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IT-7.1 Testing of Welds 1

IT-7.2 Pre-backfill inspection 1

IT-7.3 Pressure Test 1

IT-7.4 Water Mains Disinfection Inspection and FAC test 8

IT-7.5 E-coli sampling 9

IT-7.6 Fire Hydrant Visual Inspection 10

IT-7.7 Valve Visual Inspection 10

IT-7.8 Water Meter Inspection 10

IT-7.1 Testing of Welds

Refer to IT-5.2.1 Testing of Butt Welds in Polyethylene Pipes and IT-5.2.2 Testing of Electrofusion Welds
in Polyethylene Pipes.

IT-7.2 Pre-backfill inspection

Refer to the following information:

a) IT-1 General Provisions for minimum requirements and applying for inspections/tests

b) IT-1 Appendix A Inspection and Testing Summary for the

i) number of inspections required
ii) timing of inspections
iii) representatives at inspection

c) IS-7.4 Pre-backfill inspection for inspection sheet.

IT-7.3 Pressure Test

In addition to the following sections, refer to

a) IT-1 General Provisions for minimum requirements and applying for inspections/tests

b) IT-1 Appendix A Inspection and Testing Summary for the

i) number of inspections required
ii) timing of inspections
iii) representatives at inspections

c) IS-7.5 Pressure Testing checklist

d) TS-7.1a Constant Pressure Test Method (Flexible Pipes) (available in IDC Toolbox)

e) TS-7.1b Constant Pressure Test Method (Visco-Elastic Pipes) (available in IDC Toolbox)

f) TS-7.1c Pressure Rebound Test Method (Visco-Elastic Pipes) (available in IDC Toolbox)

g) TS-7.1d Visual Test Method (available in IDC Toolbox)

IT-7.3.1 Selecting the Test Method

The method of pressure test depends on the pipe material, combination of materials, pipe pressure
rating, pipe diameter and test length. The Engineer shall nominate the appropriate test method at the
time of Development Works Approval or in the contract documents for Council projects. This allows the
testing method to be checked against the designed infrastructure to ensure the correct test method will
be used and any discussions and agreements between parties are made well before testing takes place.

The test methods are:

a) Constant Pressure Test Method for Flexible Pipes

b) Constant Pressure Test Method for Visco-Elastic Pipes

c) Pressure Rebound Test Method for Visco-Elastic Pipes

d) Visual Test Method for small diameter pipes, short test lengths or mixed materials

The final decision on whether a visual test may be undertaken is at the discretion of Council. The test
method shall be selected using Table 1 Pressure Test Selection below:

Table 1: Pressure Test Selection

Test Method Pipe Material Pipe Diameter Length Test Sheet Further Criteria
Constant Pressure Test Flexible Pipes Any Diameter <1km TS7.1a
Method (Flexible (PVC, DI, GRP,
Pipes) Steel)
Test Methods

Constant Pressure Test Visco-Elastic Greater than DN315 <1km TS7.1b

Method (Visco- Elastic Pipes (PE, PP,
Pipes) ABS)
Pressure Rebound Test Visco-Elastic DN63 up to DN315 <1km TS7.1c
Method (Visco-Elastic Pipes (PE, PP,
Pipes) ABS)
Visual Test Method PVC DN100 <100m TS7.1d Specific Council
DN150 up to DN200 <50m Approval required.
PE80 DN63 <60m Visual test may be
DN125 <50m considered for these
PE100 DN125 <50m lengths.
DN180 up to DN250 <30m
Mixed Materials Up to DN315 <10m

a) PVC = Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe, DI = Ductile Iron Pipe, GRP =Glass Reinforced Plastic Pipe, PE = Polyethylene Pipe, PP =
Polypropylene Pipe, ABS = Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Pipe.
b) The above table includes pipe material and diameters that are not in the Approved Materials list. Refer to the Approved
Materials section for selection of pipe material and diameters.
c) Where a test length comprises different pressure ratings, a test for each different pressure rated pipe shall be undertaken.
d) Where a pipe material is not included in the table or there is any uncertainty regarding the appropriate test to use, please
contact Council for consideration and approval.


