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Attendance Tracker 2022-23



Employee attendance and absenteeism can be monitored via attendance tracking. Employee
work hours, including productivity and overtime, are tracked, and their vacation time is
planned and allotted. Spreadsheets, card swipes, biometrics, or attendance software
programmes like Time Doctor are all ways that businesses can keep track of staff attendance.

Managers, employees, employers, supervisors, accountants, as well as teachers, pupils, and

their parents, can all benefit from attendance tracking data.The importance of monitoring
attendance is mostly due to two factors:

It lowers absenteeism because people try to minimise their excused absences when they are
aware that their attendance is being monitored.When you track attendance, you can identify
the days you worked because it gives you information about your productivity.


With 8 production divisions, HAL is one of the largest public sector undertaking companies.
The Foundry and Forge Division (F&F) is one of the divisions. The planning and design of
aircraft engines is the focus of this wing.

I was given the responsibilities of an intern trainee. My job at F&F required me to research
HAL manuals and complete projects in order to design a system using the resources and
technology on-site at the office to solve the given challenge.

So, they told us to do Research about the division and get familiar with the industry. Mostly
this division has more work related to Mechanical and Automobile. In this division, the work
was forging and casting the engine parts of the aircraft.

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Attendance Tracker 2022-23

This related to us as we had to make an Attendance tracker in which we had to manage the
attendance of the employees, the leaves they take, and the holidays, and had to be managed.
We had to use Python as a compiler and SQL as Database to make this software.


The main objective of this project was to create a simple attendance system with all the data
of the employees that has been provided . This was given to us as a internship project to get
to know our skills and put it to a better use, therefore trying to get to know the real time use
of coding and facing some real time issues that we come across doing the same . Overall this
was a great experience as an intern to increase your knowledge and sharpen we did go
through the different types of attendance systems that are available just to get a basic idea of
what needs to be created .some of the attendance systems are mentioned below .

Manual Recording; Even before technology, this was the method of measuring attendance
that was most frequently employed. It is a technique for noting the employee's arrival and
departure times in a Register, MS-Excel, book, etc.

Stationary retailers have the muster roll register, which is typically used for manually
entering employees.Now that we've shifted to an automated solution, this approach is no
longer effective. The requirements and complexity are growing every day. The old-fashioned
method of manually documenting an employee's arrival and departure times is no longer an
option.Due to the manual nature of the recording, it's possible that the employees who beg for
favours will frequently leave and return.

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Timesheet: These logs keep note of when an employee receives tasks and when they are
completed. As a result, the employer will receive a thorough breakdown of the tasks that each
employee completed throughout their whole shift. Estimation and time management are
determined using this information.Online users frequently use these timesheets. These
timesheets can be used with some businesses' web-based services.Therefore, it is possible to
efficiently track an employee's working hours.

The biggest benefit of keeping track of an employee's working hours is that it lowers costs.
Therefore, using the employee's timesheet for a job or task that is identical, the employer can
calculate the precise amount of time needed to do the job or activity.

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Mechanized System: The system automatically creates a record with the employees' clock-in
and -out times when inputs are provided.An employee must swipe or register for each
admission into the office and exit from the office each day, so a person does not need to
watch every time they enter and leave the organisation.

The effectiveness of an automated system for monitoring employee attendance would be

superior to others. Thus, compared to other approaches, less manual labour is required here,
and the method is more trustworthy.

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The following are some benefits of employing this system are faster data processing ,accurate
records, little oversight ,fewer manual tasks, generation of reports ,straightforward to
integrate with payroll software

Biometrics offers the employer in an organization with verification and identification of the
employee.To verify the registered user's (employee's) identity, the template is stored on a
smart card or database. As a result, users are identified only based on their biometric
characteristics, rather than using smart cards, usernames, IDs, etc.The closest match score is
obtained once all the database records have been compared to the template. Authenticating
the closest match that is still within the permitted threshold.

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In January 1951, Hindustan Aircraft Limited was placed under the administrative control of
Ministry of Defence, Government of India. The Company had built aircraft and engines of
foreign design under licence, It also undertook the design and development of aircraft
indigenously.The company develops, designs, manufactures, and supplies aircraft, helicopters,
avionics, and communications equipment for military and civil markets.The Duration of
Internship is 47 Days

William D. Pawley of the Intercontinental Aircraft Corporation in New York organised and
outfitted the facility in Bangalore. Pawley imported a significant amount of machinery and
equipment from the US.As it saw this as a strategic need, the Indian Government invested 25
lakh to purchase a third of the firm in April 1941. The government made the choice largely to
increase British military hardware supplies in Asia to combat the growing danger that
Imperial Japan faced during the Second World War.

