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Challenges of leadership

1.External challenges;
 lack of collaboration,
 public criticism,
 crisis,
 financial shortage;
 opposition

2.Internal challenges ;

 Insecurity; Defensiveness ;

 Inability to be direct when there's a problem;

 Inability to be objective;

 Impatience - with others and with situations

3.Challenges arising from leadership itself
How to cope up with chalenges;
 be proactive;
 be creative;
 listen;
 be goal orinted;
 ask feeback;
 look for opportunities.

 share the burden .

1. What are strategis of managing change?
1. Empirical-Rational
2. Normative-Re-educative
3. Power-Coercive
4. Environmental-Adaptive

Specific forms of change
• Trickle down model: Organizational change occurs because the top
management takes a decision and adopts some new ways (examples of
• Identity search model: The urge/need to develop one’s own uniqueness
and identity will make the group or individuals accept change.
• The adaptation model: role of external factors in producing change in
• The Pro-action model: change comes from within the organization.
• Structure Model: change require preparing the necessary structural
details (technology, design of the organization, systems) and introduce
them systematically.
• Process Model: change can be planned by helping people to develop

Barriers of communication

Macro Economic Objectives
 The goal of economic policy is to maximize long-run societal well-being in
an equitable and sustainable manner

 The centre of attention of macroeconomic policymaking should be on ‘real

macroeconomics’ and the use of productive capacity—the employment of
capital and labour at their highest potential level—and improvements in
that productivity
High inflation is said to signal that the government (fiscal and monetary
authorities) is not doing its job well. Inflation is an indicator of economic
One central objective of macroeconomic policy should be to maintain the
economy as close to full employment, or full utilization of the labour
force, as possible

The three standard macroeconomic policy instruments that governments use to

stabilize the macro-economy are fiscal, monetary, and exchange rate
• Poicy is a declaration and implementation of intent
• Policy is thus indicative of a goal, a specific purpose, a programme

Job Description :Set of rules or practices that defines the role of an employee . It
resembles a legal contract Because it specifies the number of hours of work ,
starting and stopping time and the goals that are to be accomplished
Leaders must be ethical in their own decisions and actions
• Ethical leadership is leadership that had respect for ethical beliefs, values,
and custom and for the dignity and rights of others. It is thus related to
concepts such as trust, honesty, consideration, charisma, and fairness
Being ethical leader is being moral person, being moral manager and having good
quality leader-follower relationship
Chnge is managed by,;
– empirical-rational
– normative-re-educative
– power-coercive and
– Environmental-adaptive

What is Change management ?

It is a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations
from a current state to a desired future state
The five building blocks of successful change:

Awareness of the need for change
Desire to participate and support the change
Knowledge on how to change
Ability to implement required skills and behaviors
Reinforcement to sustain the change
• Primary reasons for change Management
• Manage resistance to change
• Increase probability of success
• Reduce transition time

Conflict management is the practice of identifying and handling conflict in a

sensible, fair and efficient manner
It is sometimes good-1. an opportunity to understand opposing preferences and values
2. Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas

Dimension of conflict
Cognitive Conflict
• Disagreement about ideas and approaches
• Issue focused, not personal
• Characteristic of high performing groups
Affective Conflict
• Personal antagonism fueled by differences of opinion
• Destructive to group performance and cohesion
Methods to deal with conflict
• Competition (win-lose situation)-Assertive, not cooperation
• Accommodation (win-win situation) unAssertive ,cooperation
• Avoidance (lose-lose situation) not Assertive not cooptation
• Compromise (lose-lose situation)-mead range
• Collaboration (win-win situation).Assertve coopration
• Competing (assertive and uncooperative),
• Collaborating (assertive and cooperative),
• Avoiding (unassertive and uncooperative),
• Accommodating (unassertive and cooperative), and
• Compromising (midrange on both assertiveness and cooperativeness).
(Easy; Conflict-Handling Intentions; p. 490)
How managers shape employee behavior?
Managers can shape employee behavior using positive reinforcement or
negative reinforcement as a result of desired response. fixed or variable
reward system, recognition are practiced for positive behavior while
punishment, and extinction are used for negative behavior.
What are values and their implication?