Different pipes act differently under pressure therefore different test methods are required. Flexible pipes flex and move under
pressure, therefore a test with constant pressure is appropriate for this type of pipe material. Visco-Elastic pipes are more
elastic and will stretch under pressure and rebound faster to its unpressurised state once the pressure has been removed. For
Visco-Elastic pipes DN63-DN315 a constant pressure test will overstretch the pipe, therefore a rebound test is required. For
larger >DN315 PE and PP pipes, the pipe is a lot stiffer so a constant pressure test is required. However, the methodology is
different to the constant pressure test for flexible pipes.

It is important to note that the pressure tests are very sensitive to variations in the test process, weather conditions and
preparation for the test.
a) Air - All air must be removed from the length of pipe being tested. Entrapped or entrained air in the pipe will make
the test fail. Air can be compressed and therefore will not allow the tests to pass.
b) Average Test Head - The Constant Pressure Test for Flexible Pipes requires the average test head over the length of
the pipe tested. This needs to be calculated accurately prior to the test. Getting this wrong may pass or fail the test
c) Temperature - The Pressure Rebound Test for Visco-Elastic Pipes requires the temperature of the water in the pipe to
be accurately measured, not guessed or estimated. It is not advised to attempt a pressure test in excessive heat
where any portion of the pipe is exposed (during informal tests pipes may be exposed)

IT-7.3.2 Pressure Test Timing

Table 2: Pressure Test Timing sets out the timing of pressure tests depending on test method and test

Table 2: Pressure Test Timing

Test Method Test Type: Contractor’s Test Test Type: Certifying Test

Constant Pressure Test At Contractor’s discretion. Typically All utilities are installed (including manifolds,
Method (Flexible Pipes) before joints, fittings, service meter boxes, end caps and power service
Test Method

Constant Pressure Test connections and valves backfilled. Note pillars on lot connections) and no further
Method (Visco- Elastic Pipes) that the tests are sensitive to point loading will be carried out within close
Pressure Rebound Test temperature changes which can occur proximity of the watermain and
Method (Visco-Elastic Pipes) when the mains are not backfilled. connections. Within two weeks prior to
Visual Test Method All joints, fittings, service connections and valves exposed. Main suitably restrained and

Explanatory Note:
Contractor’s Test: Undertaken prior to Council witnessing to ensure the infrastructure has been constructed without defects
and is leak free.
Certifying Test: Undertaken with the Engineer to certify and Council as witness.

IT-7.3.3 Test Equipment

To ensure infrastructure testing is carried out accurately and consistently, Council supply test rigs for use
during testing. The following applies to using test rigs:

a) Rigs will be supplied for both Contractor’s and Certifying tests.

b) For Contractor’s tests, book the rig through the Council’s Representative and collect at Council

c) For Certifying tests, book the rig when booking the test. The rig will be supplied to site by the
Council’s Representative.

d) The test rig consists of a calibrated pressure gauge/data-logger and a certified water meter. All
other equipment shall be supplied by the Contractor.

e) The test rig shall only be used for the purpose it has been provided for and shall be returned
immediately after the test is completed.

f) Where damage or loss of Council equipment occurs as a result of the actions of the Contractor
and/or Engineer, the Contractor and/or Engineer shall be responsible for reimbursement to Council
for all costs incurred, including full replacement if necessary.

g) In instances where the Contractor and/or Engineer wish to use their own measuring devices,
approval for this is required from the Council’s Team Leader: Water Services.

IT-7.3.4 Test Procedures

IT- Constant Pressure Test Method for Flexible Pipes

The following shall be read in conjunction with NZS4404, C3.5 Constant Pressure Test. The Standard Test
Pressure (STP) = 25% above the rated pressure of the pipe material.

a) The procedure shall be as follows:

i) Undertake all requirements of IS-7.5 Pressure Testing checklist.
ii) Prepare test sheet TS7.1a Constant Pressure Test Method (Flexible Pipes) (available in IDC
iii) Pressurize the test length to STP.
iv) Maintain the test pressure by adding measured and recorded quantities of make-up water, at
regular intervals over a period in the range of 1 – 12 hours.
v) Where pressure measurements are not made at the lowest part of the test length, make an
allowance for the static head from the lowest point of the pipeline and the point of
measurement to ensure the STP is not exceeded at the lowest point.
vi) Complete form TS-7.1a – Constant Pressure Test Method (Flexible Pipes) (available in IDC

b) The amount of make-up water (Q) to maintain the test pressure shall be as per the following

Q ≤ 0.14LDH

Q = allowable make-up water (L/hr)
L = test length (km)
D = nominal diameter of the pipe being tested (m)
H = average test head over the length of the pipeline being tested (m)

c) The test length shall be accepted where:

i) There is no failure of any pipeline component e.g. thrust block, pipe, fitting, joint
ii) No physical leakage has occurred
iii) The amount of make-up water to maintain the test pressure complies with IT b).

