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© One of the most common application of pn junction diode is in the design of rectifier circuits, OA diode rectifier forms the first stage of a dc power supply. 1D A de voltage is required to power essentially every electronic device, including Personal computers, televisions, stereo systems, battery chargers for portable electronic devices such as cell phones anc laptop computers. Recttiation the process of converting an aterrating (ac) voltage into one that is limited to one polarity 1G The diode is useful for rectification because of its nonlinear characteristics, that, is, current exists for one voltege polarty, but is essentially zero for the opposite polarity. Rectifier is dafined as an electronic circuit which converts AC signal into pulsating DC signal 1D Wes of rectifiers 1. Single chase rectfer circuit A Half wove reefer 8 fullwave recifer 1 Fale tiie rece 2. Threephaserectfiercircuitond 3._polyphaserectifer circuit ‘exe letras ngleeng eae iad The input signal, vp i, in general, a 220 V (rms], 50 Hr ac signal. |G The secondary voltage,»and primary voltage,+}oF an ideal traneformerare related by Me where N, and 1V, are the number of primary and secondary turns, respectively. The ratio 1, / Nz isealled the transformer turnsratio. G The transformer turns ratio will be designed to provide a particular secondary voltage, which in turn wil produce a particular output voltage, Y- GA cingle phace half wave rectifier with recieve load iz 2 shown in figure above which consists of only one diode usually fed with transformer secondary. since thedlade only conducts when anode & more positive with respect tocathade | (forward biased), here current will flow only during the positive half cycle of the voltage. The supply voltage of transformer secondary or input voltage to diode given by v, = tr unaetoe TE peak valage ond ao Se/'E angular requeney ct put vitege ost estrous Engbeetng eau eum men raga hae During ps e half cycle, assuming diode as ideal diode, is forward biased and operates as closed switch so voltage of transformer secondary is directly connected across the resistive load i.e. ACO S Wt S1,V_ = V; = Vy sinwt a) Operation of half wave rectifier 1D During negative halt cycle, diode is reverse biased as a open switch, the voltage of transformer secondary is disconnected from resistive load. AS no current flows through load, the load voltage is zero i.e. Al S wt < 27,19 =0 O since both toad voltage and current are of one polarity, itis said to be rectified as half wave rectifier converts only one either positive half or negative half transformer secondary voltage into unidirectional oo Las v sok beers er Performance parameters 2. Avetageloat voltage vane [tenses dare [Ott ot eon BUA 2. Averageload current 3. Root mean square value of load voltage FE (Gin san da + 0 dei) Smet (ig 0g at) = rag ae FE owe tae FB (Saar a de [Forman 209 ta ae Heck Erle Performance parameters 4. Rootmean square value of load current Se 5. _ Rectification ratio orrecificationefficiency(n) ‘Therectificatonratio is a figure of merit for comparing effectiveness of rectification 6 Form factor Form factor is defined as the rato of root mean square value of load voltaze or current foils averagevalue. Jems Tae Taj, "2 So fects Baler Performance parameters 7. Ripple factor Ripple factor (REF) is a measure of ripple content calculated by ratio of ac igeto average de voltage. Vac = |wa.—v2 Rete where Yoo = |Win —Vie VEF2=1 =1#=08=0¥ -1=121 8. Peakinverse voltage (PIV) Peak inverse voltage’ defined as largest or maximum reverse voltage that is expected to appear across the diode. * when transformer secondary voltage v, is negative diode willbe cut off ‘and vg willbe zero. * Hence peokinvrse voltage (1V of ha wave rectifier is equa tothe peok voltage of transformer sec Va + PIV = Vn ETT ‘Negative pulsating DC output be, + AA a ve Re O By changing the polarity of we half wave rectifier in figure, we te can get negative pulsating DC hp re output signal across load wee resistance Ry. oy a3 } a Changing the output polarity ofo Half wave rectifier (oposite pulsating DC and (b) negative pulsating DC Sy) eget tie a Reta ke O The transformer secondary winding is center tapped in which alead is attachedto the center of the transformer secondary winding. O The voltage from the center tap to either end of terminal on secondary winding is equal to one half of the total voltage measured in end to end terminal O The center tapped full wave rectifier utilizes the center tapped transformer