Values contain interpretation of what is ethically right and wrong to
organizational behavior. values influence attitudes and behavior of
employees. Understanding and respecting them influence our perceptions.
Individuals enter an organization with preconceived notions of what “ought”
and what “ought not” to be.
What are criteria for ethical decision making?
1. on the basis of their outcomes or consequences.
2. On the basis of rights, fundamental liberties and privileges
3. Fair Justice…balance of benefit and cost
What is quality circle?
A quality circle is a work group of eight to ten employees and
supervisors who have a shared area of responsibility. They meet
regularly to discuss their quality problems, investigate causes of the
problems, recommend solutions, and take corrective actions
Discuss type of communication flow?
Communication can flow vertically or laterally. The vertical
dimension can be further divided into downward and upward
What is self-efficacy?
Self-efficacy refers to an individual’s belief that he or she is capable of
performing a task.
The higher your self-efficacy, the more confidence you have in your ability to
succeed in a task.
Individuals high in self-efficacy seem to respond to negative feedback with
increased effort and motivation, while those low in self-efficacy are likely to
lessen their effort when given negative feedback
What is management?
Management is the attainment of organizational goal in an effective and
efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading and controlling the
acquisition and utilization of resources

What are managerial skills?

Technical Skill: Requires the ability to use a special proficiency or expertise to
perform particular tasks
Human Skill: Demonstrates the ability to work well in cooperation with others
Conceptual Skills: Call for the ability to think analytically. Analytical skills
enable managers to break down problems into smaller parts, to see the
relations among the parts, and to recognize the implications of any one
problem for others
What are barriers to communication?
 Defensiveness

 Misreading of body language, tone and other non-verbal forms of
 Assumptions
 Noisy transmission
 Receiver distortion
What are Strategies to Improve Organizational Communication ?
 Strategy One: Listening ;-Hearing and listening are distinct
 Strategy two: Rapport Building and Assertiveness
What is Motivation to you?
 Motivation is an inner state that energizes and directs our behavior
towards goals
 Improves employee efficiency
What are Types of Motivation?
 Intrinsic motivation is a kind of motivation we get from inside ourselves,
without any other external rewards, when doing something
 Extrinsic motivation comes from external stimuli, such as a
money/material/symbolic benefits like the instance of encouraging some
one to do something in exchange of a reward
What motivates people?
 Incentives
 Monetary
 Non-monetary
N.B. Link rewards to performance

Discribe the relation ship between management and motivation?

 Management and motivation have an inherent relationship. One cannot
effectively manage without motivating employees.
 what is The diffirence between Team and Group?
 Team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are
committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for
which they hold themselves mutually accountable.
 Group is a collection of two or more interacting individuals with a
stable pattern of relationships among them, who share common goals
and who perceive themselves as being a group
Why do people resist team work?
 Lack of conviction:
 Personal discomfort & risk:
 Weak performance ethics:
What are stages of Stage of Team development?
Stage 1- Forming
Stage 2 – Storming
Stage 3 – Norming
Stage 4 – Performing
Stage 5 – Adjourning : Team may disband
What are characteristics of good team?
• Understands and is committed to group goals.
• Is friendly, concerned and interested in others.
• Acknowledges and confronts conflict openly.
• Listens to others with understanding.
• Includes others in the decision making process.
• Recognizes and respects individual differences.
What are stakeholder?
• Stakeholders are the individuals and groups who can affect, and are
affected by, the strategic outcomes achieved and who have enforceable
claims on a firm’s performance
• stakeholder is: “any person or organization who can be positively or
negatively impacted by, or cause an impact on the actions of a company.

What is strategic leader?

Strategic leaders are people help the firm reach its vision and mission.
Focus on strategic perspectives of the firm

Steps to resolve conflict

• Assure privacy
• Empathize than sympathize
• Listen actively
• Maintain equity
• Focus on issue, not on personality
• Avoid blame
• Identify key theme
• Re-state key theme frequently
• Encourage feedback
• Identify alternate solutions
• Give your positive feedback
• Agree on an action plan

Leadership Development Roadmap

1. Leading oneself

2. Leading others
3. Leading the organization

Leading Oneself … cont’d

1. Confidence
2. Sensitivity;kindness
3. Tolerance of ambiguity
4. Strategic thinking
5. Creativity and innovation
6. Continuous learning
7. Visionary
8. Decisiveness etc .positivness

2. Leading Teams ... Cont’d

 Team building
 Interpersonal skills
 Coaching and counselling
 Conflict management
 Group based decision making and problem solving
 Motivating others
 Delegation
Managing power and influence
3.Leading Organization
Leading strategic direction/strategic foundations
Strategic analysis (environmental scan) … SWOT
Managing change in organizations
Cultural awareness
Systems thinking
Organizational communication
Sources of power
1. Position power:
 Legitimate power
 Coercive power
 Reward power
 Information power

2. Personal power:
 Expert power
Referent power

 Importance of Leadership
 Maximize effectiveness and efficiency
 Initiates action
 Motivation
 Provide guidance
 Create confidence
 Build morale
 Builds work environment
 Coordination














 Change Management
The implementation of new process is typically the most failure-prone phase of
the reengineering project because of an organization’s natural resistance to
change. Frequently the greatest challenges lie in managing the human
dimensions of change. Therefore, the change management is the key issue to
make the change happen)
 Communication
 Preparation of Implementation Plan
 Adjust Goals and Develop Improvement Plan
 Review Progress and Re-Calibrate (recycle)
 Implementation and Monitoring
The Art of Winning Resistance to ChangeDealing with resistance require
smartness and
- Since the goal is to get people to the new world,
the leader have to use different techniques and arts
- Note that change has its own process. It has
three phases' processes.
 Unfreezing
 Changing
 Freezing

Reengineering is defined as:-

 The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvement in critical,

contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service level, and speed". (Hammer, 1993).