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The Foundry & Forge Division was established in 1974. The Division's facility, set up on a
lush expanse of 32 acres, manufactures Castings, Forgings, Rolled Rings, Shape Memory
Alloy Products, Brake pads and Rubber Products for critical applications such as Aeronautics,
Space, Defense, Locomotive, Earth mover and other engineering industries. Advanced
Technology, Quality, Reliability and highly skilled workforce have enabled the Division to
turn out quality components meeting and exceeding customer requirements.

HAL is one of the biggest public sector undertaking company which has 8 Production units.
One of the Division is known as Foundry and Forge (F&F). This wing deals in planning and
designing of aircraft engines.The role assigned to me was of intern trainee. My task in F&F
was to study HAL manuals and already done projects to develop a system with available
resources and technology available at office premises for the given problem statement.

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3.1 Problem Definition

Software designed for everyday student attendance in office. It makes it easier to get a
specific employee's attendance data for a certain day. This approach will also aid in
determining a student's eligibility for attendance. The system will be able to generate the
students' attendance report with just a click of the mouse, eliminating the need for manual
labour, which is labor-intensive and subject to human mistake.

Only the weekly, monthly, and semester-wide attendance records are available to the student.
The attendance record is available for staff members to read and edit. For both students and
employees, an attendance record printing facility is accessible.

The processing of attendance is automated by this programme. It also improves how quickly
and easily attendance tasks can be completed.

The department and section will determine the student attendance. Employees' attendance
will be graded in accordance with departmental and sectional criteria. Each Employee's
attendance will be recorded period-by-period using the columns for present, absent, and
leave. The system will be able to generate the employees' attendance report with just a mouse
click, eliminating the need for manual labour that is time-consuming and subject to human

The majority of educational institutions take attendance by hand. Not only does it take time,
but it is also risky, unreliable, and susceptible to loss. Some institutions use punch cards to
record attendance, but this makes it difficult for teachers to keep track of the large number of
employees. This is because punch cards are unreliable because employees can assist friends
or other employees in punching their cards, even if that friend is absent or late to class.

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I created a more effective solution that is Web-based, fully responsive, and usable on mobile
devices, tablets, and various computer systems to solve these issues. Records are maintained
safe and secure in this system.

3.2 Existing System

This programme was created to track employees' daily attendance. It made accessing the
information about a certain employees attendance. Information is provided by the admin for
the relevant class and is stored by operators. This software is useful for assessing attendance.

Its goal was to automate the traditional method of recording attendance and providing reports
at the conclusion or in between sessions. A desktop application for this project has been
created for a particular office. The technologies that have been employed include the
programming language and MS-Access for the backend.

For the employees using the current system, manual entry is required. Here, handwritten
registers will be used to track attendance. The user will have a laborious task of keeping the
record. Here, additional human work is required. Since the records are kept in handwritten
registers, getting the information is not as simple.This application needs accurate input into
the appropriate field. If the incorrect inputs are made, the application might not function
properly. so, the consumer finds it challenging to use

3.3 Limitations of the Existing System

Performance and productivity could consequently decline. Manually compiling the

attendance data for each of your employees will take some time. A lot of time may also be
spent revising scorecards, correcting time entry errors, and other tasks.

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Manual attendance doesn't need pricey hardware or software. Startups and small enterprises
lack the resources to invest in an automated system. Payroll can, however, be handled
manually by a small business without incurring significant costs. The data is manually
recorded, thus it is extremely easy for it to become corrupted. Workers could submit false
information to earn more money. As a result, it can end up costing you more over
time.Employers frequently have experience with hand ledgers.

3.4 Proposed System

Attendance Management System which can be implemented on any

computer. In This application, we have used as backend MySQL and Python as the language
usedThe system communicates with database residing on a remote server.
It calculates automatically, the attendance percentage of employees without anymanual
paper-based work. The system facilitates the end users with interactive design and automated
processing of attendance management.

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In this project we have to Python as compiler in which the input such as attendance will be
taken .This Python compiler will save these all data in database.The database is being
connectd to this application.
The records such as attendance Managing such as days in which the employee tsakes leave
and when there is government holidays such login management, leave management,Holidays

3.5 Objective of the Study

Software called "Attendance Management System" was created to track employees' daily
attendance at the office. Here, the staff members in charge of the topics are in charge of
recording the employees' attendance. Each member of the team will receive a unique login
and password based on the topic matter they manage. Here, a precise report is provided based
on the employee attendance. This approach will also aid in determining a employees
eligibility for attendance. Weekly and monthly attendance reports for the emplyees are

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 Accurate and Efficient Attendance Tracking

 Improved Compliance

 Real time Monitoring of Attendance

 Time Efficient

 Reduction of Errors and Fraudalent Activities

 Eliminate duplicate data entry and errorsin time and attendance entries.

 Eliminate paperwork and save time.

 Automatic calculation of attendance

 To Increase security

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