well-trained and capable press. A well
functioning democracy depends on god journalism. Markets cannot function well without reliable
and timely information provided by a good journalist. Journalists can not solely be looked at as
writers, editors and news anchors. Being a journalist means being an invisible fourth branch to the
government. The Founding Fathers created the First Amendment in order to protect the press
against tyranny. Journalists are expected to be the watch-dogs of society and to inform the public. It
requires a great civic duty and a devotion to truth. Journalists provide citizens with the information
to form their own opinions.


Earlier, science was power, but today information is that power by which we can secure ourselves
against danger and also get knowledge about environment. Journalism means,
“collecting is information” so it is also that medium by which we can get information from the world.


1. The collecting, writing, editing and presenting of news or news articles in newspapers and
magazines and in radio and television broadcasts.

2. Material written for publication in a newspaper or magazine or for broadcast.

3. The style of writing characteristic of material in newspapers and magazines, consisting of

direct presentation of facts or occurrences with little attempt at analysis interpretation.

4. Newspapers and magazines.

5. An academic course training students in journalism.

6. Written material of current interest or wide popular appeal.

Journalism has two major components :

 Reporting

 Editing


By reporting, we mean collection or gathering of facts about

Current events or background material required for a news story or feature. Reporters do it
through interviews, investigations and observation. Reporters are given directions by editors to
cover a particular event, known as assignments. They may be general assignments or special
ones. Reporters write the news stories, which are called copies. Let us consider an example.
Now read the following. “Prime Minister declared that the yields from the explosion are in line
with expected values. Date May 11, 1998. India steps short of declaring itself a nuclear weapon
state. It conducts three nuclear explosions .It was in Pokhran that India exploded its first nuclear
device on May 18, 1974. Code of the operation was Smiling Buddha. May 11 was Buddha
Jayanti. The code this time was Operation Sakthi. This time the explosions include a fusion
device, a low yield device and a thermo nuclear device”. A reporter should write with clarity,
objectivity and accuracy. A reporter who covers a particular area or subject specialises in that.


Reporters get news stories from various sources. The following are the main sources:

a) Listening: A reporter can get good stories by listening to others. While traveling in a bus,
the reporter overhears the conversation between two passengers. “Did you go to the town
today? There was a terrible accident. A school bus overturned. Twenty children were taken
to hospital.” By listening to this, the reporter gets a clue to a story. He now has to find out
more details of the accident. Which school bus was involved? How many children were
injured? Were there any casualties ? In which hospital were they been admitted? The
reporter goes to the accident site to collect all this information. The reporter’s job does not
end there. He has to inform the photographer about the accident. The next day’s
newspaper should also carry some good photographs about the accident.

b) Covering events : “India-Pakistan cricket Test in Mumbai”, “ Kumbhmela in Haridwar”, “

International Film Festival in Goa “, these are all events. Reporters cover these events for
their publications, channels or new bulletins. The coverage depends upon the importance
and magnitude of the event. A small panchayat level meeting will be covered locally,
whereas a state level function will get wider coverage. If it is a national event, it will receive
nationwide attention.

c) Press conferences: Another major source of news is the press conference. Leaders of
political parties hold press conferences regularly. Ministers also hold press conferences to
announce various programmes and policies of the government.
Business houses arrange press conferences to launch their new products. Organisations and
Associations also held press briefings.

d) Reports and statements: These are another major sources of news items. Various
commissions and committees submit their reports to the Government which are a goldmine

as far as news reporters are concerned. Statements or press releases by leaders and
businessmen also make news.

e) Parliament and Assemblies: Parliament and state assemblies when in session generate lot
of news. Questions in both the houses of parliament, proceedings, calling attentions, zero-
hour mentions, debates and various acts passed by the parliament also make news. The
general budget and railway budget are presented in parliament. State budgets are
presented in state assemblies.

f) Police sources: The police are in charge of law and order. So the police always maintain a
close vigil about various activities of citizens. Reporters get details about crime, accidents
etc. from police sources.

g) Interviews: Interviewing people connected with an event or incident is a very common

practice used by reporters to get details. Television reporters take the opinion of people
which are called reactions. Occasionally, reporters of newspapers and channels conduct
long interviews with important people.