This definition contains four key words.

A.  Fundamental

B.  Radical

C.  Dramatic

D.  Processes

These are pillars or building blocks of BPR

Breakthroughs, not enhancing existing process but discarding them and replacing them with entirely new ones.

è   Starting over

è   Beginning again with a clean sheet of paper

è Inventing new approaches to process structure.

è Rejecting the assumptions inherent in Adam Smith's industrial paradigm (division of labor, hierarchical control) and

search for new models of organizing work

è   Reengineering is a new beginning.

የግል ድርጅት ሠራተኛ፡- በግል ድርጅት ውስጥ ከ 45 ቀናት ላላነሠ ጊዜ ደመወዝ

እየተከፈለው ለተወሠነ ጊዜ ወይም ላልተወሠነ ጊዜ ወይም የተወሰነ ስራ ለመስራት
የተቀጠረ ሠራተኛ ሲሆን የስራ መሪንም ይጨምራል፡፡
1. አዋጁ ከመጽናቱ በፊት በፕሮቪደንት ፈንድ ወይም በሌላ ስያሜ በሚጠራ ዐቅድ
ተጠቃሚ የነበሩ ሠራተኞች (ዝርዝር አፈጻጸሙ አስተዳደሩ በሚያወጣው መመሪያ
2. በስማቸው ድርጅት ከፍተው የሚያሠሩ የስራ መሪዎች ወይም ሠራኞች ወይም የግል
ድርጅት ባለቤቶች
3. የግል ድርጅት ሠራተኞች ጡረታ ፈንድ መዋጮ፣ ወለድና ቅጣት የሚሠበሠው
በፌደራል ደረጃ በገቢዎች ሚኒስቴር፣በክልሎች በገቢዎች ቢሮ ወይም ግብር እና
ታክስ እንዲሠበስብ በህግ ተቋቁሞ በሌላ ስያሜ በሚጠራ ተቋም ይሆናል፡፡
4. ተገቢውን የጡረታ መዋጮ የወሩ ደመወዝ ከሚከፈልበት ወር ቀጥሎ፣ የደመወዝ ጭማሪው ከተወሠነበት ወር ቀጥሎ ባለው 30 ቀን ውስጥ ገቢ ያላደረገ የግል ድርጅት በባንክ ማስቀመጫ ወለድ መጠን መሠረት የሚታሠብ ወለድ እና በየወሩ 5 በመቶ ቅጣት ይከፍላል፡፡