IT- Constant Pressure Test Method for Visco-Elastic Pipes

The following shall be read in conjunction with NZS4404, C3.6 Constant Pressure Test. The Standard Test
Pressure (STP) = 25% above the rated pressure of the pipe material.

a) The procedure shall be as follows:

i) Undertake all requirements of IS-7.5 Pressure Testing checklist.
ii) Prepare test sheet TS7.1b Constant Pressure Test Method (Visco-Elastic Pipes) (available in IDC
iii) Pressurize the test length to STP.
iv) Shut main off and let pressure settle for 12 hours.
v) Re-apply and maintain the test pressure for five hours by pumping a sufficient amount of water
at appropriate intervals e.g. every 15 minutes.
vi) Record the water volume, in litres, required to maintain the pressure between Hour 2 and Hour
3 (V1).
vii) Record the water volume, in litres, required to maintain the pressure between Hour 4 and Hour
5 (V2).

b) Calculate:

0.55V1 + Q.
Q = allowable make up volume as per IT b).

c) The test length shall be accepted where:

i) There is no failure of any pipeline component e.g. thrust block, pipe, fitting, joint.
ii) No physical leakage has occurred.
iii) V2 ≤ 0.55V1 + Q.

IT Pressure Rebound Test Method for Visco-Elastic Pipes

This following shall be read in conjunction with NZS4404, C3.7 Pressure Rebound Method for Viscoelastic
Pressure pipelines. The specified test pressure (STP) = 25% above the rated pressure of the pipe

a) The first phase procedure shall be as follows:

i) Undertake all requirements of IS-7.5 Pressure Testing checklist.
ii) Prepare test sheet TS7.1b Pressure Rebound Test Method (Visco-Elastic Pipes) (available in IDC
iii) Reduce the pressure to just above atmospheric pressure at the highest point of the test length
and let it stand for one hour, ensuring no air enters the line.
iv) Raise the pressure to STP within 10 minutes. Hold this pressure for 30 minutes by pumping
continuously, or for short intervals as required. Do not exceed the specified test pressure.
v) During the 30 minute hold time, visually inspect for leaks. Shut off the pressure after this 30
minute period.
vi) Allow the pressure to drop for one hour.
vii) Measure the pressure after one hour (P60).

viii) If P60 ≤ 70% of the STP, the test has failed. Locate and rectify the cause and repeat IT
ix) If P60 >70% of the STP proceed to IT

b) The second phase procedure (air volume assessment) shall be as follows:

i) Within five minutes, reduce the pressure by 10-15% of STP (ΔP).
ii) Measure the water volume bled out (ΔV).
iii) Calculate the maximum allowable volume using the following equation:

ΔV(max allowable) = 1.2 x V x ΔP((1 / Ew) + (D / e) / ER))

Note: This equation differs from NZS4404.


1.2 = air allowance

V = pipe volume (L)
ΔP = measured pressure drop (kPa)
Ew = bulk modulus of water (kPa) (see Table 3: Bulk Modulus of Water (Ew))
D = pipe internal diameter (m)
e = pipe wall thickness (mm)
ER = pipe material modulus (kPa) (see Table 4: Pipe Material Modulus (ER))

Table 3: Bulk Modulus of Water (Ew)

Temperature Bulk Modulus

(deg C) (kPa x 103)
5 2080
10 2110
15 2140
20 2170
25 2210

30 2230

Table 4: Pipe Material Modulus (ER)

Temperature PE80B - E Modulus (kPa x 103) PE100 - E Modulus (kPa x 103)

