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porte = The simplest and most fundamental non-linear circuit element. = The diode has two terminals i.e. Anode and Cathode. = Diode has a non-linear i-v characteristic. * Diodes are unidirectional devices that allow current to flow through them in only one direction. = Applications of diode are Q Rectifier circuits, Q Digital logic circuits, OQ Clipper and clamper circuit, Q Voltage regulator, Q Voltage doubler circuit etc Cee A = The ideal diode is the most fundamental nonlinear two terminal device i.e. anode Anode Cathode and cathode a py, = Forward biased : Q fapplied voltage in anode terminal of an symbol ideal diode is more positive than cathode terminal of an ideal diode, zero voltage drop appears across the diode i.e. offers zero t resistance Ci inotherwords, the idealdiode behavesas a short circuit in the forward direction —~ passes any current with zero voltage drop. OA forward-biased diode s said to be turned n, or simply on. -veharacteristiccurve of ideal diode om ‘[ao/9/2020 = Reverse biased a a Olf applied voltage in a cathode i _ a terminal of an ideal diode is ta more positive than anode symbol terminal of an ideal diode, no current flows and the diode behaves as an open circuit i.e. 4 offers infinite resistance . QAn ideal diode has zero current when operated in the reverse — oo direction and is said to be cut off, or simply off. Ev characteristic curve of ideal diode red dd akraeaneidek acd ea 5 = pn junction diode Osemiconductor diode is basically a pn junction which consists of p-type semiconductor material brought in close contact with — n-type semiconductor. OMmost commonly used material for pn =, Cathode junction diode are Si, Ge and GaAs. Sey Upn junction diode is basic element of bipolar junction transistor (BJT) and plays important role in the operation of field effect transistor. Ki Hedicataraatadai: = The iv characteristic curve of pn junction diode (Silicon diode) r : consists of three distinct regions: 1. The forward-bias region, determined by v>0 2. The reverse-biasregion, determined byv<0 3. The breakdown region, determined by v< -Vzx or VeVi imei = When p-region of diode is connected to positive terminal and n-region connected to : negative terminal of external voltage source or when the anode terminal voltage is more positive than cathode terminal voltage, diode is said to be forward biased. + In the forward region, the Hv relationship is closely = approximated by Shockley equation Ip = Ile nvr — 1) eco! =" where O Ip =current flowing through diode O Vp = voltage across diode terminals On =empirical constant known as the emission coefficient or the ideality factor, whose value varies from 1 to 2 The emission coefficient depends on the material and the physical construction of the diode. For germanium diodes, m is consideredto be 1 where as For silicon diodes, the predicted value of mis in the range of 1.1 to 1.8. J, =the saturation or leakage or reverse saturation current or scale current whose value is on the order of 10% A for “small-signal”diodes. Isis dicectly proportional to the crose-tectionalarea ofthe diode. ‘+ Thus doubling of the junction area resultsin a diode with double the value of /, and, as the diode equation indicates, double the value of ‘current p for a given forward voltage Vp. The value of /,is, however, a very strong function of temperature. + Asa rule of thumb, /, doubles in value for every 10°C rise in temperature. irate QV, =a constant called the thermal voltage and is given by kT Vy nd Y Where, joltzmann’s constar = 8.62 x10° eV/K the absolute temperature in kelvins = 273+temperature in °C the magnitude of electronic charge = 1.6022 x10" coulomb Substituting the value of k and q, we have _ kr _ (1.3806x10-23)7 Vr O Thus, at room temperature (20°C), the value of V, is r @ beoz2x10-1 ~ 116054 ~ 11600 3806x107 joules/kelvin Volts approximately 25.2 mV. In rapid approximately circuit analysis we shall use V; =25 mV at room temperature. = Aglanceat the Hv characteristicin the forward region reveals that the currentis. negligibly small for v smaller than about 0.5 V. This value is usually referred to as the cut- voltag = Above cut-in voltage i.e. v> 0.5V, there will be rapid increase or exponential rise of diode current. * Thus, fora “fully conducting” diode, the voltage drop lies in a narrow range, approx. 06 Vtoo.8V. "In diode fully conducting condition, Shockley diode equation can be approximated as ¥y Ip = Ise Wr + Hence, in constant voltage drop model for the diode, itis assumed thata conducting diode has approximately a 0.7-V drop across it. Reverse bias region ] ‘Ian external potential of V volts is applied across the | pn junction diode such that positive terminal is connected to n-type materialand negative terminal is iy connected to p-type material rif anode or p-type | contact is more negative than cathode or n type contact, diode is operating in reverse bias condition. ‘+ In reverse bias condition, the exponential terms becomes small comparedto unity and diode current becomes [1p Is i.e currentin reverse biased condition is almost constant and equal to I. Vale off ranges from 1m to1 fA + Reverse currents also increases slightly with increase in magnitude of reverse voltage. 