5. ሆኖም ቅጣቱ ድርጅቱ ከሚፈለግበት ውዝፍ የጡረታ መዋጮ አጠቃላይ ዕዳ ሊበልጥ አይችልም፡፡

6. ከሃምሌ 1 2007 .
ቀን ዓ ም ጀምሮ ባልተከፈለ ውዝፍ የጡረታ መዋጮ ላይ የቅጣት ገደቡ ተፈጻሚ ይሆናል፡፡

7. በአስተዳደሩ ለሚወሠኑ አትራፊና አስተማማኝ ኢንቨስትመንቶች ስራ ላይ ለማዋል

8. የአስተዳደሩ የስራ አመራር ቦርድ ወቅታዊ የኑሮ ሁኔታንና የጡረታ ፈንዱን የመክፈል
አቅም በማገናዘብ 3 አመት ባልበለጠ ጊዜ ውስጥ ዝቅተኛ ወርሃዊ የጡረታ አበል
መጠንና የጡረታ አበል ማስተካከያ ያደርጋል፡፡
9. ከአቅም በላይ በሆነ ምክንያት ካልሆነ በስተቀር ማንኛውም የውዝፍ ጡረታ አበል
ወይም የዳረጎት ክፍያ ጥያቄ ከአምስት ዓመት በኋላ በይርጋ ይታገዳል
Social security is part of social protection programme engaged to cover
social and economic needs of citizens in the event of pension regulation
entitlements. It was legally established in 1935 in America
Social security systems have important effects on macroeconomic
variables such as national saving, interest rates, expand and
extend investment, and unemployment reduction, poverty
reduction, social and economic stability, national development,
fair resource distribution, Industrial peace.
ለሠራተኛው የሚኖረው ጠቀሜታ
 መጦሪያ ዕድሜ ላይ በመድረሱ ወይም በጡረታ ህጉ በተመለከቱት ምክንያቶች የስራ ውሉ ቢቃረጥ
እርሱ ወይም ተተኪዎቹ የሚያጋጥማቸውን የገቢ መቋረጥን ያስቀራል
 ቤተሠብ መስርቶ የተረጋጋ ህይወት እንዲኖረው ያስችላል፣
 በጡረታ ሲገለል ከችግርና ከተረጂነት ነጻ ያደርገዋል፣
 የጡረታ አበል ከሌላቸው ይልቅ የተሻለ ኑሮ እንዲኖር ያስችለዋል፣
የግል ድርጅት ሠራተኛ፡- በግል ድርጅት ውስጥ ከ 45 ቀናት ላላነሠ ጊዜ ደመወዝ
እየተከፈለው ለተወሠነ ጊዜ ወይማ ላልተወሠነ ጊዜ ወይም የተወሰነ ስራ ለመስራት
የተቀጠረ ሠራተኛ ሲሆን የስራ መሪንም ይጨምራል፡፡
Salaried person employed in private organization not for less than 45 days for
definite or Indefinite period of time or definite work including manager.
ራዕይ ምንድን ነው?
■ ራዕይ ማለት አንድ ድርጅት ወይም መ/ቤት ወደፊት ሆኖ ማየት የሚፈልገውን ትልቅ ፍላጎት
የሚገልፅበት የአእምሮ ስዕል ነው።
ድርጅቱ ወይም መ/ቤቱ ወደፊት በተጨባጭ ሊደረስብት የሚፈልገውን ትልቅ ፍላጎት ለማሳካት
በሚያደርገው ጉዞ እንደ ዓርማ አንግቦት የሚንቀሳቀስበት እና ውስጣዊ ኃይልን የሚያነሳሳበት
መግለጫ ነው
◻ የሚገፋፋ ኃይል ያለው (be compelling)
◻ በጣም የሚያጓጓና የሚያነሣሣ (be inspiring, the most powerful motivator)
◻ ግልፅና ትርጉም የሚሰጥ (vivid and meaningful) / ቢቻል በሁለት መስመር መግለጽ/
◻ ሰዎችን በቁርጠኝነት ማሰለፍ የሚችል
◻ ለረጅም ጊዜ የሚያገለግል (Enduring

Poessa Vission ;-
በግል ድርጅቶች የሚሠሩ ዜጎችን የማህበራዊ ዋስትና ዐቅድ ተደራሽነት፣ ተጠቃሚነትንና
ዘላቂነትን በማረጋገጥ በ 2022 ዓ.ም በአፍሪካ ተምሳሌታዊ ተቋም ሆኖ መገኘት፡፡

By 2022,To be the leading social security institution in Africa through coverage,
benefit and sustainability of private employees’ pension scheme .
ተልዕኮ በጣም ሰፋና ጠቅለል ባለ መልኩ መ/ቤቱ የተቋቋመበትን መሠረታዊ ምክንያት የሚያሳይ መግለጫ
የተልዕኮ ግልጽነት ከተፈጠረ በኋላ ቀጥሎ የሚመጣው ተልዕኮውን መወጣት የሚችልበትን
አደረጃጀትና አሠራር ነው፡፡ የአንድ ተቋም የሰው ኃይል ውጤታማ አፈፃፀም እንዲኖረው
ለማድረግ የሠራተኞች ክህሎትና ብቃት እንደተጠበቀ ሆኖ አግባብነት ያለው አደረጃጀት
መፍጠር እና እንደ ወቅቱ አስፈላጊነት እየፈተሹ ማስተካከል የሚጠይቅ ነው፡፡
Poessa Mission ;- Elements of the mission ;-Purpose ,Vision,
Strategy ,Core value
የግል ድርጅቶች ሠራቶኞች ጡረታ ዐቅድ ሽፋንን ማስፋትና ማጠናከር፣ የጡረታ ፈንዱን
በቴክኖሎጂ በመደገፍ ማስታዳደርና ኢንቨስትመንት ላይ በማዋል፤ ዕድገቱን፣ ቀጣይነቱንና
አስተማማኝነቱን በማረጋገጥ የባለመብቶችን አበል አሻሽሎ ተጠቃሚነታቸውን ማሳደግ፡፡
Extend and expand coverage of private employees social security scheme,
Administer pension fund supported by technology, make invest , enhance benefit
of pensioners through adjustment of pension fund , ensure sustainability and
reliability of pension fund
እሴት ማለት የአንድ መ/ቤት የሥራ ፍልስፍናና የሥራ ባህል፣ የቆመለትን ዓላማ
እና እምነት የሚያንጸባርቁ ናቸው።
የመ/ቤቱ ዋነኛ እሴቶች ከሰዎች ጋር እንዴት መስራት እንዳለብን እና ስትራቴጂክ
ዕቅዱ አብረው የሚጓዙ ትስስር ያላቸው እንዲሆኑ ይጠበቃል።
የመ/ቤቱ ዋነኛ እሴቶች የሚያጠነጥኑት
◻ መ/ቤቱ በሚሰጣቸው አገልግሎቶች ዙሪያ
◻ መ/ቤቱ በሚያገለግላቸው ህዝብ ዙሪያ
◻ በመ/ቤቱ ሰራተኞች ዙሪያ
◻ መ/ቤቱ በሚገለገልበት ሀብት ዙሪያ
Poessa Values;-
1. አገልጋይነት------------------------servanthood
Organizations exist to serve. Period. Leaders live to serve. Period. Tom
ተሙ የተፈጠረው ለማገልገል ነው። በተሙ የሚገኙት መሪዎች ለማገልገል ነው።
ለተሙ የተሰጠውን ኃላፊነትና ተግባር መሠረት በተሟላ ስብዕና ማገልገል።
Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve. You don’t have to have a
college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb
agree to serve…. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.
2. አደራ ጠባቂነት--------------------Trust safeguard
3. ፍትሃዊነት------------------------Fairness

