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Laplace Thane firm Tso} - FO - J fede” dx Find the Laplace transform of| wren s=05 di a. 3.0 1.0 b. 8.0) a 5 sdution | £GD)= 2 FG)= Fle.s) = “f aera Find the Laplace transform of cos(1.4t) when s = a 5 a. -50/149 c. 35/149 -35/149 d. b. Suton FIO~ as Cleat) FE) = F@ = [=o 48) edt = B/I49 Trons orm Jade of Laplace fo LEY = FO) =a 4 Ss x i ce n nt 2, preys 2h bo} % =a faves = Ste Sarat es ! & Lu SO sin Ox ou eta! es Ok sé oor Sinh om — Sa! lox) OF inh Cox) C * Cosh Gx) =a! ay Hot Ege" {FOy= FO- f * =| e e = G-s) s) 4. Find the Laplace transform of 3 when s = 0.5. a. 3.0 c. 1.0 15 b. 60 a. Solubion: toy = 94414 = 3(s) © bw sz oS £L3y @ S= 08 = 26 a, Find the Laplace transform of cos(1.4t) when s = 2. a. 50/149 c. 35/149 b. -35/149 a. L Lows (e447 Note £ Les td} = ae £ Leos Hay = byt S28 Fro. ¥eoat 2 «| Lt | ly aE CA i) 3 Find the Laplace transform of e cos(3t) when s = 1.5. a. c —14/85 b. 2/37 4. 2/37 Lhe os (28 Ler wos} = Notes a=% Sck GF tor be -a The* as iy - st). _st2 (sey + & (ay + 3* ste + tate Whe Osta 3 buh o= hs Twverse. loploce Trans Fem 4. Find the inverse Laplace of (~2s + 6)/(s* + 4) a ~3cos(2t) + 2sin(2t) ~2cos\t) + 3sin(t) b. &—_Saoowiz# Suny da. —3cos(t) + 2sin(t Prete ras + & [sti Lhsin lope Is 3 \s? 5| wt LAC} > Ses -2()-$G)+2@) tee Ss 3° S 2m-3(0) ++ 1 20-320 + 709 hx} = at 2-34 444 = ¢ oer gt Ty wing laplce integral Seb S=g 2-2)" _ 9 (3*-2)"__gaal ase 207 39306 = 0,\SeS4 ! ty OD FO= 2-4 S " a tt7 ot oy 2 Gadd Ji tJe at 32 266 DIFFERENTX. EQUATIONS fork 1 Flow Problems Toth @ CinFlow vate) 1 Cinfln eenctrention) ( outtiow Uf eCouisine rai) Vo= initio Content oF Gonkgane Cn, Bal, L) Q= Initial — oount of Sub] Cio, Ib, ete) @zinFlow vate (oi/hr gal/min, Lees, eb > bs \aF lowe Concentration tome, Ikbel, gl Fx owt For roe Co?/hr, gol Imi, Lice ete) Q= Concentration of solute Oe vo of chore of concentration at aa £ A +—____- Q= be dt — Ve+(e-$)b Situation 1: A pond initially contains 1,000,000 gal of water and an unknown amount of an undesirable chemical. Water containing 0.01 gram of this chemical per gallon flows into the pond at a rate 300 gal/hr. The mixture flows out at the same rate, so the amount of water in the pond remains constant. Assume that the chemical is uniformly distributed throughout the pond. 7. How many days elapsed when the amount of chemical in the pond became 2,300 grams from an amount of 100 grams? 34,90 days 8. ‘How much of the chemical will be in the pond after a 10000 9 e= 300 gol/hr W b= 0.01 afl Vo= 1800 000 gal Tes gal/hr wy Fg oy a wieoe * a 400d 4 at + ieease + O20DE Q = 6.01 (200) (4-0) = 879.4 he !04 \ = 83} a wy (22) < aase a = Vob = [000 veo [ 9.9), [0060 g Fart a erg ond crf ny Protelems Sueoureks Fe aa = (o-Tr)e + Tp ( ject ’ \ 7 { T omy Hm ST \ To mp obje \ : / Tes Sur mundi ke wt — ex 2 7Baee28..- Situation 2: Suppose that the temperature of a cup of coffee obeys Newton's Law of Cooling. If the coffee has a temperature of 90°C when freshly poured and 1 minute later has cooled to 85°C in a room at 20°C, 9. While waiting for a friend, determine when the coffee Teaches a temperature of 65°C. 5.962 min 10. Your friend arrived and asked you to go to another place. Your coffee has a temperature of 65°C when you start walking outside where the temperature is 32°C, determine when the coffee reaches a temperature of 40°C. (9,122 min Solwhion ¢ = t= doin Ve 95°C ead et Raton! T= M-We + 7 a — ect 8S= (Qo- aye a k= -0,04410% TGs, t=3 Te Ce-tg) re ¢ o~ a6) ef MDC Q 54962 rin. ®© —~ de F Te 00 \ oS \ Ts To= GS". ——_. D= ( Le 19122 mi 1. Engr. Pogiboy was murdered in Sogo Hotel in Mabini. His body was discovered in a hotel room at midnight and its temperature was 80°F. The temperature of the room is kept constant at 60°F. Two hours later, the temperature of the corpee cropped to 75°F. Find the time he was murdered. (Note: Normal temperature of body is 37°C) 4 ‘orm a oF oat =gatrd 98.6 @ midnigiy E= Gott | wo Ans lor Gea), Ts °F be 80°F = (e-Tae* + ere 75> (20- Go)e" + Go k= - 0014 944 To solve te thme when the came dene , St T= 20°F T=(h-Twe™ + Te 0. ldse iC) 98.6= C + t= AH 4HST2 hes 3 Time of the er [2-453 F408 S96 Pm fort 5 (Fre -Ral with arog coe FR cient kvl inh Situation 3: Find the opens. Find the distance fallen before the parachute opens. <9 What is: opens? A sky diver weighing 82 kg (including equipment) falls vertically downward from an altitude of 1500 meters, and opens the parachute after 10 sec of free fall. Assume that the force of air resistance is k,|v|, with ky = 1.65 kg/s, when the parachute is closed and kolvl, with kz = 26.4 kg/s, when the parachute is open. Take g = 9.8 mis*. speed of the sky diver when the parachute BAF mle the limiting velocity v. after the parachute 2,4 msec Determine how long the sky diver is in the air after the Parachute opens. § 9 49 te F23m 8 2 2264 kg/, Goud SuPe + lex! 8 = u x 5 2 >: rs aD 2 1 Bo: “| = A ¢ - eo 8 moot © 3 E : Z a ze ss we h $ = TT 6 B = 8 © 8|z 6 aa o o L £ c 2 g & 0 ¥ + 4a] s a6 E ag é& © &€ 3] >» 4% Lie E 2 E az & a\y r oS eH “i g & g|7 & fe eS go a ‘ hb a — E oS 8 “ ; : ie WER 16. y= 7 he gy= lox’ P= Coxe ys asux apy” ~ 1094" 18. Determine the 5" term of f Ge. he x 1 a x? dx = [2 “t 41 47: the 4" term of f(x) =In(S +x). Note ! 8 als re -y/5 Cy = = Gs

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