A person who edits is called an editor. By editing, we mean preparing a news report for
publication, telecast or broadcast. Editing is a process by which a report is read, corrected,
modified, value-added, polished, improved and made better for publication. Condensation is
also part of editing. Try and read the following. Do you find it easy to read? May 11, 1998. “India
conducts three nuclear explosions at its Pokhran nuclear test site. These include a fusion device,
a low yield device and a thermo nuclear device. Prime Minister declares that the yields from the
explosions are in line with expected values. India stops short of declaring itself a nuclear
weapon state. On May 18, 1974 India exploded its first nuclear device, code named Smiling
Buddha. After about a quarter century, on Buddha Jayanti day, May 11, 1998, Operation Sakthi
was carried out. The copy of the report has been improved by the editor and is therefore easier
to read and understand. The editor also decides whether photographs or other images or
graphs should be used along with the report. A good editor needs creative skills, command over
the language, ideas to improve the copy ,and correct judgement about how much importance
should be given to a particular news item.

The editor is a person who edits. An editor supervises the reporters and improves his reports for
publication. An editor also plans about what to report, how to cover and the relative
importance to be given to each story. In a newspaper, the top post is that of a Chief Editor. The
Chief Editor or Editor heads all departments in a newspaper and is in charge of the overall
supervision. Next to this post, there are managing editors. For assisting him, there are assistant
managing editors or deputy managing editors. Then there are news editors. They are directly in
charge of the news desks. The desk is the place where reports are edited and sent for printing.
Under the news editors are chief sub editors or desk chiefs. Once the news editor selects the
reports to be published, the desk chief gives that to sub editors under him to polish, correct,
edit, put a headline, select the type phase and add pictures or graphs if required. This is the
main process of editing. Modern newspapers have editors for every section. The sports editor
looks after sports news. The feature editor looks after the features section. Picture editors are in

charge of photographers. Like that business editors look after business news. Then there are
city editors who are in charge of the local area. In big cities they are called metro editors.


• To Present an item or piece in a summarized or concise form

• To enhance the clarity of items

• To increase the understanding or comprehension of the item

• To ensure coherence of thought in news item

• To maintain consistency or continuity in the news coverage

• To make the item readable and interesting

• To put the item in a presentable manner

• To ensure that the item is in a good taste


The beginning of human communication through designed channels, i.e. not vocalization or gestures,
dates back to ancient cave paintings, drawn maps, and writing.
The Persian Empire played an important role in the field of communication. It has the first real mail
or postal system, which is said to have been developed by the Persian emperor Cyrus the Great
after his conquest of Medes. The role of the system as an intelligence gathering apparatus is well
documented, and the service was (later) called angariae, a term that in time turned to indicate a tax
system. The Old Testament makes mention of this system: Ahasuerus, king of Medes, used couriers
for communicating his decisions
The word communication is derived from the Latin root communicare. This was due to the Roman
Empire also devising what might be described as a mail or postal system, in order to centralize
control of the empire from Rome. This allowed for personal letters and for Rome to gather
knowledge about events in its many widespread provinces. More advanced postal systems later
appeared in the Islamic Caliphate and the Mongol Empire during the Middle Ages.
The term media in its modern application relating to communication channels is traced back to its
first use as such by Canadian communications theorist Marshall McLuhan, who stated in Counterblas
(1954): "The media are not toys; they should not be in the hands of Mother Goose and Peter Pan
executives. They can be entrusted only to new artists, because they are art forms." By the mid-
1960s, the term had spread to general use in North America and the United Kingdom. (Mass media,
in contrast, was, according to H.L. Mencken, used as early as 1923 in the United States.
Media technology has made viewing increasingly easier as time has passed throughout history.
Children today are encouraged to use media tools in school and are expected to have a general
understanding of the various technologies available. The internet is arguably one of the most
effective tools in media for communication tools such as e-mail, Skype, and Facebook have brought
people closer together and created new online communities. However, some may argue that certain
types of media can hinder face-to-face. Therefore, it is an important source of communication.
In a large consumer-driven society, electronic media (such as television) and print media (such as
newspapers) are important for distributing advertisement media. More technologically advanced
societies have access to goods and services through newer media than less technologically advanced
societies. In addition to this "advertising" role, media is nowadays a tool to share knowledge all
around the world. Analysing the evolution of medium within the society, Popkin assesses the
important role of media, by building connection between politics, culture and economic life and the
society: for instance periodical newspaper has been an opportunity to first advertise and second to
be up-to-date with current foreign affairs or the nation economic situation. In the meantime,
Willinsky was promoting the role of modern technology as a way to come across cultural, gender,
national barriers. He saw in internet an opportunity to establish a fair and equal system of
knowledge: as internet may be accessible to anyone, any published information may be read and
consulted by anyone. Therefore, internet is a sustainable solution to overcome the "gap" between
developed and developing countries as both will get a chance to learn from each other. Canagarajah
is addressing the issue of unbalanced relations between the North and South countries, asserting
that Western countries tend to impose their own ideas on developing countries. Therefore, internet
is way to re-establish balance, by for instance enhance publication of newspaper, academic journal
from developing countries. Christen is the one who created a system that provide access to

