Lecture 6 and 7 Clipper and Clamper

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ey oye ett rg O A dipper (also called limiter) is an electronic circuit which cuts off, limits, removes or prevents some portion of the wave form (positive or negative amplitude, or both of input signal voltage) above or below a specified voltage level. Q Clipping circuit is a wave-shaping circuit, and is used to either remove or clip a portion of the applied wave in order to control the shape of the output waveform. OA Clipper circuit isa electronic circuit that rejects the part of the input ‘wave specified while allowing the remaining portion . For example half- wave rectifier. * Ahalf-wave rectifier clips either the negative half cycle or the positive half ‘ele of an alternating waveform, and allows to pass only one half cycle. O Clipping circuits are also referred to as voltage limiters, amplitude selectors, or Base Beco Engineering BIRT ra ag O The basic components required for a clipping circuit are ~ an ideal diode and a resistor. In order to fix the clipping level to the desired amount, a de battery must also be included. * Adiode is a key element in electronic circuit clipper and its position, presence or absence of DC bias determines the type of clipper used * Different levels of clipping can be obtained by varying the amount of voltage of the battery and also interchanging the positions of the diode and resistor. O Clipper circuit has great applications in radars, digital computers .ctronic systems for removing unwanted portions of al voltages above or below a specified level and also pulses that rise well above the signal amplitude are clipped down to the desired level. SS lee eta me Te O Clipping circuit consists of non-linear and linear devices. The non-linear devices generally used for clipping are diodes and transistors. UO Classification of clipper According to non-linear devices used, 1. Diode clippers and 2. Transistor clippers. Classification of clipper, According to configuration used 1. Series clippers: A diode isin series with the load 2. Parallel or shunt clippers: A diode Is In a branch parallel to the load. 2 Classification of clipper, According to biasing 1. Unbiased clippers and 2 Biased clippers. Oi Classification of clipper, According to level of clipping 1. Positive clippers 2. Negative clippers 3. Biased clippers and 4. Combination clippers Se Diode Clipper OsSteps to analyze Clipper circuits 1. Replace the diode by one of its equivalent diode model 2. Identify conditions for diode turn off or on and clipping levels of input voltage 3. Derive the equation for transfer characteristic of the circuit 4. Plot the transfer characteristic and input output waveforms of the circuit ed Neg ag Series clipper QA series clipper consists of a diode connected in series (anode connected to the input supply and cathode to the output load) with the output and this removes or clips certain part of input voltage completely. The diode acts as a series switch between the source and load. O Series negative clipper QA series negative clipper consists of a diode connected in series (anode connected to the input supply and cathode to the output load) with the output and this removes or clips the negative half completely. The diode acts as a series switch between the source and load. ee ae Cee I During the positive half cycle of the input AC , the anode of diode D is positive with ‘to the cathode. Therefore, itforward-biases the diode and it acts as a closed Switch. Thus there is no voltage drop across the diode during the positive half cycle of the input voltage. All the input voltage is dropped across the resistor during positive haf cycle of the input voltage i.e. the positive half cycle of the input voltage appears across. the output as shown in the output waveform. IT input ac sinusoidal signal applied to series negative clipper is given by vj = Vp Sint, then %=Vqsinot=4 for (0S wt Sm) on ‘Vo = Vox Sin cat = Vy for 4 >0 | en Cae During the negative half of the AC input voltage, the cathode of" diode D is positive with respect to its anode Le. diode Is reverse biased so that output fs disconnected from input Le. output + voltage is maintained or Imited to 0 V since diode D acts as an Gircuit diagram of Series negative clipper Positive half cycle ‘open switch in reverse biased condition. Thus, the negative half eyacive half cycle fyele of input ac signal i clipped off. for es wt $n) form<0 Series Negative clipper (ideal diode model) Voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) curve of Series Negative clipper ( ideal diode model) ‘Bask Bectronks Engineering