4. ግልፀኝነት-------------------------Transparency
5. ተጠያቂነት------------------------Responsibility
6. አሳታፊነት-------------------------Participatory
እሴቶቹንና መርሆዎቹን ዙሪያ በቂ ግንዛቤ መፍጠር
በመሆኑም አመራሩና መላው ሠራተኛ እሴቶቹንና መርሆዎቹን በቅድሚያ ትክክል ማወቅ፣
ማክበርና ማስከበር፣ የየዕለት ተግባሩንም ማሳየት
Participatory/አሳታፊነት;- ከሀሳቡ ጀምሮ እስከ ተግባሩ አፈጻጸምና ግምገማ በሚገባ
የተሳተፉበት ጉዳይ የተሳካ ይሆናል ወይም የመሆን እድሉ እጅግ ከፍተኛ ነው፡
 የባለቤትነት መንፈስና ቁርጠኝነት ስለሚፈጥርላቸው ነው፡፡
Transparency/ግልፀኝነት;-የመንግስት ተቋማት የውሣኔ አሰጣጥ ሂደት ምን
እንደሚመስል፤ በምን መርህና ሕግ እንደሚመራ፤ እንዴት እንደሚፈጸም፤ በማን
ንደሚፈጸም፤ መቼ እንደሚፈጸም . . ወዘተ ስርዓቱን ሙሉ በሙሉ በይፋ ከማሳወቅ
አንስቶ፤ ምን እንደተወሰነ፤ ምን እንደተፈጸመ ,የአፈፃፀሙንም ሙሉ መረጃ በሚቻለው
መንገድ ሁሉ በግልጽ መስጠት ነው፡፡
ዜጎች በቂ መረጃ ያላቸው ያወቁ ሆነው ተገቢውን አቋም መያዝ የሚያስችላቸው መሆኑ
መረጃ በማጣት ምክንያት አለአግባብ የሚፈጠር አለመግባባት፤ አለመተማመንና ጥርጣሬ
ማስወገዱ ነው፡፡ እንዲሁም ስህተትን በቀላሉ ለማወቅና ለመፍታት የሚቻልበት ሁኔታ
መፍጠሩ ነው፡
ተጠያቂነት በቻርተሩ መሰረት ለተገልጋዩ ጥራት ያለዉና ከአድልዎ ነጻ የሆነ ቀልጣፋ
አግልግሎት የመስጠትና በቻርተሩ በተቀመጠዉ መሰረት መፈጸም ማለት ነዉ፡፡
ቃል የጠበቀ ያሳካ የሚመሰገንበት፤ የሚበረታታበትና የሚሸለምበት፤
ቃል ያልጠበቀ የሚመከርበት ወይም የሚወቀስበት ካልሆነለት ወደሚሆንለት ቦታ
የሚዛወርበት፤ ሆን ብሎ ማጥፋት ከሆነ የሚቀጣበት ስርዓት ነው፡፡
 የመፈጸም አቅም ስንል
በመንግስት ሥራ ላይ ተመድቦ የሚሠራውን የሰው ሀብቱን አቅም የማጎልበት፣
የመንግስት ተቋማትን አደረጃጀት ለተቋሙ የተሰጠው ተልዕኮ በውጤታማነት ሊያሣካ በሚያስችለው መልኩ
አሠራሩ (በስራ ላይ ያሉትንም ሆነ አዲስ የሚወጡ ሕጐች-አዋጆች፣ ደንቦች፣ መመሪያዎች ወዘተ…)
መዘርጋቱን ማለታችን ነው፡፡
 አሠራር ሌላው የማስፈጸም አቅም ግንባታ ጉዳይ እንደመሆኑ
ተቋማት ተግባሮቻቸውን የሚፈጽሙበት የሕግ ማዕቀፍ (አዋጅ፣ ደንብ፣ መመሪያ፣ ማኗሎች ወዘተ)
የሚመለከት ነው፡፡
 የሰው ኃይሉ፣ አደረጃጀትና አሠራር በዚህ ቅኝት ተጣጥሞ ሲሄድ ለተቋማት ተልዕኮ መሣካት አንድ
(አመለካከት፣ ክህሎትና ዕውቀት) የተቋሙ ቅድመ ሁኔታ ተሟልቷል ብሎ መውሰድ ይቻላል፡፡