knowledge and protect people's customs and culture. Indeed, in some traditional societies, some
genders cannot have access to a certain type of knowledge therefore respecting these customs limit
the scope of dissemination but still allow the diffusion of knowledge. Within this process of
dissemination, media would play a role of "intermediaries", that is say translation an academic
research into a journalistic format, accessible by lay audience. Consequently, media is a modern
form of communication aiming at spreading knowledge within the whole world, regardless any form
of discrimination.
Media, through media and communications psychology, has helped to connect diverse people from
far and near geographical location. It has also helped in the aspect of on-line or Internet businesses
and other activities that have an on-line version. All media intended to affect human behaviour is
initiated through communication and the intended behaviour is couched in psychology. Therefore,
understanding media and communications psychology is fundamental in understanding the social
and individual effects of media. The expanding field of media and communications psychology
combines these established disciplines in a new way.


Media of India consist of several different types of Indian communications media: television, radio,
cinema, newspapers, magazines, and Internet-based Web sites. Many of the media are controlled by
large, for-profit corporations which reap revenue from advertising, subscriptions, and sale of
copyrighted material. India also has a strong music and film industry. India has more than 70,000
newspapers and over 1600 satellite channels and is the biggest newspaper market in the world -
over 100 million copies sold each day .
The first Indian media were established in the late 19th century with the newspaper Hicky's Bengal
Gazette, founded in 1780. Auguste and Louis Lumièremoving pictures were screened in Bombay
during July 1895; and radio broadcasting began in 1927. Indian media—private media in particular—
have been "free and independent" throughout most of their history.[4] The period of emergency
(1975–1977), declared by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, was the brief period when India's media
were faced with potential government retribution.

Currently India publishes about 1,000 Hindi Dailies that have a total circulation of about 80 million
copies. English, the second language in terms of number of daily newspapers, has about 250 dailies
with a circulation of about 40 million copies. [12] The prominent Hindi newspapers are Dainik Jagran,
Dainik Bhaskar, Amar Ujala, Navbharat Times, Hindustan Dainik, Prabhat Khabar, Rajasthan
Patrika, and Nai Dunia.
In terms of readership, Dainik Jagran is the most popular Hindi daily with a total readership (TR) of
54,583,000, according to IRS Round One 2009. Dainik Bhaskar is the second most popular with a
total readership of 33,500,000. Amar Ujala with TR of 28,674,000, Hindustan Dainik with TR of
26,769,000 and Rajasthan Patrika with a TR of 14,051,000 are placed at the next three positions.
The total readership of Top 10 Hindi dailies is estimated at 188.68 million, nearly five times of Top 10
English dailies that have 38.76 million total readership.

The prominent English newspapers are The Times of India, founded in 1838 as The Bombay Times
and Journal of Commerce by Bennett, Coleman and Co. Ltd, a colonial enterprise now owned by an
Indian conglomerate; The Times Group. The Hindustan Times was founded in 1924 during the Indian
Independence Movement ('Hindustan' being the historical name of India), it is published by HT
Media Ltd. The Hindu was founded in 1878 by a group known as Triplicane Six consisting of four law
students and two teachers in Madras (now Chennai), it is now owned by The Hindu Group.
In the 1950s 214 daily newspapers were published in the country. Out of these, 44 were English
language dailies while the rest were published in various regional and national languages. [4] This
number rose to 3,805 dailies in 1993 with the total number of newspapers published in the country
reached 35,595.



When deciding upon a newspaper in which to advertise, there are three physical criteria to consider:
distribution, size, and audience. Newspapers are either daily or weekly, come in a standard or
tabloid size, and reach a large percentage of the reading public. Because of the broad demographic
reach of most newspapers it is difficult to target a specific audience; however, newspapers are
effective in increasing awareness of a business' products and services in a specific geographical area.