Cn eke Olf input ac sinusoidal signal applied to series negative clipper(using constant voltage drop model) is given by Vic curve of series negative _ clipper (for constant voltage drop v; = Vn sin ot ‘model of diode Then, its output from series negative clipper is given by w%=0V for vj <0.7V Vo %-0.7V for y, 20.7V —inputand output waveform of Series Negative clipper erie Na ea sae |G. finput se sinusoidal signal applied to series positive clipper (ideal diode) is given by notes Greut diegram of Series postive clipper Fornesative half ce, " Diode D is forward biased as anode is more positive than cathode brane —— Dita dode acts a lose etch ‘Thus there iso voltae drop across the diode durin the postive Iafeye of the nut vlage all the input voltage is dropped across the resistor during negative half cyl of their vltage Le, oo oo Yasinat For ¥i<0 = hgsinat for (Us we 520) Forpostive halfecle Diode Dis reverse biased as anode s more regatve than cathode Ssothat diode acts as open eeu |. Hence outputs cisconnected fom inputie, output vokage is maintained orliited fo0¥. oo yaov for(osuts) Forv>0 Ss Series positive clipper (Si diode) Olf input ac sinusoidal signal applied to series positive clipper(using constant voltage drop model) is given by Srpmesay tens V, = Vn sinwt Then, its output from series negative clipper is given by v=0 for V; >-0.7V V,=Vit072V forV;<-0.7V ES Eee Rohe ca ce O if input ac sinusoidal signal applied to series positive clipper (ideal diode) is given by 2% = Yq Sin cot Cl When applied input voltage v; > V, diode D will be forward biased, substituting short Circuit equivalent model of diode as shown in figure, output voltage across resistor R is given by using KVL y-v O when applied input voltage v; < V, diode D will be reverse biased, substituting open circuit equivalent model of diode as shown in figure, no current fill flow through resistor R. O Hence, output voltage across resistor R is given by Vide carpet) Vic curve idea) uur woveform Biased series ne; O For v; > V + Vj, diode D will be forward biased, substituting constant voltage drop model of diode, output voltage across resistor R is given by using KVL When applied input voltage v; < V+ Vj, diode D will be reverse biased, substituting open circuit equivalent model of diode, no current fill flow through resistor R. Determine the output waveform for the sinusoidal input" — =F of Figure, : Solution 1 For the given clipper circuit (assuming ideal diode), diode D will be forward biased when applied input voltage v; > (-5V) substituting short circuit equivalent model of diode in “ as forward blased condition as shown in igure . 5 The output voltage is given by + =o ats a> ey) Ay, =0,v5 = OV +5V = SV 0 ¥1 5 ~5V, diode D willbe " ge Teverie based substituting open rt eaialent . ode of dee, no current i low through restr R a noo msc ‘Basi Eectronks Engeerng De gs ia ate roa C1 A parallel clipper circuit uses a resistor connected in series with the input AC signal and the output signal is developed across the diode O The output is in parallel with the diode hence the circuit name parallel clipper. O The parallel clipper can limit either the positive or negative alternation of the input signal to a specific level. O Ina clipper circuit, the diode acts as a switch. The diode acts as a closed switch when diode is forwarded biased and as an open switch when diode is reverse biased. O There are many forms of parallel clipper circuits depending on diode position, and biasing DC voltage. O The output waveform has the same shape as that of a series clipper but for parallel clipper the diode voltage drop is taken in account as the output is in parallel with di a) Shunt or parallel positive clipper [i The ctcult diagram of parallel postive Ulpper's as shown in figure During postive halt cycle of Input V, the fiode wil be forward bla and fmains forward biased for entice half cyl of input a2 shown in figure. ASR stn parallel with diode, no current flows through it and output voltage across ‘the load resetance willbe Zoro. Perv 20U.veno During negative half cycle of input voltage Vj, diode D is reversed biased and acts 25 ‘open circuit. The entire current flows ‘through Ry as shown in figure Using voltage divider rule, output voltage is given by ani 7 +¥; foryesov RL» RyWo=Ve Vo =0.7V For ¥, > 0.20 Ry VY; for s0.7V am Rh Numerical Determine the output voltage waveform of given diode circuit. Q Solution 1G When input voltage Vin < —0.7V diode will be forward biased and acts as closed switch with constant voltage drop of 0.7V with polarity as shown in figure. DAs Ris in parallel with diode, output voltage