and two diodes D4 and D2 for full wave rectification as shown in figure below. a) Circuit operation of center tapped full wave rectifier (Assuming diode as ideal diode ODuring positive half cycle of input signal, diode Dis forward biased and diode D> is reverse biased. (Note: direction of current flow through load) eee) Circuit operation contd... ( During negative half cycle of input signal, diode D is reverse biased and diode D> is forward biased as shown in figure below. O The direction of current through load has not changed even though transformer seco ndary has changed its polarity. Thus another positive half cycle is produced across the load resistance. ar Ro Peon the ae Hectonks Egineerg Performance parameters 1. Averaged vent] enor dare Men 2. Averazeload current ben 3. Root mean sauarevalue of load voltage E 2 ["snat)? dat ten [Ef Gasnae da = tw By [fasten a] He [nig (PH) ge v= a Performance parameters 4, Root mean square values of load current 5. Rectification efficiency or rectification ratio VecVae, a Pac. Vaclae Vn _ Vie Pao TrnsVims) Ve Pos Venema VenaTimag Wins (ln) a ase Beets erg Performance parameters 7. Ripple factor 8. Peak inversevoltage When one of the diode in the o center tapped full wave rectifier is reverse biased, the peak volt E| actoss the diode will be approximately equal to Vx with polarities shown, Dj is conducting and D, 1s reverse biased for positive half cycle , 30 cathode Of Dy will be at Vg. Since this point is connected directly to cathode of Dz , its cathode will be at Vx voltage and —V, applied to anode of D; , the fotal reverse voltage across diode D> is 2v + PIV = WV Sy ere ae ec ioe CEmploying four diodes instead of two diodes, a full wave bridge rectifier as shown in figure below can provide full wave rectification without using center tapped transformer. line voltage Pond Circuit operation of Full wave bridge rectifier During positive half cycle of the transformer secondary voltage v, diode DyandD, are forward biased while diode D3and D4 are reverse biased 50 current flows to load resistance through diode Dj and D2 having pathA- Dy -R- D2 -B as shown in figure below. rer letras sakeeeice During negative half cycle of the transformer secondary voltage v;, diode D, and D2 are reverse biased while diode D,, and D, are forward biased so current flows to load resistance R through diode D3 and D, having path B- D, -R- Dy -Aas shown in figure below. OiCurrent through the load is in same direction although secondary winding polarity has reversed. [ACF = ~, QAllother parameters of full wave bridge rectifier is same as center tapped full wave rectifier except PIV rating. I yl R.F.= VF.F2—1 = 0.482) otSiv ro Teo, o, O The PIV rating of diode for full wave | bridge rectifier is Vin. - , 2 PIV = Vm rmcatent ol Lita Ay Pa Boel ws et ee ioe SN, Parameters Half wave Full wave edifer rectifier [Center tapped | Bridge type T_[Requiredno. of diode T 2 4 2_[Averageload votege(V.) ‘ostév, | _0836Vv, ‘On36V, 3 | Averegeload curentiig OSI Va/R| O636Vn/R | 0636V/R 4 |RMS.valueofloadvoltage(V,.) | OSV, | O707V, ‘O707V, 5 [RMS value oflosd aurent((ln,) | OSVq/R | O707V,j@ | O707V,/R | Rectication ratio (a) wO5% a am 7 | Fermfactor 17 ia Lit | Ripple fector 1a omez ae ‘9 | Peakinverse volage(PI) Ve We Va TO [Frequency of outoutsianallf.) | Jo=Fin | Jo= 2a EG egrccaiom ne ncae ice Q The pulsating nature of the output DC voltage produced by the rectifier circuits are unsuitable asa de supply for electronic circuits. QA simple way to reduce the variation of the output voltage Is to place a capacitor across the load resistor. O Filter capacitor serves to reduce substantially the variations in the rectifier output voltage. O The half wave rectifier with capacitor filte in which capacitor is connected in parallel with resistive load. “The capacierclicharges through fy afterpeak of positive aterration when the dlde's revesse-siased “This dischargingoceurs durng he portion ofthe input veltage indicated by the sold dark blue curve SoM cena: ‘The capacitor charges back to peakof input when the diode becomes forward-biased. This charging occurs during the portion of the input voltage indicated by the solid dark blue curve, Rippie voltage V,) =e fora wave rectifer with epactor titer pple voltage Wr) = tg fort wave rectifier with cepacitorfiker Largerripple (blue) means less effectivefitering ‘Smaller ripple means more effectvefiltering, Generally, the larger the capacitor value, the smaller the ripple for the same input and load. Paes

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