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the colour of rain


where are they

looking away

beyond the unbounded mineral windows

of all earthports and airports

through the opaque panes

or through the reflected pain

the look of hungered children

that look of the hungered children

but observed from the moon

observed from the stars

looking away

we or others

some in recline in flight

north of what is dark

certainly above the clouds

if there were clouds

or clouds illuminated by the lightning brightness

if there were clouds

it rains hard

sometimes too hard

there are no clouds

where are the rainfish


where are they

reflected in deep pavement puddles

the homeless

homeless stars dawn bound

from the burnt-out explosive glows

of fish-eye twinkles

toward the low burnt-out sodium streetlights

the sodium streetlights darken the exhausted earthports

the runways are feverish

landings and take-offs sweat it out

slipping upstream and sliding downstream

blurred displacements of abandoned destinations


where are they

looking away

we all wave goodbye

even to the arrivals

who are they and who are we

have we left or are we being left

what is there to leave

perhaps only the rainfish

too many screens exhibit the pain

multiply the prismatic stares

while the hungered children are waiting

watching from the too many screens

maybe they look for the moon and stars

maybe they look across the parched oceans

do they see the rainfish

looking away

do we see the rainfish

do they see the rainfish

as we see the rainfish

where are they

© sam fendrich June 2021

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