Job discription
1. Plans, Organizes, Directs and Controls all the activities of district and
branch functions.
2. Develops annual plan and budget for district and branch and ensure its
efficient and effectiveness.
3. Ensure the recruitment, promotion, transfer, performance
management, training and development performed as per the HR
regulation of the private organization employees’ pension
4. Ensure registration of all private organization and their employees in
the district and branch, and issued pension identification card
5. Ensure collection of pension contribution as per pension regulation and
procedure manual.
6. Ensure effectiveness of beneficiaries benefit payment decision and
Monthly benefit payment provided at nearby beneficiaries residence.
7. Provide periodic performance review with stakeholders and branch
8. Provide Trainings to stakeholders and costumers.
9. Produces periodic reports of the district.
10. Performs other related duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor.
Contents of strategic planning
1. International, national and institutional analysis
2. SWOT analysis
3. Stakeholders and costumer’s analysis
4. Vision, mission and values
5. Strategic themes
i. coverage of social security (registration,collection,benefit)
ii. warranted investment ---(devlop investment portifolio , undertake actuarial
study, project administration)
iii. Institutional capacity--(human element,technology, job redesign ,research
study,conducive work environment,

6. Strategic objectives and goals

I. Expand Coverage of social security
II. Enhance investment activities
III. Enhance Capacity building
7. Key performance indicators
8. Monitoring and evaluation

9. Measurement of strategic objectives
10. Resource allocated for strategy implementation
11.Challenges and risks forecasted
Key problems in social security
1. Coverage only small fraction of labor force covered in pension scheme
as per working age population.
2. Sustainability can be determined through actuarial projections of
inflows and outflows pension fund.
(principally contribution rate, accrual rate and retirement age) . ILO
study shows that The schemes will not have sufficient reserves to face
their obligations until the end of the projection period
3. Efficiency and Effectiveness
quality Service standards rendered for coustomers. Thus The
administrative infrastructure development, data handling system, and
employee competency tend to be inefficient
4. Adequacy ;- ensured by satisfactory benefit payment through complete
work history of employees. No a days due to Lack of workers to have
complete work histories to benefit from scheme. benefits may be
adequate for only a small fraction of the elderly
ክትትልና ግምገማ የሚደረግባቸው ቁልፍ ጉዳዮች
1. ለውጥ እየመጣ መሆኑን (ሰው ሀብት፣ አደረጃጀት፣ አሰራር፣ ግብዓት፣ መረጃ አያያዝ
ስርኣት ላይ)
2. ፋይናንስ አጠቃቀም
3. የአገልግሎት ጥራትና ቅልጥፍና
4. ደንበኞችና ባለድርሻ አካላት እርካታ
ክትትልና ግምገማ ስራን ለማከናወን የሚያስፈልጉ አቅሞች

 ሙያዊ እውቀት እና ልምድ (ቴከኒካል አቅም)፤

 ስታነዳደርዶችና ልኬቶችን፤
 አስተዳደራዊ አቅም (አካታችነትና ብዝሐነት)
 ፖለቲካዊ እውቀት (ህገ-መንግስትንና የሴክተር ህጎችን)፤
 አካባቢያዊ አውቀት (የአካባቢውን ወግ፣ ባህልና የተለየ መገለጫ)፤