across the load resistance will be -0.7V. ie. Vo==0.7V for Vin <-0.7V When input voltage Vin > —0.7V diode will be reverse biased and acts as open switch . The entire current fiows through R, as shown in figure Using voltage divider rule, output voltage is glven by Re Vom ape, Ven Forvi 20.7 100 10V in M 10+ 100" “ 11 RMON ALVig = 10V, Vo = $28 = 128 9. goy Pod Biased parallel positive clipper O For v; > Vp, diode D will be forwa O Substituting closed circuit equivalent of diode as shown in figure, since the voltage across the diode and battery is parallel to load resistance R, , output voltage is given by Vy =Vae O For v; < Vp, diode D will be reverse bias and acts as Open switch . The entire currer flows through Ry, as shown in figure O Using voltage divider rule, output voltage is given by Re Vom mam TM Fores Ve Vo = Vif R>> Ry " ‘eed Biased parallel positive clipper VIC curve for Ry >> Ry For Silicon diode Waveforms ‘Bask econ Engineering Nieee ; ‘| Detemine v, fr the dod cper che os given in figure (assuming ideal diode). 6} ‘Solution O For »; < 4V, diode D be forward fats 2 Substituting closed circuit equivalent of diode as shown in figure, since the voltage across the diode and battery is. parallel to output terminal , output voltage is given by 9 = AV. O For v; > 4V, diode D will be reverse biased, 2 Substituting open circuit equivalent model of diode, output voltage will follow input voltage since load resistance is infinite. 2% =Y Combinational diode clipper Q Dual{combinational) diode clipper _ is electronic circuit used to limit both positive and negative of the input AC signal to a desired amplitude level. it can be dual biased clipper or dual unbiased clipper and these are based on shunt positive and negative clipper combined. Combinational diode clipper (unbiased) is shown in figure. ‘Operation of combinational diode clipper When input voltage Vin > Vion, diode D, will be forward biased and diode Dis reverse biased, output voltage Voy; Is given by the across the diode Dy hen, Yoon 2. When input voltage Vin <—Vo,yn, diode D; will be reverse biased and diode Dis forward biased, output voltage’. Is given by the across the diode D, Le. Vout Voom 3. When input voltage —Vp ay Vin 2V, diode D2 is reverse biased and diode D, is forward biased, so current i;is given by using KVL and solving for & 0) = Ry + Ry +My a= ektiee | And O For v, < —4V, diode D, is forward biased and diode D; is reverse biased, hence output voltage is constant at vq = —4V O for -4V < v < 2V, both diodes D, and D, are reversed therefore output voltage follows the input voltage ised and Me hw Bre * me a tC SPR te Cee) Summary of clipper circuit contd... Diode Clamper 1 Clamper is an electronic circuit that places either the positive or negative peak ofa signal at a desired DC level 1 The clamper does not restrict the peak-to-peak output of the signa, it moves the whole signal up or down so as to place the peaks at the reference level. O Principally a clamping circuit introduces or restores @ DC level to an AC signal * The de component is simply added to or subtracted from the input signal + Hence a clamping cicuitin practices is also given other names such as OC restorer, or DC reinserted or a baseline stabilizer 1 A diode clamp (a simple, common type) consists of a diode, which conducts electric current in only one direction and prevents the signal exceeding the reference value; and a capacitor which provides @ DC offset from the stored charge, 1 The capacitor forms a time constant with the resistor load which determines the range of frequencies over which the clamper willbe effective. O Features of clamper circuit ‘The shape of the waveform will be the same, but its level is shifted either upward ordownward. ‘+ No change in the peak-to-peak value of the waveform. Change in the peak and average values of the waveform. + The values of the resistor R and capacitor C affect the waveform. DTT ke ag O Aclamper is a network constructed of a diode, a resistor, anda capacitor that shifts a waveform to a different dc level without changing the appearance of the applied signal. 0 Aclamper circuit adds the positive or negative de component to the input signal so as to push it either on the positive side or on the negative side with respect to the ground level. O Clamping networks have a capacitor connected directly from input to output with a resistive element in parallel with the output signal. The diode is also in parallel with the output signal but may or may not have a series dc supply as an added element. 0 Types of clamper circuit * Negative clamper * Positive clamper * Biased clamper ¥ Biased positive lamper Biased negative clamper a) a aa ae ae damtikaa 1. 