Types of ads placed in newspapers include: display ads, classified ads, public notes, and preprinted
inserts. Newspaper ads have some flexibility in their size. For instance, some are small boxes that
take up only a small portion of a page, while others might span one or two full pages (the latter,
however, are typically only bought by larger corporations). Regardless of this flexibility, newspaper
ads can only use limited special effects, such as font size and color. These limitations lead to
advertising "clutter" in newspapers because all the ads look very similar. Therefore, advertisers must
use original copy and headings to differentiate their ads from those of their competitors. The quick
turnover of newspapers also allows the advertiser to adjust ads to meet new market conditions;
however, this turnover means that the same ad may need to be inserted over a significant period of
time in order to reach its target audience.


With magazines an advertiser can focus on a specific target audience. As the Small Business
Administration pointed out in Advertising Your Business: "Audiences can be reached by placing ads
in magazines which have [a] well-defined geographic, demographic, or lifestyle focus." An attractive
option for many small businesses may be placing an ad in the localized edition of a national
magazine. But magazine advertisements often have a lag time of a couple of months between the
purchase of ad space and the publication of the issue in question. Magazines, then, are sometimes
not the optimum option for businesses seeking to target fast-changing market trends.

In addition to the above factors, it is also important to consider the nature of the magazine ad copy.
Magazines allow elaborate graphics and colours, which give advertisers more creative options than
do newspapers. Also, recent surveys have indicated that informative ads are the most persuasive.

Therefore, it is important to include copy and art work that are direct and that present important
product information to the consumer, such as how the product works, how it benefits the consumer,
and where it can be purchased.

Direct Mail

Many consultants feel that direct mail is the best way for a small business to begin developing
awareness in its target consumers. Mailing lists can be generated (even though they are often
difficult to maintain) with the names of those people most likely to purchase the advertiser's
products or services. However, direct mail is not always cost effective. A direct mailing campaign can
cost as much as $1,000 to reach 1,000 people, whereas television can reach a similar number of
potential customers at a fraction of that cost. But business experts indicate that direct mail does
tend to generate more purchasing responses than does television, and they observe that the
products of many small businesses are often more suited to a direct mailing campaign than to
indirect, image advertising.

Yellow Pages

The Small Business Administration stated in "Advertising Your Business" that a yellow page ad is
often used to "complement or extend the effects of advertising placed in other media." Such an ad
has permanence and can be used to target a specific geographic area or community. Essentially, a
yellow page ad gives the consumer information needed to make a purchase. Therefore the key
information to include in such an ad includes: the products and services available; location; phone
number; business hours; special features, such as the acceptable kinds of payment (i.e., credit cards,
checks); parking availability; discounts; and delivery policies and emergency services. The best way
to arrange this information is in a list, so that the consumer will be able to scan the ad for the
desired information.

A major consideration with a yellow page ad is where to place it, which primarily depends on the
directory (or category) under which businesses choose to locate their ads. Central to this choice are
the products or services that the company wishes to emphasize. The ad copy should complement
the directory, indicating the main products and services for sale, so that the ad will emerge from the
similar looking ads that surround it.

Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor advertising usually comes in two forms: billboards and transit posters. Like yellow page ads,
outdoor advertising is usually used to support advertisements placed in other media. One of the
greatest strengths of outdoor advertising is as a directional marker to point customers toward your
business. Since the prospective consumer often has only fleeting exposure to billboards and transit
posters, the advertising copy written for these media needs to be brief with the ability to
communicate ideas at a glance. To do this well one must use graphics and headings efficiently and


ADDRESS: it’s a online platform

Type OF ORGANIZATION: Studio at local level


1. IMPROVING SKILLS: That internship helps me in improving my skills and techniques in

designing logo and poster

2. UNDERSTANDING JOB PROSPPECTS: Any internship doubtlessly helps intern to

gather up knowledge about the commitment and qualities required for the job.
3. DEVELOP CONTACTS: It helps in developing the contacts in the production house and
others too, this might be helpful in later stages of our careers.
4. ENHANCES THE OVERALL PERSONALITY: To broaden the horizon by further
enhancing total personality and leadership quality.

5. VALUABLE WORK: Work experience is always a treasure for any person and thus it
provides add on to each individual’s resume.
6. TARGET AUDIENCE: That internship period also gives me the knowledge about the
audience, how to target your audience etc;.