የምርጥ ተሞክሮ አዘገጃጀት ሲባል ተሞክሮውን የመለየት፣ የመቀመርና የማስፋት ሂደቶችን የሚያጠቃልል
 ልየታ፡- በትግበራ ሂደቱ በተከታታይ መረጃ ላይ ተመስርቶ ችግሩን በመፍታት ውጤታማ ከሆኑት
ውስጥ አብላጫ ውጤት ያስመዘገበውን ተሞክሮ መምረጥ/መለየት ማለት ነው፡፡
 ቅመራ፡- ሲባል በውጤታማነታቸው የተለዩትን ተሞክሮዎች ከአካባቢ ሁኔታ ጋር በማገናዘብ
ለተመሳሳይ ችግር መፍቻ መሳሪያ ለማድረግ በሚያመች መልኩ በሠነድ መልክ የሚዘጋጅበት ሂደት
 ማስፋት፡- ማለት በአንድ ወይም ከዚያ በላይ የተግባር ሂደት ተፈትሾ ውጤታማነቱ በተለያዩ አካላት
የተረጋገጠውንና ተለይቶ የተቀመረውን ምርጥ ተሞክሮ ወደ ሌሎች ተቋማት በማስተላለፍ
ተመሳሳይ ችግሮችን የሚፈቱበት ሂደት ነው፡፡
Six ways to influence people
Listen longer
Begin with name
Discuss what matters to them
Never say you are wrong
Begin with friendly way
Access affinity----positive impression
Surrender the credit ---acknowledgment/praise

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens could change the
world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’
‘Not finance. Not Strategy. Not Technology. It is teamwork that remains
the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so
rare.’ Patrick Lencioni (2002: vii) ‘
Teams outperform individuals acting alone or in large organizational groupings,
especially when performance requires multiple skills, judgements and
experiences.’ Katzenbach and Smith (1993b: 9)
At heart of effective team coaching is the generative relationship between the team
and their coach, in which all members of the relationship should be constantly
High-performing transformational leadership teams
1. They clearly see themselves as change agents.
2 .They are courageous.
3 .They believe in people
4 .They are driven by a strong set of values.
5 .They are lifelong learners.
6 .They can cope with complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity.
7 .They are visionaries
If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same
direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any
competition at any time.
(A successful business founder quoted in Lencioni, 2002: vii)
The five disciplines of successful team practice
1. Commissioning
2. Clarifying
3. Co-creating
4. Connecting
5. Co-learning
Success measures
 financial performance – capital, revenue, cost and profit;
● output – in terms of products, services, etc;
● reputation – customer satisfaction, brand reputation, etc
; ● innovation – new products and services and thought leadership;
● people – attraction, retention, development, morale and productivity;
● transforming the business and its place in the sector
What is team coaching?
A surprising finding from our research is that teams do not improve
markedly even if all their members receive individual coaching to develop
their personal capabilities. Individual coaching can indeed help executives
become better leaders in their own right, but the team does not necessarily
improve. Team development is not an additive function of individuals
becoming more effective team players, but rather an entirely different
capability. (Wageman et al, 2008: 161)
Elements of the mission ;-Purpose ,Vision, Strategy ,Core value
There may be “born leaders” but there surely are far too few to depend on
them. Leadership must be learned and can be learned
In the twenty-first century, more than ever before, effective leadership is
about serving others.
The Digital Revolution is transforming a transaction- based world into a
relationship-based world.
The capacity of individuals and organizations to serve others is greater than
ever before. You’re able to create more relationships, and serve more people
more effectively in those relationships, than even our recent predecessors
could have conceived.
Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for
others?” —Martin Luther King, Jr.
To ask the right question is already half the solution of a problem.
—Carl Jung The questions are the answers.
Everyone Can Lead Because Everyone Can Serve
Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve. You don’t have to have
a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your
verb agree to serve…. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul
generated by love.
Organizations exist to serve. Period. Leaders live to serve. Period. —Tom
The Most Valuable Resource of Any Enterprise is its People
Twenty-first-century leadership relationship dynamics are from the bottom-
up rather than the top-down; from the outside-in, rather than the inside-out
Today, the only effective leadership is serving others. It’s no longer optional. It’s
the essence of twenty-first-century leadership.
We are moving from a transaction-based world to a relationship-based world.
Transactions often have been seen as occasions to seek unilateral advantage
over others.
Relationships, to be successful and sustainable, incline invariably toward
cooperation, collaboration and service. In a relationship-based world, your
self-interest moves ever more tightly into alignment with serving others.
There is No Universal Leadership Style,

The leadership style is best which is most effective in serving others in any
given time and place
There is no universal leadership style. A leadership style serving people well in
one time and place may not work in another time and place—even serving the
same people. The appropriate leadership approach is the one that enables you
to serve most effectively in the circumstances at hand. A bottom-up, outside-in
perspective mandates flexibility, innovation and adaptability
A Leader’s Unique Task is to Imagine and Advance a Vision

