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Comprendio, Sean Michael S. BSN 1-F

Reading Ethical Issues in Health Promotion and Communication
Interventions (Reaction Paper)

Health Promotion and Communication Interventions plays a

critical role in improving public health outcomes. However, Health
Promotion and Communication Intervention can raise ethical issues
that need to be addressed. The fact that Health Promotion and
Communication Interventions aim to change people’s perspectives
and lifestyles. They are frequently started, funded and influenced by
powerful public or private organizations. One ethical issue is the use
of personal information to target health promotion interventions.
Privacy invasion, such as the gathering or use of personal information
without permission or disclosure. However, the use of personal data
raises privacy concerns. It is critical to ensure that individuals privacy
is protected and that personal data is only used for legitimate health
promotion purposes. Another Ethical issue is interfering with their
ability to make their own decisions. By using forceful or manipulative
methods or withholding information. It is essential to ensure that
incentives are not coercive. Individuals have the freedom to make
their own choices. Issues of equity, such as expanding social
inequities. Policies primarily benefit those who are better off, or by
marginalizing or excluding particular groups or persons. Unintentional
detrimental impacts on the psychological health of people or groups.
Unintentionally stigmatizing or labeling people who are depicted as
poor role models or instilling guilt, fear, or humiliation. Aspects of
culture include idealizing certain lifestyles, making health a priority,
and rejecting or ignoring the beliefs and customs of certain people,
which may have significant cultural significance. In conclusion, In
order to improve public health outcomes, health promotion and
communication initiatives are essential. However, these interventions
can raise ethical issues, such as the use of fear appeals, personal
information, incentives and social norms. To ensure that Health
Promotion and Communication Interventions are successful,
considerate and safeguard people's rights and autonomy.

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