This internship was the good experience. As I have done a lot of work and I have interacted with
many people in this internship. There were people of different levels and I have learned a lot
from the company. It was true that experience is the best teacher. It has been an enriching
experience for me to undergo my summer training. The meaning of training is to learn a skill. Its
is an act of increasing the knowledge and skills for doing a job. My small tenure at India Today
has put me into the existing environment where actual challenges appear when we have to face
reality. I mainly focused on script writing, video making and direction.


It is true that “Experience is best teacher”. It has been an enriching experience for me to undergo my
summer training at AANANDI TECHNOSOFT LLP Pvt Ltd. The meaning of training is "to learn a skill".
It’s an act of increasing the knowledge and skills for doing a job. My small tenure at AANANDI
TECHNOSOFT LLP Pvt Ltd has put me into the existing environment where actual challenges appear
when we must face reality. All the

software/program/procedures based on the concepts I had already learned during my course, but
there are lot more things involved in developing a live application (that is to be used by some
business organization) and those things can be learned only from a good company’s productive
environment like which are never taught at classes. Training helped me to learn things that are
available only at actual environment and working on a live project.

During my initial period in training, I mainly focused on:

Rewriting is editing that involves writing something again. This rewriting is necessary to change the
monotony of reading the same text again and again.

We rewrite to organize the writing. That is, it deals with one subject, and its sentences flow from one
to the other. When sentences are broken up, the logical subjects can become disorganized and the
sentence flow and unity lost. This may make the writing harder to comprehend. This is only one
aspect of the bad consequences of sentence slicing and word shrinking.


Another point is that people find text more readable when it is in the form they are used to. So,
different faculties might prefer certain styles and find these easier to read than other styles. People
with a high reading level (reading age may find material of a lower level harder to read and


The upshot of this is that text identified as being hard to read should be improved by rewriting in the
normal way (that is, using the techniques of good writing). Of course, shorter words and expressions
should be sought, but the organization of the text should be reviewed to ensure it is clearly on one
subject and the sentences flow easily.

Other aspects include sentence variety. Effective text written for one grade level might contain
sentences more appropriate to a much higher-grade level. When such sentences occur among other,
shorter and easier sentences, they do not detract from the readability of the writing. If the sentences
were reduced in size, the flow and organization of the writing would be lost. So, mechanically
chopping sentences so they are all of the same length would have disastrous effects on the
readability of the text.

So, while rewriting text, you might replace longer words with shorter ones and break long sentences
into shorter ones, but you also need to review your writing to ensure it retains the qualities of good
writing. Sometimes a sentence needs to be made longer to keep the unity and flow of the text.


Data collection is a term used to describe a process of preparing and collecting data - for example as
part of a process improvement or similar project. The purpose of data collection is to obtain
information to keep on record, to make decisions about important issues, to pass information on to
others. Primarily, data is collected to provide information regarding a specific topic.
Data collection usually takes place early on in an improvement project, and is often formalized
through a data collection plan which often contains the following activity.

● Pre collection activity – Agree goals, target data, definitions, methods

● Collection – data collection
● Present Findings – usually involves some form of sorting] analysis and/or presentation.


Job analysis is a family of procedures to identify the content of a job in terms of activities involved
and attributes or job requirements needed to perform the activities. Job analysis provides
information of organizations which helps to determine which employees are best fit for specific jobs.
Through job analysis, the analyst needs to understand what the important tasks of the job are, how
they are carried out, and the necessary human qualities needed to complete the job successfully.
Being a summer trainee, I never worked like a trainee in AANANDI TECHNOSOFT LLP Pvt Ltd, rather
involved myself in the environment as a junior or assisting to the seniors. I worked with positive
attitude with eagerness to learn and adapt the things quickly.

I have done my internship in AANANDI TECHNOSOFT LLP Pvt Ltd, during my 8-week internship I
worked in the Editing desk of AANANDI TECHNOSOFT LLP Pvt Ltd,was given an opportunity to work
in different departments like news, and business during my 8-week Internship.


In 1st week I select my profession as Professional editor and then register it after that I get my
posting training.


Around the 2nd week I have learned the some shourtcuts used in graphic desinging which makes it
look more attractive and help me to engage my target audience.


In week 3rd I have learned the post processing of images held in this week. By this I learned that how
my images get better and what kind of images does the audience likes to attract them and help me
to engage my target audience.