(deg C) 3h 3h
5 680 900
10 610 820
15 550 750
20 510 680
25 470 630
30 430 600

iv) If ΔV > ΔV (max allowable), the test has failed. Locate and rectify the cause and repeat IT- and IT-
v) If ΔV ≤ ΔV (max allowable), proceed to IT-

c) The third phase procedure (main test phase) shall be as follows:
i) Record the pressure rise over 30 minutes.
ii) If there is a failure, locate and repair leaks.

d) The test length shall be accepted where:

i) There is no failure of any pipeline component e.g. thrust block, pipe, fitting, joint.
ii) No physical leakage has occurred.
iii) The pressure rises or remains the same in the 30 minute time period.
Note: If unsure about the pressure recovery, the length of monitoring time can be extended to 90 minutes. If the pressure
drops by more than 20kPa from the peak during this period, the test fails.

IT- Visual Test Method

Requests for Visual Tests will be assessed on a case by case basis.

The following shall be read in conjunction with NZS4404, C3.8 Visual Test For Small Pressure Pipelines.
The specified test pressure (STP) = 25% above the rated pressure of the pipe material.

a) The procedure shall be as follows:

i) Undertake all pre-test requirements of IS-7.5 Pressure Testing Checklist.
ii) Prepare test sheet TS7.1d Visual test method (available in IDC Toolbox).
iii) Pressurise the test length to STP.
iv) Visually inspect all joints, fittings, service connections and valves for leaks.
v) Check gauges as an indicator that no undetected leak has occurred.
vi) Repair any leaks and repeat the test.

b) The test length shall be accepted where:

i) There is no failure of any pipeline component e.g. thrust block, pipe, fitting, joint.
ii) No physical leakage has occurred.
iii) There is no pressure loss indicating a leak.

Note: The timing of formal visual pressure tests are different to the formal pressure tests as the joints, fittings, service
connections and valves are exposed for inspection.

IT-7.3.5 Post Test Procedure

Once the Certifying pressure test has been completed, reduce pressure to mains pressure, i.e. the
pressure in the adjacent Council watermain.

Note: At the conclusion of any pressure test the pipe length shall be depressurised to approximately 500kPa until the pipe
length is connected to the Council reticulation. The pipe may be depressurised further for sterilisation but must be brought
back up to approx. 500kPa once the chlorine has been introduced into the line.

The following procedure shall be followed to reduce pressure:

a) Open a valve (ideally a 20mm gate valve) at the opposite end of the pipe to the pressure gauge and
observe the gauge to ensure a pressure drop is witnessed. This confirms the entire pipe length has
been tested.

b) Open all air venting facilities when draining the pipeline should repairs be required.

c) Depressurise pipelines slowly.

d) Drain all test water to an approved waterway or stormwater network.

IT-7.4 Water Supply Disinfection Inspection and FAC test

Refer to the following information:

a) IT-1 General Provisions for minimum requirements and applying for inspections/tests.

b) IT-1 Appendix A Inspection and Testing Summary and TCC/WBoPDC Hygiene Code of Practice for
Water Supply Systems for the
i) number of inspections required
ii) timing of inspections
iii) representatives at inspections

c) TS-7.2 Disinfection Mixture (available in IDC Toolbox) for test sheet.

d) TCC/WBoPDC Hygiene Code of Practice for Water Supply Systems Appendix A: Producer Statement
Water System: Disinfection

e) CS-9.6 Cleaning and Disinfection of Watermains for further information on keeping water main
under pressure after cleaning and disinfection

IT-7.4.1 Disinfection Procedure

a) Pipes shall be filled with a (minimum) 15 mg/L free available chlorine (FAC) solution to disinfect. See
table TS-7.2 Disinfection Mixture (available in IDC Toolbox) for guideline amounts of sodium
hypochlorite to achieve this.

b) The disinfection mixture can be prepared in the following ways:

i) Mix a suitable amount of potable water with the required amount of sodium hypochlorite in a
tanker. The water shall be tested for chlorine concentration before use and contain sufficient
free available chlorine (FAC) to produce a uniform concentration of at least 15 mg/l in the pipe.
ii) If pre-mixed chlorinated water is not used, the chlorine solution must be injected at a
continuous rate to ensure a concentration of at least 15 mg/l in the pipe and is in contact with
every part of the pipe system. This can be achieved by pumping in the chlorine solution or by
using a chlorine injector while the pipe is being filled with water.

c) The chlorinated water shall be introduced at the lowest point of the section of pipe to be disinfected
to ensure that no air is trapped. The method of filling shall be such that the chlorine concentration is
consistent when tested and recorded along the length of the pipe.