1D Alarge port ofrevene currents due toleakage current Alependent on jnction ere, temperotare et ‘+ Reverse saturation current (Is) doubles every 10°C rise in temperature. Iyer = 2 hry Eno + Third distinct region of diode operation is breakdown region. ‘+ The magnitude of reverse voltage exceeds the threshold voltage specified by manufacturer for particular diode is called breakdown voltage and diode enters into breakdown region. Im the breakdown region, the reverse current increases rapidly for very small increase in reverse voltagedrop. Diode breakdown is normally not destructive, provided the power dissipated in the limited by external circuitry to a “safe” level. Here in figure, the Vzx stands for knee breakdown voltage of zener diode. f ‘Two breakdown mechanism in pn junction diode | I Zener breakdown 1 Avalanche breakdown Comaprison between zener and avalanche breakdown Ce This occurs a junctions which being heavily This occurs at junctions which being lightly doped doped have narow depletion layers hhave wide depletion layers. 2 Inzener breskdown, mecharizm of ionization In Avalanche breakdown, mechanizm of ionization ‘occurs due to strong electric field ‘occurs due to colsion of electrons 3 Reversible process Irreversible process (high possibilty of damaging diode ) 4 Zener breakdown occurs iniower reverse Avalanche breakdown occurs in high reverse voltages voltages 5 Zener breakdown exhibits negative temp: Avalanche breakdown exhibits positive temp, coefficient ie, breakdown voltage decreases couficient. ie breakdown voltage increases with astemperature increases Increase in temperature. cere = ‘o/4/2070 Effect of Temperature on forward voltage drop 1 Since both Js and Vp are functions of temperature, the forward /-v characteristic varies with t non temperature, asillustratedin Figure. a ‘= Atagiven constantdiode current, the voltage drop ‘across the diode decreases by approximately 2 mV for every 1°C increase in temperature. Mathematically, Vocray = Voor + Kre(T2~T1) Where Taenew junction temperature, in °C Ty=previous junction temperature xr) “threshold voltage at junction temperature Tz Vocry=threshold voltage at junction temperature T, Kerestemperature coofcient, in VI", which i-2.5 mv/"C {fora germanium diode, -2 mV/"C fora slicon diode, and. 5 mU/C fora Schothy dee To “Analyzing forward biased diode For appreciable current fp In the forward dtection, specifialy for 1p>> Is Shockley lode ‘eauation can be approximated by the exponential relationship tee "Ih “his relationship can be expressed alternatively inthe logarithmic form Yo = mr tne Lotus consider the forward Hv choracteitic curve for canstant temperature and evaluate the current Ing corresponding toa diode voltage Vox Tog = Bee PM ool) Similarly, if the voltage is Vpe, the iode current pe willbe Iya = Beer 2 Combination above two equations 1 and 2 fog Ooty In * “Taking natural log on both sido, wo get Ina 7, Vn — Vor = Vp In 2 In terms of loge ton Von Vor = 2 30 tog Mee Riau Mee Rae icaana kaa Interms of logio o Joe Vo2~Vor = 2.3nVr log? Tor Temperature effect + Reverse saturation current(,} doubles every 10° rise in temperature. Ca, Asay = 2° hscry) 1+ Ata given constantdiode current the voltage drop across the diode decreases by approximately? mV for every 1°C increase in temperature, Voce = Voory + Kre(Ta—T1) near at eyed CCaleuate the factor by which the cuzent will ierease in silicon diode operating ta forward voltage of 0.4 V when the temperature is ase fom 25°C to 150°C. Take n= 1 Solution T,28°C T,=150°C V,=04V n=1 a I,(L) = 1,0) 2” ar = 1,- = 150°C -25°C = 125°C 1 1,(T) = 1,(7,) 2” aa oO Example 3 contd, Since n I= 1, [# .| 1,1) = 1.0) [2.1 1,7) = 1,0) [2] 0 OL (oye Frac eee Jota) _ 18) 1G) b@)| 3 aaer mser > pz] T600 MBs ane ¥,, = Fie 700257 2734150 “coy 00861 In) — ss 59218.78 ]-90 7,(f) 574707829 I,(2,) = $9.691,(,) net re aa are Adiode conducts 1 mA at 20°C. If operated at 100° C, what will be its current? Given data are: N= 1.8 and negative temperature coefficient value =-1.8mV/ °C. hints:take Vj=0.7V for ip=1mA at 20°C. rT eI 4 contd, rie Example 82. () Find the voltage at which the revere current in a Ge dio at room tmperature will each 90% of ts saturation value (©) Find the ratio of diode current with a forward bias of 0.05 V to the current witha reverse bias of 005 v. (6) The reverse saturation current ofa Ge dade is 10 WA. Find the current under forward bias of 01 V.02V.03V. (UP. Tech, Sem, Exam. 2002-03) Solution. (#) From diode equation given by Te yeet™ = Saturation value of I= Putting I= - 09 fin above equation, we get ye" 9 =09 1, vn 09 «noi =-23 Wi WV, x C29 = 1 0028 «23 598 mV. Ans. ) = 10 « 108 (24/98 1) = 10x 10% x 45.8 = 458 YA Jy= hy (2200251) = 10 + 10 2006.58 2ma 10x 10 (200% 1) = 10% 10 x 1.02 « 105 WA = 1.02 A. Ans. —_ai A Example’33. A diode operating at 300°K has V forward) af 04 V across it when the curren through iis 10 mA and 0.42 V when the current twice s lrg. What values of, and alow the doe tobe modelled bythe doe equation? Solution. Given that T= 300°K, V, = 04 V, V,=042 V, 1, = 10 mA, I, = 20 mA, At T= 300°K, we have 1 _ 0 ~ Tio” Taos *"Y First, lt us calculate the value of From the given data we can write two equation of current fr eiferent value of Vas under: slo") a4 le" —] 4 ea (Fee Subottating the given values, we get toma= w jeormen 20mA= ain [enon Taking the rato of equations (i ane (i. we obtain pfeeensavcn® e 20. [Neglecting-1 term, we have [eneenseiey ro Taking log on both the sides, we obtain, on = 1818 _ 1538 7 0 or 0693 n= 0.77 as al Now sbsting is vale of» no ution (et saxo fee Solving the equation, we get = 969x108 Amp or 9.69 nA. Ans. yaaa ta ees

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