In the 4th week I learned about how to reach to the audience through which I can get to know about
my target audience and this help me to know that what my audience want from me. And within this
week I’ve been posting my images on my photography page at social media platforms and I’ve
learned about social media optimization.

Every task is aim-oriented. A focused goal and an optimistic approach towards any work is the
foremost thing behind a successful accomplishment. My internship at company was also a goal-
oriented exposure; I also simultaneously fulfilled my objectives, which are:

• To get a practical training at a professional organization, a requirement according to the

university’s directives.
• To develop skills and techniques in reporting and editing.
• To gain awareness of overall industry and it’s functioning.  To learn first-hand experience
about how a company works.
• To develop contacts in industry, this might be helpful in later stages of our careers.
• To get the feel of real world working situation, which is quite different from the stimulated
industry atmosphere of practical training in the college
• Knowing the entire structure, getting familiar with all tasks which are done right from
gathering information to script making video shooting, editing and marketing aspects..

Yuvraj Singh Tamrakar photography me in completion of all the objectives at ones.

The environment that I worked in was not only soothing but doesn’t make me sit in any unfamiliar
environment. The colleagues were really helpful. I got to know new people from the field and made
new contacts. The office staff made us comfortable. Instead of a pure office environment it was
friendlier to work in. It provides needed knowledge, attitude and skills.

When I started this course I had no idea that “JOURNALISM” involves and what exactly film
making is a lot more than writing on desks or covering an event or sitting in front of the camera and
speaking incoherently about whatever has been written on the script. In my training period I found
out some very different and really colourful definitions of what it takes to be a journalist or a
director. But I think in order to become a good journalist one has to have certain skills. First and
foremost one should have an excellent communication skill.

Be it writing or speaking it is the most important thing to have while we are present in the field.
Only through these skills we will be able to accomplish most of our work. A curious and inquisitive
mind, empathy, patience and understanding creativity are a must too. More than just working “you”
one has to work for the team, the viewer, all the time keeping in mind the expectations that they

The responsibilities which were given to me, which were not many or rather the training that I
received in the organization taught me some very basic things. Just as:
• I learnt that no matter what one can never delay deadlines.
• One can never improvise facts. Facts have to be confirmed and genuine always.
• Most important was that there is no alternative to “HARDWORK”


Training and development is simply defined as ‘the formal, ongoing efforts that are made within an
organization to improve the performance of its employees’. Training and development can also be
described as ‘an educational process which involves the sharpening of skills, concepts, changing of
attitude and gaining more knowledge to enhance the performance of employees. While new
methods are under continuous development, several common training methods have proved to be
highly effective. Some notable examples include orientations, class room lectures, case studies, role
playing, simulations and computer based training. Training and development programs may be
focused on individual performance or team performance. In order to maximize the effectiveness of
training and development program, organizations must constantly assess and identify their
employees’ current training and development needs to prepare them for their next positions to
achieve higher growth. Organizations have to recognize that different employees will have different
needs and these needs will change over the time as these workers continue in their careers. When
the organization invests in improving the knowledge and skills of its employees, the investment is
returned in the form of more productive and effective employees. In nutshell Training is crucial for
organizational development and its success which is indeed fruitful to both employers and
employees of an organization. Here are some important benefits of training and development.

Increased productivity: Training and development directly improves efficiency and productivity of
employees. Employees remain up to date with new technology and thus use existing ones in a better
way. Well trained employees show both quantity and quality performance. There is less wastage of
time, money and resources when employees are properly trained.

Less supervision: Training improves necessary skill sets in employees and empowers them to
address tasks independently. In other words a well trained employee will be well acquainted with
the job and hence they need less of supervision.

Reduction of errors & accidents: Most of the errors occur because of many employees lack the
desired knowledge and precise skills required for doing a particular job. Continuous Training and
development ensures that employees get the right skills at right time .The more trained an employee
is, the less are the chances of committing errors in job.

Talent pool: Creating a pool of cross-trained employees helps to bridge gaps when someone
unexpectedly leaves the company - or if they accept a transfer or a promotion. Employees can be

trained on a minor additional skill in sales, customer service, administration and operations. Cross-
training also fosters team spirit, as employees appreciate the challenges faced by co-workers.