Note: Please note Sodium Hypochlorite is a hazardous substance. Please ensure that the appropriate Health and Safety
measures are followed by referencing the Materials Safety Data Sheet for the product. Chlorine solutions deteriorate when left
standing, particularly if containers are dirty, exposed to sunlight or left in a warm place. Concentrated Sodium Hypochlorite
should be used within specified use-by dates, checked for strength before use and should preferably be appropriately diluted
and stored in clearly labelled dark plastic containers.

d) Once filled, the pipeline shall be isolated to prevent any water loss and left to stand for 24 hours.
After 24 hours, the FAC is to be tested by Council to confirm that the chlorine residual is greater
than 5 mg/L.

IT-7.4.2 Draining and Safe Disposal of Super-Chlorinated Water

a) Once the disinfection process has been successfully completed, commence draining the pipe,
ensuring that the chlorinated water is disposed of in a safe manner. This can be done by one of the
following processes:
i) discharging to the nearest sewer (consent to be obtained from the Council‘s Waste Services
ii) dechlorination while draining method (see TS-7.3 Disinfection Mixture de-chlorination calculator
available in IDC Toolbox, for sodium thiosulphate/other de-chlorination chemicals), or by
iii) tankering off site for safe disposal.

b) The pipe shall be emptied of the super-chlorinated water and the ingress of any contaminants
prevented. This can be achieved by purging the super-chlorinated water with potable water from
the Council’s Water Supply. The pipe to be flushed out until the pipe has been purged of all super-
chlorinated water (confirmed by FAC measurements at the point of draining. The FAC to be same as
FAC of mains water, (typically between 0.4 and 1mg/l).

IT-7.5 E-coli sampling

Refer to the following information:

a) IT-1 General Provisions for minimum requirements and applying for inspections/tests

b) IT-1 Appendix A Inspection and Testing Summary and TCC/WBoPDC Hygiene Code of Practice for
Water Supply Systems for the
i) number of inspections required
ii) timing of inspections
iii) representatives at inspections

c) TCC/WBoPDC Hygiene Code of Practice for Water Supply Systems Appendix A: Producer Statement
Water System: Disinfection

IT-7.5.1 E. coli Sampling Procedure:

a) Only once sufficient flushing and the typical FAC has been achieved, can E.coli sampling be
undertaken. Once sampling has been completed, any sampling flows are to be turned off and the
pipe must be kept full of water prior to connection to the live reticulation network.

b) Sampling must be undertaken by a suitably trained person using suitably laboratory prepared
bacteriological sampling bottles (containing sodium thiosulphate) and submitted for testing in
accordance with an IANZ accredited testing laboratories requirements for E.coli testing. The samples
are to be sent to an IANZ accredited laboratories to perform E.coli tests. If the testing shows the
presence of any E.coli organisms, the disinfection process will need to be repeated.

c) E.coli testing takes approximately 24 hours. Once a pipe has had a successful bacteriological test and
the connection is approved by Council, the pipe must remain charged prior to connection to prevent
contamination. The Council Representative will notify the Engineer that the testing has been
successful and that the connection can be completed.

IT-7.6 Fire Hydrant Visual Inspection

Refer to the following information:

a) IT-1 General Provisions for minimum requirements and applying for inspections/tests

b) IT-1 Appendix A Inspection and Testing Summary for the

i) number of inspections required
ii) timing of inspections
iii) representatives at inspections

c) IS-7.1 Inspection Sheet – Hydrant for inspection sheet.

IT-7.7 Valve Visual Inspection

Refer to the following information:

a) IT-1 General Provisions for minimum requirements and applying for inspections/tests

b) IT-1 Appendix A Inspection and Testing Summary for the

i) number of inspections required
ii) timing of inspections
iii) representatives at inspections

c) IS-7.2 Inspection Sheet – Valve for inspection sheet.