1 የመንግሥትን ሀብት በቁጠባ ለሀብት አመዳደብና አጠቃቀም አስቀድሞ ለኢላማናግቦች ስኬት እቅድ
መጠቀም፣ታማኝነትና ቅንነት መላበስ በእቅድ መመራት፣የተመደበው ሀብት ለታለመለት አላማ መዋሉን ክትት
የተመደበው ሀብት እንዳይመዘበር ቁጥጥር ማድረግ፣ያለአግባብ የተመዘበ
ተጠያቂነት መውሰድና ተጠያቂ ማድረግ፣ሀብት እንዳይባክን ተገቢ ጥበ
ስርዓት መዘርጋቱን ማረጋገጥ፣የተመደበው ሀብት የሚጠበቀውን ዉጤ
መገምገምና ለቀጣይ መጠቀም።
2 በወቅቱ ተገብነት ያለው ውሳኔ መስጠት ዉሳኔ የሚፈልጉ ጉዳዮችን አስቀድሞ በመለየት የአቅድ አካል መሆ
መኖሩን መከታተል፣ ውሳኔ የሚሻ ጉዳይ ስቀርብ ተቀብሎ ፍተሀዊ፣ግል
በሆነ መንገድ ትክክለኛና ወቅታዊ ውሳኔ አሰጣጥ እየተሰጠ መሆኑን
ውሳኔ መዘገዮት ስኖር መገምገምና ምንጩን ማድረቅ፣በተሰጠው ውሳ
ስኖር የሚታይበት ስርዓት መዘርጋትና ተግባራዊ ማድረግ።

3 የአስተዳደሩን ፖሊሲ፣ ስትራቴጂና የአስተዳደሩን ፖሊሲ፣ ስትራቴጂና ፕሮግራሞች የአስተዳደሩ ራዕ
ፕሮግራሞች ከተቋሙ ራዕይና ተልዕኮ በጥልቀት ማወቅ፣ቪዥታ መኖር የለበትም፣ሌሎችም እንዲያው
ጋር በማቀናጀት ለስኬት የራሱን ድርሻ መፍጠር፣ማክበርና መስከበር፣የዕለት ከዕለት ተግባር ጋር ማገናኘት
ለመወጣት የሚተጋ እና በተግባር
4 ተጨማሪ ተልዕኮ ወስዶ የመፈፀምና ሊደር cope with complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity.
በወቅቱ የማቅረብ ብቃት ቁርጠኝነትና አስቀዲሞ ተገማች ያልሆኑና በዕቅድ ያልተያዘ፣ከወቅታዊ ሁ
ከፍተኛ የተነሳሽነት ስሜት መኖር፣ የተያያዙ፣በተጨማሪ የሰው ሀይል፣ወቅታዊ ስራ ብቻ ከሆነ ከቅርብ
ዕቅድ ለማሳካት ተለዋጭ ታክትክ ከሆነ አስፈላጊነቱን አምኖ መ
ኃላፍነት ስሜት በመዋጣት ሰፍሮ መመለስ።
5 የአመራር ብቃት፣ የተግባቦት ብቃት፣ የአመራር ብቃት።- ከዘመኑ ጋር የተቃኘ፣ትራንፎርሜሽናል ሊዴ
የዕቅድ ዝግጅት ጥራት ፣ የሪፖርት አመራር ብቃት ለሎችን በማገልገል የሚለካ መሆኑን፣
ዝግጅት ጥራት፣ በውስጡ ያሉ የተግባቦት ብቃት፣በጋራ መሪህ መመራት፣ማዳመጥ፣ውሳኔ የጋራ ማድረግ
ሠራተኞችን የመምራት ብቃት፣ ሁል ጊዜ የዕቅድ ዝግጅት ጥራት፣ቀደም ተከተል የጠበቀ፣የተማላ ይዘት
ከሠራተኞች ጋር አብሮ የመሥራት ግልጽ፣ተፈጻሚ ሊሆን የሚችል፣አሳታፍ የሆነ፣ወጪ ቆጣቢ፣ደንበኛ ማር
ብቃት፣ የሪፖርት ዝግጅት ጥራት፣
በውስጡ ያሉ ሠራተኞችን የመምራት ብቃት፣በሰው ሀይል ማመን፣የ
ሁል ጊዜ ከሠራተኞች ጋር አብሮ የመሥራት ብቃት፣
6 የኢንፎርሜሽን ኮሙኒኬሽን ቴክኖሎጂን ለሥራ ቅልጥፍናና ጥራት፣ከአድሎ የጸዳ መሆኑን ማመን፣መጠቀም
በብቃት ለሥራ መጠቀም፣


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