Uncover employee potential: Most of the companies overlook the hidden talent of their employees,
Training and development provides a catalytic platform for employees to share their ideas with
management. It has been proved that some employees might be yearning for a leadership role
within the business, but because there is no leadership development program in place, these
individuals don’t get the chance to prove their ability or further develop these hidden skills. Allowing
employees to attend these programs helps to spot the leaders of tomorrow within current work

Job satisfaction: Training and development makes the employees feel more satisfied with the role
they play in the company or organization. This is driven by the great ability they gain to execute their
duties. They feel they belong to the company or the organization that they work for and the only
way to reward it is giving the best services they can.

Reduction of turnover and absenteeism: Employee turnaround costs time and money. Training
creates a feeling of confidence in the minds of the employees. It gives them a security at the
workplace. As a result, labour turnover and absenteeism rates are reduced.

Address employee weaknesses: Most of the employees have certain weaknesses in their
workplace, which hinder them from giving the best outputs. Training assists in eliminating these
weaknesses, by strengthening workers skills and dissolving inner barriers. A wellorganized
development program helps employees gain analogous skills and knowledge, thus bringing them all
to an advanced uniform level. This simply means that the whole workforce is reliable, so the
company or organization doesn’t have to rely only on specific employees.

Increased consistency: A well-organized training and development program gives employees

constant knowledge and experience. Access to regular training ensures that all employees have a
consistent experience and consistent knowledge of tasks and procedures, something which is
particularly important when it comes to basic company policies and procedures. Ensuring that all
employees have consistent knowledge also helps to ensure that tasks are completed on time and
without issues, and there are no questions to be asked about how things should be done. Safety,
discrimination and administrative chores should be crucial tasks which require training. This mostly
includes administrative procedures and ethics during execution of duty.

Reduction in learning time: Systematic training through trained instructors is essential to reduce
the training period. If the employees learn through trial and error, they will take a longer time and
even may not be able to learn right methods of doing work. Here training takes care of all these
things in a compact manner and reduces the time frame of self-learning significantly.

Team spirit: Training and Development helps in instilling the sense of team work, team spirit, and
inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the employees.

Skills Development: Training and development helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills of
employees at each level. It helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall
personality of the employees.

Optimum resource utilization: Training and Development significantly helps to provide an

opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources' technical and

behavioural skills in an organization which ultimately results in optimum resource utilization,
moreover it also helps the employees in attaining personal growth.

In addition to above scenarios training and development leads to improved profitability and more
positive attitudes towards profit orientation, it also aids in organizational development

i.e. organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving. Training and development
helps in understanding and carrying out organizational policies thereby developing leadership skills,
motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful employees and managers
usually display. Training and development demonstrates a commitment to keeping employees on
the cutting edge of knowledge and practice.


Like every other thing training also have its own benefits and limitations.

The advantages or benefits of training are as follows:

• Training helps to get a practical exposure of all the things taught in the theory sessions.
• Training also gives the opportunity to work Editors and proved as a catapult in uplifting
existing calibre there.
• Training provides required awareness, information, and knowledge about the subject
• Training situation ensures a forum, where the trainers and the trainees share the subject
related experiences, problems encountered, queries and respective solution.
• Training helps in attaining the professionalism for practical application of present level of


If training has some benefits then it has certain limitations also. These limitations are as follows:
• A trainee, in the eyes of media organization is one who is totally unaware of the practical
knowledge and thus he is not given any project or assignment individually. He is completely
inexperienced so a media organization cannot afford to trust completely on an intern. It, therefore,
becomes difficult for an intern to get his own work telecast.
• The other limitation is that getting credit for your work is very difficult, if not impossible,
when under a senior, as today no one gives you a way of success so easily.
• As the work was desk work only so there was no flexibility of time and many times the
guides asked us to come on extra days too.
• While working in media organization of repute, it is expected to give your 100% to your work
with sincerity but no stipends are provided.

If I am offered to join the same company in future I would like to make the working more
flexible. What I felt while working there was that the pressure has been put suddenly on a group
of some people. That burden needed to be removed by distributing the amount of work to a
more people. The work is deadline based but many times they are hurried to present the
proposals early. As the desks are also surrounded by other companies there is a state of

confusion while working so I would like to make that environment more easy and comfortable.
But working there is fun in its own sense.

