Practical Rubrics

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PRACTICAL RUBRICS (Poster, Blog, Advertisements, Certificates, Invitations, etc.

Activity/Project Name: ____________________________________________________________________

Student Name/s: ________________________________________________________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________

CATEGORY 20 15 10 5 Score
LABELS All items of Almost all items of Some important Labels are too
importance on the importance on the items on the small to view OR
poster, blog, family poster, blog, family poster, blog, family no important
tree, tree, tree, items were
advertisement, advertisement, advertisement, labeled.
certificate, certificate, certificate,
invitation, etc. are invitation, etc. are invitation, etc. are
clearly labeled with clearly labeled with clearly labeled with
labels that can be labels that can be labels that can be
read. read. read.
GRAPHICS/ANIM All All All Graphics/animati
ATION - graphics/animation graphics/animation graphics/animation ons do not relate
s are related to the s are related to the s relate to the topic. to the topic OR
RELEVANCE topic and are easy topic and most are One or two several borrowed
to understand. All easy to borrowed graphics graphics do not
borrowed graphics understand. Some have a source have a source
have a source borrowed graphics citation. citation.
citation. have a source
ATTRACTIVENE The poster, blog, The poster, blog, The poster, blog, The poster, blog,
SS family tree, family tree, family tree, family tree,
advertisement, advertisement, advertisement, advertisement,
certificate, certificate, certificate, certificate,
invitation, etc. is invitation, etc. is invitation, etc. is invitation, etc. is
exceptionally attractive in terms acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of design, layout, attractive though it messy or very
of design, layout, and neatness. may be a bit poorly designed.
and neatness. messy. It is not attractive.
GRAMMAR There are no There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are more
grammatical/mecha grammatical/mecha grammatical/mecha than 4
nical mistakes. nical mistakes. nical mistakes. grammatical/mec
hanical mistakes.

REQUIRED The poster, blog, All required All but 1 of the Several required
ELEMENTS family tree, elements are required elements elements were
advertisements, included on the are included on the missing.
certificate, poster, blog, family poster, blog, family
invitation, etc. tree, tree,
includes all advertisement, advertisement,
required elements certificate, certificate,
as well as invitation, etc. invitation, etc.

Sample Rubric

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