IT-7.8 Water Meter Inspection

Refer to the following information:

a) IT-1 General Provisions for minimum requirements and applying for inspections/tests

b) IT-1 Appendix A Inspection and Testing Summary for the

i) number of inspections required
ii) timing of inspections
iii) representatives at inspections

c) IS-7.3 Inspection Sheet – Water Connection for inspection sheet.

DATE: .............................. RC NUMBER: ..................................

DEVELOPMENT NAME & STAGE: ............................................................................................

Hydrant Number (P)ass / (F)ail Comments if Fail

650mm Check for:

· Spindle height
Painted with yellow · Alignment
road marking paint
· Accessibility
· Cap
50mm x 5mm 100 -
250 50mm x 5mm · Orientation
steel edge steel edge · Risers
· Paint marking
· Kerb marking
· Cats eyes
· Flush with ground level

Tracer wire Tracer wire

................................................................... (CONTRACTOR) ................................................................... (CERTIFYING ENGINEER)

......................................................................................... (COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE - WITNESS)

DATE: .............................. RC NUMBER: ..................................

DEVELOPMENT NAME & STAGE: ............................................................................................

Valve Number (P)ass / (F)ail Comments if Fail

420mm Painted with white road Check for:

marking paint
50mm x 5mm
· Valve box orientated correctly
50mm x 5mm steel edge
steel edge · Tracer wire accessible and not tangled on
spindle (if required)
150mm min - 1000mm

· Baseblock not sitting on riser pipe

· Lid and surround painted white
· Spindle is accessible (free from debris and not

Tracer wire against riser pipe)

PVC pipe
Valve Flanged adaptor · Kerb marking
Butt welded · Flush with ground level

PE pipe

Dressing set
Bedding as

Anchor block - for details

see drawing T722

................................................................... (CONTRACTOR) ................................................................... (CERTIFYING ENGINEER)

......................................................................................... (COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE - WITNESS)

DATE: .............................. RC NUMBER: ..................................

DEVELOPMENT NAME & STAGE: ............................................................................................

Lot Number (P)ass / (F)ail Comments if Fail

Check for:
Moulded meter box with base &

mounting lugs with blue moulded lid End cap · Lid is flush with the surrounding
(with " WATER " moulded into top) & ground
lid secured to surround via stainless
steel flexible coupling
250mm long x 200mm wide 300mm Approx 1000mm tail · Not in a depression
· Manifold is clipped into the base
· The inside of the box is free from
50mm min
dirt and debris
350mm High

Isolating valve · Meter number is correct and

services the correct lot
20mm ID MDPE
pipe Council supply
20mm MDPE pipe user line
< 185mm Point of supply

Max height 20mm up Min. 300mm long x 250mm wide

within surround of meter
box for base

................................................................... (CONTRACTOR) ................................................................... (CERTIFYING ENGINEER)

......................................................................................... (COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE - WITNESS)

IS-7.4 Pre-backfill inspection

Pre-Backfill Inspection checklist

Date:………………………………………………………..Resource Consent/TCC Contract Number:………………………………………..

Development Name and Stage/TCC Contract Name:……………………………………………………………………………………………

Pipe Location and Length: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

þ N/A (add comment) Pre-Backfill Inspection

All construction has been completed and inspected by the Consulting
o o
The pipe material pressure rating is in accordance with the DWA drawings
o o
and specifications.
The pipe diameters are in accordance with the DWA drawings and
o o
o o Pipe fittings are in accordance with the DWA drawings and specifications.
The pipeline is constructed on the alignment as per the DWA drawings. Note
o o
– this will require a measurement to the property boundary.
o o The pipeline is at the correct depth as per the IDC.
The separation between water and the closest service is as per the DWA
o o
drawings and the IDC.
o o The pipeline has been bedded correctly.
o o The pipe jointing has been bedded correctly.
o o Deflections and bend radii are within specification.

I certify that the above is true and accurate.

…………………………………………….......................................................................................Contractor’s Representative


…………………………………………….......................................................................................Council’s Representative

IS-7.5 Pressure Testing checklist

Pressure Testing checklist

Date:………………………………………………………..Resource Consent/TCC Contract Number:………………………………………..