2 5. DN Scat ag 1 The circuit diagram of Negative diode clamper in which input signal applied is square wave with positive peak of V and negative peak ~V with Vay = 2V as showin in figure. During the positive peak of the input (V), the diode is in forward bias and acts as a closed switch and as the diode conducts the capacitor charges very quickly towards positive Peak V with polarity as shown in figure The output voltage across the load resistance R is maintained at 0 volts since load resistance R and Diode are in parallel connection where forward biased diode acts as short circuit. At y= Viv =0 and capacitor charges towards V instantly = Welt Start the analysis by examining the response of the portion of the input signal that will forward bias the diode. During the period that the diode is in the “on” state, assume that the capacitor will charge up instantaneously to a voltage level determined by the surrounding network. Assume that during the period when the diode is in the “off” state the capacitor holds on to its established voltage level Throughout the analysis, maintain a continual awareness of the location and defined polarity for v, to ensure that the proper levels are obtained. Check that the total swing of the output matches that of the input. Negative clamper © During negative peak of input (-V), diode is reverse biased and acts as open switch and capacitor discharges through load resistor R as shown in figure. Gi Since capacitor voltage and input voltage are in series, voltage across load resistance R is given by U9 = 4 V(t) = -V-V=—2V For silicon diode Ov =V,% = 0.7volts, capacitor charges towards V-(¢ Qy=-¥, capacitor discharges through load resistor R and %) = -V = (V=0.7) = (-2V + 0.7 volts ( -0.7)volts SS 7 ; bras ta i “ i The circuit diagram of Negetive diode clamper mR OOM in which input signal applied is square wave |. | with positive peak of Vin and negative peak = = Vq with Vp = 2Vas shown in figure. O During the negative peak of the input (—V }, the diode is in forward bias and acts as a closed switch and as the diode conducts, the ‘capacitor charges very quickly towards negative Peak (—Vn } with polarity as shown in figure The output voltage across the load resistance R is maintained at O volts since load resistance R and Diode are in parallel connection where forward biased diode acts as short circuit. Atv; = Me % = 0 and capacitor charges towards Vn instantly . 2 VO = Von axons Engheering Beta cert During positive peak of input (Vj), diode is reverse biased and acts as open switch and capacitor discharges through load resistor R as shown in figure Q Since capacitor voltage and input voltage are in ‘series, voltage across load resistance R is given by V9 = Yi + VECO) = Vn + Vn = 2 For silicon diode OD Y= Vp, = -0.7 volts, capacitor charges towards Ve(0) = Up = O.7)volts ye Ov = Ya, capacitor discharges through load resistor Rand ‘-; U% = Vin + Win = 0.7) = (2¥n = 0.7)v0lts | 1 ey Biased posi O Determine the output voltage waveform of biased clamper as shown in figure. Solution C1 At negative peak of input voltage v; = —20V, diode D is forward biased and act as closed switch, Ci The output voltage across the load resistance Ris maintained at 5 volts since load resistance Rand biased Diode are in parallel connection. For, = ~20V, vp = SV Tae reer ‘Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law around the input loop results in ~20 + V(t) Volt) = 25V) The capacitor will therefore charge up to 25 V with polarity as shown in figure. Example cont O During positive peak of input (vj = 10V), diode is reverse biased and acts as open switch and capacitor discharges through load resistor R as shown in figure. 7 Since capacitor voltage and input voltage are in series, voltage across load resistance R is given by % = % + Ve) = 10 + 25 asv drop of 0.7V is forward biased and applying constant voltage drop model of diode, we get output voltage across load resistance R equal to the voltage across the biased diode. 20) =5-0.7=4.3V D Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law around the input loop results in ~20+Vel0)40.7-5=0 V(t) = 24.37 The capacitor will therefore charge up to 24.3 V with polarity as shown in figure. For vj = 10V, diode is reverse biased and acts as open, switch and capacitor discharges through load resistor Ras shown in figure. 1 Since capacitor voltage and input voltage are in series, voltage across load resistance R is given by 9 = U4 VeKt) = 10+ 24.3 = 34.37 ee mM er ae tee Questions re

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