Although some type of training for employees is essential for almost any business, employers must
consider the potential drawbacks or disadvantages that training employees can have on the
company, existing staff and bottom line. Companies can use a variety of ways to train employees,
such as on-the-job training or classroom training, but all of them present a few problems for
employers. Before you choose a training method, explore the disadvantages -- and a couple of
advantages -- of training and development in human resource management. One of the biggest
potential problems with employee training is the cost of the process. If you handle the training
internally, it costs money because you have to pay one of your employees for training instead of
doing productive work. If you use an outside trainer, you have to pay him for his time.

You could send your employees to a seminar or training conference in another location, which also
can represent a substantial cost for the company. If an employee is very talented at her job, you
might think that she would make a good trainer for new employees. Unfortunately, this is not always
the case. Being able to train employees is a special skill and not everyone has this ability. When it
comes to using an employee to train other employees, you might move someone out of her comfort
zone and she may be unable to train the new employees as you need them to be trained. On the
other hand, if she's not just a talented worker, but also enthusiastic about the company and a great
communicator, she may pass the interview stage. For high-level positions, you're better off hiring a
corporate trainer with a bachelor or graduate degree.

When you delegate the training of new employees to a particular employee or trainer, you have to
be very careful with regard to what the new employees are learning. If the trainer does not do the
job as you want it to be done, your new employees might end up picking up some bad habits along
the way. This could make your entire business perform at a level that is less than acceptable from
your point of view, but the employees would not know it.

Using traditional training methods, such as manuals or videos may not be effective, if they're dated,
uninteresting or not engaging. Consider blending updated, online interactive training models with in-
person training to achieve better results, save time and cut costs.


TRAINING helps students to get a practical experience of all the skills of journalism, video making,
Direction, Script making and in having hand-on experience if maximum number of things. Training
also gives us the opportunity to work with industry professionals and to prove our calibre there. I
have learnt a lot during my training period.

• I learnt writing as a script writer. There are several points which have to be keeping
in mind while writing that do not try to put many ideas, and many goner into a single script try to
stick to the idea.
• I learnt the tact of communicating with people when I was having conversation with
the client and the actors. I have also learnt that to be good in this field you require certain basic
qualifications or skills which are as follows:

• Have excellent writing skills, and awareness of the need for factual and legal
• Have good listening and questioning skills.
• Have a creative mind.
• Have a Technical knowledge.
• Have an enquiring mind with good observational skills.
• Be self-confident and have the ability to put people at ease.
• Have the ability to absorb information quickly.
• Be determined and persistent.
• Be able to work under pressure and tight deadlines..
• Be an enthusiastic team leader.

These skills are not mentioned in any book by any teacher in classroom. They are learnt by
working in this profession, by joining and working in a media house .one has to be well rounded and
mentally and emotionally developed person. A person should be one who can handle himself/herself
in any situation that might arise.

In my training period I found out some very different and really colourful definitions of what it takes
to be a journalist. But I believe that in order to become a good writer has to have certain skills.

Like every other thing training also have its own benefits and limitations. Training helps to get a
practical exposure of all the things taught in the theory sessions and gives the opportunity to work as
Director and proved as a catapult in uplifting existing calibre there .If training has some benefits then
it has certain limitations also. A trainee, in the eyes of media agency is one who is totally unaware of
the practical knowledge and thus he is not given any project or assignment individually. He/she is
completely inexperienced so a media organization cannot afford to trust completely on an intern. It,
therefore, becomes difficult for an intern to get his own work telecast. While working in media
organization of repute, it is expected to give your 100% to your work with sincerity but no stipends
are provided.

After the end of the summer training internship, some of the objectives were achieved. The purpose
of the workshop was to put my theoretical knowledge to practical use so that I could enhance my
skills. The work was so organized that it offered me easy access to various source of information, and
at the same time, it offered me a work environment. This environment enabled me to bring out my
leadership qualities and work on my communication skills. It made me even more bold and outgoing.
It helped me a great deal in knowing about the market conditions and where will I stand after
receiving the degree. During the course of my internship, I enhanced my communication skills,
confidence, working skills, personality, etc. and all the objectives of the workshop were fulfilled by
my sincere effect and support of my seniors and colleagues in this company.


If I am offered to join the same studio in future I would like to make the working more flexible. What
I felt while working there was that the pressure has been put suddenly on a group of some people.
That burden needed to be removed by distributing the amount of work to a more people not on a
single one. The work is deadline based but many times they are hurried to present the proposals
early.. But working there is fun in its own sense.




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