Development Name and Stage/TCC Contract Name:……………………………………………………………………………………………

The purpose of this pressure testing checklist is to ensure that tests undertaken on all new mains installed
within Tauranga City Council are conducted safely and effectively. Depending on the length, alignment or pipe
material, some items in this checklist may not be applicable.

Please complete and submit this form and have available at Certifying test.

þ N/A Planning and Testing

o o All construction has been completed and inspected by the consulting engineer.
It has been verified that the pipe material, diameters, flange ratings and fitting ratings are in
o o
accordance with the drawings and specifications.
o o The last fusion joint has been allowed to cool sufficiently to ambient temperature.
o o The pipeline has been cleaned of all construction debris and foreign matter.
All pipelines are supported by backfill or otherwise restrained by sandbags to prevent movement
o o
or contraction under test pressure.
o o Where concrete has been used for thrust support, the concrete has cured in excess of 7 days.
The test is scheduled to occur in forecasted dry weather, so that leaks may be detected. (Testing
o o
in wet weather or in water filled trenches will not be accepted.)
o o The volumetric rate of fill, fill method, and fill procedure has been finalised.
Mechanical joints have been left exposed for visual inspection and possible re-torqueing during
o o
or after testing.
It has been verified that all air valves are in the “open” position, for proper operation during
o o
Construction drawings are available for the hydro-test section, which conform to the DWA
o o
o o The main has been swabbed to remove entrapped “pockets” of air.
The lot supply pipes have been secured to the water main with a double layer of tape to provide
o o
support to the plastic elbow on the tapping band.
o o All blank-flanged ends and valves restrained and supported.
o o All line valves are fully open and capable of passing or venting entrapped air.
All temporary tools such as hoses, connection fittings, flanges, end caps, isolation valves etc. are
o o
rated higher than the maximum hydrostatic pressure.
Testing will not be conducted against a closed valve. NOTE: Testing should not be conducted
against closed valves unless they are mechanically restrained and it is possible to check for
o o
leakage past the valve seat. Best practice is to blind-flange before the closed valve. Any
intention to test against closed valves needs to be notified to Council for approval.
o o Provisions have been made to remove all trapped air at high points.
The fill rate has been controlled to a slow velocity. Filling slowly avoids air entrainment when the
o o
filling water is cascading through downwards gradients along the pipeline.

þ N/A Equipment
o o All test equipment has been checked for any obvious faults and its functionality understood.
At least two calibrated pressure gauges or instruments are placed into the test system to be used
o o
as a cross-check for gauge accuracy.
The pressurising pump/water blaster has its own calibrated safety relief valve. NOTE: If the
o o
pressurising pump does not have a safety relief valve then it must not be used.
The pressure test rig has been placed in the proper location relative to the pipe being tested and
o o
checked for proper operation without leakage.
The pressurisation pump/water blaster is the correct size. A too small pump will extend the test
o o
duration, and a too large pump may inhibit adequate control of the test pressure.

þ N/A Safety
An emergency response plan in the event of a dramatic rupture during hydro-test has been
o o
developed and is available on request.
A safety meeting to review the safety measures and roles and responsibilities has been
o o
undertaken and is documented.
‘No-go’ areas have been identified to those onsite to ensure unnecessary personnel and
equipment stay out of the area during pressurised testing. NOTE: only those trained and
qualified persons who are necessary to perform the test should remain in the area where the
test is being undertaken. During testing or de-watering, there are possible un-recognised
o o
hazards that may not have been completely controlled, such as unexpectedly high pressures
from internal malfunctions or equipment failures, rupture of the pipe or fusion joint, un-
detected flaws. Such situations may develop forces larger than the designed capacities of the
anchors. All non-essential persons should be excluded from the test area.
All personnel authorised to participate in the test have been adequately instructed in the test
o o
plan, and have been issued the required personal protective equipment.
o o Personnel have been informed of the loading limits on any temporary fittings and supports.

þ N/A Contractor’s Test Results

o o The Contractor’s test has been carried out in accordance to IT-7.3 Pressure Test.
o o The Contractor’s test passed.
Please detail below remedial actions undertaken as a result of a failed pre-test.

I certify that the above is true and accurate.

……………………………………………...................................................................................(Contractor’s Representative)


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